110 research outputs found

    Compressive strength at high temperature of recycled tire aggregate concretes

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental research on the normal and high- temperature compressive strength of concretes with steel or textile fibres or rubber aggregates from recycled tires. The studied compositions included a reference (RC), two textile fibers (TF), two steel fibres (SF) and a rubber aggregates (RA) concrete. The specimens were tested in compression for different levels of temperature (20, 300, 500 and 700ºC). During the heating the specimens were subjected to a constant loading level of 0.5fcd. The results of this experimental program showed that steel and textile fibres are a good solution in the compressive behaviour of the concrete regarding to cracking control. The results for the rubber aggregate concrete revealed a loss on compressive strength with the increase of the rate of these aggregates in concrete.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transnational Arenas, Public Policies And The Environment: The Case Of Palm In The Amazon

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    This paper discusses the emergence of non-state actors involved in developing rules on environmental and social standards in transnational arenas that are outside the control of governments and International Organizations. This work is the result of a field research conducted between January and March 2012 in the main palm producing region of Brazil, located in the state of Pará, encompassing the municipalities of Moju, Tailândia and Acará. It comprises a case study of a palm oil producing company based in the Amazon region. The synergy of this company with governmental policy has projected Brazil's soft power, not through foreign policy and diplomacy but by influencing transnational private regulation with the use of labels and certification schemes recognized by stakeholders engaged in the palm oil global chain. The authors use the academic literature on regulation and private governance to highlight the rise of non-state actors as rule-makers in contemporary international relations.19412

    O efeito das altas temperaturas na resistência à compressão de um betão com adição de fibras de aço e têxteis recicladas de pneu

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    O betão é um dos materiais responsáveis pelo aumento do consumo de cimento e agregados naturais na construção civil, levantando questões de sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. Este facto conduz à necessidade de desenvolver tecnologias inovadoras e materiais alternativos para melhorar não só o nível de desempenho do betão mas, acima de tudo, apoiar a política de proteção ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, através de investigação experimental, que a adição de fibras de aço e têxteis provenientes da reciclagem de pneus é viável para produzir um betão com um comportamento satisfatório à temperatura ambiente e quando submetido a elevadas temperaturas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Betão com adição de fibras de aço e têxteis reciclados de pneu sujeito a altas temperaturas

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    O betão é um dos materiais responsáveis pelo aumento do consumo de cimento e agregados naturais na construção civil, levantando questões de sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. Este facto conduz à necessidade de desenvolver tecnologias inovadoras e materiais alternativos para melhorar não só o nível de desempenho do betão mas, acima de tudo, apoiar a política de proteção ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, através de investigação experimental, que a adição de fibras têxteis e de fibras de aço provenientes da reciclagem de pneus é viável para produzir um betão com um comportamento satisfatório quando submetido a elevadas temperaturas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    User-centric plug-and-play functionality for IPv6-enabled wireless sensor networks

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    “Copyright © [2010] IEEE. Reprinted from 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications. ISBN:978-1-4244-6402-9. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”Smart nodes that sense the environment and communicate wirelessly to reach a sink node create wireless sensor networks. One of the main research challenges regarding wireless sensor networks is user deployment, namely in terms of configuration and management. On non-commercial solutions the user typically must be aware of the underlying technology to obtain sensing services. Internet connectivity is also desirable, so future deployments must take into consideration this feature, enabling realistic ubiquitous computing. This paper presents a user-centric solution for IPv6-enabled wireless sensor networks, using the Contiki operating system and Crossbow TelosB motes, featuring a Plug-and-Play like experience. One of the motes provides sink node capability to the network, through USB connection with a personal computer, which sends and receives data, presenting it to the user. A dedicated serial protocol for USB communication with the sink was developed and extensively debugged, featuring sink querying and network configuration. The current testbed uses User Datagram Protocol over IPv6, with 6LoWPAN, and IEEE 802.15.4 wireless communication between the sensor network motes and the sink device. A Plug-and-Play like operation is achieved through zero-user configuration, since the user only needs to plug in the sink and give power to the remote motes

    7as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos.; 2as Jornadas de Proteção Civil

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    7as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos.; 2as Jornadas de Proteção Civilinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GoalD: A Goal-Driven Deployment Framework for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Computing Environments

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    Context: Emerging paradigms like Internet of Things and Smart Cities utilize advanced sensing and communication infrastructures, where heterogeneity is an inherited feature. Applications targeting such environments require adaptability and context-sensitivity to uncertain availability and failures in resources and their ad-hoc networks. Such heterogeneity is often hard to predict, making the deployment process a challenging task. Objective: This paper proposes GoalD as a goal-driven framework to support autonomous deployment of heterogeneous computational resources to fulfill requirements, seen as goals, and their correlated components on one hand, and the variability space of the hosting computing and sensing environment on the other hand. Method: GoalD comprises an offline and an online stage to fulfill autonomous deployment by leveraging the use of goals. Deployment configuration strategies arise from the variability structure of the Contextual Goal Model as an underlying structure to guide autonomous planning by selecting available as well as suitable resources at runtime. Results: We evaluate GoalD on an existing exemplar from the selfadaptive systems community – the Tele Assistance Service provided by Weyns and Calinescu [1]. Furthermore, we evaluate the scalability of GoalD on a repository consisting of 430,500 artifacts. The evaluation results demonstrate the usefulness and scalability of GoalD in planning the deployment of a system with thousands of components in a few milliseconds

    Evacuação em caso de incêndio de edificações escolares

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    A variedade de possíveis condições e características do ambiente pode resultar em padrões comportamentais diversos dos indivíduos numa situação em que ocorra a necessidade da evacuação da edificação. Uma evacuação segura e rápida, em qualquer situação, depende de um conjunto de fatores e variáveis que podem ser organizadas em categorias ligadas às características físicas e geométricas dos edifícios, a ações que ocorrem dentro do ambiente, aos fatores ambientais dentro da estrutura e pôr fim ao comportamento dos ocupantes. O tempo de evacuação está relacionado com esse conjunto de fatores que também são influenciados pelo próprio incêndio. Quando se trata de crianças e jovens em idade escolar, o comportamento difere se comparado aos adultos. As crianças variam em habilidades físicas e cognitivas e fatores como compreensão, capacidade de locomoção e maturidade são muito relevantes em uma necessidade de evacuação. Isso torna as crianças um grupo vulnerável perante a situação de incêndio. Existem modelos computacionais, já bem desenvolvidos, que simulam a evacuação em edificações. Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar as categorias de variáveis que influenciam na evacuação, apresentar estudos de casos de evacuação envolvendo crianças em edificações escolares e descrever alguns dos modelos computacionais que permitem simular a evacuação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Security in 5G-Enabled Internet of Things Communication: Issues: Challenges, and Future Research Roadmap

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    5G mobile communication systems promote the mobile network to not only interconnect people, but also interconnect and control the machine and other devices. 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) communication environment supports a wide-variety of applications, such as remote surgery, self-driving car, virtual reality, flying IoT drones, security and surveillance and many more. These applications help and assist the routine works of the community. In such communication environment, all the devices and users communicate through the Internet. Therefore, this communication agonizes from different types of security and privacy issues. It is also vulnerable to different types of possible attacks (for example, replay, impersonation, password reckoning, physical device stealing, session key computation, privileged-insider, malware, man-in-the-middle, malicious routing, and so on). It is then very crucial to protect the infrastructure of 5G-enabled IoT communication environment against these attacks. This necessitates the researchers working in this domain to propose various types of security protocols under different types of categories, like key management, user authentication/device authentication, access control/user access control and intrusion detection. In this survey paper, the details of various system models (i.e., network model and threat model) required for 5G-enabled IoT communication environment are provided. The details of security requirements and attacks possible in this communication environment are further added. The different types of security protocols are also provided. The analysis and comparison of the existing security protocols in 5G-enabled IoT communication environment are conducted. Some of the future research challenges and directions in the security of 5G-enabled IoT environment are displayed. The motivation of this work is to bring the details of different types of security protocols in 5G-enabled IoT under one roof so that the future researchers will be benefited with the conducted work

    IoMT Malware Detection Approaches: Analysis and Research Challenges

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    The advancement in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has changed the entire paradigm of computing. Because of such advancement, we have new types of computing and communication environments, for example, Internet of Things (IoT) that is a collection of smart IoT devices. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a specific type of IoT communication environment which deals with communication through the smart healthcare (medical) devices. Though IoT communication environment facilitates and supports our day-to-day activities, but at the same time it has also certain drawbacks as it suffers from several security and privacy issues, such as replay, man-in-the-middle, impersonation, privileged-insider, remote hijacking, password guessing and denial of service (DoS) attacks, and malware attacks. Among these attacks, the attacks which are performed through the malware botnet (i.e., Mirai) are the malignant attacks. The existence of malware botnets leads to attacks on confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and availability of the data and other resources of the system. In presence of such attacks, the sensitive data of IoT communication may be disclosed, altered or even may not be available to the authorized users. Therefore, it becomes essential to protect the IoT/IoMT environment from malware attacks. In this review paper, we first perform the study of various types of malware attacks, and their symptoms. We also discuss some architectures of IoT environment along with their applications. Next, a taxonomy of security protocols in IoT environment is provided. Moreover, we conduct a comparative study on various existing schemes for malware detection and prevention in IoT environment. Finally, some future research challenges and directions of malware detection in IoT/IoMT environment are highlighted