102 research outputs found

    Diversity of porcine rotavirus genotypes in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Rotavírus é uma das causas mais comuns de diarréia tanto em humanos quanto em diferentes espécies animais. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal a partir de 144 amostras fecais diarréicas colhidas de leitões, provenientes de 16 criações comerciais distribuídas por 10 municípios do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, com o objetivo de se detectar a ocorrência de rotavírus e realizar sua caracterização molecular quanto seus genotipos G e P. Um total de 43 amostras (29,86%) foram positivas para rotavírus por Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida (PAGE) e ELISA, num esquema de triagem em paralelo. A caracterização mediante reações do tipo nested-multiplex RT-PCR demonstrou que, isoladamente, o genotipo P[6] foi o mais frequente, detectado em 25,58% das amostras, seguido pelo P[1] (11,63%) e P[7] (9,3%). Infecções concomitantes de genotipos P[6]+P[7] (9,3%), P[1]+P[6] (4,65%), P[1]+P[6]+P[7] (2,33%) foram também observadas. Analogamente, o genotipo G[5] foi detectado em 30,23% das amostras, seguido pelo G[10] (20,93%) e G[6] (4,65%) e G[5]+G[10] (18,6%). O genotipo G[5]P[6] foi o mais frequente (11,63%), porém outras combinações e amostras não tipificáveis também foram observadas. Considerando-se a diversidade de rotavírus suínos encontrada na população estudada, medidas profiláticas específicas devem levar em conta, para sua efetividade, o grau de proteção cruzada entre os genotipos presentes nas formulações vacinais e aqueles que realmente são circulantes numa região.Rotavirus is one the most common causes of diarrhea both in humans and different animal species. It was carried out a transversal study with 144 diarrheic fecal samples of piglets, from 16 commercial swine-producing units distributed among 10 municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil, aiming at the detection of rotavirus occurrence and its molecular characterization according to G and P genotypes. A total of 43 samples (29.86%) were positive for rotavirus by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) and ELISA, in a parallel screening scheme. The nested-multiplex RT-PCR characterization revealed that, separately, the P[6] genotype was the most frequent, detected in 25.58% of the samples, followed by P[1] (11.63%) and P[7] (9.3%). Concomitant infection of the genotypes P[6]+P[7] (9.3%), P[1]+P[6] (4.65%), P[1]+P[6]+P[7] (2.33%) were also found. Similarly, the G[5] genotype was detected on 30.23% of the samples, followed by G[10] (20.93%), G[6] (4.65%) and G[5]+G[10] (18.6%). The genotype G[5]P[6] was the most frequent (11.63%), but other combinations and untypeable samples were also observed. Considering the diversity porcine rotavirus found in the surveyed population, specific prophylactic measures should take in charge, for its effectiveness, the cross-protection degree between the genotypes present on vaccine formulations and those that really circulates on a region.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Computational intelligence techniques in medicine

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    El advenimiento de la Era de la Información, también conocida como la Era Digital, ha realizado un profundo impacto en las ciencias de la salud. Vastas cantidades de conjuntos de datos fluyen ahora a través de los diferentes estratos de las organizaciones sanitarias, y existe un requisito importante para extraer el conocimiento y emplearlo en la mejora de estos centros en todos los aspectos. Los sistemas informáticos inteligentes proporcionan apoyo a los profesionales de la salud implicados tanto en los contextos médicos como administrativos. Entre estos sistemas, métodos de inteligencia computacional han adquirido una creciente popularidad, dada su capacidad para hacer frente a grandes cantidades de datos clínicos e información precisa.El fin de esta edición especial es ofrecer una amplia visión de este apasionante campo, cuya creciente importancia es impulsada por el aumento de la disponibilidad de datos y sus potenciales de cálculo. The advent of the information age, also commonly known as the digital age, has made a profound impact on health sciences. Vast amounts of datasets now flow through the different stages of healthcare organizations, and there is a major requirement to extract knowledge and employ it to improve these centres in all respects. Intelligent computer systems provide support to health professionals involved both in the medical and managerial contexts. Amongst these systems, computational intelligence approaches have gained increasing popularity given their ability to cope with large amounts of clinical data and uncertain information. Thegoal of this special issue is to offer a broad view of this exciting field, the ever-growing importance of which is driven by the increasing availability of data and computational power.peerReviewe

    Isolamento de rotavírus de cães assintomáticos no Brasil

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    Relata-se o isolamento de rotavírus, a partir de material fecal de dois cães assintomáticos, no Brasil. A ocorrência de rotavírus foi pesquisada em amostras fecais de nove cães assintomáticos, provenientes do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do município de Osasco, SP. Duas das nove amostras analisadas, por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida, foram positivas. O isolamento de rotavírus foi realizado em linhagem de células MA-104, com adição de 10,0µg/mL de tripsina ao meio de manutenção, e confirmado pelo eletroferótipo característico de grupo

    Barrios en transición

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    El proyecto de investigación acción participativa Barrios en Transición se enmarca en el Movimiento de transición, con origen en el Reino Unido [1], que viene generando a nivel mundial un creciente número de iniciativas ciudadanas e institucionales, articuladas en red y vinculadas a la idea de comunidades, ciudades, pueblos, barrios o bosques en transición hacia un modelo de civilización post-carbono. Esta corriente de pensamiento, que ha confluido con el movimiento del decrecimiento [2] [3], con origen en Francia, plantea un "mapa de ruta" para un futuro sostenible de la ciudad a través de una serie de adaptaciones en los ámbitos de la producción y gestión de la energía, el agua, la salud, la educación, la economía y la agricultura dirigidas a incrementar la autonomía, reducir las emisiones de CO2 e incrementar la resiliencia a los cambios de la comunidades. Estas iniciativas, que se mueven de abajo a arriba, están llamadas a encontrarse con las iniciativas que, partiendo desde el marco institucional, desde arriba hacia abajo, plantean las bases de un nuevo urbanismo sostenible y participativo con un enfoque integrado del desarrollo urbano. (Carta de Aalborg de 1994, Carta de Leipzig de 2007, Red de ciudades sostenibles). Planteamos como hipótesis que es necesaria y posible la confluencia de ambos movimientos sobre la base de una nueva generación de políticas urbanas y de revitalización de barrios basada en la cogestión entre la iniciativa social y la administración pública. Para ello la investigación plantea como metodología el estudio de casos y la puesta en marcha de una experiencia piloto de cogestión de barrios en transición en Alcosa (Sevilla) y otra en Casería de Montijo (Granada). El proyecto plantea la interacción entre siete ejes de actuación: Vivienda, Espacio público, Accesibilidad y Movilidad, Soberanía alimentaria, Soberanía financiera y económica del bien común, agua, energía y economía local, soberanía energética y mejora ambiental y educación socioambiental. Nos proponemos investigar sobre la capacidad de acciones de pequeña escala y alcance inmediato, interrelacionadas, para generar procesos de círculos virtuosos que permitan avanzar hacia barrios más habitables, más cohesionados, más vivos, más participativos, con comunidades más fuertes que emprendan medidas para mejorar sus barrios reduciendo su huella de carbono al tiempo que desarrollan la economía de barrio y fortalecen la comunidad

    Density dependence in marine protected populations: a review

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    The cessation or reduction of fishing in marine protected areas (MPAs) should promote an increase in abundance and mean size and age of previously exploited populations. Thus density-dependent changes in life-history characteristics should occur when populations are allowed to recover in MPAs. In this review, we synthesize the existing information on resource limitation in marine ecosystems, density-dependent changes in life-history traits of exploited populations and evidence for biomass export from MPAs. Most evidence for compensatory changes in biological variables has been derived from observations on populations depleted by high fishing mortality or on strong year classes, but these changes are more evident in juveniles than in adults and in freshwater rather than in marine systems. It is unclear if adults of exploited marine populations are resource limited. This may suggest that exploited populations are controlled mainly by density-independent processes, which could be a consequence of the depleted state of most exploited populations. MPAs could be a useful tool for testing these hypotheses. If we assume that resources become limiting inside MPAs, it is plausible that, if suitable habitats exist, mobile species will search for resources outside of the MPAs, leading to export of biomass to areas which are fished. However, it is not possible to establish from the available data whether this export will be a response to resource limitation inside the MPAs, the result of random movements across MPA boundaries or both. We discuss the implications of this process for the use of MPAs as fisheries management tools.Financial support was provided by the EU CEC DGXII – MAST III contract number: MAS3-ct97-0155

    Aquaculture’s struggle for space: the need for coastal spatial planning and the potential benefits of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) to avoid conflict and promote sustainability

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    Aquaculture is an increasingly important food-producing sector, providing protein for human consumption. However, marine aquaculture often struggles for space due to the crowded nature of human activities in many marine coastal areas, and because of limited attention from spatial planning managers. Here, we assess the need for coastal spatial planning, emphasising the establishment of suitable areas for the development of marine aquaculture, termed Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs), in which aquaculture has secured use and priority over other activities, and where potential adverse environmental impacts and negative interactions with other users are minimised or avoided. We review existing examples of marine aquaculture spatial development worldwide and discuss the proper use of site selection in relation to different legal and regulatory requirements. National or regional authorities in charge of coastal zone management should carry out spatial planning defining optimal sites for aquaculture to promote development of sustainable marine aquaculture and avoid conflict with other users, following a participatory approach and adhering to the principles of ecosystem-based management

    Mesures que cal tenir en compte per al rentat de fruita i hortalisses que es consumeixen crues: l'ús de l'hipoclorit de sodi

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    Restauració; Fruites i verdures; HipocloritRestauración; Frutas y hortalizas; HipocloritoCatering; Fruits and vegetables; HypochloriteS’avaluen diferents elements que cal tenir en compte en el procés de desinfecció de fruites i hortalisses en el marc de la restauració col·lectiva. Alhora és té en compte l’actual context normatiu, els riscos/beneficis d’aquesta practica i s’estableixen pautes per assegurar la salubritat del què s’ofereix als consumidors: • Seleccionar els proveïdors i comprovar la qualitat de les fruites i verdures subministrades. • Qui les manipula ho ha de fer tenint en compte les bones pràctiques d’higiene. • A ser possible rentar fruites i verdures directament sota el raig d’aigua de la xarxa. S’ha d’escórrer bé la fruita i les hortalisses rentades i a continuació s’ha de refrigerar. • Cas de no poder fer el rentat peça a peça o fulla a fulla, després d’haver fet el rentat sota el doll d’aigua acorrent, es poden submergir en una solució d’hipoclorit sòdic apta per a desinfectar aigua per a consum humà. Cal aplicar la concentració que indiquin les instruccions del producte però no s’han de superar els 5 minuts d’immersió. • Les fruites i verdures es tallen posteriorment per evitar que els seus fluids incrementin la quantitat de matèria orgànica de l’aigua. • Cal fer un bon esbandit i a continuació si no s’utilitzen d’immediat, refrigerar.Se evalúan diferentes elementos que deben tenerse en cuenta en el proceso de desinfección de frutas y hortalizas en el marco de la restauración colectiva. A su vez, se tiene en cuenta el actual contexto normativo y la relación beneficio-riesgo de esta práctica. Finalmente, a fin de garantizar a los consumidores la salubridad de los alimentos, se establecen las pautas siguientes: • Seleccionar a los proveedores y comprobar la calidad de las frutas y hortalizas suministradas. • Aquellos quienes manipulen frutas y hortalizas deben contemplar las buenas prácticas higiénicas. • De ser posible, las frutas y hortalizas se deben lavar directamente bajo el chorro de agua de la red de abastecimiento. Se debe escurrir bien las frutas y hortalizas lavadas y, a continuación, refrigerarlas. • En caso de no poder realizar el lavado pieza a pieza o hoja a hoja, tras haber realizado el lavado bajo el chorro de agua corriente, pueden sumergirse en una solución de hipoclorito de sodio apta para desinfectar agua para el consumo humano. Debe aplicarse la concentración que indiquen las instrucciones del producto, pero no se han de superar los 5 minutos de inmersión. • Las frutas y hortalizas se cortan posteriormente para evitar que los fluidos incrementen la cantidad de materia orgánica del agua. • Debe realizarse un buen aclarado y, a continuación, si no se consumen de inmediato, refrigerarlas.Different elements to be considered in the process for disinfection of fruit and vegetables in the framework of mass catering are evaluated. The current legal framework and risk/benefit relationship is also taken into account. Finally, in order to guarantee food safety to consumers, the following guidelines are established: • Select suppliers and check the quality of fruits and vegetables supplied. • Food handlers should observe good hygienic practices when handling fruit and vegetables. • If possible, fruits and vegetables should be washed directly under running tap water. Fruits and vegetables should be rinsed well and then refrigerated. • If piece-by-piece or leaf-by-leaf washing is not possible, after running water washing, immersion in sodium hypochlorite solution that is suitable for disinfecting water for human consumption. Concentration indicated by the product instructions must be applied, but 5 minutes of immersion must not be exceeded. • Fruits and vegetables are cut later on to prevent fluids from increasing the amount of water organic matter. • They must be properly rinsed, and refrigerated if not used immediately

    Breast cancer PAM50 signature: correlation and concordance between RNA-Seq and digital multiplexed gene expression technologies in a triple negative breast cancer series

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    [Background]: Full RNA-Seq is a fundamental research tool for whole transcriptome analysis. However, it is too costly and time consuming to be used in routine clinical practice. We evaluated the transcript quantification agreement between RNA-Seq and a digital multiplexed gene expression platform, and the subtype call after running the PAM50 assay in a series of breast cancer patients classified as triple negative by IHC/FISH. The goal of this study is to analyze the concordance between both expression platforms overall, and for calling PAM50 triple negative breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in particular.[Results]: The analyses were performed in paraffin-embedded tissues from 96 patients recruited in a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized neoadjuvant triple negative breast cancer trial (NCT01560663). Pre-treatment core biopsies were obtained following clinical practice guidelines and conserved as FFPE for further RNA extraction. PAM50 was performed on both digital multiplexed gene expression and RNA-Seq platforms. Subtype assignment was based on the nearest centroid classification following this procedure for both platforms and it was concordant on 96% of the cases (N = 96). In four cases, digital multiplexed gene expression analysis and RNA-Seq were discordant. The Spearman correlation to each of the centroids and the risk of recurrence were above 0.89 in both platforms while the agreement on Proliferation Score reached up to 0.97. In addition, 82% of the individual PAM50 genes showed a correlation coefficient > 0.80.[Conclusions]: In our analysis, the subtype calling in most of the samples was concordant in both platforms and the potential discordances had reduced clinical implications in terms of prognosis. If speed and cost are the main driving forces then the preferred technique is the digital multiplexed platform, while if whole genome patterns and subtype are the driving forces, then RNA-Seq is the preferred method.M.M was supported by two research grants from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ISCIII-FIS grants (PI 12/02684): “Predictores genómicos de respuesta a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante con docetaxel-carboplatino en pacientes con cáncer de mama triple negativo”/“Genomic predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with docetaxel-carboplatin in patients with triple negative breast cancer”; and (PI 15/00117): “Cáncer de mama triple negative: Predicción de respuesta a docetaxel-carboplatino neoadyuvante mediante caracterización de TILs y firmas inmunes basadas en secuenciación masiva de RNA”/” Triple negative breast cancer: Prediction of response to neoadjuvant docetaxel-carboplatin by characterization of TILs and immune signatures based on massive RNA sequencing”. C.M.P was supported by funds from the NCI Breast SPORE program (P50-CA58223).Peer reviewe