1,102 research outputs found

    Signalling by tips

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    New molecules, including protein kinases, lipids and molecules that have neurotransmitter activities in animals have emerged as important players in tip-growing cells. Transcriptomics analysis reveals that the largest single class of genes expressed in pollen tubes encode signal transducers, reflecting the necessity to decode complex and diverse pathways that are associated with tip growth. Many of these pathways may use common intracellular second messengers, with ions and reactive oxygen species emerging as two major common denominators in many of the processes involved in tip growth. These second messengers might influence the actin cytoskeleton through known interactions with actin-binding proteins. In turn, changes in the dynamic properties of the cytoskeleton would define the basic polarity events needed to shape and modify tip-growing cells

    Hydrodynamic behaviour and comparison of technologies for the removal of excess biomass in gas-phase biofilters

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    The hydrodynamic behaviour of a biofilter fed toluene and packed with an inert carrier was evaluated on start-up and after long-term operation, using both methane and styrene as tracers in Residence Time Distribution experiments. Results indicated some deviation from ideal plug flow behaviour after 2-year operation. It was also observed that the retention time of VOCs gradually increased with time and was significantly longer than the average residence time of the bulk gas phase. Non-ideal hydrodynamic behaviour in packed beds may be due to excess biomass accumulation and affects both reactor modeling and performance. Therefore, several methods were studied for the removal of biomass after long-term biofilter operation: filling with water and draining, backwashing, and air sparging. Several flow rates and temperatures (20–60°C) were applied using either water or different chemicals (NaOH, NaOCl, HTAB) in aqueous solution. Usually, higher flow rates and higher temperatures allowed the removal of more biomass, but the efficiency of biomass removal was highly dependant on the pressure drop reached before the treatment. The filling/draining method was the least efficient for biomass removal, although the treatment did basically not generate any biological inhibition. The efficiency of backwashing and air sparging was relatively similar and was more effective when adding chemicals. However, treatments with chemicals resulted in a significant decrease of the biofilter's performance immediately after applying the treatment, needing periods of several days to recover the original performance. The effect of manually mixing the packing material was also evaluated in duplicate experiments. Quite large amounts of biomass were removed but disruption of the filter bed was observed. Batch assays were performed simultaneously in order to support and quantify the observed inhibitory effects of the different chemicals and temperatures used during the treatments

    Ischemic postconditioning reduces reperfusion arrhythmias by adenosine receptors and protein kinase C activation but is independent of KATP channels or connexin 43

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    Funding: This study was supported by Secretaría de Investigación, Internacionales y Posgrado, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (06/J505) and by the Spanish, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERCV), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER, a way to build Europe), and by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (n◦. 201536-10). Antonio Rodríguez-Sinovas has a consolidated Miguel Servet contract. Jose A. Sánchez was supported by the International Research Training Group 1566 on Protecting the Heart from Ischemia (PROMISE).Ischemic postconditioning (IPoC) reduces reperfusion arrhythmias but the antiarrhythmic mechanisms remain unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze IPoC electrophysiological effects and the role played by adenosine A, A and A receptors, protein kinase C, ATP-dependent potassium (K) channels, and connexin 43. IPoC reduced reperfusion arrhythmias (mainly sustained ventricular fibrillation) in isolated rat hearts, an effect associated with a transient delay in epicardial electrical activation, and with action potential shortening. Electrical impedance measurements and Lucifer-Yellow diffusion assays agreed with such activation delay. However, this delay persisted during IPoC in isolated mouse hearts in which connexin 43 was replaced by connexin 32 and in mice with conditional deletion of connexin 43. Adenosine A, A and A receptor blockade antagonized the antiarrhythmic effect of IPoC and the associated action potential shortening, whereas exogenous adenosine reduced reperfusion arrhythmias and shortened action potential duration. Protein kinase C inhibition by chelerythrine abolished the protective effect of IPoC but did not modify the effects on action potential duration. On the other hand, glibenclamide, a K inhibitor, antagonized the action potential shortening but did not interfere with the antiarrhythmic effect. The antiarrhythmic mechanisms of IPoC involve adenosine receptor activation and are associated with action potential shortening. However, this action potential shortening is not essential for protection, as it persisted during protein kinase C inhibition, a maneuver that abolished IPoC protection. Furthermore, glibenclamide induced the opposite effects. In addition, IPoC delays electrical activation and electrical impedance recovery during reperfusion, but these effects are independent of connexin 43

    Sodium reduction by hyposodic salt on quality and chemical composition of hamburgers

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    This work evaluated the effect of NaCl reduction on the quality and sensorial attributes of hamburgers. Three treatments were tested: control (CON), 100% NaCl; reduction of 25% NaCl (T25), and one with 50% NaCl (T50). The pH, color, lipid oxidation, cooking losses, and texture were analyzed during 120 days of freezing storage. Chemical composition and sensory analyses were performed. The chemical composition was similar for all treatments. The pH value remained within acceptable limits throughout storage. The color, lipid oxidation, cooking losses, and texture were not influenced by the sodium replacement and freezing storage. Sensorial acceptability was also not influenced by sodium reduction. Thus, the results indicated that up to 50% replacement of NaCl by KCl could be carried out in hamburger production without altering the quality and sensorial acceptability

    Essential oils in the diet of young bulls: Effect on animal temperament.

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    Plant extracts and essential oils can be alternative products to antibiotics, because several plants produce secondary metabolites with antimicrobial properties. Additionally, they may act on the olfactory system, which sends signals to the central nervous system releasing endorphins that may affect the feeling of an animal''s welfare while altering an animal''s temperament. This study was conducted to evaluate the animal temperament of 40 young crossbred bulls (one-half Brown Swiss and one-half Nellore) 10 ± 2.2 mo old with an average BW of 219 ± 11.7 kg. Young bulls were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 diets: control, which had no clove or cinnamon; clove leaf included to supply 3, 500 mg/animal per day; clove leaf included to supply 7, 000 mg/animal per day; essential oil of leaf cinnamon to supply 3, 500 mg/animal per day; or essential oil of leaf cinnamon to supply 7, 000 mg/animal per day. The animal temperament was evaluated by calculating the chute score, exit score, and temperament score for periods (each 28 d during 6 periods) and among diets. The data were submitted to an ANOVA using GLM procedures with SAS version 9.0. The diet and period were considered fixed effects, whereas the animals were considered a random effect. Differences between means were evaluated using a Tukey test of 5% of significance. The addition of clove or cinnamon essential oils did not alter (P > 0.05) animal temperament. The analysis of temperament score (P = 0.55), chute score (P = 0.71), and exit score (P = 0.06) did not show significant differences among the diets. The exit score was similar among the 6 periods (1.57, 1.80, 2.98, 2.02, 2.73, and 2.66, respectively); however, chute score and temperament score were greater (P < 0.001) in the first period compared with other periods. The values for chute score were 1.85, 1.40, 1.35, 1.33, 1.20, 1.17, respectively, and the values for temperament score were 2.31, 1.81, 1.67, 1.69, 1.50, and 1.56, respectively, for periods 1 to 6. The results of this study suggest that clove and cinnamon essential oils can be added as an additive in high-grain finished diets without changing the animal temperament

    Excavation at Aguas Buenas, Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile, of a gunpowder magazine and the supposed campsite of Alexander Selkirk, together with an account of early navigational dividers

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    Excavations were undertaken of a ruined building at Aguas Buenas, identified as an 18th-century Spanish gunpowder magazine. Evidence was also found for the campsite of an early European occupant of the island. A case is made that this was Alexander Selkirk, a castaway here from 1704 to 1709. Selkirk was the model for Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. A detailed discussion is given of a fragment of copper alloy identifi ed as being from a pair of navigational dividers

    Evaluation of spacial resolution of a PET scanner through the simulation and experimental measurement of the Recovery coefficient

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    Purpose: In order to measure spatial resolution of a PET tomograph in clinical conditions, this study describes and validates a method based on the recovery coefficient, a factor required to compensate underestimation in measured radioactivity concentration for small structures. Methods: In a PET image, the recovery factors of radioactive spheres were measured and their comparison with simulated recovery coefficients yielded the tomographic spatial resolution. Following this methodology, resolution was determined in different surrounding media and several conditions for reconstruction, including clinical conditions for brain PET studies. All spatial resolution values were compared with those obtained using classical methods with point and line sources. Results: In each considered condition, spatial resolution of the PET image estimated using the recovery coefficient showed good agreement with classical methods measurements, validating the procedure. Conclusion: Measurement of the recovery coefficient provides an assessment of tomographic spatial resolution, particularly in clinical studies conditions