101 research outputs found

    Review of the Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician (pre-Sardic) stratigraphic framework of the Eastern Pyrenees, southwestern Europe

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    The Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician successions exposed in the Eastern Pyrenees are updated and revised based on recent U-Pb zircon radiometric ages, intertonguing relationships of carbonate-dominated strata, and onlapping patterns marking the top of volcano-sedimentary complexes. A stratigraphic comparison with neighbouring pre-Variscan outcrops from the Montagne Noire (southern French Massif Central) and Sardinia is related to i) the absence of Cadomian deformation close to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary interval; ii) the presence of an episodic, Cadomian-related, acidic-dominant volcanism related to carbonate production punctuating the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, similar to that recorded in the northern Montagne Noire; and iii) the lack of Guzhangian (Late Cambrian Epoch 3) regressive shoal complexes present in the Montagne Noire and probably in Sardinia

    Review of the Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician (pre-Sardic) stratigraphic framework of the Eastern Pyrenees, southwestern Europe

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    The Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician successions exposed in the Eastern Pyrenees are updated and revised based on recent U-Pb zircon radiometric ages, intertonguing relationships of carbonate-dominated strata, and onlapping patterns marking the top of volcano-sedimentary complexes. A stratigraphic comparison with neighbouring pre-Variscan outcrops from the Montagne Noire (southern French Massif Central) and Sardinia is related to i) the absence of Cadomian deformation close to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary interval; ii) the presence of an episodic, Cadomian-related, acidic-dominant volcanism related to carbonate production punctuating the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, similar to that recorded in the northern Montagne Noire; and iii) the lack of Guzhangian (Late Cambrian Epoch 3) regressive shoal complexes present in the Montagne Noire and probably in Sardinia

    Stratégies d’encroûtement dans une communauté épibenthique cambrienne non récifale

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    Les microfossiles extraits des calcaires de la formation cambrienne de Valdemiedes (Chaînes ibériques, NE Espagne) mettent en évidence l’essor d’une microfaune épibenthique à caractère encroûtant (composée de foraminifères et de serpulidés), qui a infesté les substrats durs fournis par des coquilles en milieu non-récifal. Elle semble avoir exploité les niches écologiques liées auparasitisme et/oucommensalisme sous des conditions environnementales d’énergie basse à modérée. Malgré le caractère grégaire de l’épifaune, la présence de recouvrements squelettiques est rare, ce qui traduit un taux faible de compétition spatiale. Les foraminifères à paroi agglutinée, de type psammosphaeridé, étaient capables de dissoudre partiellement les coquilles carbonatées qu’ils encroûtaient : malgré l’absence de perforations, des cicatrices de cet encroûtement sont visibles sur la face interne des coquilles. Ces deux taxons opportunistes ont réagi de façon différente au remplacement des communautés benthiques représenté par l’événement Valdemiedes : les psammosphaeridés ont traversé cet événement avec un pic d’abondance dans le niveau stratigraphique de reconquête de l’écosystème, tandis que les serpulidés, dominants à ce niveau, sont absents ou extrêmement rares en conditions normales

    Proton Stripping to Stretched States in 26-Al, 52-Cr, and 60-Si

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHy 87-1440

    Shifts in the Ediacaran to Lower Ordovician sedimentary zircon provenances of Northwest Gondwana: the Pyrenean files

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    Detrital zircon grains from Cambrian–Lower Ordovician sandstones and quartzites sampled in the Pyrenees were dated by LA-ICPMS in order to assess their provenance sources. Resulting age distributions are compared to other available datasets from neighbouring margins, such as Morocco, the Iberian Peninsula, southern France and Sardinia. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and Crystallization Age-Depositional Age (CA-DA) diagrams were used to compare zircon populations estimating their possible correlation with the arc/rift/drift geodynamic evolution of the northwestern Gondwana margin. During Terreneuvian times, zircon populations allowed the distinction of i) a southwesternmost edge (Anti-Atlas-Ossa-Morena Rift) mostly influenced by Panafrican and Anti-Atlasian sources (ca. 0.63–0.54), ii) a northeasternmost edge (Sardinia) recording the influence of the Saharan Metacraton and the Arabian Nubian Shield, with an distinct Stenian–Tonian shift (ca. 1.25–0.85Ga) and iii) an intermediate palaeogeographic transect, where lies the Central-Iberian, West Asturian-Leonese and Cantabrian Zones, the Montagne Noire and the Pyrenees sharing similar populations and a chronologically progressive influence from Anti-Atlasian/Panafrican to Saharan Metacraton/Arabian Nubian Shield sources. This gradual modification in zircon percentage populations supports similar trends based on climatically sensitive indicators, biogeographic patterns of Cambrian Epoch 2 archaeocyathan and microfossil assemblages, and laterally correlatable episodes of carbonate production, all of them pointing to a Cambrian setting for the Pyrenean Basin between the Montagne Noire (Occitan Domain) and the Sardinian margins of NW Gondwana. The Terreneuvian zircon patterns recorded in the Pyrenees gradually evolved from Cambrian Epoch 2 to Early Ordovician times, reflecting the geodynamic evolution from Panafrican and Cadomian arc-related to rift-dominant conditions. During Furongian and Ordovician times, the relative percentage of zircon populations led to a more spread age curve, characteristic of extensional settings and pointing to rift (passive margin) conditions

    The Scientific Foundations of Forecasting Magnetospheric Space Weather

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    The magnetosphere is the lens through which solar space weather phenomena are focused and directed towards the Earth. In particular, the non-linear interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field leads to the formation of highly inhomogenous electrical currents in the ionosphere which can ultimately result in damage to and problems with the operation of power distribution networks. Since electric power is the fundamental cornerstone of modern life, the interruption of power is the primary pathway by which space weather has impact on human activity and technology. Consequently, in the context of space weather, it is the ability to predict geomagnetic activity that is of key importance. This is usually stated in terms of geomagnetic storms, but we argue that in fact it is the substorm phenomenon which contains the crucial physics, and therefore prediction of substorm occurrence, severity and duration, either within the context of a longer-lasting geomagnetic storm, but potentially also as an isolated event, is of critical importance. Here we review the physics of the magnetosphere in the frame of space weather forecasting, focusing on recent results, current understanding, and an assessment of probable future developments.Peer reviewe

    A European-Japanese study on peach allergy: IgE to Pru p 7 associates with severity

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    Background: Pru p 3 and Pru p 7 have been implicated as risk factors for severe peach allergy. This study aimed to establish sensitization patterns to five peach components across Europe and in Japan, to explore their relation to pollen and foods and to predict symptom severity. Methods: In twelve European (EuroPrevall project) and one Japanese outpatient clinic, a standardized clinical evaluation was conducted in 1231 patients who reported symptoms to peach and/or were sensitized to peach. Specific IgE against Pru p 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 and against Cup s 7 was measured in 474 of them. Univariable and multivariable Lasso regression was applied to identify combinations of parameters predicting severity. Results: Sensitization to Pru p 3 dominated in Southern Europe but was also quite common in Northern and Central Europe. Sensitization to Pru p 7 was low and variable in the European centers but very dominant in Japan. Severity could be predicted by a model combining age of onset of peach allergy, probable mugwort, Parietaria pollen and latex allergy, and sensitization to Japanese cedar pollen, Pru p 4 and Pru p 7 which resulted in an AUC of 0.73 (95% CI 0.73–0.74). Pru p 3 tended to be a risk factor in South Europe only. Conclusions: Pru p 7 was confirmed as a significant risk factor for severe peach allergy in Europe and Japan. Combining outcomes from clinical and demographic background with serology resulted in a model that could better predict severity than CRD alone