97 research outputs found

    The properties of the star-forming interstellar medium at z = 0.84-2.23 from HiZELS : mapping the internal dynamics and metallicity gradients in high-redshift disc galaxies.

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    We present adaptive optics assisted, spatially resolved spectroscopy of a sample of nine Hα-selected galaxies at z = 0.84-2.23 drawn from the HiZELS narrow-band survey. These galaxies have star formation rates of 1-27 M⊙ yr-1 and are therefore representative of the typical high-redshift star-forming population. Our ˜kpc-scale resolution observations show that approximately half of the sample have dynamics suggesting that the ionized gas is in large, rotating discs. We model their velocity fields to infer the inclination-corrected, asymptotic rotational velocities. We use the absolute B-band magnitudes and stellar masses to investigate the evolution of the B-band and stellar-mass Tully-Fisher relationships. By combining our sample with a number of similar measurements from the literature, we show that, at fixed circular velocity, the stellar mass of star-forming galaxies has increased by a factor of 2.5 between z = 2 and 0, whilst the rest-frame B-band luminosity has decreased by a factor of ˜ 6 over the same period. Together, these demonstrate a change in mass-to-light ratio in the B band of Δ(M/LB)/(M/LB)z=0 ˜ 3.5 between z = 1.5 and 0, with most of the evolution occurring below z = 1. We also use the spatial variation of [N II]/Hα to show that the metallicity of the ionized gas in these galaxies declines monotonically with galactocentric radius, with an average Δ log(O/H)/ΔR = -0.027 ± 0.005 dex kpc-1. This gradient is consistent with predictions for high-redshift disc galaxies from cosmologically based hydrodynamic simulations

    The properties of the star-forming interstellar medium at z = 0.84-2.23 from HiZELS : mapping the internal dynamics and metallicity gradients in high-redshift disc galaxies

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    We present adaptive optics assisted, spatially resolved spectroscopy of a sample of nine Hα-selected galaxies at z = 0.84-2.23 drawn from the HiZELS narrow-band survey. These galaxies have star formation rates of 1-27 M⊙ yr-1 and are therefore representative of the typical high-redshift star-forming population. Our ˜kpc-scale resolution observations show that approximately half of the sample have dynamics suggesting that the ionized gas is in large, rotating discs. We model their velocity fields to infer the inclination-corrected, asymptotic rotational velocities. We use the absolute B-band magnitudes and stellar masses to investigate the evolution of the B-band and stellar-mass Tully-Fisher relationships. By combining our sample with a number of similar measurements from the literature, we show that, at fixed circular velocity, the stellar mass of star-forming galaxies has increased by a factor of 2.5 between z = 2 and 0, whilst the rest-frame B-band luminosity has decreased by a factor of ˜ 6 over the same period. Together, these demonstrate a change in mass-to-light ratio in the B band of Δ(M/LB)/(M/LB)z=0 ˜ 3.5 between z = 1.5 and 0, with most of the evolution occurring below z = 1. We also use the spatial variation of [N II]/Hα to show that the metallicity of the ionized gas in these galaxies declines monotonically with galactocentric radius, with an average Δ log(O/H)/ΔR = -0.027 ± 0.005 dex kpc-1. This gradient is consistent with predictions for high-redshift disc galaxies from cosmologically based hydrodynamic simulations

    A SCUBA-2 survey of FeLoBAL QSOs. Are FeLoBALs in a ‘transition phase’ between ULIRGs and QSOs?

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    It is thought that a class of broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs, characterized by Fe absorption features in their UV spectra (called ‘FeLoBALs’), could mark a transition stage between the end of an obscured starburst event and a youthful QSO beginning to shed its dust cocoon, where Fe has been injected into the interstellar medium by the starburst. To test this hypothesis, we have undertaken deep Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) 850 ÎŒm observations of a sample of 17 FeLoBAL QSOs with 0.89 ≀ z ≀ 2.78 and −23.31 ≀ MB ≀ −28.50 to directly detect an excess in the thermal emission of the dust which would probe enhanced star formation activity. We find that FeLoBALs are not luminous sources in the sub-mm, none of them are individually detected at 850 Όm, nor as a population through stacking (Fs = 1.14 ± 0.58 mJy). Statistical and survival analyses reveal that FeLoBALs have sub-mm properties consistent with BAL and non-BAL QSOs with matched redshifts and magnitudes. An Spectral Energy Distribution fitting analysis shows that the far-infrared emission is dominated by active galactic nuclei activity, and a starburst component is required only in 6/17 sources of our sample; moreover the integrated total luminosity of 16/17 sources is L ≄ 1012 L⊙, high enough to classify FeLoBALs as infrared luminous. In conclusion, we do not find any evidence in support of FeLoBAL QSOs being a transition population between an ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) and an unobscured QSO; in particular, FeLoBALs are not characterized by a cold starburst which would support this hypothesis

    A panoramic mid-infrared survey of two distant clusters

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    We present panoramic Spitzer MIPS 24 ÎŒm observations, covering ~9 × 9 Mpc2 (25' × 25') fields around two massive clusters, Cl 0024+16 and MS 0451-03, at z = 0.39 and z = 0.55, respectively, reaching a 5 σ flux limit of ~200 ÎŒJy. Our observations cover a very wide range of environments within these clusters, from high-density regions around the cores out to the turnaround radius. Cross-correlating the mid-infrared catalogs with deep optical and near-infrared imaging of these fields, we investigate the optical/near-infrared colors of the mid-infrared sources. We find excesses of mid-infrared sources with the optical/near-infrared colors expected of cluster members in the two clusters and test this selection using spectroscopically confirmed 24 ÎŒm members. The much more significant excess is associated with Cl 0024+16, whereas MS 0451-03 has comparatively few mid-infrared sources. The mid-infrared galaxy population in Cl 0024+16 appears to be associated with dusty star-forming galaxies (typically redder than the general cluster population by up to AV ~ 1-2 mag) rather than emission from dusty tori around active galactic nuclei in early-type hosts. We compare the star formation rates derived from the total infrared (8-1000 ÎŒm) luminosities for the mid-infrared sources in Cl 0024+16 with those estimated from a published Hα survey, finding rates 5 times those found from Hα, indicating significant obscured activity in the cluster population. Compared to previous mid-infrared surveys of clusters from z ~ 0-0.5, we find evidence for strong evolution of the level of dust-obscured star formation in dense environments to z = 0.5, analogous to the rise in the fraction of optically selected star-forming galaxies seen in clusters and the field out to similar redshifts. However, there are clearly significant cluster-to-cluster variations in the populations of mid-infrared sources, probably reflecting differences in the intracluster media and recent dynamical evolution of these systems

    A relationship between specific star formation rate and metallicity gradient within z ∌ 1 galaxies from KMOS-HiZELS

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    We have observed a sample of typical z ∌ 1 star-forming galaxies, selected from the HiZELS survey, with the new K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph (KMOS) near-infrared, multi-integral field unit instrument on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), in order to obtain their dynamics and metallicity gradients. The majority of our galaxies have a metallicity gradient consistent with being flat or negative (i.e. higher metallicity cores than outskirts). Intriguingly, we find a trend between metallicity gradient and specific star formation rate (sSFR), such that galaxies with a high sSFR tend to have relatively metal poor centres, a result which is strengthened when combined with data sets from the literature. This result appears to explain the discrepancies reported between different high-redshift studies and varying claims for evolution. From a galaxy evolution perspective, the trend we see would mean that a galaxy's sSFR is governed by the amount of metal-poor gas that can be funnelled into its core, triggered either by merging or through efficient accretion. In fact, merging may play a significant role as it is the starburst galaxies at all epochs, which have the more positive metallicity gradients. Our results may help to explain the origin of the fundamental metallicity relation, in which galaxies at a fixed mass are observed to have lower metallicities at higher star formation rates, especially if the metallicity is measured in an aperture encompassing only the central regions of the galaxy. Finally, we note that this study demonstrates the power of KMOS as an efficient instrument for large-scale resolved galaxy surveys

    The dynamics of z = 0.8 Hα-selected star-forming galaxies from KMOS/CF-HiZELS

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    We present the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of 16 star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.81 using the new KMOS multi-object integral field spectrograph on the ESO Very Large Telescope. These galaxies, selected using 1.18 ÎŒm narrowband imaging from the 10 deg2 CFHT-HiZELS survey of the SA 22 hr field, are found in a ~4 Mpc overdensity of Hα emitters and likely reside in a group/intermediate environment, but not a cluster. We confirm and identify a rich group of star-forming galaxies at z = 0.813 ± 0.003, with 13 galaxies within 1000 km s–1 of each other, and seven within a diameter of 3 Mpc. All of our galaxies are "typical" star-forming galaxies at their redshift, 0.8 ± 0.4 SFRz=0.8∗^*_{z = 0.8}, spanning a range of specific star formation rates (sSFRs) of 0.2-1.1 Gyr–1 and have a median metallicity very close to solar of 12 + log(O/H) = 8.62 ± 0.06. We measure the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of the galaxies in our sample and show that 13 out of 16 galaxies can be described by rotating disks and use the data to derive inclination corrected rotation speeds of 50-275 km s–1. The fraction of disks within our sample is 75% ± 8%, consistent with previous results based on Hubble Space Telescope morphologies of Hα-selected galaxies at z ~ 1 and confirming that disks dominate the SFR density at z ~ 1. Our Hα galaxies are well fitted by the z ~ 1-2 Tully-Fisher (TF) relation, confirming the evolution seen in the zero point. Apart from having, on average, higher stellar masses and lower sSFRs, our group galaxies at z = 0.81 present the same mass-metallicity and TF relation as z ~ 1 field galaxies and are all disk galaxies

    The Chandra Deep protocluster survey : evidence for an enhancement of AGN activity in the SSA22 protocluster at z = 3.09

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    We present results from a new ultra-deep ≈400 ks Chandra observation of the SSA22 protocluster at z = 3.09. We have studied the X-ray properties of 234 z ~ 3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs; protocluster and field) and 158 z = 3.09 Lyα Emitters (LAEs) in SSA22 to measure the influence of the high-density protocluster environment on the accretion activity of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in these UV-selected star-forming populations. We detect individually X-ray emission from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in six LBGs and five LAEs; due to small overlap between the LBG and LAE source population, ten of these sources are unique. At least six and potentially eight of these sources are members of the protocluster. These sources have rest-frame 8-32 keV luminosities in the range of L 8-32 keV = (3-50) ×1043 ergs s-1and an average observed-frame 2-8 keV to 0.5-2 keV band ratio (BR) of ≈0.8 (mean effective photon index of Γeff≈ 1.1), suggesting significant absorption columns of N H gsim 1022-1024 cm-2. We find that the fraction of LBGs and LAEs in the z = 3.09 protocluster harboring an AGN with L 8-32 keV gsim 3 × 1043 ergs s-1is 9.5+12.7 -6.1% and 5.1+6.8 -3.3%, respectively. These AGN fractions are somewhat larger (by a mean factor of 6.1+10.3 -3.6 significant at the ≈95% confidence level) than z ~ 3 sources found in lower-density "field" environments. Theoretical models imply that these results may be due to the presence of more actively growing and/or massive SMBHs in LBGs and LAEs within the protocluster compared to the field. Such a result is expected in a scenario where enhanced merger activity in the protocluster drives accelerated galaxy and SMBH growth at zgsim 2-3. Using Spitzer IRAC imaging we found that the fraction of IRAC-detected LBGs is significantly larger in the protocluster than in the field (by a factor of 3.0+2.0 -1.3). From these data, we constrained the median rest-frame H-band luminosity in the protocluster to be gsim 1.2-1.8 times larger than that for the field. When combined with our X-ray data, this suggests that both galaxies and SMBHs grew more rapidly in protocluster environments

    An ALMA survey of the S2CLS UDS field: optically invisible submillimetre galaxies

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    We analyse a robust sample of 30 near-infrared-faint (KAB > 25.3, 5σ) submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) selected from a 0.96 deg2 field to investigate their properties and the cause of their faintness in optical/near-infrared wavebands. Our analysis exploits precise identifications based on Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 870-ÎŒm continuum imaging, combined with very deep near-infrared imaging from the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey. We estimate that SMGs with KAB > 25.3 mag represent 15 ± 2 per cent of the total population brighter than S870 = 3.6 mJy, with a potential surface density of ∌450 deg−2 above S870 ≄ 1 mJy. As such, they pose a source of contamination in surveys for both high-redshift ‘quiescent’ galaxies and very high redshift Lyman-break galaxies. We show that these K-faint SMGs represent the tail of the broader submillimetre population, with comparable dust and stellar masses to KAB ≀ 25.3 mag SMGs, but lying at significantly higher redshifts (z = 3.44 ± 0.06 versus z = 2.36 ± 0.11) and having higher dust attenuation (AV = 5.2 ± 0.3 versus AV = 2.9 ± 0.1). We investigate the origin of the strong dust attenuation and find indications that these K-faint galaxies have smaller dust continuum sizes than the KAB ≀ 25.3 mag galaxies, as measured by ALMA, which suggests their high attenuation is related to their compact sizes. We identify a correlation of dust attenuation with star formation rate surface density (SFR), with the K-faint SMGs representing the higher SFR and highest AV galaxies. The concentrated, intense star formation activity in these systems is likely to be associated with the formation of spheroids in compact galaxies at high redshifts, but as a result of their high obscuration these galaxies are completely missed in ultraviolet, optical, and even near-infrared surveys

    The average submillimetre properties of Lyman α blobs at z = 3

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    Ly α blobs (LABs) offer insight into the complex interface between galaxies and their circumgalactic medium. Whilst some LABs have been found to contain luminous star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei that could potentially power the Ly α emission, others appear not to be associated with obvious luminous galaxy counterparts. It has been speculated that LABs may be powered by cold gas streaming on to a central galaxy, providing an opportunity to directly observe the ‘cold accretion’ mode of galaxy growth. Star-forming galaxies in LABs could be dust obscured and therefore detectable only at longer wavelengths. We stack deep Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) observations of the Small Selected Area 22h field to determine the average 850 ÎŒm flux density of 34 LABs. We measure S850 = 0.6 ± 0.2 mJy for all LABs, but stacking the LABs by size indicates that only the largest third (area ≄1794 kpc2) have a mean detection, at 4.5σ, with S850 = 1.4 ± 0.3 mJy. Only two LABs (1 and 18) have individual SCUBA-2 >3.5σ detections at a depth of 1.1 mJy beam−1. We consider two possible mechanisms for powering the LABs and find that central star formation is likely to dominate the emission of Ly α, with cold accretion playing a secondary role
