451 research outputs found

    The role of green and traditional supplier attributes on business performance

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    Supplier evaluation and selection are fundamental tasks since they are part of the production process and even initiate the supply chain (SC). Despite their importance in the production system, supplier evaluation and selection may be challenging activities to be performed if companies look at the wide range of available evaluation techniques and methodologies, which now seek to integrate both traditional and green attributes. In addition, companies may refuse to take into account green attributes during the supplier selection process, because they do not know their impact on commercial benefits. To overcome this limitation, this study examines the Mexican manufacturing sector and measures the impact of supplier traditional attributes and green attributes on business performance, namely production process benefits and commercial benefits. As data collection instrument, we administered a survey to 253 supplier evaluators and selectors; then, using the gathered data, we constructed a structural equation model. The model includes four variables to determine the impact of traditional and green attributes on business performance: green attributes, traditional attributes, production process benefits, and commercial benefits. The results indicate that all the latent variables have positive direct effects on one another. For instance, process benefits show the largest effects on commercial benefits, but the most significant effect is caused by traditional attributes on commercial benefits through green attributes and production process benefits. © 2017 by the authors

    Extended WKB method, resonances and supersymmetric radial barriers

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    Semiclassical approximations are implemented in the calculation of position and width of low energy resonances for radial barriers. The numerical integrations are delimited by t/T<<8, with t the period of a classical particle in the barrier trap and T the resonance lifetime. These energies are used in the construction of `haired' short range potentials as the supersymmetric partners of a given radial barrier. The new potentials could be useful in the study of the transient phenomena which give rise to the Moshinsky's diffraction in time.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Regeneration niche of the Canarian juniper : the role of adults, shrubs and environmental conditions

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    Learning and assessment about competences in Social Sciences university students

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    [EN] On the new European Higher Education Area the students exercise their academic and professional competences. From the formative approach, the learning develops the acquisition of basic competences such as team work, the creative and entrepreneur capacity or communicate and relationship capacity. This paper studies in the learning and assessment of competences in Social Sciences university students through instruments mediational that allow theirs to reflect on the skills needed to profession. The sample includes 273 university students belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pablo Olavide University of Seville. Through a group task based on problem-based learning (PBL), they used the team notebook to mediate for regulation of team and the rubric in the end presentation task. The group interaction self-report (GIS) was use for evaluate basic competences acquired in the task by students. The results show a great disposition of the students to participate in research teams exercising professional competences through the mediational instruments. In open tasks the mediational instruments allow students to manage their relationships and acquire competencies that are fundamental to profession.[ES] En el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior el alumnado ejercita sus competencias académicas y profesionales. Desde este en-foque formativo, el aprendizaje desarrolla la adquisición de competencias genéricas como el trabajo en equipo, la capacidad creativa y emprendedora o la capacidad comunicativa y relacional. Este trabajo profundiza en el aprendizaje y evaluación de competencias en el alumnado universitario de Ciencias Sociales a través de instrumentos mediadores que permiten al mismo, reflexionar sobre las habilidades necesarias para fomentar las competencias orientadas hacia la profesión. La muestra incluye 273 estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla. A través de una tarea grupal de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), utilizaron el cuaderno de equipo como instrumento de mediación en la gestión de grupo y una rúbrica en la exposición final de la tarea. El Autoinforme de Interacciones de Grupo (AIG) fue utilizado como instrumento para valorar las competencias genéricas adquiridas por el alumnado. Los resultados muestran una gran disposición del alum-nado en participar en equipos de investigación ejercitando competencias profesionales a través de los instrumentos mediadores. En tareas abiertas los instrumentos mediadores permiten al alumnado gestionar sus relaciones y adquirir competencias que son fundamentales para la profesión.Prieto García, J.; Alarcón Rubio, D.; Fernández Portero, C. (2018). Aprendizaje y evaluación de competencias en el alumnado universitario de Ciencias Sociales. 193-210. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.894119321

    Establishment of criteria for the selection and adaptation of objectives and indicators in ISO9001:2008 quality system in a university pharmaceutical pilot plant

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    The authors want to thank Álex López from LOUFARM, S.L. for his support in drafting the article.Aims: The aim of this work is the correct establishment and follow-up of quality objectives and indicators as the cornerstones of a quality assurance system, in this case focused on ISO9001. Materials and methods: In this work, the authors present the criteria that, in their view, an organization must follow for a better selection and adaptation of the ISO9001:2008 quality system objectives and indicators applied to a university pharmaceutical pilot plant. The evolution of errors in setting objectives and indicators is assessed. Results: Based on the experience of several years at the SDM (Service of Development of Medicines) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona, the results show that the establishing of appropriate objectives and indicators is not an easy task. A careful selection of both objectives and indicators must be a compulsory step prior to the establishment of a robust, reliable quality assurance system through years. Conclusions: Experience over time proves to be a powerful tool to end up selecting the right quality objectives and indicators for such quality system. Since this task is not always easy to carry out, is necessary to set a selection of criteria in order to obtain useful information that contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality system.Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es el correcto establecimiento y seguimiento de los objetivos de calidad y sus indicadores, como pilar fundamental de un sistema de garantía de calidad, en este caso centrado en ISO9001. Material y métodos: En este trabajo, los autores presentan los criterios que, a su juicio, una organización debe seguir para una mejor selección y adaptación de objetivos e indicadores en el marco de la norma de calidad ISO9001:2008, aplicada a una planta piloto farmacéutica universitaria. Se realiza una evaluación de los errores en el establecimiento de objetivos e indicadores. Resultados: En base a la experiencia de varios años en SDM (Servicio de Desarrollo del Medicamento) en la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona, los resultados muestran que el establecimiento de objetivos e indicadores apropiados no resulta una tarea sencilla. Una cuidadosa selección tanto de objetivos como de indicadores debe ser un paso obligado para el establecimiento de un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad robusto y fiable a lo largo del tiempo. Conclusiones: El aprendizaje basado en la experiencia de años demuestra ser una herramienta poderosa para acabar seleccionando los objetivos e indicadores correctos que se adapten al sistema de calidad en cuestión. Dado que este hecho no siempre resulta fácil, es necesario establecer unos criterios con el objetivo de obtener información útil que contribuya a la mejora continua del sistema de calidad


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    Heavy metals are one of the major drivers of ecological changes in coastal ecosystems. Macroalgae are primary producers of great relevance for ecosystem structure and functioning in these environments, and play a key role in the trophic transfer of these contaminants in the food web. Here, we present the most extensive assessment until now (>3500 records) of heavy metal concentrations in brown macroalgae (Class Phaeophyceae) sampled between 1933 and 2020 worldwide. The study compiles this information from 420 peer reviewed articles to be used as a proxy of global long-term changes in metal concentrations. We report the first detailed multi-decadal time series of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb and Zn in algae using generalized additive models (GAMs), confirming a significant decrease in metal contamination in the world’s coastal environments since ca. the 1970s for Pb (84% reduction), Zn (79%), Cd (77%) and Cu (72%), since the 1980s for Mn (75%) and Hg (65%), and since the 1990s for Cr (66%), Fe (64%) and Co (60%). Important environmental consequences for the whole aquatic ecosystem, even for human health, may be expected from these changes. The present results provide a building block for the overall evaluation of the status and trends of marine metal contamination, and will help researchers and policy makers to promote new legal regulations and environmental goals against pollution

    Design Thinking: experiencia en graos STEAM

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    [Resumo] Crear experiencias de aprendizaxe a través de proxectos na aula nas que os alumnos aprendan en equipo a resolver problemas complexos e desenvolvan o pensamento creativo e crítico, resulta un desafío. Design Thinking é unha metodoloxía cuxa meta é crear un deseño innovador baseado nas necesidades do usuario (User Experience). Empregando esta ferramenta, desenvolveuse na materia de Expresión Gráfica unha experiencia de deseño, modelado e impresión 3D ligada ao contexto actual de pandemia producida polo COVID-19. Nesta experiencia participaron estudantes de primeiro curso de tres graos do ámbito STEAM da Universidade de A Coruña. As actividades expuxéronse de tal maneira que se puidesen facer de forma presencial ou a distancia. A titorización e seguimento do progreso dos alumnos fíxose a través de Microsoft Teams e Moodle. Empregouse a ferramenta Taller de Moodle para a avaliación dos prototipos desenvolvidos. Os resultados da enquisa foron moi positivos. Os proxectos Design Thinking tamén tiveron un efecto positivo nas cualificacións.[Abstract] Creating learning experiences through classroom projects in which students learn as a team to solve complex problems and develop creative and critical thinking is a challenge. Design Thinking is a methodology whose goal is to create an innovative design based on the user's needs (User Experience). Using this tool, an experience of design, modeling and 3D printing linked to the current context of the pandemic produced by COVID-19 was developed in the subject of Graphic Expression. This experience involved first year students of three STEAM degrees of the University of A Coruña. The activities were planned in such a way that they could be done in person or remotely. Tutoring and monitoring of student progress was done through Microsoft Teams and Moodle. The Moodle Workshop tool was used for the evaluation of the developed prototypes. The survey results were very positive. Design Thinking projects also had a positive effect on the grades.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    Thermographic measurement of canopy temperature is a useful tool for predicting water deficit effects on fruit weight in citrus trees

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    [EN] Alternative and more practical methods for plant water stress detection than stem water potential (ψs) and stomatal conductance (gs) are needed when regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies are applied. The aim of this experiment was to compare sap flow and canopy temperature (Tc) measurements with more classical methods like ψs or gs to predict the effect of deficit irrigation on fresh fruit weight in citrus trees. The experiment was performed during the summer of 2011 in a “Clementina de Nules” orchard undergoing RDI. Sap flow was determined by means of the compensation heat pulse method in well-watered and RDI trees. Tc was measured continuously with infrared thermometers (IRTs) mounted over the canopies and also weekly with an infrared hand-operated thermographic camera taking frontal images of the sunlit side of tree crowns. Concurrently, ψs and gs were also measured on all trees. Results showed that the evolution of the relative transpiration obtained with the sap flow sensors was in agreement with the plant water stress experienced. The values of Tc obtained with the fixed IRTs, normalized by air temperature (Tc − Ta) were in general poorly related with ψs and gs. However, when Tc was obtained from thermal imaging, there was a good correlation with ψs in days of relatively high water stress (i.e. when ψs differences among treatments were >1.0 MPa). The average fruit weight at harvest was significantly correlated with all the stress indicators, and the best correlation was that of thermographic Tc followed by ψs and gs. Overall, results showed that in citrus trees Tc measurement obtained from thermal imaging is a good tool to predict the effect of water deficit on fresh fruit weight.The authors thank H. Hernandez and T. Yeves for their help with the field work. This experiment has been funded by the RIDECO-CONSOLIDER CSD2006-00067 and Telerieg Interreg IV Sudoe projects. C. Ballester was holder of a predoctoral fellowship FPI-INIA-CCAA. D.S. Intrigliolo acknowledges the financial support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) program "Ramon y Cajal".Ballester, C.; Castel, J.; Jiménez Bello, MÁ.; Castel Sánchez, JR.; Intrigliolo Molina, DS. (2013). Thermographic measurement of canopy temperature is a useful tool for predicting water deficit effects on fruit weight in citrus trees. Agricultural Water Management. 122:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2013.02.005S1612

    The Treatment With the SGLT2 Inhibitor Empagliflozin Modifies the Hepatic Metabolome of Male Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats Towards a Protective Profile

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    [Abstract] The EMPA-REG OUTCOME (Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcome Event Trial in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)) trial evidenced the potential of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors for the treatment of patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Recent evidences have shown the benefits of the SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin on improving liver steatosis and fibrosis in patients with T2DM. Metabolomic studies have been shown to be very useful to improve the understanding of liver pathophysiology during the development and progression of metabolic hepatic diseases, and because the effects of empagliflozin and of other SGLT2 inhibitors on the complete metabolic profile of the liver has never been analysed before, we decided to study the impact on the liver of male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats of a treatment for 6 weeks with empagliflozin using an untargeted metabolomics approach, with the purpose to help to clarify the benefits of the use of empagliflozin at hepatic level. We found that empagliflozin is able to change the hepatic lipidome towards a protective profile, through an increase of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated glycerides, phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, lysophosphatidylinositols and lysophosphatidylcholines. Empagliflozin also induces a decrease in the levels of the markers of inflammation IL-6, chemerin and chemerin receptor in the liver. Our results provide new evidences regarding the molecular pathways through which empagliflozin could exert hepatoprotector beneficial effects in T2DM.This work was supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH and Co., by the National Institute of Health “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias del Instituto de Salud Carlos III” Madrid, Spain (PI15/00681, PI17/00409, PI18/00821, PI20/00902, RETICS Programme RD16/0012/0014 and CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV)); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and European Union framework MSCA-RISE-H2020 Programme (Project number 734899). AH-A was funded by predoctoral research grants from Xunta de Galicia and FPU Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain); MF-S was funded by the predoctoral research grants “Programa Científico do Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular e Enfermidades Crónicas (CiMUS) (Spain) and Xunta de Galicia; and AV-L was funded by the predoctoral research grant from the PFIS Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain