946 research outputs found

    An extension of Palumbo's method of solution for the Grad-Shafranov equation

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We present an extension of Palumbo's method for solving Grad Shafranov equation for ideal axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibria. The method relies essentially on an expansion in even powers of radius for the square of the gradient of the magnetic stream function and a suitable coordinate transformation that allows reducing the problem of mapping magnetic surface to quadratures. The resulting exact equilibria have magnetic surface contours different from isodynamic ones, allowing modeling flattened or D-shaped plasma tori. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3208041]168Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Los clubes deportivos de natación de Cataluña en el actual contexto competitivo del sector de las instalaciones deportivas

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    Swimming clubs are non-profit entities for sports and social purposes. The general objective of the study was to know the management of swimming clubs in Catalonia, fulfilling their social and sports role in the current competitive environment of sports facilities. As specific objectives were to know their values on management indicators, as well as to know if significant differences between swimming clubs are found, taking in consideration their areas and sports offer. The study sample consists of 19 swimming clubs of Catalonia. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire adapted to the objectives of the study, administered by email to the managers of each club. The clubs obtain the necessary income to achieve their sporting and social goals thanks to the fees of their members. It was found significant differences between them according to the spaces and sports offer in different management indicators analyzed.Los clubes de natación son entidades sin ánimo de lucro con fines deportivos y sociales. El objetivo general del estudio fue conocer la gestión de los clubes de natación en Cataluña cumpliendo su función social y deportiva en el actual entorno competitivo de instalaciones deportivas. Los objetivos específicos fueron conocer sus valores en indicadores de gestión, así como saber si existen diferencias significativas entre los clubes según sus espacios y oferta deportiva. La muestra del estudio ha sido formada por 19 clubes deportivos de natación de Cataluña. El instrumento de recogida de datos fue un cuestionario adaptado a los objetivos del estudio, administrado por correo electrónico a los gerentes de cada club. Los clubes obtienen los ingresos necesarios para lograr sus fines deportivos y sociales gracias a las cuotas de sus socios. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ellos según los espacios y oferta deportiva en diferentes indicadores de gestión analizados

    Evaluación y rehabilitación neuropsicológica en oncología pediátrica.

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    Objetivo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de los efectos neuropsicológicos a largo plazo del cáncer infantil y sus tratamientos así como plantear propuestas para la rehabilitación cognitiva. Método. El método ha consistido en una revisión sistemática de los resultados en la literatura científica acerca de los efectos de la quimioterapia y la radioterapia sobre el SNC y en las funciones cognitivas y conductuales detectados a través de estudios de neuroimagen como calcificaciones y cambios en la sustancia blanca. Presentamos, además, el protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica ejemplificado con un diagnóstico frecuente que presenta deterioro generalizado. Proponemos un programa de rehabilitación neuropsicológica basado en el Attention Process Training (APT) de Mateer y Sohlberg. Resultado. La radioterapia craneal y el metotrexato producen alteraciones generalizadas que se reflejan en déficit neuropsicológicos: CI, atención, memoria, habilidades académicas y motoras. Conclusiones. El avance en los tratamientos ha supuesto la disminución del número e intensidad de las secuelas. No obstante, sigue siendo frecuente que en los tumores del SNC y en las leucemias aparezcan alteraciones cognitivas y conductuales. La evaluación neuropsicológica continua y los modelos de sustancia blanca nos ayudan a entender estos efectos a largo plazo. Asimismo, esta evaluación es fundamental para diagnosticar los déficit evitando falsas atribuciones y expectativas inadecuadas. Destacamos la necesidad de una unidad de seguimiento y del trabajo interdisciplinario para promover la calidad de vida de los niños con cáncer

    The effects of intermittent hypoxia training on hematological and aerobic performance in triathletes

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    The aim of the present research was to analyze modifications on hematological and aerobic performance parameters after a 7-week intermittent hypoxia training (IHT) program. Eighteen male trained triathletes were divided in two groups: an intermittent hypoxia training group (IHTG: n: 9; 26.0 ± 6.7 years; 173.3 ± 5.9 cm; 66.4 ± 5.9 kg; VO2max: 59.5 ± 5.0 ml/kg/min) that conducted a normoxic training plus an IHT and a control group (CG: n: 9; 29.3 ± 6.8 years; 174.9 ± 4.6 cm; 59.7 ± 6.8 kg; VO2max: 58.9 ± 4.5 ml/kg/min) that performed only a normoxic training. Training process was standardized across the two groups. The IHT program consisted of two 60-min sessions per week at intensities over the anaerobic threshold and atmospheric conditions between 14.5 and 15% FiO2. Before and after the 7-week training, aerobic performance in an incremental running test and hematological parameters were analyzed. After this training program, the IHTG showed higher hemoglobin and erythrocytes (p < 0.05) values than in the CG. In terms of physiological and performance variables, between the two groups no changes were found. The addition of an IHT program to normoxic training caused an improvement in hematological parameters but aerobic performance and physiological variables compared to similar training under normoxic conditions did not increase

    Living biointerfaces based on non-pathogenic bacteria to direct cell differentiation

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    Genetically modified Lactococcus lactis, non-pathogenic bacteria expressing the FNIII7-10 fibronectin fragment as a protein membrane have been used to create a living biointerface between synthetic materials and mammalian cells. This FNIII7-10 fragment comprises the RGD and PHSRN sequences of fibronectin to bind α5β1 integrins and triggers signalling for cell adhesion, spreading and differentiation. We used L. lactis strain to colonize material surfaces and produce stable biofilms presenting the FNIII7-10 fragment readily available to cells. Biofilm density is easily tunable and remains stable for several days. Murine C2C12 myoblasts seeded over mature biofilms undergo bipolar alignment and form differentiated myotubes, a process triggered by the FNIII7-10 fragment. This biointerface based on living bacteria can be further modified to express any desired biochemical signal, establishing a new paradigm in biomaterial surface functionalisation for biomedical applications

    Team sports performance analysed through the lens of social network theory: implications for research and practice

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    This paper discusses how social network analyses and graph theory can be implemented in team sports performance analyses to evaluate individual (micro) and collective (macro) performance data, and how to use this information for designing practice tasks. Moreover, we briefly outline possible limitations of social network studies and provide suggestions for future research. Instead of cataloguing discrete events or player actions, it has been argued that researchers need to consider the synergistic interpersonal processes emerging between teammates in competitive performance environments. Theoretical assumptions on team coordination prompted the emergence of innovative, theoretically-driven methods for assessing collective team sport behaviours. Here, we contribute to this theoretical and practical debate by conceptualising sports teams as complex social networks. From this perspective, players are viewed as network nodes, connected through relevant information variables (e.g., a ball passing action), sustaining complex patterns of interaction between teammates (e.g., a ball passing network). Specialized tools and metrics related to graph theory could be applied to evaluate structural and topological properties of interpersonal interactions of teammates, complementing more traditional analysis methods. This innovative methodology moves beyond use of common notation analysis methods, providing a richer understanding of the complexity of interpersonal interactions sustaining collective team sports performance. The proposed approach provides practical applications for coaches, performance analysts, practitioners and researchers by establishing social network analyses as a useful approach for capturing the emergent properties of interactions between players in sports teams

    Telepresence and the Role of the Senses

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    The telepresence experience can be evoked in a number of ways. A well-known example is a player of videogames who reports about a telepresence experience, a subjective experience of being in one place or environment, even when physically situated in another place. In this paper we set the phenomenon of telepresence into a theoretical framework. As people react subjectively to stimuli from telepresence, empirical studies can give more evidence about the phenomenon. Thus, our contribution is to bridge the theoretical with the empirical. We discuss theories of perception with an emphasis on Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Gibson, the role of the senses and the Spinozian belief procedure. The aim is to contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon. A telepresence-study that included the affordance concept is used to empirically study how players report sense-reactions to virtual sightseeing in two cities. We investigate and explore the interplay of the philosophical and the empirical. The findings indicate that it is not only the visual sense that plays a role in this experience, but all senses

    Predictors of Bacterial Meningitis in Resource-Limited Contexts: An Angolan Case

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the great morbidity and mortality that childhood bacterial meningitis (BM) is experiencing in Africa, diagnosis of BM in resource-limited contexts is still a challenge. Several algorithms and clinical predictors have been proposed to help physicians in decision-making but a lot of these markers used variables that are calculable only in well-equipped laboratories. Predictors or algorithm based on parameters that can be easily performed in basic laboratories can help significantly in BM diagnosis, even in resource-limited settings, rural hospitals or health centers. RESULTS: This retrospective study examined 145 cerebral-spinal fluid (CSF) specimens from children from 2 months to 14 years. CSF specimens were divided into two groups, according to the presence or not of a clinical diagnosis of BM. For each specimen, CSF aspect, CSF white blood cells (WBC) count, CSF glucose and protein concentration were analyzed and statistical analysis were performed. CSF WBC count ≥10/µl is no more a valuable predictor of BM. CSF protein concentration ≥50 mg/dl has a better sensitivity for BM diagnosis and when used with CSF glucose concentration ≤40 mg/dl, can help to diagnose correctly almost all the BM cases. An algorithm including CSF protein concentration, glucose concentration and WBC count has been proposed to rule out BM and to correctly diagnose it. CONCLUSIONS: In resource-limited health centers, the availability of a combination of easy-to-obtain parameters can significantly help physicians in BM diagnosis. The prompt identification of a BM case can be rapid treated or transferred to adequate structures and can modify the outcome in the patient

    Histone H3K56 Acetylation, CAF1, and Rtt106 Coordinate Nucleosome Assembly and Stability of Advancing Replication Forks

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    Chromatin assembly mutants accumulate recombinogenic DNA damage and are sensitive to genotoxic agents. Here we have analyzed why impairment of the H3K56 acetylation-dependent CAF1 and Rtt106 chromatin assembly pathways, which have redundant roles in H3/H4 deposition during DNA replication, leads to genetic instability. We show that the absence of H3K56 acetylation or the simultaneous knock out of CAF1 and Rtt106 increases homologous recombination by affecting the integrity of advancing replication forks, while they have a minor effect on stalled replication fork stability in response to the replication inhibitor hydroxyurea. This defect in replication fork integrity is not due to defective checkpoints. In contrast, H3K56 acetylation protects against replicative DNA damaging agents by DNA repair/tolerance mechanisms that do not require CAF1/Rtt106 and are likely subsequent to the process of replication-coupled nucleosome deposition. We propose that the tight connection between DNA synthesis and histone deposition during DNA replication mediated by H3K56ac/CAF1/Rtt106 provides a mechanism for the stabilization of advancing replication forks and the maintenance of genome integrity, while H3K56 acetylation has an additional, CAF1/Rtt106-independent function in the response to replicative DNA damage
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