475 research outputs found

    The Tully-Fisher relation for low surface brightness galaxies - implications for galaxy evolution

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    We present the B band Tully-Fisher relation for Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. These LSB galaxies follow the same Tully-Fisher relation as normal spiral galaxies. This implies that the mass-to-light ratio (M/L) of LSB galaxies is typically a factor of 2 larger than that of normal galaxies of the same total luminosity and morphological type. Since the dynamical mass of a galaxy is related to the rotation velocity and scale length via M \propto V^2 h, at fixed linewidth LSB galaxies must be twice as large as normal galaxies. This is confirmed by examining the relation between scale length and linewidth for LSB and normal galaxies. The universal nature of the Tully-Fisher relation can be understood if LSB galaxies are galaxies with low mass surface density, \sigma. The mass surface density apparently controls the luminosity evolution of a galaxy such as to keep the product \sigma M/L constant.Comment: 9 pages, PostScript. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Comparing Galaxies and Lyman Alpha Absorbers at Low Redshift

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    A scenario is explored in which Lyman alpha absorbers at low redshift arise from lines of sight through extended galaxy disks, including those of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies. A population of galaxies is simulated based upon observed distributions of galaxy properties, and the gas disks are modeled using pressure and gravity confinement. Some parameter values are ruled out by comparing simulation results with the observed galaxy luminosity function, and constraints may be made on the absorbing cross sections of galaxies. Simulation results indicate that it is difficult to match absorbers with particular galaxies observationally since absorption typically occurs at high impact parameters (>200 kpc) from luminous galaxies. Low impact parameter absorption is dominated by low luminosity dwarfs. A large fraction of absorption lines is found to originate from low surface brightness galaxies, so that the absorbing galaxy is likely to be misidentified. Low redshift Lyman alpha absorber counts can easily be explained by moderately extended galaxy disks when low surface brightness galaxies are included, and it is easily possible to find a scenario which is consistent with observed the galaxy luminosity function, with low redshift Lyman limit absorber counts, and with standard nucleosynthesis predictions of the baryon density, Omega_Baryon.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The Ursa Major association of galaxies - VI: a relative dearth of gas-rich dwarf galaxies

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    We determined the HI mass function of galaxies in the Ursa Major association of galaxies using a blind VLA-D array survey, consisting of 54 pointings in a cross pattern, covering the centre as well as the outskirts of the Ursa Major volume. The calculated HI mass function has best-fitting Schechter parameters {\theta}^* = 0.19+/-0.11 Mpc^{-3}, log(M^*_{HI}/M_{\odot}) = 9.8+/-0.8 and {\alpha} = -0.92+/-0.16. The high-mass end is determined by a complementary, targeted WSRT survey, the low-mass end is determined by the blind VLA survey. The slope is significantly shallower than the slopes of the HIPASS ({\alpha} = -1.37+/-0.03+/-0.05) and ALFALFA ({\alpha} = -1.33+/-0.02) HI mass functions, which are measured over much larger volumes and cover a wider range of cosmic environments: There is a relative lack of low HI mass galaxies in the Ursa Major region. This difference in the slope strongly hints at an environmental dependence of the HI mass function slope.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Giant star-forming clumps?

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    With the spatial resolution of the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), dusty galaxies in the distant Universe typically appear as single, compact blobs of dust emission, with a median half-light radius, \approx 1 kpc. Occasionally, strong gravitational lensing by foreground galaxies or galaxy clusters has probed spatial scales 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller, often revealing late-stage mergers, sometimes with tantalising hints of sub-structure. One lensed galaxy in particular, the Cosmic Eyelash at z=z= 2.3, has been cited extensively as an example of where the interstellar medium exhibits obvious, pronounced clumps, on a spatial scale of \approx 100 pc. Seven orders of magnitude more luminous than giant molecular clouds in the local Universe, these features are presented as circumstantial evidence that the blue clumps observed in many zz\sim 2-3 galaxies are important sites of ongoing star formation, with significant masses of gas and stars. Here, we present data from ALMA which reveal that the dust continuum of the Cosmic Eyelash is in fact smooth and can be reproduced using two S\'ersic profiles with effective radii, 1.2 and 4.4 kpc, with no evidence of significant star-forming clumps down to a spatial scale of \approx 80 pc and a star-formation rate of << 3 M_\odot yr1^{-1}.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figures; in press as a Letter to MNRA

    Normal Globular Cluster Systems in Massive Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We present the results of a study of the globular cluster systems of 6 massive spiral galaxies, originally cataloged as low surface brightness galaxies but here shown to span a wide range of central surface brightness values, including two intermediate to low surface brightness galaxies. We used the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board HST to obtain photometry in the F475W and F775W bands and select sources with photometric and morphological properties consistent with those of globular clusters. A total of 206 candidates were identified in our target galaxies. From a direct comparison with the Galactic globular cluster system we derive specific frequency values for each galaxy that are in the expected range for late-type galaxies. We show that the globular cluster candidates in all galaxies have properties consistent with globular cluster systems of previously studied galaxies in terms of luminosity, sizes and color. We establish the presence of globular clusters in the two intermediate to low surface brightness galaxies in our sample and show that their properties do not have any significant deviation from the behavior observed in the other sample galaxies. Our results are broadly consistent with a scenario in which low surface brightness galaxies follow roughly the same evolutionary history as normal (i.e. high surface) brightness galaxies except at a much lower rate, but require the presence of an initial period of star formation intense enough to allow the formation of massive star clusters.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. AJ accepte

    The stellar disk thickness of LSB galaxies

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    We present surface photometry results for a sample of eleven edge-on galaxies observed with the 6m telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia). The photometric scale length, scale height, and central surface brightness of the stellar disks of our sample galaxies are estimated. We show that four galaxies in our sample, which are visually referred as objects of the lowest surface brightness class in the Revised Flat Galaxies Catalog, have bona fide low surface brightness (LSB) disks. We find from the comparison of photometric scales that the stellar disks of LSB galaxies are thinner than those of high surface brightness (HSB) ones. There is a clear correlation between the central surface brightness of the stellar disk and its vertical to radial scale ratio. The masses of spherical subsystems (dark halo + bulge) and the dark halo masses are obtained for the sample galaxies based on the thickness of their stellar disks. The LSB galaxies tend to harbor more massive spherical subsystems than the HSB objects, whereas no systematic difference in the dark halo masses between LSB and HSB galaxies is found. At the same time, the inferred mass-to-luminosity ratio for the LSB disks appears to be systematically higher than for HSB disks.Comment: 33 pages with 17 Postscript figures, uses aastex.cls, accepted by Ap

    Reconciling the local galaxy population with damped Ly-alpha cross sections and metal abundances

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    A comprehensive analysis of 355 high-quality WSRT HI 21-cm line maps of nearby galaxies shows that the properties and incident rate of Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorption systems observed in the spectra of high redshift QSOs are in good agreement with DLAs originating in gas disks of galaxies like those in the z~0 population. Comparison of low-z DLA statistics with the HI incidence rate and column density distribution f(N) for the local galaxy sample shows no evidence for evolution in the integral "cross section density" below z~1.5, implying that there is no need for a hidden population of galaxies or HI clouds to contribute significantly to the DLA cross section. Compared with z~4, our data indicates evolution of a factor of two in the comoving density along a line of sight. We find that dN/dz(z=0)=0.045 +/- 0.006. The idea that the local galaxy population can explain the DLAs is further strengthened by comparing the properties of DLAs and DLA galaxies with the expectations based on our analysis of local galaxies. The distribution of luminosities of DLA host galaxies, and of impact parameters between QSOs and the centres of DLA galaxies, are in good agreement with what is expected from local galaxies. Approximately 87% of low z DLA galaxies are expected to be fainter than L* and 37 per cent have impact parameters less than 1'' at z=0.5. The analysis shows that some host galaxies with very low impact parameters and low luminosities are expected to be missed in optical follow up surveys. The well-known metallicity-luminosity relation in galaxies, in combination with metallicity gradients in galaxy disks, cause the expected median metallicity of low redshift DLAs to be low (~1/7 solar), which is also in good agreement with observations of low z DLAs. (Abridged)Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Fixed typo

    Testing the Hypothesis of Modified Dynamics with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Other Evidence

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    The rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies provide a unique data set with which to test alternative theories of gravitation over a large dynamic range in size, mass, surface density, and acceleration. Many clearly fail, including any in which the mass discrepancy appears at a particular length-scale. One hypothesis, MOND [Milgrom 1983, ApJ, 270, 371], is consistent with the data. Indeed, it accurately predicts the observed behavior. We find no evidence on any scale which clearly contradicts MOND, and a good deal which supports it.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 35 pages AAStex + 9 figures. This result surprised the bejeepers out of us, to

    Exploring Neutral Hydrogen and Galaxy Evolution with the SKA

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    One of the key science drivers for the development of the SKA is to observe the neutral hydrogen, HI, in galaxies as a means to probe galaxy evolution across a range of environments over cosmic time. Over the past decade, much progress has been made in theoretical simulations and observations of HI in galaxies. However, recent HI surveys on both single dish radio telescopes and interferometers, while providing detailed information on global HI properties, the dark matter distribution in galaxies, as well as insight into the relationship between star formation and the interstellar medium, have been limited to the local universe. Ongoing and upcoming HI surveys on SKA pathfinder instruments will extend these measurements beyond the local universe to intermediate redshifts with long observing programmes. We present here an overview of the HI science which will be possible with the increased capabilities of the SKA and which will build upon the expected increase in knowledge of HI in and around galaxies obtained with the SKA pathfinder surveys. With the SKA1 the greatest improvement over our current measurements is the capability to image galaxies at reasonable linear resolution and good column density sensitivity to much higher redshifts (0.2 < z < 1.7). So one will not only be able to increase the number of detections to study the evolution of the HI mass function, but also have the sensitivity and resolution to study inflows and outflows to and from galaxies and the kinematics of the gas within and around galaxies as a function of environment and cosmic time out to previously unexplored depths. The increased sensitivity of SKA2 will allow us to image Milky Way-size galaxies out to redshifts of z=1 and will provide the data required for a comprehensive picture of the HI content of galaxies back to z~2 when the cosmic star formation rate density was at its peak.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Contribution to the conference 'Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array', June 8-13, 2014, Giardini Naxos, Ital

    Management of cerebral azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus infection : a role for intraventricular liposomal-amphotericin B

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    Objectives: In the pre-azole era, central nervous system (CNS) infections with Aspergillus had a dismal outcome. Survival improved with voriconazole but CNS infections caused by azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus preclude its use. Intravenous liposomal-amphotericin B (L-AmB) is the preferred treatment option for azole-resistant CNS infections but has suboptimal brain concentrations. Methods: We describe three patients with biopsy-proven CNS aspergillosis where intraventricular L-AmB was added to systemic therapy. Two patients with azole-resistant aspergillosis and one patient with azole-susceptible CNS aspergillosis were treated with intraventricular L-AmB at a dose of 1 mg weekly. Results: We describe three patients successfully treated with a combination of intravenous and intraventricular L-AmB. All three patients survived but one patient developed serious headaches, most likely not related to this treatment. Conclusions: Intraventricular L-AmB may have a role in the treatment of therapy-refractory CNS aspergillosis when added to systemic therapy. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy