1,569 research outputs found

    Holonomy Transformation in the FRW Metric

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    In this work we investigate loop variables in Friedman-Robertson-Walker spacetime. We analyze the parallel transport of vectors and spinors in several paths in this spacetime in order to classify its global properties. The band holonomy invariance is analysed in this background.Comment: 8 page

    Long-term perturbations due to a disturbing body in elliptic inclined orbit

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    In the current study, a double-averaged analytical model including the action of the perturbing body's inclination is developed to study third-body perturbations. The disturbing function is expanded in the form of Legendre polynomials truncated up to the second-order term, and then is averaged over the periods of the spacecraft and the perturbing body. The efficiency of the double-averaged algorithm is verified with the full elliptic restricted three-body model. Comparisons with the previous study for a lunar satellite perturbed by Earth are presented to measure the effect of the perturbing body's inclination, and illustrate that the lunar obliquity with the value 6.68\degree is important for the mean motion of a lunar satellite. The application to the Mars-Sun system is shown to prove the validity of the double-averaged model. It can be seen that the algorithm is effective to predict the long-term behavior of a high-altitude Martian spacecraft perturbed by Sun. The double-averaged model presented in this paper is also applicable to other celestial systems.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Desperdício alimentar e satisfação do consumidor com o serviço de alimentação da Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo de Coimbra, Portugal

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    Introdução: O desperdício alimentar é matéria de interesse para os serviços de alimentação escolares. Uma das causas apontadas para sua ocorrência é a falta de consciência, por parte dos consumidores, para este problema. Objetivo: Avaliar o desperdício de alimentos nas refeições servidas no refeitório, a perceção dos consumidores em relação ao mesmo e sua satisfação com o serviço de alimentação. Metodologia: Foram avaliadas dois almoços, em dias consecutivos. As sobras e os restos resultantes da refeição foram pesados por componentes da mesma. Consideram-se inaceitáveis valores de desperdício superiores a 10%. As variáveis restantes foram avaliadas através da aplicação de um questionário aos utentes. Resultados e Discussão: A maioria dos indivíduos referiu estar satisfeita com o serviço de alimentação. Observaram-se 22,7% de sobras e 12,7% de restos, em média, nas refeições avaliadas. O componente do prato com maior quantidade de restos foi o peixe (25,37%), muito superior à carne (14,15%). Um valor superior a 20% de sobras foi encontrado para todos os componentes da refeição, exceto para o componente proteico e para o pão. Os inquiridos identificaram o fornecedor de hidratos de carbono como o componente mais desperdiçado, e referiram que normalmente não desperdiçam alimentos ao almoço. Conclusões: Apesar da satisfação com o serviço de refeições, os resultados do desperdício alimentar são considerados inaceitáveis e refletem a necessidade de melhorar o planeamento das refeições e a adequação das ementas às preferências dos consumidores. A dissociação entre a perceção de desperdício de alimentos e da quantidade e tipo de alimentos efetivamente desperdiçado justifica a intervenção ao nível da sensibilização dos usuários de cafeteria, como possível estratégia para reduzir o desperdício.Introduction: Food waste is a matter of concern in school foodservices. One of the causes given for its occurrence is the lackof awareness of consumers for food waste problem. Objective:Assess food waste of meals served at the cafeteria, the perceptionof consumers in relation to their own food waste and theirsatisfaction with the food service. Methodology: There wereassessed lunch meals, in two consecutive days. The leftoversand plate waste resulting from school lunch were weighed bymeal components. It was considered that values above 10% ofleftovers and plate waste were unacceptable. Other variableswere assessed through a questionnaire applied to consumers.Results and Discussion: Most respondents were satisfied with foodservice. It was found 22.7% of leftovers and 12.7% of plate wasteas average on the meals evaluated. The main dish componentwith highest amount of plate waste was fish (25.37%), muchhigher than meat (14.15%). An amount above 20% leftovers wasfound for all components, except for protein source and bread.There was a dissociation between the perception of wasted foodand actual plate waste. Conclusions: In spite of satisfaction ofconsumers with food service, the results of food waste found areconsidered unacceptable and reflect the need to improve theplanning of meals and menus adequacy to consumer preferences,as well as to develop strategies to reduce meals rejection. Thedissociation between perception of food waste and the amountand type of food effectively wasted, justify the intervention atthe level of awareness of users of cafeteria, as a possible strategyto reduce waste.Key words: Food Waste. Food Services. Consumer Satisfactio

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do cafeeiro: XXXVIII. Efeitos da aplicação foliar de doses de sulfato de zinco na produção e na composição mineral das folhas do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) (Nota prévia)

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    An experiment was carried out with 8 year old coffee plants, Mundo Novo variety, in order to study the effect of various concentrations of zinc sulfate (plus urea), split into different number of foliar applications, on yield and leaf composition. The highest yield, 1647 kg of clean coffee per ha (646 kg above the no zinc treatment) was reached when 9.4 kg of zinc, split into three sprays, was applied. This yield was associated to 21-25 ppm of Zn and with a ratio P/Zn equal to 70-90 in the leaves.Foi conduzido um ensaio de aplicação foliar de sulfato de zinco em cafeeiros de 8 anos de idade, cv. Mundo Novo, localizado em S. Sebastião do Paraíso, MG. A produção máxima foi obtida quando se aplicaram 9,4 kg de sulfato de zinco/ha divididos em três aplicações: 1647kg de café limpo por ha, 646 kg mais que a testemunha sem aplicação de zinco nas folhas. A maior colheita esteve associada com 21-25 ppm de Zn nas folhas e com um quociente P/Zn = 70-90

    Efeitos do alumínio em pimenteiras do reino (Piper nigrum, L.)cultivadas em solução nutritiva

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    Black pepper (Piper nigrum, L.) is usually grown in soils of low natural fertility and high aluminum saturation. An experiment using young plants of the Guajarina cultivar grown in nutrient solution was carried out in order to verify the effects of aluminum on the growth and chemical composition and determine the concentration in the substrate which causes toxicity symptoms. Aluminum was added to the nutrient solution at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 mg/L. The initial symptom of Al toxicity was a slower development of the roots, which were thicker than those of the control. Dry weight increased when aluminum supply increased from 0 to 15 ppm Al; correspondingly there was a higher uptake of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and AL It appears that black pepper is tolerant to Al concentrations as high as 20 mg/L. Higher rates cause nutritional disturbances and reduction in growth.A pimenteira do reino (Piper nigrum, L.) vem sendo cultivada, em sua maior parte, em áreas com solos de baixa fertilidade natural, caracterizadas por baixa saturação por bases, alta saturação de alumínio e acidez elevada. Visando estudar os efeitos do alumínio sobre a cultura foi conduzido um experimento com a cultivar Guajarina em solução nutritiva. As doses de alumínio estudadas foram: 0; 5; 10; 15; 20 e 40 mg/L. O sintoma inicial de toxidez de alumínio foi caracterizado por um retardamento no crescimento radicular, com aumento no diâmetro das raízes. Observou-se efeito positivo do alumínio na produção de matéria seca com adição de até 15 mg/L na solução, o que correspondeu a maior absorção de P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe e AL Concluiu-se que a pimenteira é tolerante à presença de concentrações de Al inferiores a 20 mg/L no substrato. Doses superiores provocam distúrbios nutricionais com redução no crescimento da planta

    Influência do manganês sobre a nutrição mineral e crescimento da pimenteira do reino (Piper nigrum, L.)

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    A pimenteira do reino (Piper nigrum, L.) vem sendo cultivada em sua maior parte em solos com acidez elevada e balia saturação por bases. O manganês em condições de alta acidez pode provocar toxidez às plantas. Visando estudar os efeitos do manganês nessa cultura foi conduzido um experimento com a cultivar Guajarina em solução nutritiva, O manganês foi fornecido nas concentrações de 0; 10; 20; 30; 40 e 50 mg/L. Na ausência do elemento foram observados sintomas de deficiência e redução no crescimento. O excesso de manganês (30 mg/L) na solução nutritiva reduziu o desenvolvimento das plantas e a absorção de P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe e ZN. Observaram-se sintomas de toxidez de manganês a partir da concentração de 20 mg/L, caracterizados por cloróse e pontos necróticos nas folhas.Black pepper (Piper nigrum, L.) is usually grown in soils of low natural fertility and high acidity. Under such conditions manganese can cause toxicity to plants. An experiment using young plants of the cultivar Guajarina grown in nutrient solution was carried out in order to verify the effects of rates of manganese on this crop. The manganese was supplied at the concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/L. Excess of manganese (30 mg/L) in the nutrient solution caused a reduction in growth and in the uptake of P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn. Toxicity symptoms were chlorosis and necrotic dots in the leaves, when the level of supply was 20 mg/L or higher

    A New Strategy To Identify Rare Blood Donors: Single Polymerase Chain Reaction Multiplex Snapshot Reaction For Detection Of 16 Blood Group Alleles

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    Background. As an alternative to phenotyping, large-scale DNA-based assays, which are feasible for high-throughput donor red blood cell typing, were developed for determination of blood group polymorphisms. However, high-throughput genotyping platforms based on these technologies are still expensive and the inclusion of single nucleotide polymorphisms and analysis of the alleles depend on the manufacturer's determination. To overcome this limitation and in order to develop an assay to enable the screening of rare donors, we developed a SNaPshot assay for analysis of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms related to antigens that are difficult to assess using conventional serology. Materials and methods. The single polymerase chain reaction multiplex SNaPshot reaction was optimized to identify nine single nucleotide polymorphisms determining 16 alleles: KEL*3/KEL*4, KEL*6/KEL*7, DI*1/DI*2, DI*3/DI*4, YT*1/YT*2, CO*1/CO*2, DO*1/DO*2, DO*4, DO*5. We designed a single multiplex PCR with primers encompassing the blood group single nucleotide polymorphisms and performed an internal reaction with probe primers able to discriminate the alleles after fragment analysis. The SNaPshot assay was validated with 140 known alleles previously determined by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results. We were able to simultaneous detect nine single nucleotide polymorphisms defining 16 blood group alleles on an assay based on a multiplex PCR combined with a single base extension using genomic DNA. Discussion. This study demonstrates a robust genotyping strategy for conducting rare donor screening which can be applied in blood centers and could be an important tool for identifying antigen-negative donors and, therefore, for providing rare blood. © SIMTI Servizi Srl.12SUPPL.1s256s263Jungbauer, C., Routine use of DNA testing for red cell antigens in blood centres (2011) Transfus Apher Sci, 45, pp. 61-68Nance, S.T., How to find, recruit and maintain rare blood donors (2009) Curr Opin Hematol, 16, pp. 503-508Veldhuisen, B., Van Der Schoot, C.E., De Haas, M., Blood group genotyping: From patient to high-throughput donor screening (2009) Vox Sang, 97, pp. 198-206Moulds, J.M., Future of molecular testing for red blood cell antigens (2010) Clin Lab Med, 30, pp. 419-429Patnaik, S.K., Helmberg, W., Blumenfeld, O.O., BGMUT: NCBI dbRBC database of allelic variations of genes encoding antigens of blood group systems (2012) Nucleic Acids Res, 40, pp. D1023-D1029Vallone, P.M., Butler, J.M., AutoDimer: A screening tool for primer-dimer and hairpin structures (2004) Biotechniques, 37, pp. 226-231Baleotti Jr., W., Rios, M., Reid, M.E., Dombrock gene analysis in Brazilian people reveals novel alleles (2006) Vox Sang, 91, pp. 81-87Rios, M., Hue-Roye, K., Oyen, R., Insights into the Holleyand Joseph- phenotypes (2002) Transfusion, 42, pp. 52-58Baleotti Jr., W., Rios, M., Reid, M.E., A novel DI*A allele without the Band 3-Memphis mutation in Amazonian Indians (2003) Vox Sang, 84, pp. 326-330Arnoni, C., Latini, F.R.M., Person, R.M., Padronização das técnicas de PCR-RFLP para genotipagem dos alelos KEL*3/ KEL*4 e KEL*5/KEL*6 (2011) Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter, 33 (SUPPL.2), pp. 332-488Baleotti Jr., W., Suzuki, R.B., Ruiz, M., A PCR-RFLP strategy for Wright typing (2011) Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter, 33 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 332-488Brazilian Real - United States Dollar Exchange Rate from Central Bank of Brazil, , http://www4.bcb.gov.br/pec/taxas, April 1st to April 30th, 27/03/2013Daniels, G., The molecular genetics of blood group polymorphism (2009) Hum Genet, 126, pp. 729-742Logdberg, L., Reid, M.E., Zelinski, T., Human blood group genes 2010: Chromosomal locations and cloning strategies revisited (2011) Transfus Med Rev, 25, pp. 36-46Di Cristofaro, J., Silvy, M., Chiaroni, J., Bailly, P., Single PCR multiplex SNaPshot reaction for detection of eleven blood group nucleotide polymorphisms: Optimization, validation, and one year of routine clinical use (2010) J Mol Diagn, 12, pp. 453-460Ferri, G., Pelotti, S., Multiplex ABO genotyping by minisequencing (2009) Methods Mol Biol, 496, pp. 51-58Palacajornsuk, P., Halter, C., Isakova, V., Detection of blood group genes using multiplex SNaPshot method (2009) Transfusion, 49, pp. 740-749Silvy, M., Simon, S., Gouvitsos, J., Weak D and DEL alleles detected by routine SNaPshot genotyping: Identification of four novel RHD alleles (2011) Transfusion, 51, pp. 401-411Silvy, M., Di Cristofaro, J., Beley, S., Identification of RHCE and KEL alleles in large cohorts of Afro-Caribbean and Comorian donors by multiplex SNaPshot and fragment assays: A transfusion support for sickle cell disease patients (2011) Br J Haematol, 154, pp. 260-270Pastinen, T., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Minisequencing: A specific tool for DNA analysis and diagnostics on oligonucleotide arrays (1997) Genome Res, 7, pp. 606-614Syvanen, A.C., From gels to chips: "Minisequencing" primer extension for analysis of point mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms (1999) Hum Mutat, 13, pp. 1-10Information notebook (2011) Blood and Hemoderivates Brasília, , Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Coordenação-Geral de Sangue e Hemoderivados. Hemotherapy production. Unified Health System - SUS Brazil - (Public and private contractors). Private non-contracted services by Unified Health System (SUS Brazil). 4th edSantos, N.P., Ribeiro-Rodrigues, E.M., Ribeiro-Dos-Santos, A.K., Assessing individual interethnic admixture and population substructure using a 48-insertion-deletion (INSEL) ancestry-informative marker (AIM) panel (2010) Hum Mutat, 31, pp. 184-190Storry, J.R., Human blood groups: Inheritance and importance in transfusion medicine (2003) J Infus Nurs, 26, pp. 367-37

    Holographic Dark Energy and the Universe Expansion Acceleration

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    By incorporating the holographic principle in a time-depending Lambda-term cosmology, new physical bounds on the arbitrary parameters of the model can be obtained. Considering then the dark energy as a purely geometric entity, for which no equation of state has to be introduced, it is shown that the resulting range of allowed values for the parameters may explain both the coincidence problem and the universe accelerated expansion, without resorting to any kind of additional structures.Comment: Ordinary LaTex, 8 page

    Aproveitamento de um fosfato natural parcialmente solubilizado pela cultura da cana-de-açúcar: I. Cana-planta

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    The relative efficiency of a partially acidulated and granulated rock phosphate, FAPS, containing 26% total P2O5, 10% citric acid soluble P2O5, 13% ammonium citrate soluble P2O5, 27% total CaO and 7% total S, was compared with that of both simple superphosphate (SS) and ground rock phosphate (FA). The experiment with the sugar cane variety NA 56-79 was set in a red yellow latosol, pH 5.1-5.5, low in P (4 ppm), and with and average available sulphur content (5 ppm as sul fate). The main conclusions were as follows: a) FAPS gave the same yield results provided by SS when used at the same rates based on total P2O5 content; b) sucrose content in the juice was increased by the highest level (16a kg P2O5 of application of FAPS; c) leaf analyses data suggest that FAPS has incre ased yield by supplying both P2O5 and S to the sugar-cane crop.Em um latossolo, com teor de P disponível entre baixo e médio foi instalado um ensaio destinado a comparar a eficiência de um fosfato natural parcialmente acidulado (FAPS) com a do super simples (SS) e a do fosfato de Araxá (FA) original, na cultura da cana-de-açúcar (cana-planta). Os dados obtidos mostraram que: (1) o FAPS deu uma produção que não diferiu estatisticamente da obtida com o SS, sendo superior ao FA como fonte de P2O5; (2) os dados de diagnose foliar sugerem que o FAPS e o SS funcionam como fonte de P e de S; (3) o teor de açúcares redutores no caldo aumentou em consequência da adubação fosfatada; (4) o FAPS, na dose mais alta, elevou o teor de sacarose do caldo