2,215 research outputs found

    Contributo para a melhoria do desempenho térmico das paredes de taipa

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    O uso da construção em terra remonta ao início da nossa civilização. Nas regiões do Alentejo e do Algarve existe ainda um grande número de edifícios com paredes em taipa, mas esta tecnologia tem vindo a cair em desuso desde meados do século passado. A construção em terra é altamente sustentável, já que a terra per si é um material 100% reutilizável e pode ser facilmente encontrado em quase todos os lugares do mundo. Os edifícios com paredes em taipa apresentam uma elevada inércia térmica o que, dadas as características climáticas de Portugal, beneficia o seu comportamento térmico. No entanto, seria desejável que a condutibilidade térmica da taipa fosse menor. As preocupações ambientais relativas ao consumo energético, associado ao conforto na habitação, e ao fabrico, transporte e aplicação dos materiais utilizados na construção, levou-nos a procurar novas soluções de tipologias construtivas em terra. Atendendo a estes aspetos e à melhoria da eficiência energética das habitações, neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados dos ensaios realizados em laboratório sobre novas soluções de construção em terra. O local selecionado para a recolha de amostras de terra foi Serpa. Foi feita a caracterização geotécnica do material terra e preparadas diversas composições com a incorporação de argila expandida e de regranulado de cortiça expandida. A argila expandida e o regranulado de cortiça expandida também foram escolhidos por serem isolantes térmicos produzidos a partir de matérias primas disponíveis nas regiões do Alentejo e do Algarve, regiões do nosso país com maior aptência para o uso da taipa. De maneira a caracterizar as diferentes composições sob o ponto de vista mecânico e do desempenho térmico, foram fabricados cubos com 10 cm de aresta e ensaiados de modo a se calcular a sua resistência à compressão e a sua condutibilidade térmica. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a utilização deste tipo de tipologias construtivas em terra com a incorporação de argila expandida e de regranulado de cortiça expandida permite aumentar o seu desempenho, fazendo que seja possível adaptar esta tipologia às necessidades dos dias de hoje, nomeadamente às exigências estabelecidas pelo Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios (RCCTE). Os resultados desta investigação têm aplicabilidade, com as devidas adaptações, tanto em construções em taipa como em construções em adobe

    Binary Collisions and the Slingshot Effect

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    We derive the equations for the gravity assist manoeuvre in the general 2D case without the constraints of circular planetary orbits or widely different masses as assumed by Broucke, and obtain the slingshot conditions and maximum energy gain for arbitrary mass ratios of two colliding rigid bodies. Using the geometric view developed in an earlier paper by the authors the possible trajectories are computed for both attractive or repulsive interactions yielding a further insight on the slingshot mechanics and its parametrization. The general slingshot manoeuvre for arbitrary masses is explained as a particular case of the possible outcomes of attractive or repulsive binary collisions, and the correlation between asymptotic information and orbital parameters is obtained in general.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication Dec'07, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    1,4-Dioxane-degrading consortia can be enriched from uncontaminated soils: prevalence of Mycobacterium and soluble di-iron monooxygenase genes

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    Two bacterial consortia were enriched from uncontaminated soil by virtue of their ability to grow on 1,4-dioxane (dioxane) as a sole carbon and energy source. Their specific dioxane degradation rates at 30°C, pH = 7 (i.e. 5.7 to 7.1 g-dioxane per g-protein per day) were comparable to those of two dioxane-metabolizing archetypes: Pseudonocardia dioxanivoransCB1190 and Mycobacterium dioxanotrophicusPH-06. Based on 16S rRNA sequencing, Mycobacterium was the dominant genus. Acetylene inhibition tests suggest that dioxane degradation was mediated by monooxygenases. However, qPCR analyses targeting the tetrahydrofuran/dioxane monooxygenase gene (thmA/dxmA) (which is, to date, the only sequenced dioxane monooxygenase gene) were negative, indicating that other (as yet unknown) catabolic gene(s) were responsible. DNA sequence analyses also showed threefold to sevenfold enrichment of group 5 and group 6 soluble di-iron monooxygenase (SDIMO) genes relative to the original soil samples. Whereas biodegradation of trace levels of dioxane is a common challenge at contaminated sites, both consortia degraded dioxane at low initial concentrations (300 μg l−1) below detectable levels (5 μg l−1) in bioaugmented microcosms prepared with impacted groundwater. Overall, this work shows that dioxane-degrading bacteria (and the associated natural attenuation potential) exist even in some uncontaminated soils, and may be enriched to broaden bioaugmentation options for sites experiencing insufficient dioxane catabolic capacity

    Band-gap Shift In Cds Semiconductor By Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: Evidence Of A Cubic To Hexagonal Lattice Transition

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    The band-gap energies of the CdS semiconductor are obtained by a photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) technique over a range of temperature of thermal annealing (TTA), in which the evolution of the sample structure is characterized by x-ray diffraction patterns. The PAS experiment gives a set of data for the band-gap shift in the region of the fundamental absorption edge. With increasing TTA the band-gap shift increases up to a critical TTA when its slope decreases in a roughly symmetrical way. It is suggested that at this temperature a cubic to hexagonal-lattice transition occurs.64329129

    Anthocyanin pigments in strawberry

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    The anthocyanin composition was analysed in strawberry fruits from five different cultivars (cv. Eris, Oso Grande, Carisma, Tudnew and Camarosa). Twenty-five defined anthocyanin pigments were detected, most of them containing Pelargonidin (Pg) as aglycone; some cyanidin (Cy) derivatives were also found. Glucose and rutinose were the usual substituting sugars, although arabinose and rhamnose were also tentatively identified; some minor anthocyanins showed acylation with aliphatic acids. A relevant aspect was the detection of anthocyanin-derived pigments, namely 5-carboxypyranopelargonidin-3-glucoside and four condensed pigments containing C–C linked anthocyanin (Pg) and flavanol (catechin and afzelechin) residues. Total anthocyanin content ranged between 200 and 600mg/kg, with Pg 3-gluc constituting 77–90% of the anthocyanins in the strawberry extracts followed by Pg 3-rut (6–11%) and Cy 3-gluc (3–10%). A notable variability was found among the anthocyanin concentrations in samples of a same variety and harvest, indicating a strongly influence of the degree of maturity, edaphic-climatic factors and post-harvest storage

    Analysis of asymmetric T-stub components: experimental and numerical approach

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    Este artículo presenta el análisis mediante técnicas numéricas y experimentales de componentes T-equivalente asimétricas, refiriéndose ésta al posicionamiento de los pernos respecto al alma del perfil. El objetivo principal de realizar este análisis es el de evaluar la influencia de dicha asimetría en la rigidez y sobre todo en la resistencia final, y compararlas a las de componentes simétricas. Se definen dos modelos numéricos para analizar el comportamiento: uno matricial de barras rígidas y otro con elementos finitos sólidos. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos modelos se comparan con ensayos experimentales, tanto para para una componente simétrica como una asimétrica, obteniéndose un error menor del 10 % para el cálculo de la rigidez e inferior al 20% para la resistencia final. Se comprueba que, como cabía esperar, la asimetría repercute en una redistribución de la carga en los pernos, produciéndose un fallo prematuro del conjunto con respecto a la configuración simétrica. Por tanto, puede deducirse que los análisis numéricos realizados son capaces de cuantificar dicha redistribución.The analysis of asymmetric T-stub components by the position of bolts respect to the web, has been carried out using numerical and experimental approaches. The main objective of this analysis is to evaluate the influence of such asymmetry on the stiffness and strength. A matrix frame model with beam-column elements and rigid connections has been developed as well as with solid elements. Results obtained with these numerical models have been compared with those obtained from experimental tests carried out, for both symmetrical and asymmetrical components, obtaining errors below 10% for stiffness and lower than 20% for the final strength. It was found, as expected, that the asymmetry leads to a redistribution of the load on the bolts, causing premature failure of the assembly. Therefore the numerical analysis performed is capable of quantifying such redistribution.Peer Reviewe

    Role of Nucleotide Identity in Effective CRISPR Target Escape Mutations

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    Prokaryotes use primed CRISPR adaptation to update their memory bank of spacers against invading genetic elements that have escaped CRISPR interference through mutations in their protospacer target site. We previously observed a trend that nucleotide-dependent mismatches between crRNA and the protospacer strongly influence the efficiency of primed CRISPR adaptation. Here we show that guanine-substitutions in the target strand of the protospacer are highly detrimental to CRISPR interference and interference-dependent priming, while cytosine-substitutions are more readily tolerated. Furthermore, we show that this effect is based on strongly decreased binding affinity of the effector complex Cascade for guanine-mismatched targets, while cytosine-mismatched targets only minimally affect target DNA binding. Structural modeling of Cascade-bound targets with mismatches shows that steric clashes of mismatched guanines lead to unfavorable conformations of the RNA-DNA duplex. This effect has strong implications for the natural selection of target site mutations that lead to effective escape from type I CRISPR–Cas systems

    Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at High Pressure

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    The properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures at high pressure are crucial to address important questions about the interior of Giant planets e.g. whether Jupiter has a rocky core and did it emerge via core accretion? Using path integral Monte Carlo simulations, we study the properties of these mixtures as a function of temperature, density and composition. The equation of state is calculated and compared to chemical models. We probe the accuracy of the ideal mixing approximation commonly used in such models. Finally, we discuss the structure of the liquid in terms of pair correlation functions.Comment: Proceedings article of the 5th Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals in Wroclaw, Poland, submitted to J. Low. Temp. Phys. (2004

    The low energy limit of the non-commutative Wess-Zumino model

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    The non-commutative Wess-Zumino model is used as a prototype for studying the low energy behaviour of a renormalizable non-commutative field theory. We start by deriving the potential mediating the fermion-fermion and boson-boson interactions in the non-relativistic regime. The quantum counterparts of these potentials are afflicted by irdering ambiguities but we show that there exists an ordering prescription which makes them hermitean. For space/space noncommutativity it turns out that Majorana fermions may be pictured as rods oriented perpendicularly to the direction of motion showing a lack of localituy, while bosons remain insensitive to the effects of noncommutativity. For time/space noncommutativity bosopns and fermions can be regarded as rods oriented along the direction of motion. For both cases of noncommutativity the scattering state described scattered waves, with at least one wave having negative time delay signalizing the underlying nonlocality. The superfield formulation of the model is used to compute the corresponding effective action in the one- and two-loop approximations. In the case of time/space noncommutativity, unitarity is violated in the relativistic regime. However, this does not preclude the existence of the unitary low energy limit.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, minor correction

    ER stress activation in the intestinal mucosa but not in mesenteric adipose tissue is associated with inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients

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    Chronic/abnormal activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is linked to the exacerbation of the inflammatory process and has been recently linked to Crohn’s disease (CD) pathophysiology. We investigated the intestinal mucosa and the mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) collected from CD patients with active disease (CD group) and from non-IBD patients (CTR group) to study ER stress activation and to address tissue-specific modulation in CD. The intestinal mucosa of CD patients showed an upregulation in the expression of ER stress related genes, including ATF3, DNAJC3, STC2, DDIT3, CALR, HSPA5 and HSP90B1. Results showed that EIF2AK3 gene was upregulated, along with increased protein expression of p-eIF2α and p-eIF2α/eIF2α ratio. Additionally, ERN1 gene expression was upregulated, along with an increased spliced/activated form sXBP1 protein. Despite the upregulation of ATF6 gene expression in the intestinal mucosa of CD patients, no differences were found in ATF6 protein expression. Lastly, the analysis of MAT revealed unchanged levels of ER stress markers along with no differences in the activation of UPR. However, chaperone gene expression was modulated in the MAT of CD patients. To conclude, our results address tissue-specific differences in UPR activation in CD and point the ER stress as an important pro-inflammatory mechanism in CD, specifically in the intestinal mucosa149CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP401270/2016-502-P-28707/20122016/01638-