1,183 research outputs found

    Actualización de recursos multimediales para el arbolado urbano de la ciudad General Pico

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    La presente Acción de Extensión (AE) se propone como una continuación del Proyecto de Extensión Universitaria (PEU) “Ambiente urbano, comunidad y educación ambiental” desarrollado durante los años 2018 y 2019. Las actividades de este proyecto fueron realizar el relevamiento de las especies arbóreas en la ciudad, construir el sitio web Arbolado de General Pico (figura 1), organizar Jornadas de Capacitación/Concientización y construir la aplicación Huitrú (figura 1) con información relevante para los vecinos. Con la Acción de Extensión se prevé llevar adelante la actualización de la estructura del sitio web y de la aplicación Android que permitirá incorporar nueva información relevante sobre el arbolado urbano de General Pico y planificar actividades de capacitación/concientización para toda la comunidad. Al igual que la propuesta anterior, esta iniciativa está planteada como un trabajo colaborativo entre la Dirección de Espacios Públicos y la Dirección de Turismo de la Municipalidad de General Pico, la AER INTA General Pico y las Facultades de Ingeniería y de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UNLPam. La Dirección de Espacios Públicos y la Dirección de Turismo aportarán información de las distintas especies arbóreas, los senderos de árboles y la ubicación e imágenes de los árboles de interés particular, así como también de los espacios públicos con carácter protegido. La AER INTA junto con la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales trabajará en la confección de fichas de las especies arbóreas y en la elaboración de material educativo. La Facultad de Ingeniería se ocupará de la remodelación del sitio web y la aplicación Android para llevar la información producida a la comunidad

    Different fibre sources fed to weaner pigs influence production performance and acute phase protein levels

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    Dietary fibre is fermented by microbiota in the distal gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to short-chain fatty acids (SCF A). Previous studies (e.g., Pluske et al., 2002) have shown differential effects of SCF A on growth performance and the incidence of disease such as post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD), however more recently the SCF A have become recognised as potential mediators in inflammatory and immune functions in the GIT (Vinolo et al., 2011). This experiment examined the effects of infection with an enterotoxigenic strain of E. coli on pig performance, SCF A production, and biomarkers of inflammation after weaning

    Electronic states and transport properties in the Kronig-Penney model with correlated compositional and structural disorder

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    We study the structure of the electronic states and the transport properties of a Kronig-Penney model with weak compositional and structural disorder. Using a perturbative approach we obtain an analytical expression for the localisation length which is valid for disorder with arbitrary correlations. We show how to generate disorder with self- and cross-correlations and we analyse both the known delocalisation effects of the long-range self-correlations and new effects produced by cross-correlations. We finally discuss how both kinds of correlations alter the transport properties in Kronig-Penney models of finite size.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    A new approach in computational contact mechanics: The contact domain method

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    This first part of the work presents the theoretical aspects of a new approach to solve two-dimensional large-strain problems in computational contact mechanics. The basic elements of the proposed metod are: 1) the use of an updated Lagrangean approach to describe the motion of the contacting bodies, 2) consideration of a two-dimensional aontact domain, where the contact/friction restrictions are imposed, and construction of a one layer triangulation in this domain, 3) resorting to a Lagrange multiplier method to impose the contact/friction contraints, 4) an interior penaltyprocedure, allowing condensation of the Lagrange multipliers, ensuring the stability of the discretized problem and 5) an active set strategy, for determining the subsets of the contact domain were contact/friction conditions have to be applied, based on the concept domain were contact/friction conditions have to be aaplied, based on the concept of effective gaps as suitable entities for extrapolation and prediction purposes

    On the modelling of granular flows in industrial applications via the Particle Finite Element Method

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    The aim of this work is to present a new procedure for modelling industrial processes that involve granular material flows, using a numerical model based on the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM). The numerical results herein presented show the potential of this methodology when applied to different branches of industry. Due to the phenomenological richness exhibited by granular materials, the present work will exclusively focus on the modelling of cohesionless dense granular flows. The numerical model is based on a continuum approach in the framework of large-deformation plasticity theory. For the constitutive model, the yield function is defined in the stress space by a Drucker-Prager yield surface characterized by two constitutive parameters, the cohesion and the internal friction coefficient, and equipped with a non-associative deviatoric flow rule. This plastic flow condition is considered nearly incompressible, so the proposal is integrated in a u- p mixed formulation with a stabilization of the pressure term via the Polynomial Pressure Projection (PPP). In order to characterize the non-linear dependency on the shear rate when flowing a visco-plastic regularization is proposed. The numerical integration is developed within the Impl-Ex technique, which increases the robustness and reduces the iteration number, compared with a typical implicit integration scheme. The spatial discretization is addressed within the framework of the PFEM which allows treating the large deformations and motions associated to granular flows with minimal distortion of the involved finite element meshes. Since the Delaunay triangulation and the reconnection process minimize such distortion but do not ensure its elimination, a dynamic particle discretization of the domain is proposed, regularizing, in this manner, the smoothness and particle density of the mesh. Likewise, it is proposed a method that ensures conservation of material or Lagrangian surfaces by means of a boundary constraint, avoiding in this way, the geometric definition of the boundary through the classic -shape method. For modelling the interaction between the confinement boundaries and granular material, it is advocated for a method, based on the Contact Domain Method (CDM) that allows coupling of both domains in terms of an intermediate region connecting the potential contact surfaces by a domain of the same dimension than the contacting bodies. The constitutive model for the contact domain is posed similarly to that for the granular material, defining a correct representation of the wall friction angle. In order to validate the numerical model, a comparison between experimental results of the spreading of a granular mass on a horizontal plane tests, and finite element predictions, is carried out. These sets of examples allow us validating the model according to the prediction of the different kinematics conditions of granular materials while spreading – from a stagnant condition, while the material is at rest, to a transition to a granular flow, and back to a deposit profile. The potential of the numerical method for the solution and optimization of industrial granular flows problems is achieved by focusing on two specific industrial applications in mining industry and pellet manufacturing: the silo discharge and the calculation of the power draw in tumbling mills. Both examples are representative when dealing with granular flows due to the presence of variations on the granular material mechanical response

    El análisis del potencial geológico de rocas industriales en proyectos de planificación territorial: una revisión

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    Indudablemente, la extracción de recursos minerales entra en conflicto con otros usos del territorio. La planificación territorial puede evitar estos conflictos, minimizar los impactos acumulativos adversos de la minería y prevenir la disminución de recursos disponibles. Esto es especialmente cierto en lo referente a minerales industriales. El conocimiento de la distribución territorial de los recursos potenciales es la clave para alcanzar la integración efectiva de la minería en la planificación, y la mejor forma posible para salvaguardar los minerales frente a actividades que pueden comprometer su disponibilidad futura. Tanto en proyectos de ordenación minero-ambiental como en mapas de salvaguardia, los recursos minerales se han definido normalmente mediante el análisis de la información geológica cuando la escala no es detallada. Pero cuando se alcanzan escalas locales o municipales (mapas de gran escala), la planificación demanda más información para una mejor delimitación de los recursos. Esto puede requerir la recolección de datos de campo, la búsqueda de informes y documentos publicados, el inventario y la caracterización de explotaciones, y la consulta con la industria. El objetivo principal de este estudio es revisar varios trabajos de ordenación minera y ambiental, de cara a obtener un mejor conocimiento de las diferentes fórmulas y criterios utilizados para delimitar los recursos de rocas industriales presentes en un área. Se concluye que no existe una manera universal para abordar esta cuestión, y que una infraestructura de conocimiento geológico detallado es crucial para la planificación territorial de estos recursos minerales, en especial a escalas locales o municipales

    Utilidad de la relación aclaramiento de creatinina - índice de resistencia de la ecografía Doppler renal como predictor de rechazo agudo en riñones trasplantados

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar la utilidad de la asociación del índice de resistencia (IR) en las arterias arcuatas renales con el aclaramiento de creatinina (Cl Cr) para predecir el rechazo agudo del riñón trasplantado.Materiales y métodosSe realizó un estudio prospectivo de una cohorte de 87 pacientes que fueron sometidos a una biopsia renal por alteraciones clínicas de la función renal. Se les midió el IR junto con el Cl Cr mediante el método de modificación de la dieta en la enfermedad renal.ResultadosLa sensibilidad de la asociación IR mayor de 0,7 y Cl Cr 0-30 fue del 53,3% (intervalo de confianza [IC] de 95%: 34,3-71,7%) y la especificidad del 98,2% (95% IC: 90,4-100%). El área bajo la curva fue de 0,758 (95% IC: 0,665-0,85), el likelihood ratio positivo de 22,9 (95% IC: 4,16-214), el likelihood ratio negativo de 0,475 (95% IC: 0,324- 0,685), el odds ratio de 62,9, el valor predictivo positivo de 94,1% (95% IC: 71,3- 99,9%) y el valor predictivo negativo de 79,1% (95% IC: 68,3-88,4%).ConclusiónLa asociación IR mayor de 0,7 y Cl Cr 0-30 demostró ser útil para confirmar la posibilidad de rechazo renal agudo, al tener una buena especificidad (98,2%) a pesar de su baja sensibilidad (53%).AbstractObjectiveTo determine the usefulness of the association between the resistance index (RI) values in renal arcuate arteries and creatinine clearance (Cr Cl) levels in order to predict or detect acute rejection in a kidney transplant patient.Materials and methodsA prospective study was conducted on a cohort of 87 patients who were subjected to a kidney biopsy due to clinical changes in renal function. The RI was measured, and Cr Cl levels determined using the modification of diet in renal disease formula.ResultsThe sensitivity of an RI association higher than 0.7 and a Cr Cl 0-30 was 53.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 34.3-71.7%), with a specificity of 98.2% (95% CI: 90.4-100%). The area under the curve was 0.758 (95% CI: 0.665-0.85), the positive and negative likelihood ratio was 22.9 (95% CI: 4.16-214) and 0.475 (95% CI: 0.324-0.685), respectively. The odds ratio was 62.9, and the positive and negative predicted value was 94.1% (95% CI: 71.3-99.9%) and 79.1% (95% CI: 68.3-88.4%), respectively.ConclusionThe RI association higher than 0.7- Cr Cl 0-30 showed to be useful to detect the possibility of acute renal rejection, with its good specificity (98.2%), although with a low sensitivity (53%)

    Ecosystem modeling to evaluate the ecological sustainability of small-scale fisheries: A case study from El Hierro, Canary Islands

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    This paper examines various fishery management scenarios based on the recovery of small-scale fisheries (SSF) following a submarine volcanic eruption in 2011 in El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). After this catastrophic event, the SSF composition of La Restinga fishing community was affected by socio-economic and demographic changes. The uncertainty derived from this situation provides an opportunity to evaluate the fisheries’ sustainability and advice on different management options under an ecosystem-based approach. The Ecopath with Ecosim modeling framework was used to build a model of El Hierro Island, where the versatile and traditional multispecies small-scale fleet of La Restinga operates. Our main goal is to improve traditional fisheries, based on the relevance of key local fisheries and multi-specific fishery strategies in the light of scientific knowledge. Temporal simulations for the next decade were analyzed by creating scenarios of alternative fishing effort distributions based on the fishing trends observed in El Hierro small-scale community of La Restinga after a natural hazard. The outcomes of this modeling prototype show the vulnerability of some littoral and demersal species, the resilience of migratory species, and the sustainability of SSF diversification practices. These results could develop an adaptive and co-management strategy with the local fishing community to preserve the small-scale fishing system and marine resources.En prens