768 research outputs found

    Study of the derivative expansions for the nuclear structure functions

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    We study the convergence of the series expansions sometimes used in the analysis of the nuclear effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) proccesses induced by leptons. The recent advances in statistics and quality of the data, in particular for neutrinos calls for a good control of the theoretical uncertainties of the models used in the analysis. Using realistic nuclear spectral functions which include nucleon correlations, we find that the convergence of the derivative expansions to the full results is poor except at very low values of xx

    Inventari espeleològic dels termes d'Andratx i Estellencs

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    [cat] En aquest treball es presenta la primera part d'una actualització de les cavitats en els termes municipals del sud-oest de l’illa de Mallorca. Hem catalogat 76 cavitats en el terme d'Andratx, 8 a Sa Dragonera i 25 en el terme d'Estellencs.[eng] This note is the first part of the cavities up-dating task in the Southwestern area of the Mallorca island. Seventy-six cavities in Andratx municipality, eight in Sa Dragonera island and twenty-five in Estellencs municipality have been catalogued

    Mission design for LISA Pathfinder

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    Here we describe the mission design for SMART-2/LISA Pathfinder. The best trade-off between the requirements of a low-disturbance environment and communications distance is found to be a free-insertion Lissajous orbit around the first co-linear Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth system L1, 1.5x 10^6 km from Earth. In order to transfer SMART-2/LISA Pathfinder from a low Earth orbit, where it will be placed by a small launcher, the spacecraft carries out a number of apogee-raise manoeuvres, which ultimatively place it to a parabolic escape trajectory towards L1. The challenges of the design of a small mission are met, fulfilling the very demanding technology demonstration requirements without creating excessive requirements on the launch system or the ground segment.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 5th International LISA Symposium, see http://www.landisoft.de/Markus-Landgra

    Generic Twistless Bifurcations

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    We show that in the neighborhood of the tripling bifurcation of a periodic orbit of a Hamiltonian flow or of a fixed point of an area preserving map, there is generically a bifurcation that creates a ``twistless'' torus. At this bifurcation, the twist, which is the derivative of the rotation number with respect to the action, vanishes. The twistless torus moves outward after it is created, and eventually collides with the saddle-center bifurcation that creates the period three orbits. The existence of the twistless bifurcation is responsible for the breakdown of the nondegeneracy condition required in the proof of the KAM theorem for flows or the Moser twist theorem for maps. When the twistless torus has a rational rotation number, there are typically reconnection bifurcations of periodic orbits with that rotation number.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Measuring the mixing efficiency in a simple model of stirring:some analytical results and a quantitative study via Frequency Map Analysis

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    We prove the existence of invariant curves for a TT--periodic Hamiltonian system which models a fluid stirring in a cylindrical tank, when TT is small and the assigned stirring protocol is piecewise constant. Furthermore, using the Numerical Analysis of the Fundamental Frequency of Laskar, we investigate numerically the break down of invariant curves as TT increases and we give a quantitative estimate of the efficiency of the mixing.Comment: 10 figure

    Orientación al mercado, resultados e indicadores básicos de competitividad, interrelación en las agencias de viajes

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    El presente trabajo analiza los efectos de la orientación al mercado en una doble vertiente: de un lado, estudia los efectos de la orientación al mercado sobre los resultados y, de otro, mide los efectos de la misma sobre los indicadores básicos de la competitividad. A su vez, se han considerado los efectos de las diferentes dimensiones de la orientación al mercado sobre diversas medidas de resultados empresariales. Los hallazgos obtenidos en el sector de las agencias de viaje permiten confirmar la existencia de una relación indirecta entre orientación al mercado y resultados, a través de su contribución a los indicadores básicos de competitividad. Asimismo se ha comprobado que las dimensiones de la orientación al mercado ejercen diferentes influencias sobre los resultados, de tal forma que no todas ellas poseen un efecto positivo.The present study analyses the consequences of market orientation from two perspectives: firstly, it studies the market orientation effects on results, and secondly, it measures those effects on competitiveness indicators. Additionally, the effects of market orientation on different dimensions of business performance have been considered. The results on travel agency sector support the relationship between market orientation and performance, through the contribution of competitiveness indicators. Furthermore, market orientation dimensions have diverse influences on performances; same of them have not showed a positive effect

    Development of a Blended Course for Online Teaching: Process and Outcomes

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    In this study, we outline the different steps and strategies followed to develop an online formation program aimed to higher education teachers. The aim of this program is to provide with teaching competencies to face the challenges of the next decade's classroom, with a special focus on the role of digital technology in learning environments, through a combination of a self-managed course with a guided on-site training with real cases. A multicultural, multidisciplinary team conceives this blended learning format, which applies a storytelling approach for content generation and communication. A detailed description of the different factors and stages followed to undertake the project is presented, together with a series of recommendations to face similar activities in the applied teaching and educational innovation field. Specifically, the importance of an appropriate project design, management and timing is stressed. In this way, we contribute with the diffusion of an innovative, hybrid program to develop digital competences in higher education practitioners and a selection of criteria to undertake other supranational projects that count on a wide reach and follow a didactical approach

    El gasto sanitario en España en comparación con el de la Europa desarrollada, 1985–2001. La atención primaria española, Cenicienta europea

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    ObjetivoDescribir la evolución de la distribución de fondos en nuestro sistema sanitario desde el inicio de la reforma de atención primaria hasta 2001, en comparación con la de los países europeos de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE)DiseñoEstudio descriptivo longitudinal y retrospectivoEmplazamientoPaíses de la OCDEParticipantesPaíses europeos de la OCDEMedicionesSe utilizan datos de la base Health Data 2003 (OCDE) referidos al período 1985–2001 respecto a variables de gasto sanitario por sectores y de renta. Se comparan los datos españoles con los del conjunto de los 22 países europeos de la OCDEResultadosEuropa aumentó el gasto ambulatorio público, tanto como porcentaje del gasto sanitario público como del producto interior bruto (PIB). España redujo el gasto ambulatorio público en ambos sentidos. Nuestro gasto hospitalario público recuperó gran parte del retraso respecto a Europa y desde 1995 se encuentra, como parte del PIB, en la media europea y, en términos per cápita, acorde con nuestra renta. Sin embargo, nuestro gasto ambulatorio público como parte del PIB es muy inferior al promedio europeo y, per capita, muy inferior a nuestra renta. Nuestro gasto ambulatorio privado es de los más altos de Europa y, en relación con ella, muy superior a nuestra renta, al contrario que su homónimo público. Nuestro gasto privado hospitalario es de los más bajos de Europa y, en relación con ella, muy inferior a nuestra rentaConclusionesRespecto a los recursos públicos comprometidos, la reforma de la atención primaria española no ha servido para aproximarla a Europa, tal y como sí lo ha hecho nuestro nivel hospitalario. La distancia entre España y Europa en el esfuerzo público ambulatorio es incluso mayor que la que había al inicio de la reformaObjetiveTo describe the evolution of the funds distribution in our health care system since the start of the primary care reform to 2001, in comparison with the European countries members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD)DesignA longitudinal descriptive and retrospective studyParticipantsEuropean countries members of the OECDSettingCountries members of the OECDMethodsThe data come from the OECD database Health Data 2003. The data refer to period 1985–2001, and to a group of variables of health care expenditure by sectors and of income (Gross Domestic Product [GDP] per capita). We compare Spanish data series with those of the group of 22 European members countries of the OECDResultsEurope increased public expenditure on outpatient care both as a percentage of public health care expenditure and as a percentage of GDP. Spain reduced public expenditure on outpatient care in both senses. Spanish publicexpenditure on in-patient care reduced a great partof its difference with Europe so that since 1995 it isfound, as a percentage of GDP, in the Europeanaverage and, as per capita, it is according with theSpanish income. In contrast, public expenditure onout-patient care as a percentage of GDP in Spain isvery much lower than the European average and, asper capita, is very much lower than the Spanishincome. The Spanish private expenditure on outpatient is found among the highest in Europe and, compared with Europe, exceeds very much Spanish income, in contrast with his homonymous public. The Spanish private expenditure on in-patient care is found among the lowest in Europe and, compared with Europe, is very much lower than Spanish income levelConclusionsWith respect to public resources assigned, the reform of primary care in Spain has not been useful to approach Spanish primary health care level to Europe, in contrast with the Spanish hospital level. The difference between Spain and Europe in public expenditure on out-patient care as a percentage of GDP is, even, bigger than the one there was when the reform of Spanish primary care starte