1,093 research outputs found

    MT15 Adherence to Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in a Cohort of Colombian Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    El síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAOS) es un factor de riesgo importante para varias enfermedades cardiovasculares, incluidos los accidentes cerebrovasculares y las enfermedades coronarias. Los dispositivos de presión de aire positiva (PAP) son parte del tratamiento del SAOS. Describimos la adherencia al uso de dispositivos PAP en una cohorte de pacientes con SAOS en Colombia, y sus tasas de hospitalización y comorbilidades cardiovasculares. Métodos Estudio descriptivo transversal de todos los pacientes adultos (de 18 años o más) atendidos entre enero de 2018 y diciembre de 2019 en la clínica del sueño de una gran aseguradora privada en Colombia. La adherencia se definió como el uso del dispositivo durante 4 horas o más, al menos el 70% de las noches en el mes anterior a la última visita a la clínica del sueño, y fue proporcionada directamente por el software incluido en cada dispositivo. Resultados Se incluyeron un total de 12.538 pacientes (51,3% mujeres) con una edad media de 61,3 años; 10.220 pacientes (81,5%) utilizaron dispositivos CPAP y 1.550 (12,4%) BIPAP. Sólo 4.602 (37,4%) se clasificaron como adherentes, mientras que 4.660 (37,8) no utilizaron el dispositivo en absoluto (0% de adherencia). Sólo uno de cada seis pacientes (17,5%) utilizó el dispositivo en un 90% o más en el mes anterior. Las tasas de adherencia fueron más altas en los grupos de edad >65 años, sin diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres. 2.305 pacientes (18,5%) fueron hospitalizados, en promedio 3,2 veces; 515 de ellos (21,3%) tenían una o más comorbilidades cardiovasculares. Conclusiones Las tasas de adherencia en esta muestra son más bajas que las reportadas en otros lugares. Son similares en hombres y mujeres y tienden a mejorar con la edad. Las intervenciones para mejorar la adherencia son esenciales en pacientes con SAOS en Colombia.Q1Q1Objectives Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is an important risk factor for several cardiovascular diseases including stroke and coronary heart disease. Positive air pressure (PAP) devices are part of the treatment for OSAS. We describe adherence to the use of PAP devices in a cohort of patients with OSAS in Colombia, and their hospitalization rates and cardiovascular comorbidities. Methods Descriptive cross-sectional study of all adult patients (18 years-of-age or older) treated between January 2018 and December 2019 in the sleep clinic of a large private insurer in Colombia. Adherence was defined as the use of the device for 4 hours or more, at least 70% of nights in the month prior to the last visit to the sleep clinic, and was provided directly by the software included in each device. Results A total of 12,538 patients were included (51.3% women) with a mean age of 61.3 years; 10,220 patients (81.5%) used CPAP devices and 1,550 (12.4%) BIPAP. Only 4,602 (37.4%) classified as adherent, while 4,660 (37.8) did not use the device at all (0% adherence). Only one in six patients (17.5%) used the device in 90% or more in the previous month. Adherence rates were highest in the >65 years age groups, with no significant differences between males and females. 2,305 patients (18.5%) were hospitalized, on average 3.2 times; 515 of these (21.3%) had one or more cardiovascular comorbidities. Conclusions Adherence rates in this sample are lower than those reported elsewhere. They are similar in males and females, and tend to improve with age. Interventions to improve adherence are essential in OSAS patients in Colombia.Revista Internacional - IndexadaS

    Incipient sediment transport for non-cohesive landforms by the discrete element method (DEM)

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    The determination of the shear stress at which a sediment grain of a given size and density starts to move has been treated with theoretical, experimental and numerical procedures by many authors. The seminal contribution of Shields [7] addresses a relationship for the non-dimensional critical shear stress in terms of the friction Reynolds number for a single particle in a flat bed. This work focusses on the incipient transport of particles for bedforms. The proposed numerical approach to the problem integrates the Discrete Element Method (DEM) [9] with a continuous finite element approximation. The DEM simulates the motion of the landform, defined as an aggregate of rigid discs that interact by contact and friction. The continuous finite element approach predicts the boundary shear stress field coming from the fluid flow over the bed (for basic formulation, see [4] and reference therein). Both methods are coupled through the flow-particle force transmission using drag coefficients. While for single particles (or very simple sets of particles) incipient motion (and consequently, the threshold stress) is clearly defined, for complex forms the use of the concept of incipient transport becomes necessary, and critical shear stress is established in terms of a threshold sediment flux over the bed surface. We present a series of numerical experiments for single particles, showing good agreement with Shields curve for the whole range of Reynolds number. In this communication we show some of these results, in compare with the basic Shields curves for flat bed and single grains

    Phase Transitions in Confined Antiferromagnets

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    Análisis químico de muestras minoritarias por procedimientos no destructivos, FRX, de útiles metálicos de la edad del bronce del sureste español

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    En el presente trabajo se expone las earaeterísticas prineipales de un nuevo sistema de toma de muestras y su portamuestras. eon objeto de emplearlo en el análisis químici^ de muestras arqueológieas. empleando 0.2 g eomo máximo, con lo que se conserva la integridad del objeto analizado. En este caso se utiliza un espectrómetro .seeuencial Philips PW1400. de tluorcseencia de rayos X. El ci tado mcttKlo et>nsigue altas cotas de Habilidad y exactitud en los elementos quí micos elegidos para su análisis

    Radiation oncology in Latin speaking countries: A link between Europe and Latin America

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    The Semen Microbiome and Semen Parameters in Healthy Stallions

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    Despite the advances in reproductive technology, there is still a considerable number of low sperm quality cases in stallions. Recent studies in humans have detected several seminal microflora–spermatozoa associations behind some idiopathic infertility cases. However, no studies are available on horses, and there is limited information on the microflora present in stallion ejaculates. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to examine associations to the presence of bacteria families with five sperm quality parameters: concentration, total number of spermatozoa, total and progressive motility, and DNA fragmentation. Samples were cryopreserved after their extraction. High-speed homogenization using grinding media was performed for cell disruption. Family identification was performed via 16S rRNA sequencing. Bacterial families were only considered if the relative abundance was higher than 1%. Only two families appeared to have a correlation with two sperm quality parameters. Peptoniphilaceae correlated positively with total sperm motility, whereas Clostridiales Incertae Sedis XI correlated negatively with progressive motility. No significant differences were found for the rest of the parameters. In conclusion, the seminal microbiome may affect spermatozoa activity. Our findings are based on statistical associations; thus, further studies are needed to understand the internal interactions between seminal flora and cells

    Characterization of the seminal bacterial microbiome of healthy, fertile stallions using next-generation sequencing

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    High-throughput sequencing studies have shown the important role microbial communities play in the male reproductive tract, indicating differences in the semen microbial composition between fertile and infertile males. Most of these studies were made on human beings but little is known regarding domestic animals. Seminal bacteria studies made in stallions mostly focus on pathogenic bacteria and on their impact on reproductive technology. However, little is known about stallion commensal seminal microflora. That ultimately hinders our capacity to associate specific bacteria to conditions or seminal quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the seminal microbial composition of 12 healthy, fertile stallion using next-generation sequencing. Hypervariable region V3 was chosen for bacterial identification. A total of nine phyla was detected. The most abundant ones were Bacteroidetes (46.50%), Firmicutes (29.92%) and Actinobacteria (13.58%). At family level, we found 69 bacterial families, but only nine are common in all samples. Porphyromonadaceae (33.18%), Peptoniphilaceae (14.09%), Corynebacteriaceae (11.32%) and Prevotellaceae (9.05%) were the most representative ones, while the Firmicutes phylum displayed the highest number of families (23, a third of the total). Samples showed high inter-subject variability. Findings previously described in other species notably differ from our findings. Families found in human such as Lactobacillaceae, Staphylococcaceae and Streptococcaceae only represented a 0.00%, 0.17% and 0.22% abundance in our samples, respectively. In conclusion, Porphyromonadaceae, Prevotellaceae, Peptoniphilaceae and Corynebacteriaceae families are highly represented in the seminal microbiome of healthy, fertile stallions. A high variation among individuals is also observed