459 research outputs found

    Probing magnetic fields with multi-frequency polarized synchrotron emission

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    We investigate the problem of probing the local spatial structure of the magnetic field of the interstellar medium using multi-frequency polarized maps of the synchrotron emission at radio wavelengths. We focus in this paper on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the largest scales of the magnetic field, relying on the internal depolarization (due to differential Faraday rotation) of the emitting medium as a function of electromagnetic frequency. We argue that multi-band spectroscopy in the radio wavelengths, developed in the context of high-redshift extragalactic HI lines, can be a very useful probe of the 3D magnetic field structure of our Galaxy when combined with a Maximum A Posteriori reconstruction technique. When starting from a fair approximation of the magnetic field, we are able to recover the true one by using a linearized version of the corresponding inverse problem. The spectral analysis of this problem allows us to specify the best sampling strategy in electromagnetic frequency and predicts a spatially anisotropic distribution of posterior errors. The reconstruction method is illustrated for reference fields extracted from realistic magneto-hydrodynamical simulations

    Modeling the dynamics of biomarkers during primary HIV infection taking into account the uncertainty of infection date

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    During primary HIV infection, the kinetics of plasma virus concentrations and CD4+ cell counts is very complex. Parametric and nonparametric models have been suggested for fitting repeated measurements of these markers. Alternatively, mechanistic approaches based on ordinary differential equations have also been proposed. These latter models are constructed according to biological knowledge and take into account the complex nonlinear interactions between viruses and cells. However, estimating the parameters of these models is difficult. A main difficulty in the context of primary HIV infection is that the date of infection is generally unknown. For some patients, the date of last negative HIV test is available in addition to the date of first positive HIV test (seroconverters). In this paper we propose a likelihood-based method for estimating the parameters of dynamical models using a population approach and taking into account the uncertainty of the infection date. We applied this method to a sample of 761 HIV-infected patients from the Concerted Action on SeroConversion to AIDS and Death in Europe (CASCADE).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS364 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The Pulsation of Chi Cygni Imaged by Optical Interferometry; a Novel Technique to Derive Distance and Mass of Mira Stars

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    We present infrared interferometric imaging of the S-type Mira star Chi Cygni. The object was observed at four different epochs in 2005-2006 with the IOTA optical interferometer (H band). Images show up to 40% variation in the stellar diameter, as well as significant changes in the limb darkening and stellar inhomogeneities. Model fitting gave precise time-dependent values of the stellar diameter, and reveals presence and displacement of a warm molecular layer. The star radius, corrected for limb darkening, has a mean value of 12.1 mas and shows a 5.1mas amplitude pulsation. Minimum diameter was observed at phase 0.94+/-0.01. Maximum temperature was observed several days later at phase 1.02+/-0.02. We also show that combining the angular acceleration of the molecular layer with CO (Delta v = 3) radial velocity measurements yields a 5.9+/-1.5 mas parallax. The constant acceleration of the CO molecules -- during 80% of the pulsation cycle -- lead us to argument for a free-falling layer. The acceleration is compatible with a gravitational field produced by a 2.1(+1.5/-0.7) solar mass star. This last value is in agreement with fundamental mode pulsator models. We foresee increased development of techniques consisting in combining radial velocity with interferometric angular measurements, ultimately allowing total mapping of the speed, density, and position of the diverse species in pulsation driven atmospheres.Comment: 36 pages, accepted in Ap

    Milli-arcsecond images of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296

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    The very close environments of young stars are the hosts of fundamental physical processes, such as planet formation, star-disk interactions, mass accretion, and ejection. The complex morphological structure of these environments has been confirmed by the now quite rich data sets obtained for a few objects by near-infrared long-baseline interferometry. We gathered numerous interferometric measurements for the young star HD163296 with various interferometers (VLTI, IOTA, KeckI and CHARA), allowing for the first time an image independent of any a priori model to be reconstructed. Using the Multi-aperture image Reconstruction Algorithm (MiRA), we reconstruct images of HD 163296 in the H and K bands. We compare these images with reconstructed images obtained from simulated data using a physical model of the environment of HD 163296. We obtain model-independent HH and KK-band images of the surroundings of HD 163296. The images present several significant features that we can relate to an inclined asymmetric flared disk around HD 163296 with the strongest intensity at about 4-5 mas. Because of the incomplete spatial frequency coverage, we cannot state whether each of them individually is peculiar in any way. For the first time, milli-arcsecond images of the environment of a young star are produced. These images confirm that the morphology of the close environment of young stars is more complex than the simple models used in the literature so far.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted A&A pape

    User-friendly imaging algorithms for interferometry

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    OPTICON currently supports a Joint Research Activity (JRA) dedicated to providing easy to use image reconstruction algorithms for optical/IR interferometric data. This JRA aims to provide state-of-the-art image reconstruction methods with a common interface and comprehensive documentation to the community. These tools will provide the capability to compare the results of using different settings and algorithms in a consistent and unified way. The JRA is also providing tutorials and sample datasets to introduce the principles of image reconstruction and illustrate how to use the software products. We describe the design of the imaging tools, in particular the interface between the graphical user interface and the image reconstruction algorithms, and summarise the current status of their implementation.European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013–2016) (Grant ID: 312430 (OPTICON))This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SPIE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.223338

    VITRUV - Science Cases

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    VITRUV is a second generation spectro-imager for the PRIMA enabled Very Large Telescope Interferometer. By combining simultaneously up to 8 telescopes VITRUV makes the VLTI up to 6 times more efficient. This operational gain allows two novel scientific methodologies: 1) massive surveys of sizes; 2) routine interferometric imaging. The science cases presented concentrate on the qualitatively new routine interferometric imaging methodology. The science cases are not exhaustive but complementary to the PRIMA reference mission. The focus is on: a) the close environment of young stars probing for the initial conditions of planet formation and disk evolution; b) the surfaces of stars tackling dynamos, activity, pulsation, mass-loss and evolution; c) revealing the origin of the extraordinary morphologies of Planetary Nebulae and related stars; d) studying the accretion-ejection structures of stellar black-holes (microquasars) in our galaxy; e) unveiling the different interacting components (torus, jets, BLRs) of Active Galactic Nuclei; and f) probing the environment of nearby supermassive black-holes and relativistic effects in the Galactic Center black-hole.Comment: 15 pages. The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation VLTI Instrumentation, Allemagne (2005) in pres

    Polychromatic Laser Guide Star. Progress report and modeless laser

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    International audienceWe report the current status of the polychromatic laser guide star pro-gramme ELP-OA, and the new developments: the modeless laser allowinga continuous match of the laser FWHM with that of the Na D2 line in themesosphere, and ATTILA the ¯rst bench of the ELP-OA demonstrator

    On the Onset of Stochasticity in Λ\LambdaCDM Cosmological Simulations

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    The onset of stochasticity is measured in Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological simulations using a set of classical observables. It is quantified as the local derivative of the logarithm of the dispersion of a given observable (within a set of different simulations differing weakly through their initial realization), with respect to the cosmic growth factor. In an Eulerian framework, it is shown here that chaos appears at small scales, where dynamic is non-linear, while it vanishes at larger scales, allowing the computation of a critical transition scale corresponding to ~ 3.5 Mpc/h. This picture is confirmed by Lagrangian measurements which show that the distribution of substructures within clusters is partially sensitive to initial conditions, with a critical mass upper bound scaling roughly like the perturbation's amplitude to the power 0.15. The corresponding characteristic mass, Mcrit=21013MM_{\rm crit}=2 10^{13} M_{\odot}, is roughly of the order of the critical mass of non linearities at z=1 and accounts for the decoupling induced by the dark energy triggered acceleration. The sensitivity to detailed initial conditions spills to some of the overall physical properties of the host halo (spin and velocity dispersion tensor orientation) while other "global" properties are quite robust and show no chaos (mass, spin parameter, connexity and center of mass position). This apparent discrepancy may reflect the fact that quantities which are integrals over particles rapidly average out details of difference in orbits, while the other observables are more sensitive to the detailed environment of forming halos and reflect the non-linear scale coupling characterizing the environments of halos.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication, MNRA

    Why Chromatic Imaging Matters

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    During the last two decades, the first generation of beam combiners at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer has proved the importance of optical interferometry for high-angular resolution astrophysical studies in the near- and mid-infrared. With the advent of 4-beam combiners at the VLTI, the u-v coverage per pointing increases significantly, providing an opportunity to use reconstructed images as powerful scientific tools. Therefore, interferometric imaging is already a key feature of the new generation of VLTI instruments, as well as for other interferometric facilities like CHARA and JWST. It is thus imperative to account for the current image reconstruction capabilities and their expected evolutions in the coming years. Here, we present a general overview of the current situation of optical interferometric image reconstruction with a focus on new wavelength-dependent information, highlighting its main advantages and limitations. As an Appendix we include several cookbooks describing the usage and installation of several state-of-the art image reconstruction packages. To illustrate the current capabilities of the software available to the community, we recovered chromatic images, from simulated MATISSE data, using the MCMC software SQUEEZE. With these images, we aim at showing the importance of selecting good regularization functions and their impact on the reconstruction.Comment: Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy as part of the topical collection: Future of Optical-infrared Interferometry in Europ