716 research outputs found

    Confinement, the gluon propagator and the interquark potential for heavy mesons

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    The interquark static potential for heavy mesons described by a massive One Gluon Exchange interaction obtained from the propagator of the truncated Dyson-Schwinger equations does not reproduced the expected Cornell potential. I show that no formulation based on a finite propagator will lead to confinement of quenched QCD. I propose a mechanism based on a singular nonperturbative coupling constant which has the virtue of giving rise to a finite gluon propagator and (almost) linear confinement. The mechanism can be slightly modified to produce the screened potentials of unquenched QCD.Comment: 12 pages and 7 figure

    Stimulant Medication and Reading Performance

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    The study examined the sustained effects of methylphenidate on reading performance in a sample of 42 boys, ages 8 to 11, with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Two subgroups were formed based on the presence or absence of co-occurring conduct disorders. Subjects were selected on the basis of their positive response to methylphenidate as determined in a series of original medication trials (Forness, Cantwell, Swanson, Hanna, & Youpa, 1991). For the purpose of this study, subjects were placed on their optimal dose of medication for a 6-week period and then tested on measures of oral reading and reading comprehension equivalent to those used in the original trials, retested after a week without medication (placebo), then tested again the following week after return to medication. Only the subgroup with conduct disorders responded, and this response was limited to reading comprehension improvement in only those subjects who also demonstrated improvement in oral reading on original trials. No response differences were found between subjects with or without learning disabilities.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68569/2/10.1177_002221949202500205.pd

    Partial Identification of the Average Treatment Effect Using Instrumental Variables: Review of Methods for Binary Instruments, Treatments, and Outcomes

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    Several methods have been proposed for partially or point identifying the average treatment effect (ATE) using instrumental variable (IV) type assumptions. The descriptions of these methods are widespread across the statistical, economic, epidemiologic, and computer science literature, and the connections between the methods have not been readily apparent. In the setting of a binary instrument, treatment, and outcome, we review proposed methods for partial and point identification of the ATE under IV assumptions, express the identification results in a common notation and terminology, and propose a taxonomy that is based on sets of identifying assumptions. We further demonstrate and provide software for the application of these methods to estimate bounds. Supplementary materials for this article are available online

    Integrable twists in AdS/CFT

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    A class of marginal deformations of four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory has been found to correspond to a set of smooth, multiparameter deformations of the S^5 target subspace in the holographic dual on AdS_5 x S^5. We present here an analogous set of deformations that act on global toroidal isometries in the AdS_5 subspace. Remarkably, certain sectors of the string theory remain classically integrable in this larger class of so-called gamma-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 backgrounds. Relying on studies of deformed su(2)_gamma models, we formulate a local sl(2)_gamma Lax representation that admits a classical, thermodynamic Bethe equation (based on the Riemann-Hilbert interpretation of Bethe's ansatz) encoding the spectrum in the deformed AdS_5 geometry. This result is extended to a set of discretized, asymptotic Bethe equations for the twisted string theory. Near-pp-wave energy spectra within sl(2)_gamma and su(2)_gamma sectors provide a useful and stringent test of such equations, demonstrating the reliability of this technology in a wider class of string backgrounds. In addition, we study a twisted Hubbard model that yields certain predictions of the dual beta-deformed gauge theory.Comment: v2: references and clarifications added, 46 page

    Hybrid exotic meson with J^{PC}=1^{-+} in AdS/QCD

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    We investigate the hybrid exotic meson with JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{-+} within the framework of an AdS/QCD model. Introducing a holographic field dual to the operator for hybrid exotic meson, we obtain the eigen-value equation for its mass. Fixing all free parameters by QCD observables such as the ρ\rho-meson mass, we predict the masses of the hybrid exotic meson. The results turn out to be 1476MeV1476 \mathrm{MeV} for the ground state, and 2611MeV2611 \mathrm{MeV} for the first excited one. Being compared with the existing experimental data for the π1(1400)\pi_1(1400), which is known to be mπ1=1351±30MeVm_{\pi_1} = 1351\pm30 \mathrm{MeV}, the present result seems to be qualitative in agreement with it. We also predict the decay constant of π1\pi_1(1400): Fπ1=10.6F_{\pi_1}= 10.6 MeV.Comment: 10 pages, 1 Tabl

    N=4 SYM to Two Loops: Compact Expressions for the Non-Compact Symmetry Algebra of the su(1,1|2) Sector

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    We begin a study of higher-loop corrections to the dilatation generator of N=4 SYM in non-compact sectors. In these sectors, the dilatation generator contains infinitely many interactions, and therefore one expects very complicated higher-loop corrections. Remarkably, we find a short and simple expression for the two-loop dilatation generator. Our solution for the non-compact su(1,1|2) sector consists of nested commutators of four O(g) generators and one simple auxiliary generator. Moreover, the solution does not require the planar limit; we conjecture that it is valid for any gauge group. To obtain the two-loop dilatation generator, we find the complete O(g^3) symmetry algebra for this sector, which is also given by concise expressions. We check our solution using published results of direct field theory calculations. By applying the expression for the two-loop dilatation generator to compute selected anomalous dimensions and the bosonic sl(2) sector internal S-matrix, we confirm recent conjectures of the higher-loop Bethe ansatz of hep-th/0412188.Comment: 28 pages, v2: additional checks against direct field theory calculations, references added, minor corrections, v3: additional minor correction

    Dual Spikes; New Spiky String Solutions

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    We find a new class of spiky solutions for closed strings in flat, AdS3AdS5AdS_3\subset AdS_5 and R×S2(S5)R\times S^2(\subset S^5) backgrounds. In the flat case the new solutions turn out to be T-dual configurations of spiky strings found by Kruczenski hep-th/0410226. In the case of solutions living in AdSAdS, we make a semi classical analysis by taking the large angular momentum limit. The anomalous dimension for these dual spikes is similar to that for rotating and pulsating circular strings in AdS with angular momentum playing the role of the level number. This replaces the well known logarithmic dependence for spinning strings. For the dual spikes living on sphere we find that no large angular momentum limit exists.Comment: Added reference

    The Factorized S-Matrix of CFT/AdS

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    We argue that the recently discovered integrability in the large-N CFT/AdS system is equivalent to diffractionless scattering of the corresponding hidden elementary excitations. This suggests that, perhaps, the key tool for finding the spectrum of this system is neither the gauge theory's dilatation operator nor the string sigma model's quantum Hamiltonian, but instead the respective factorized S-matrix. To illustrate the idea, we focus on the closed fermionic su(1|1) sector of the N=4 gauge theory. We introduce a new technique, the perturbative asymptotic Bethe ansatz, and use it to extract this sector's three-loop S-matrix from Beisert's involved algebraic work on the three-loop su(2|3) sector. We then show that the current knowledge about semiclassical and near-plane-wave quantum strings in the su(2), su(1|1) and sl(2) sectors of AdS_5 x S^5 is fully consistent with the existence of a factorized S-matrix. Analyzing the available information, we find an intriguing relation between the three associated S-matrices. Assuming that the relation also holds in gauge theory, we derive the three-loop S-matrix of the sl(2) sector even though this sector's dilatation operator is not yet known beyond one loop. The resulting Bethe ansatz reproduces the three-loop anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators recently conjectured by Kotikov, Lipatov, Onishchenko and Velizhanin, whose work is based on a highly complex QCD computation of Moch, Vermaseren and Vogt.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, JHEP3.cl

    Linking Backlund and Monodromy Charges for Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We find an explicit relation between the two known ways of generating an infinite set of local conserved charges for the string sigma model on AdS_5 x S^5: the Backlund and monodromy approaches. We start by constructing the two-parameter family of Backlund transformations for the string with an arbitrary world-sheet metric. We then show that only for a special value of one of the parameters the solutions generated by this transformation are compatible with the Virasoro constraints. By solving the Backlund equations in a non-perturbative fashion, we finally show that the generating functional of the Backlund conservation laws is equal to a certain sum of the quasi-momenta. The positions of the quasi-momenta in the complex spectral plane are uniquely determined by the real parameter of the Backlund transform.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    The algebra of flat currents for the string on AdS_5 x S^5 in the light-cone gauge

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    We continue the program initiated in hep-th/0411200 and calculate the algebra of the flat currents for the string on AdS_5 x S^5 background in the light-cone gauge with kappa-symmetry fixed. We find that the algebra has a closed form and that the non-ultralocal terms come with a weight factor e^{\phi} that depends on the radial AdS_5 coordinate. Based on results in two-dimensional sigma models coupled to gravity via the dilaton field, this suggests that the algebra of transition matrices in the present case is likely to be unambigous.Comment: 27 pages, references added, version published in JHE