55 research outputs found

    Abnormal Stop Band Behavior Induced by Rotational Resonance in Flexural Metamaterial

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    This paper investigates abnormal stop band behavior of resonance-based flexural elastic metamaterials under the rotational resonance motion. Due to the unique physics of flexural waves, we found that the stop band generated by the rotational resonance motion exhibits peculiar behavior which are quite different from general belief - it is shown that the negativity due to the rotational resonance does not provide any stop bands and the stop band generation due to the rotational resonance is governed by totally different band gap condition. To explain the peculiar behavior, a discrete Timoshenko beam model with both effective mass and rotational inertia as independent variables is introduced, and the wave behaviors of resonance-based flexural elastic metamaterial are precisely and fully described. The unique band gap condition, including the peculiar behavior, is derived with numerical validations. We expect our new model can provide a strong background for various flexural elastic metamaterials which can be effectively applied in various vibration devices

    The Main Belt Comets and ice in the Solar System

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    We review the evidence for buried ice in the asteroid belt; specifically the questions around the so-called Main Belt Comets (MBCs). We summarise the evidence for water throughout the Solar System, and describe the various methods for detecting it, including remote sensing from ultraviolet to radio wavelengths. We review progress in the first decade of study of MBCs, including observations, modelling of ice survival, and discussion on their origins. We then look at which methods will likely be most effective for further progress, including the key challenge of direct detection of (escaping) water in these bodies

    Wnt signaling and orthopedics, an overview

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    Wnt signaling is a ubiquitous system for intercellular communication, with multiple functions during development and in homeostasis of the body. It comprises several ligands, receptors, and inhibitors. Some molecules, such as sclerostin, appear to have bone-specific functions, and can be targeted by potential drugs. Now, ongoing clinical trials are testing these drugs as treatments for osteoporosis. Animal studies have also suggested that these drugs can accelerate fracture healing and implant fixation. This brief overview focuses on currently available information on the effects of manipulations of Wnt signaling on bone healing

    Multi-step planning of eye movements in visual search

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    The capability of directing gaze to relevant parts in the environment is crucial for our survival. Computational models have proposed quantitative accounts of human gaze selection in a range of visual search tasks. Initially, models suggested that gaze is directed to the locations in a visual scene at which some criterion such as the probability of target location, the reduction of uncertainty or the maximization of reward appear to be maximal. But subsequent studies established, that in some tasks humans instead direct their gaze to locations, such that after the single next look the criterion is expected to become maximal. However, in tasks going beyond a single action, the entire action sequence may determine future rewards thereby necessitating planning beyond a single next gaze shift. While previous empirical studies have suggested that human gaze sequences are planned, quantitative evidence for whether the human visual system is capable of fnding optimal eye movement sequences according to probabilistic planning is missing. Here we employ a series of computational models to investigate whether humans are capable of looking ahead more than the next single eye movement. We found clear evidence that subjects’ behavior was better explained by the model of a planning observer compared to a myopic, greedy observer, which selects only a single saccade at a time. In particular, the location of our subjects’ frst fxation difered depending on the stimulus and the time available for the search, which was well predicted quantitatively by a probabilistic planning model. Overall, our results are the frst evidence that the human visual system’s gaze selection agrees with optimal planning under uncertaint

    Analysis of night-side dust activity on comet 67P observed by VIRTIS-M: a new method to constrain the thermal inertia on the surface

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    On 2015 July 18, near perihelion at a heliocentric distance of 1.28 au, the Visible InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS-M) on board the Rosetta spacecraft had the opportunity of observing dust activity in the inner coma with a view of the night side (shadowed side) of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. At the time of the measurements we present here, we observe a dust plume that originates on the far side of the nucleus. We are able to identify the approximate location of its source at the boundary between the Hapi and Anuket regions, and we find that it has been in darkness for some hours before the observation. Assuming that this time span is equal to the conductive time scale, we obtain a thermal inertia in the range 25-36 W K− m s 1/ . These thermal inertia values can be used to verify with a 3D finite-element method (FEM) numerical code whether the surface and subsurface temperatures agree with the values found in the literature. We explored three different configurations: (1) a layer of water ice mixed with dust beneath a dust mantle of 5 mm with thermal inertia of 36 J m K− s ; (2) the same structure, but with thermal inertia of 100 J m K− s ; (3) an ice-dust mixture that is directly exposed. Of these three configurations, the first seems to be the most reasonable, both for the low thermal inertia and for the agreement with the surface and subsurface temperatures that have been found for the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The spectral properties of the plume show that the visible dust color ranged from 16 ± 4.8%/100 nm to 13 ± 2.6%/100 nm, indicating that this plume has no detectable color gradient. The morphology of the plume can be classified as a narrow jet that has an estimated total ejected mass of between 6 and 19 tons when we assume size distribution indices between −2.5 and −3. 1 −2 − 2 −2 1 −0.5 −2 1 −0.