1,689 research outputs found

    El tratamiento de los hiatos en el leonés medieval

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    La finalitat d'aquest article és presentar un panorama sobre el tractament dels hiats que ofereix l'asturianolleonès de la documentació notarial redactada durant el segle XIII, una vegada ja s'havia generalitzat la substitució del llatí pel romanç. La tendència a la reducció dels hiats és un fenomen habitual en les llengües romàniques, les quals han desenvolupat diversos mecanismes segons el tipus d'hiat i la seva antiguitat. L'asturianolleonès medieval ofereix moltes i diverses solucions, algunes de les quals molt peculiars, però que, no obstant això, no han rebut l'atenció que es mereixen per part de la majoria de lingüistes que han abordat l'estudi del sistema fonètic d’aquesta llengua romànica durant l'Edat Mitjana, la qual cosa ens ha animat a redactar aquest article.</br></br> Mots clau: Hiat, llatí vulgar, asturianolleonès, fonètica històrica, documentació notarial.The aim of this paper is to present offer an overview of the treatment of hiatuses in Asturian-Leonese according to the ancient Romance documents coming from the 13th century, after the general substitution of Latin for Romance. The trend to reduce hiatuses is a common phenomenon in Romance languages performed through different mechanisms depending on the type of hiatus and its age. Medieval Asturian-Leonese offers a large account of different solutions, some of which are really peculiar, though the have not been analysed by scholars such as they deserve, despite having studied the phonic system of this Romance during the Middle Ages. That is why we decided to digest this article.</br></br> Keywords: Hiatus, Vulgar Latin, Asturian-Leonese, historical phonetics, notarized doc- umentation.El propósito de este artículo es presentar un panorama sobre el tratamiento de los hiatos que ofrece el asturiano-leonés en la documentación romance redactada a lo largo del siglo XIII, una vez generalizada la sustitución del latín por el romance. La tendencia a la reducción de los hiatos es un fenómeno habitual en las lenguas romances, que han desarrollado para ello diversos mecanismos, en función del tipo de hiato y de su antigüedad. El asturiano-leonés medieval ofrece muy diversas soluciones, algunas muy peculiares, y que, sin embargo, no han tenido la dedicación que se merecían por buena parte de aquellos lingüistas que han abordado el estudio del sistema fonético de este romance durante la Edad Media, lo que nos ha animado a la redacción de este artículo.</br></br> Palabras clave: Hiato, latín vulgar, asturiano-leonés, fonética histórica, documentación notarial

    Organic Molecules in the Galactic Center. Hot Core Chemistry without Hot Cores

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    We study the origin of large abundances of complex organic molecules in the Galactic center (GC). We carried out a systematic study of the complex organic molecules CH3OH, C2H5OH, (CH3)2O, HCOOCH3, HCOOH, CH3COOH, H2CO, and CS toward 40 GC molecular clouds. Using the LTE approximation, we derived the physical properties of GC molecular clouds and the abundances of the complex molecules.The CH3OH abundance between clouds varies by nearly two orders of magnitude from 2.4x10^{-8} to 1.1x10^{-6}. The abundance of the other complex organic molecules relative to that of CH3OH is basically independent of the CH3OH abundance, with variations of only a factor 4-8. The abundances of complex organic molecules in the GC are compared with those measured in hot cores and hot corinos, in which these complex molecules are also abundant. We find that both the abundance and the abundance ratios of the complex molecules relative to CH3OH in hot cores are similar to those found in the GC clouds. However, hot corinos show different abundance ratios than observed in hot cores and in GC clouds. The rather constant abundance of all the complex molecules relative to CH3OH suggests that all complex molecules are ejected from grain mantles by shocks. Frequent (similar 10^{5}years) shocks with velocities >6km/s are required to explain the high abundances in gas phase of complex organic molecules in the GC molecular clouds. The rather uniform abundance ratios in the GC clouds and in Galactic hot cores indicate a similar average composition of grain mantles in both kinds of regions. The Sickle and the Thermal Radio Arches, affected by UV radiation, show different relative abundances in the complex organic molecules due to the differentially photodissociation of these molecules.Comment: 18 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses aa.cls, aa.bst, 10pt.rtx, natbib.sty, revsymb.sty revtex4.cls, aps.rtx and aalongtabl.sty. Accepted in A&A 2006. version 2. relocated figures and tables. Language editor suggestions. added reference

    El tratamiento Gráfico de los nombres propios en la documentación medieval

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    Localization issues in the design of a humanoid goalkeeper for the RoboCup SPL

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    This article exposes the localization issues faced during the implementation of a humanoid goalkeeper to take part in the RoboCup SPL standardized soccer robot competition. For this task, we have used BICA, a state-driven, component-based architecture created by our counterparts in the URJC, to allow a much easier behavior design process. The use of BICA let us choose different self-localization methods in configuration time, and the possibility of using none in running time if some type of error appear

    Advanced architectural descriptors in foams: novel 3D computational methods

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    This work presents 3D computational strategies aimed at providing foam de-structuration of the basic components of a cellular material (struts and cell walls) offering the possibility of analysing separately the structural elements that play an important role in the physical properties of thee materials. Two different methodologies have been used depending on the topological similarities existing between the struts and cell walls: 3D erosion-dilation procedure (thick struts) and solid classification algorithm (thin struts). In a second step, analysis of cell walls is performed in order to show the advantages of analysing separately the two foams components. Particularly, cell wall thickness distribution reveals differences that could not be found prior to the de-structuration

    Kinetic study of pilot-scale supercritical CO2 extraction of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves

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    NOTICE: This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 55 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.supflu.2010.09.030Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) extracts were obtained in a supercritical pilot-scale plant. Based on experimental information available in the literature for analytical or low-scale processes, extraction temperature and pressure were selected to be 313 K and 30 MPa. At these extraction conditions, the kinetic behavior of the pilot-scale overall extraction curve were determined with respect to yield, antioxidant activity and carnosic acid content. The overall extraction curve was represented using Sovova’s model; the average deviation between measured and calculated yields was lower than 2%. Mass transfer coefficients in the fluid and solid phases were determined and were compared with previous data reported in the literature for low-scale rosemary supercritical extraction. A two-stage depressurization procedure was accomplished and the effect of both on-line fractionation and extraction time on the antioxidant activity of the samples collected was studied. The antioxidant activity of the different fractions could be straight correlated with the carnosic acid content with a regression coefficient of 0.92This work has been financed by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (ALIBIRD-S2009/AGR-1469) and project FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

    Physical activity in centenarians beyond cut-point-based accelerometer metrics

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    This study described and compared physical activity (PA) characteristics at the end of the human lifespan using conventional cut-point-based versus cut-point-free accelerometer metrics. Eighteen institutionalized centenarians (101.5 ± 2.1 years, 72.2% female, 89% frail) wore the wrist GENEActiv accelerometer for 7 days. Conventional metrics, such as time spent in light-intensity PA (LiPA) and moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) were calculated according to published cut-points for adults and older adults. The following cut-point-free metrics were evaluated: average acceleration, intensity gradient and Mx metrics. Depending on the cut-point, centenarians accumulated a median of 15–132 min/day of LiPA and 3–15 min/day of MVPA. The average acceleration was 9.2 mg [Q1: 6.7 mg–Q3: 12.6 mg] and the intensity gradient was −3.19 [−3.34–−3.12]. The distribution of Z-values revealed positive skew for MVPA, indicating a potential floor effect, whereas the skew magnitude was attenuated for cut-point-free metrics such as intensity gradient or M5. However, both cut-point-based and cut-point-free metrics were similarly positively associated with functional independence, cognitive and physical capacities. This is the first time that PA has been described in centenarians using cut-point-free metrics. Our results suggest that new analytical approaches could overcome cut-point limitations when studying the oldest-old. Future studies using these new cut-point-free PA metrics are warranted to provide more complete and comparable information across groups and populations

    Struggles and pacification in the history of american kinesiology

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    En este artículo estudiamos la disputa epistemológica y pedagógica sobre la kinesiología/educación física que ha tenido lugar en las universidades de Estados Unidos desde 1990 hasta la actualidad. Hemos recogido el pensamiento de una muestra amplia de autores involucrados, con el propósito de obtener una visión de conjunto de un proceso que, de acuerdo con Morrow (2006), trata de esclarecer ¿de dónde venimos?, ¿qué somos?, ¿a dónde vamos? Tras el cotejo y análisis de la documentación más relevante concluimos que el periodo 1990-2013, caracterizado por una enconada pugna de paradigmas –en la que han estado implicados humanistas, positivistas, crosdisciplinaristas y subdisciplinaristas–, ha dado como resultado el dominio del paradigma integrador de Kretchmar (2007, 2008)In this article we review the epistemological and pedagogical debate on Kinesiology and Physical Education that has been going on in the universities of the US from 1990 to the present. We have compiled the opinions of a wide sample of authors, with the intention of getting the most complete picture of a process that, according to Morrow (2006), seeks to answer the questions "where we come from, who we are, and where we are going". After comparing and analysing the most relevant documents, we conclude that the period 1990-2013, characterized by a bitter struggle between paradigms fought by humanists, positivists, cross-disciplinarists, and sub-disciplinarists, has revealed the eventual predominance of the integrative paradigm of Kretchmar (2007, 2008

    Culture of paso de la amada, creator of ‘mesoamerican ballgame’

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    Se realiza una revisión sobre el origen del juego de pelota mesoamericano en el preclásico temprano (ca.1.700-1.000 a.C.). Por la antigüedad propuesta para sus vestigios sobre el juego de pelota, son candidatos a ser los ‘creadores del juego’ las culturas de Paso de la Amada, los pre-olmecas de San Lorenzo y El Opeño. Los vestigios referidos son fundamentalmente, la cancha de Paso de la Amada, las pelotas de hule de Manatí y las figurillas de El Opeño. Se concluye que la gran cancha de Paso de la Amada, la mayor construcción de Mesoamérica de su tiempo, aparece como el vestigio más antiguo del juego, y se le relaciona con la aparición de la primera sociedad no igualitaria en Mesoamérica. Se sugiere que los pobladores de Paso de la Amada, hacia 1650 a.C., fueron los creadores del juego y no los olmecas como generalmente se ha defendidoWe study here the origin of the Mesoamerican ballgame during the early formative period (ca. 1700 B.C.). We select as candidates for the creators of the Mesoamerican ballgame the cultures of Paso de la Amada, pre-Olmec at San Lorenzo, and El Opeño, as they have the oldest vestiges of the ballgame. These vestiges are, to be exact, a ball court at Paso de la Amada, some rubber balls at Manati, and ceramic figurines at El Opeño. We conclude that the great ball court at Paso de la Amada, the biggest building of Mesoamerica at that time, appears as the oldest vestige of the game and it is in relation with the emergence of ranked societies in Mesoamerica. We suggest that the people of Paso de la Amada, around 1650 BC, were the creators of the game, and not the Olmecs, as generally defende

    A new geometrical method for 3D evaluation of non-rigid registration methods for radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy aims at delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour, while sparing the surrounding normal tissue to a maximum extent. Image registration is an essential tool for monitoring radiation therapies, since allows morphological comparisons in presence of anatomic variations. The evaluation of non-rigid registration methods is very complicated owe to the absence of a known pointwise correspondence. The use of analysis of variations in target volume delineations has been proposed in the past for the evaluation of non-rigid registration methods. Delineation of the target volume is usually accomplished by outlining the contour of the volume in each separate tomographic slice. In the studies of reference, the 3D surface is rendered from the contours by means of a Delauney triangulation. This geometrical method only works correctly for convex structures. However the volumes involved on pelvic anatomy, such as bladder or prostate including the seminal vesicles, have relevant concavities that introduce a huge error in the evaluation. A new geometrical method for the evaluation of convex-concave target volumes delineation is proposed