63 research outputs found

    Is leishmaniasis endemic on the island of Minorca (Spain)?. A human visceral case after living 13 years in Minorca

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    Ecoepidemiologica studies performed in Minorca (Balearic Islands) seem to show that leishmaniasis is not endemic in this island, even in the presence of the vector. All cases of leishmaniasis in man or dog diagnosed in the island seem to come from other Spanish regions. A recent case of human visceral leishmaniasis in a man who had not left Minorca for 13 years calls into question this assumption or the time that Leishmania may persist asymptomatic in the host

    Contribució a la flora dels macromicets de l'illa de Mallorca

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    Com a resultat de les prospeccions micològiques realitzades a Mallorca entre els anys 1983 i 1990, donem a conèixer un catàleg de 218 taxons (8 Ascomycetes i 210 Basidiomycetes), dels quals creiem que 74 corresponen a citacions noves per a l'illa. En destaquem, entre d'altres: Cordyceps militaris (L.) Link, Daldinia vernicosa (Schw.) Ces. et de Not., Dichomitus campestris (Quél.) Domanski et Ori., Agaricus lanipes (Moell. et Schaeff.) Sing., Amanita boudieri Barla, Clitocybe lituus (Fr.) Metr., Hygrocybe reai Mre., Inocybe tenebrosa Quél., Leucopaxillus tricolor (Peck) Kühn, i Russula seperina Dupain

    Analysis of synoptic patterns in relationship with severe rainfall events in the Ebre Observatory (Catalonia)

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    The study has obtained a classification of the synoptic patterns associated with a selection of extreme rain episodes registered in the Ebre Observatory between 1905 and 2003, showing a return period of not less than 10 years for any duration from 5 min to 24 h. These episodes had been previously classified in four rainfall intensity groups attending to their meteorological time scale. The synoptic patterns related to every group have been obtained applying a multivariable analysis to three atmospheric levels: sea-level pressure, temperature, and geopotential at 500 hPa. Usually, the synoptic patterns associated with intense rain in southern Catalonia are featured by low-pressure systems advecting warm and wet air from the Mediterranean Sea at the low levels of the troposphere. The configuration in the middle levels of the troposphere is dominated by negative anomalies of geopotential, indicating the presence of a low or a cold front, and temperature anomalies, promoting the destabilization of the atmosphere. These configurations promote the occurrence of severe convective events due to the difference of temperature between the low and medium levels of troposphere and the contribution of humidity in the lowest levels of the atmosphere.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ageing and Caloric Restriction in a Marine Planktonic Copepod

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    10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, supplementary information http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep14962.--This study is a contribution of the Marine Zooplankton Ecology Group (2014SGR-498) at the Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSICPlanktonic copepods are a key group in the marine pelagic ecosystem, linking primary production with upper trophic levels. Their abundance and population dynamics are constrained by the life history tradeoffs associated with resource availability, reproduction and predation pressure. The tradeoffs associated with the ageing process and its underlying biological mechanisms are, however, poorly known. Our study shows that ageing in copepods involves a deterioration of their vital rates and a rise in mortality associated with an increase in oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation); the activity of the cell-repair enzymatic machinery also increases with age. This increase in oxidative damage is associated with an increase in the relative content of the fatty acid 22:6(n-3), an essential component of cell membranes that increases their susceptibility to peroxidation. Moreover, we show that caloric (food) restriction in marine copepods reduces their age-specific mortality rates, and extends the lifespan of females and their reproductive period. Given the overall low production of the oceans, this can be a strategy, at least in certain copepod species, to enhance their chances to reproduce in a nutritionally dilute, temporally and spatially patchy environmentThis research was funded by projects CTM2011-23480 and CGL2014-59227-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (cofinanced with FEDER funds, EU)Peer Reviewe

    Risk of dependence associated with health, social support, and lifestyle

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of individuals at risk of dependence and its associated factors. METHODS: The study was based on data from the Catalan Health Survey, Spain conducted in 2010 and 2011. Logistic regression models from a random sample of 3,842 individuals aged ≥ 15 years were used to classify individuals according to the state of their personal autonomy. Predictive models were proposed to identify indicators that helped distinguish dependent individuals from those at risk of dependence. Variables on health status, social support, and lifestyles were considered. RESULTS: We found that 18.6% of the population presented a risk of dependence, especially after age 65. Compared with this group, individuals who reported dependence (11.0%) had difficulties performing activities of daily living and had to receive support to perform them. Habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and being sedentary were associated with a higher probability of dependence, particularly for women. CONCLUSIONS: Difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living precede the onset of dependence. Preserving personal autonomy and function without receiving support appear to be a preventive factor. Adopting an active and healthy lifestyle helps reduce the risk of dependence

    Guía de actuación en anafilaxia en Latinoamérica. Galaxia-Latam

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    Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction with a rapid onset and it is potentially life-threatening. Its clinical manifestations are varied; they may affect the skin, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, and the digestive system, among others. The treatment of choice, which is an intra-muscular injection of epinephrine (adrenaline), must be applied promptly. Therefore, being prepared to recognize it properly is of crucial importance. The objective of this clinical practice guide is to improve the knowledge of health professionals about anaphylaxis and, consequently, to optimize the treatment and long-term management of this reaction. This guide is adapted to the peculiarities of Latin America; especially in matters regarding the treatment. The need to introduce epinephrine auto-injectors in countries that don't have them yet is highlighted

    Protocolo de cribado, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas en mujeres embarazadas latinoamericanas y en sus hijos

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    Malaltia de Chagas; Dones embarassades llatinoamericanes; Salut maternoinfantilEnfermedad de Chagas; Mujeres embarazadas latinoamericanas; Salud maternoinfantilChagas disease; Latin american pregnant women; Maternal and child healthLa malaltia de Chagas (MCH) continua sent un problema important de salut pública. L’OMS estima que en el món hi ha 8 milions de persones infectades per Trypanosoma cruzi, la majoria a l’Amèrica Llatina. En països no endèmics, com és el cas del nostre entorn, l’MCH s’observa en persones infectades que provenen de països endèmics o en infants nascuts en països no endèmics, però la mare dels quals ha estat infectada (transmissió congènita). A Catalunya, per tal de fer el control i la vigilància de l’MCH, l’any 2010 es va posar en marxa el Programa de prevenció i control de la malaltia de Chagas congènita a Catalunya, coordinat pel Departament de Salut i que inclou el diagnòstic, el control, el seguiment i el tractament de l’MCH congènita dirigits a les dones embarassades i als seus fills. En el marc del Programa, es va elaborar el Protocol de cribratge i diagnòstic de malaltia de Chagas en dones embarassades llatinoamericanes i en els seus fills, que es va editar el 2010. Aquest document va ser fruit de l’esforç conjunt de professionals sanitaris experts en la malaltia, de diferents societats científiques i de professionals del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, amb el suport del Grup de Treball de Països No Endèmics i del Departament de Control de Malalties Tropicals Oblidades de l’OMS. El Protocol que es presenta, a més d’incloure les mateixes línies que la primera edició, disposa d’actualitzacions de diferents aspectes clínics, de diagnòstic i de vigilància epidemiològica basats en l’experiència i l’evidència observades durant aquests vuit anys del Programa de prevenció i control de la malaltia de Chagas congènita a Catalunya. Durant aquests darrers anys, s’ha reforçat la perspectiva de salut pública en el Programa, en el qual han participat un gran nombre de professionals de la xarxa assistencial i agents comunitaris de salut amb l’objectiu de reduir l’efecte de la transmissió vertical de l’MCH a Catalunya. La primera part del document recull les característiques clíniques de l’MCH que, encara que és d’aparició relativament recent en el nostre entorn, gràcies a la informació facilitada tant en l’àmbit sanitari com en l’àmbit comunitari durant els últims anys, ha deixat de ser una malaltia oblidada i desconeguda a Catalunya. En els darrers anys, els avenços i l’experiència en el nostre entorn en el diagnòstic de l’MCH ens han fet arribar a un consens sobre la utilització de mètodes directes moleculars, tal com es descriu en aquest Protocol. Així mateix, la concreció de dades epidemiològiques sobre prevalença d’infecció i incidència de casos de la malaltia ha millorat molt gràcies a la vigilància i notificació de dades recollides en el marc del Programa de prevenció i control de la malaltia de Chagas congènita a Catalunya pels professionals que formen part del Grup de Treball de la Malaltia de Chagas Congènita. En aquest aspecte i per tal de millorar-ne el control s’han incorporat els metges de família i salut comunitària, ja que són uns dels professionals clau que es troben més propers als pacients. Un aspecte fonamental que es desprèn d’aquest document i del funcionament del Programa és la multidisciplinarietat. El repte del sistema de salut i de la vigilància de la salut pública és la coordinació i el treball dels professionals de diferents àmbits sanitaris, com poden ser els ginecòlegs, els microbiòlegs, els llevadors, els pediatres d’atenció primària i hospitalària, els metges de família i salut comunitària, el personal d’infermeria, els infectòlegs, els epidemiòlegs i els agents de salut comunitària que treballen de manera conjunta per a l’assoliment de l’objectiu plantejat. El present Protocol constitueix un document eminentment pràctic, mitjançant el qual els professionals sanitaris disposen dels elements essencials per a la realització del cribratge en la dona embarassada. A partir d’aquest Protocol s’espera també aconseguir la detecció i el tractament precoç dels casos d’MCH en la població pediàtrica, nadons i altres fills a Catalunya, amb l’objectiu últim de millorar la salut maternoinfantil a Catalunya.La enfermedad de Chagas (ECH) sigue siendo un problema importante de salud pública. La OMS estima que en el mundo hay 8 millones de personas infectadas por Trypanosoma cruzi, la mayoría en América Latina. En países no endémicos, como es el caso de nuestro entorno, la ECH se observa en personas infectadas que provienen de países endémicos o en niños nacidos en países no endémicos, pero cuya madre ha sido infectada (transmisión congénita). En Cataluña, para hacer el control y la vigilancia de la ECH, en 2010 se puso en marcha el Programa de prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en Cataluña, coordinado por el Departamento de Salud y que incluye el diagnóstico, el control, el seguimiento y el tratamiento de la ECH congénita dirigidos a las mujeres embarazadas y a sus hijos. En el marco del Programa, se elaboró el Protocolo de cribado y diagnóstico de enfermedad de Chagas en mujeres embarazadas latinoamericanas y en sus hijos, que se editó en 2010. Este documento fue fruto del esfuerzo conjunto de profesionales sanitarios expertos en la enfermedad, de diferentes sociedades científicas y de profesionales del Departamento de Salud de la Generalidad de Cataluña, con el apoyo del Grupo de Trabajo de Países No Endémicos y del Departamento de Control de Enfermedades Tropicales Olvidadas de la OMS. El Protocolo que se presenta, además de incluir las mismas líneas que la primera edición, dispone de actualizaciones de diferentes aspectos clínicos, de diagnóstico y de vigilancia epidemiológica basados en la experiencia y la evidencia observadas durante estos ocho años del Programa de prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en Cataluña. Durante estos últimos años, se ha reforzado la perspectiva de salud pública en el Programa, en el que han participado un gran número de profesionales de la red asistencial y agentes comunitarios de salud con el objetivo de reducir el efecto de la transmisión vertical del ECH en Cataluña. La primera parte del documento recoge las características clínicas de la ECH que, aunque es de aparición relativamente reciente en nuestro entorno, gracias a la información facilitada tanto en el ámbito sanitario como en el ámbito comunitario durante los últimos años, ha dejado de ser una enfermedad olvidada y desconocida en Cataluña. En los últimos años, los avances y la experiencia en nuestro entorno en el diagnóstico de la ECH nos han hecho llegar a un consenso sobre la utilización de métodos directos moleculares, tal como se describe en el presente Protocolo. Asimismo, la concreción de datos epidemiológicos sobre prevalencia de infección e incidencia de casos de la enfermedad ha mejorado mucho gracias a la vigilancia y notificación de datos recogidos en el marco del Programa de prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en Cataluña por los profesionales que forman parte del Grupo de Trabajo de la Enfermedad de Chagas Congénita. En este aspecto y para mejorar su control se han incorporado los médicos de familia y salud comunitaria, ya que son unos de los profesionales clave que se encuentran más cercanos a los pacientes. Un aspecto fundamental que se desprende de este documento y del funcionamiento del Programa es la multidisciplinariedad. El reto del sistema de salud y de la vigilancia de la salud pública es la coordinación y el trabajo de los profesionales de diferentes ámbitos sanitarios, como pueden ser ginecólogos, microbiólogos, comadrones, pediatras de atención primaria y hospitalaria, médicos de familia y salud comunitaria, personal de enfermería, infectólogos, epidemiólogos y agentes de salud comunitaria que trabajan de manera conjunta para el logro del objetivo planteado. El presente Protocolo constituye un documento eminentemente práctico, mediante el cual los profesionales sanitarios disponen de los elementos esenciales para la realización del cribado en la mujer embarazada. A partir de este Protocolo se espera también conseguir la detección y el tratamiento precoz de los casos de ECH en la población pediátrica, bebés y otros hijos en Cataluña, con el objetivo último de mejorar la salud maternoinfantil en Cataluña.Chagas disease (CHD) continues to be a major public health problem. The WHO estimates that there are 8 million people in the world infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the majority in Latin America. In non-endemic countries, as is the case in our environment, CHD is seen in infected people who come from endemic countries or children born in non-endemic countries, but whose mother has been infected (congenital transmission). In Catalonia, in order to control and monitor the CHD, in 2010 the Program for the Prevention and Control of Congenital Chagas' Disease in Catalonia was launched, coordinated by the Department of Health and includes diagnosis, control, follow-up and treatment of congenital CHD directed at pregnant women and their children. Within the framework of the Program, the Protocol for the Screening and Diagnosis of Chagas' Disease in Latin American pregnant women and their children was prepared, which was published in 2010. This document was the result of the joint effort of health professionals who are experts in the disease, of different scientific societies and professionals of the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, with the support of the Working Group of Non-endemic Countries and the Department of Control of Forgotten Tropical Diseases of WHO. The Protocol that is presented, in addition to including the same lines as the first edition, has updates on different clinical, diagnostic and epidemiological surveillance aspects based on the experience and evidence observed during these eight years of the Prevention and Control Program. Congenital Chagas disease in Catalonia. During these last years, the perspective of public health in the Program has been reinforced, in which a large number of professionals of the health care network and community health agents have participated with the aim of reducing the effect of the vertical transmission of CHD in Catalonia. The first part of the document includes the clinical characteristics of the CHD that, although it is relatively recent in our environment, thanks to the information provided both in the health field and in the community in recent years, has ceased to be a disease forgotten and unknown in Catalonia. In recent years, the advances and experience in our environment in the diagnosis of CHD have led us to reach a consensus on the use of direct molecular methods, as described in this Protocol. Likewise, the specification of epidemiological data on prevalence of infection and incidence of cases of the disease has improved greatly thanks to the monitoring and reporting of data collected within the framework of the Program for the Prevention and Control of Congenital Chagas' Disease in Catalonia by professionals. that are part of the Working Group on Congenital Chagas Disease. In this aspect and to improve their control, family doctors and community health have been incorporated, since they are one of the key professionals who are closest to patients. A fundamental aspect that emerges from this document and the operation of the Program is multidisciplinarity. The challenge of the health system and public health surveillance is the coordination and work of professionals from different health areas, such as gynecologists, microbiologists, midwives, pediatricians of primary and hospital care, family physicians and community health , nurses, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists and community health workers who work together to achieve the stated objective. This Protocol is an eminently practical document, through which health professionals have the essential elements for carrying out screening in pregnant women. Based on this Protocol, it is also expected to achieve the detection and early treatment of cases of CHD in the pediatric population, babies and other children in Catalonia, with the ultimate goal of improving maternal and child health in Catalonia

    The evolution of the ventilatory ratio is a prognostic factor in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients

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    Background: Mortality due to COVID-19 is high, especially in patients requiring mechanical ventilation. The purpose of the study is to investigate associations between mortality and variables measured during the first three days of mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 intubated at ICU admission. Methods: Multicenter, observational, cohort study includes consecutive patients with COVID-19 admitted to 44 Spanish ICUs between February 25 and July 31, 2020, who required intubation at ICU admission and mechanical ventilation for more than three days. We collected demographic and clinical data prior to admission; information about clinical evolution at days 1 and 3 of mechanical ventilation; and outcomes. Results: Of the 2,095 patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU, 1,118 (53.3%) were intubated at day 1 and remained under mechanical ventilation at day three. From days 1 to 3, PaO2/FiO2 increased from 115.6 [80.0-171.2] to 180.0 [135.4-227.9] mmHg and the ventilatory ratio from 1.73 [1.33-2.25] to 1.96 [1.61-2.40]. In-hospital mortality was 38.7%. A higher increase between ICU admission and day 3 in the ventilatory ratio (OR 1.04 [CI 1.01-1.07], p = 0.030) and creatinine levels (OR 1.05 [CI 1.01-1.09], p = 0.005) and a lower increase in platelet counts (OR 0.96 [CI 0.93-1.00], p = 0.037) were independently associated with a higher risk of death. No association between mortality and the PaO2/FiO2 variation was observed (OR 0.99 [CI 0.95 to 1.02], p = 0.47). Conclusions: Higher ventilatory ratio and its increase at day 3 is associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 receiving mechanical ventilation at ICU admission. No association was found in the PaO2/FiO2 variation