601 research outputs found

    Fit-To-Fight: Waist vs. Waist/Height Measurements to Determine an Individual\u27s Fitness Level a Study in Statistical Regression and Analysis

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    Air Force members are to be tested for fitness by measuring their abdominal circumference, counting the number of sit-ups and push-ups they can accomplish, and the time it takes them to run 1 and miles. The abdominal measurement is a one-size-fits-all fitness standard. This research determines that a person\u27s waist-to-height ratio is a better measurement than the waist measurement to estimate an individual\u27s fitness level. This research estimates that all of the variables used to proxy fitness (Gender, Age, Height, Waist Circumference, Waist-to-Height Ratio, Push-Ups, and Sit-Ups) are statistically significant and do represent good estimators of physical fitness. This research also determines that there is a need for separate gender scoring charts for the 1 and mile run, but that these charts do not need to take age into consideration. This research builds on the current Air Force fitness program by offering a new waist-to-height ratio scoring system. Both males and females can now be scored on one waist-to-height ratio chart. Finally, this research estimates how well the separate age and gender charts adjust raw fitness scores into points. The results suggest that the charts do adequately adjust a member\u27s raw fitness score into fitness points

    Spherically Symmetric Quantum Horizons

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    Isolated horizon conditions specialized to spherical symmetry can be imposed directly at the quantum level. This answers several questions concerning horizon degrees of freedom, which are seen to be related to orientation, and its fluctuations at the kinematical as well as dynamical level. In particular, in the absence of scalar or fermionic matter the horizon area is an approximate quantum observable. Including different kinds of matter fields allows to probe several aspects of the Hamiltonian constraint of quantum geometry that are important in inhomogeneous situations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX

    Модель гибридного ракетного двигателя. Вычисления, проект и испытания

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    На даний час і у майбутньому ракетні двигуни будуть найголовнішими засобами виводу на орбіту космічних транспортних апаратів. В даний час найважливішою вимогою при проектуванні двигуна ракети є зменшення її вартості і максимальне збільшення енерговіддачі. Проектування ракетних двигунів - довготривалий і трудомісткий процес, метою якого є виробництво дешевого і високоякісного двигуна, що має мінімальний вплив на навколишнє середовище. Слідуючи зазначеним вимогам, Варшавський Технологічний Університет спільно з Варшавським авіаційним Інститутом розпочали програму екологічно безпечного розвитку ракетних двигунів. Експериментальний гібридний двигун ракети був розроблений і виготовлений для перевірки нової формули твердого палива. Дана стаття містить дослідження безпечної роботи двигуна з окислювачем Al/AN/HTPB, використовуючи при цьому лабораторний дослідний стенд перевірки ракетного гібридного двигуна. Основна мета цієї роботи – це проектування простого ракетного двигуна з наступною можливістю його подальшого розвитку і поліпшення.Now and in the foreseeable future rocket engine will be the most basic propulsion of space vehicle. Nowadays the most important condition in design of rocket engine is the cost reduction and increasing thrust to weight ratio as much as possible. The design of rocket engines is exhaustive and difficult process. It must produce low cost and high performance engine with minimal influence on the environment. Following these requirements, Warsaw University of Technology jointly with Institute of Aviation in Warsaw, started their own program on ecologically safe propulsion development. The experimental hybrid rocket motor has been designed and manufactured to test a new formula of solid fuel. The paper explores the performance and safety implications associated with the oxidizer enhanced Al/AN/HTPB grain by using of a laboratory scale hybrid rocket motor test stand. The main objective of this work was to design simple rocket engine that could smoothly be developed and possibly improved in the future.На данный момент и в обозримом будущем ракетные двигатели будут самыми основными двигательными установками космических транспортных средств. В настоящее время самым важным условием при проектировании двигателя ракеты является уменьшение ее стоимости и максимальное увеличение соотношения тяги к весу. Проектирование ракетных двигателей – продолжительный и трудоемкий процесс, целью которого является производство дешевого и высококачественного двигателя с минимальным влиянием на окружающую среду. Следуя указанным требованиям, Варшавский Технологический Университет совместно с Варшавским авиационным институтом начали программу экологически безопасного развития ракетных двигательных установок. Экспериментальный гибридный двигатель ракеты был разработан и изготовлен для проверки новой формулы твердого топлива. Данная статья содержит исследования безопасной работы двигателя с окислителем Al/AN/HTPB, используя при этом лабораторный испытательный стенд проверок ракетного гибридного двигателя. Основная цель этой работы состоит в проектировании простого ракетного двигателя с последующей возможностью его дальнейшего развития и улучшения

    Delivery of an anti-HIV-1 ribozyme into HIV-infected cells via cationic liposomes

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    Cationic liposome-mediated intracellular delivery of a fluorescein-labeled chimeric DNA-RNA ribozyme targeted to the HIV-1 5\u27 LTR was investigated, using THP-1, THP-1/HIV-1(IIIB) or HeLa/LAV cells. Different fluorescence patterns were observed when the cells were exposed to Lipofectamine, Lipofectin or DMRIE:DOPE (1:1) complexed to the ribozyme. With Lipofectamine intense cell-associated fluorescence was found. Incubation with Lipofectin resulted in less intense diffuse fluorescence, while with DMRIE an intense but sporadic fluorescence was observed. Differentiated THP-1/HIV-1(IIIB) cells were more susceptible to killing by liposome-ribozyme complexes than THP-1 cells. Under non-cytotoxic conditions (a 4-h treatment) complexes of 5, 10 or 15 μM Lipofectin or DOTAP:DOPE (1:1) and ribozyme, at lipid:ribozyme ratios of 8:1 or 4:1, did not affect p24 production in THP-1/HIV-1(IIIB) cells in spite of the intracellular accumulation of the ribozyme. A 24-h exposure of THP-1/HIV-1(IIIB) cells to 5 μM Lipofectin or DOTAP:DOPE (1:1) complexed with either the functional or a modified control ribozyme reduced virus production by approximately 30%. Thus, the antiviral effect of the liposome-complexed ribozyme was not sequence-specific. In contrast, the free ribozyme at a relatively high concentration inhibited virus production by 30%, while the control ribozyme was ineffective, indicating a sequence-specific effect. Both Lipofectin and DOTAP complexed with ribozyme were toxic at 10 and 15 μM after a 24-h treatment. A 4-h treatment of HeLa/LAV cells with Lipofectin at 5, 10 or 15 μM was not toxic to the cells, but also did not inhibit p24 production. In contrast, treatment of HeLa CD4+ cells immediately after infection with HIV-1(IIIB) at the same lipid concentrations and lipid:ribozyme ratios was cytotoxic. Our results indicate that the delivery of functional ribozyme into cells by cationic liposomes is an inefficient process and needs extensive improvement before it can be used in ex vivo and in vivo applications. Copyright (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V

    Determining Training Needs for Cloud Infrastructure Investigations using I-STRIDE

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    As more businesses and users adopt cloud computing services, security vulnerabilities will be increasingly found and exploited. There are many technological and political challenges where investigation of potentially criminal incidents in the cloud are concerned. Security experts, however, must still be able to acquire and analyze data in a methodical, rigorous and forensically sound manner. This work applies the STRIDE asset-based risk assessment method to cloud computing infrastructure for the purpose of identifying and assessing an organization's ability to respond to and investigate breaches in cloud computing environments. An extension to the STRIDE risk assessment model is proposed to help organizations quickly respond to incidents while ensuring acquisition and integrity of the largest amount of digital evidence possible. Further, the proposed model allows organizations to assess the needs and capacity of their incident responders before an incident occurs.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, 5th International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime; Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, pp. 223-236, 201

    Социально-экономическое развитие Кировского района

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    В статье раскрывается социально-экономическое развитие Кировского района, сравниваются показатели района с показателями по Автономной Республике Крым в целом. Раскрывается туристско-ресурсный потенциал города Старый Крым и делается предположение, как эффективно использовать имеющийся потенциал для развития Кировского района в целом.В статті розкривається соціально-економічний розвиток Кіровського району, порівнюються показники району з показниками по Автономній Республіці Крим в цілому. Розкривається туристсько-ресурсний потенціал міста Старий Крим і робиться припущення, як ефективно використовувати наявний потенціал для розвитку Кіровського району в цілому.In the article is described the social and the economic development of the Kirovsk district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and are compared the parameters of the district with the parametrs in Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the whole. In this article are shown tourist's and spa resorts of the town Stary Krym and is made the proposal how to use the potential of the town for the development of the Kirovsk district in the whole

    Proving termination of programs automatically with AProVE

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    AProVE is a system for automatic termination and complexity proofs of Java, C, Haskell, Prolog, and term rewrite systems (TRSs). To analyze programs in high-level languages, AProVE automatically converts them to TRSs. Then, a wide range of techniques is employed to prove termination and to infer complexity bounds for the resulting TRSs. The generated proofs can be exported to check their correctness using automatic certifiers. For use in software construction, we present an AProVE plug-in for the popular Eclipse software development environment

    Equine asthma: current understanding and future directions

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    The 2019 Havemeyer Workshop brought together researchers and clinicians to discuss the latest information on Equine Asthma and provide future research directions. Current clinical and molecular asthma phenotypes and endotypes in humans were discussed and compared to asthma phenotypes in horses. The role of infectious and non-infectious causes of equine asthma, genetic factors and proposed disease pathophysiology were reviewed. Diagnostic limitations were evident by the limited number of tests and biomarkers available to field practitioners. The participants emphasized the need for more accessible, standardized diagnostics that would help identify specific phenotypes and endotypes in order to create more targeted treatments or management strategies. One important outcome of the workshop was the creation of the Equine Asthma Group that will facilitate communication between veterinary practice and research communities through published and easily accessible guidelines and foster research collaboration

    Antigenic variation in <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>: joining the DOTs

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    African trypanosomes, such as &lt;i&gt;Trypanosoma brucei&lt;/i&gt;, are protistan parasites that cause sleeping sickness. Though first described more than a century ago, trypanosomes remain a blight on the health of the human population and on the economy of sub-Saharan Africa. &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt; replicates in the bloodstream of infected mammals and traverses the blood-brain barrier to enter the central nervous system in the late, frequently fatal, stages of the disease. Because of its extracellular lifestyle, &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt; is continuously exposed to antibody challenge. To circumvent this, the parasite uses antigenic variation of a surface protein named the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). Around 107 VSG molecules are expressed on the parasite's cell surface, creating a dense coat that prevents adaptive immunity from detecting or accessing invariant antigens. However, antibodies against the expressed VSG are generated, and periodic switches to an immunologically distinct VSG coat are necessary for parasite survival. Such switches are pre-emptive of the immune response and contribute to the pattern of trypanosome growth seen in an infected host (Figure 1): parasite numbers increase, but then drop as VSG-specific antibodies are raised by the host. Cells that have switched to another VSG coat survive this killing and seed the outgrowth of a subsequent peak of parasites, which is again decimated by anti-VSG immune killing. As a survival strategy, antigenic variation succeeds by prolonging the time that the parasite