257 research outputs found

    Incidência e fatores de risco de lesões em jogadores de futsal portugueses

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A reduzida expressão de estudos publicados sobre a incidência de lesões no Futsal em Portugal justificou a realização deste trabalho. OBJETIVO: Identificar as potenciais causas de lesões nesta modalidade, referência para o desenvolvimento de protocolos específicos de prevenção de lesões. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída por 411 jogadores federados de Futsal em Portugal, masculinos e femininos, de diferentes níveis competitivos. Foram utilizados os dados coletados num questionário com informação retrospectiva. O tratamento estatístico consistiu na análise inferencial entre grupos através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e do teste para dados não paramétricos de Mann-Whitney (nível de significância de 5%). RESULTADOS: Os resultados confirmaram a entorse da articulação tíbio-társica como a lesão de maior incidência (48,8% do total) no Futsal. As lesões com período de impedimento entre oito e 28 dias tiveram a maior expressão (52,7% do total). Este estudo não revelou diferenças significativas em relação ao gênero ou posição em que os jogadores ocupam na quadra sobre a incidência, o tipo ou a região anatômica das lesões. No entanto, verificou-se significativamente maior incidência de entorses e contraturas em situação de treino e maior incidência de roturas musculares e fraturas em jogo, sendo que essas últimas provocaram um período de impedimento maior para os atletas. Também se verificou significativamente maior incidência de lesões articulares ou ósseas, entorses e fraturas, em resultado do contato com adversários e maior incidência de lesões musculares ou ligamentares sem contato com adversários. Os resultados não evidenciaram diferenças significativas na lateralidade das lesões. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados realçam a importância de programas específicos de prevenção da entorse da tíbio-társica, especialmente nas crianças e jovens, independentemente da posição que ocupam na quadra, particularmente em situações de contato com adversários

    The football is medicine plaform-scientific evidence, large-scale implementation of evidence-based concepts and future perspectives

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    The idea that football can be used as therapy and as a high-intensity and literally breath-taking training regime goes back centuries. To take one prominent example, the French philosopher Voltaire describes in the Book of Fate (1747), how a patient is cured by playing with a sacred football: “… full-blown and carefully covered with the softest Leather. You must kick this Bladder, Sir, once a Day about your Hall for a whole Hour together, with all the Vigour and Activity you possibly can”, “Ogul, upon making the first Experiment, was ready to expire for want of Breath”, “In short, our Doctor in about 8 days Time, performed an absolute Cure. His Patient was as brisk, active and gay, as One in the Bloom of his Youth.”1 Today, Voltaire and his main character, philosopher Zadig, have been proved right: Football is indeed a breath-taking activity and it can be used as therapy. Albeit today's recommendations suggest a lower training frequency, longer training periods and encourage group-based training, and say that any football can be applied

    Docking of LDCVs Is Modulated by Lower Intracellular [Ca2+] than Priming

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    Many regulatory steps precede final membrane fusion in neuroendocrine cells. Some parts of this preparatory cascade, including fusion and priming, are dependent on the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). However, the functional implications of [Ca2+]i in the regulation of docking remain elusive and controversial due to an inability to determine the modulatory effect of [Ca2+]i. Using a combination of TIRF-microscopy and electrophysiology we followed the movement of large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) close to the plasma membrane, simultaneously measuring membrane capacitance and [Ca2+]i. We found that a free [Ca2+]i of 700 nM maximized the immediately releasable pool and minimized the lateral mobility of vesicles, which is consistent with a maximal increase of the pool size of primed LDCVs. The parameters that reflect docking, i.e. axial mobility and the fraction of LDCVs residing at the plasma membrane for less than 5 seconds, were strongly decreased at a free [Ca2+]i of 500 nM. These results provide the first evidence that docking and priming occur at different free intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, with docking efficiency being the most robust at 500 nM

    Rapidly Measuring the Speed of Unconscious Learning: Amnesics Learn Quickly and Happy People Slowly

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    BACKGROUND We introduce a method for quickly determining the rate of implicit learning. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS The task involves making a binary prediction for a probabilistic sequence over 10 minutes; from this it is possible to determine the influence of events of a different number of trials in the past on the current decision. This profile directly reflects the learning rate parameter of a large class of learning algorithms including the delta and Rescorla-Wagner rules. To illustrate the use of the method, we compare a person with amnesia with normal controls and we compare people with induced happy and sad moods. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Learning on the task is likely both associative and implicit. We argue theoretically and demonstrate empirically that both amnesia and also transient negative moods can be associated with an especially large learning rate: People with amnesia can learn quickly and happy people slowl

    Digalactosyl-diacylglycerol-deficiency lowers the thermal stability of thylakoid membranes

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    We investigated the effects of digalactosyl-diacylglycerol (DGDG) on the organization and thermal stability of thylakoid membranes, using wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and the DGDG-deficient mutant, dgd1. Circular-dichroism measurements reveal that DGDG-deficiency hampers the formation of the chirally organized macrodomains containing the main chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting complexes. The mutation also brings about changes in the overall chlorophyll fluorescence lifetimes, measured in whole leaves as well as in isolated thylakoids. As shown by time-resolved measurements, using the lipophylic fluorescence probe Merocyanine 540 (MC540), the altered lipid composition affects the packing of lipids in the thylakoid membranes but, as revealed by flash-induced electrochromic absorbance changes, the membranes retain their ability for energization. Thermal stability measurements revealed more significant differences. The disassembly of the chiral macrodomains around 55°C, the thermal destabilization of photosystem I complex at 61°C as detected by green gel electrophoresis, as well as the sharp drop in the overall chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime above 45°C (values for the wild type—WT) occur at 4–7°C lower temperatures in dgd1. Similar differences are revealed in the temperature dependence of the lipid packing and the membrane permeability: at elevated temperatures MC540 appears to be extruded from the dgd1 membrane bilayer around 35°C, whereas in WT, it remains lipid-bound up to 45°C and dgd1 and WT membranes become leaky around 35 and 45°C, respectively. It is concluded that DGDG plays important roles in the overall organization of thylakoid membranes especially at elevated temperatures

    Proportions of CD4+ memory T cells are altered in individuals chronically infected with Schistosoma haematobium

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    Characterisation of protective helminth acquired immunity in humans or experimental models has focused on effector responses with little work conducted on memory responses. Here we show for the first time, that human helminth infection is associated with altered proportions of the CD4+ memory T cells, with an associated alteration of TH1 responses. The reduced CD4+ memory T cell proportions are associated with a significantly lower ratio of schistosome-specific IgE/IgG4 (marker for resistance to infection/re-infection) in uninfected older people. Helminth infection does not affect the CD8+ memory T cell pool. Furthermore, we show for the first time in a helminth infection that the CD4+ memory T cell proportions decline following curative anti-helminthic treatment despite increased CD4+ memory cell replication. Reduced accumulation of the CD4+ memory T cells in schistosome-infected people has implications for the development of natural or vaccine induced schistosome-specific protective immunity as well as for unrelated pathogens