191 research outputs found

    El desarrollo de la competencia social y ciudadana en alumnado de educación secundaria con la metodología del aprendizaje-servicio

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    En la experiencia de innovación docente que aquí presentamos están implicadas tres instituciones: la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón y dos centros de la localidad de Betxí: el Instituto de Educación Secundaria (IES) y la Escuela Popular de Adultos (EPA). Desde la Universitat Jaume I profesorado especializado en la metodología del Aprendizaje Servicio preparó a docentes y alumnado del instituto, concretamente al grupo que participa de un PCPI (Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial) para desarrollar competencias sociales y ciudadanas, al mismo tiempo que se les formaba para aprender contenidos relacionados con la asignatura de Educación Física. El elemento motivador del aprendizaje era el poder aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos prestando un servicio a las mujeres, de edad comprendida entre 70-80 años, que realizaban el segundo curso del primer nivel en la EPA. Este colectivo presenta limitaciones en la movilidad articular y la fuerza. Los jóvenes debían indagar acerca de la temática en cuestión y de los destinatarios del programa y diseñar las sesiones que sería necesario aplicar a las alumnas adultas, durante cuatro meses. La fase de análisis y diseño se llevaba a cabo en horario lectivo, mientras que la intervención se realizaba en horario libre. Presentamos aquí los resultados satisfactorios que este tipo de metodología tiene para todos los participantes.Peer Reviewe

    La trayectoria científica de Pere Alberch Vié (1954-1998)

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    How are the school groups the rejected students of first grade elementary school belong to?

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    Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “El rechazo entre iguales: Contextos y situaciones sociales”, coordinado por F. J. García Bacete, duranrre el VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (CIPE VI), celebrado en Valladolid (España) del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril 2011.VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y EducaciónEn la actualidad se conoce muy bien la importancia de las redes sociales en el desarrollo socio-afectivo de los niños y niñas, así como su influencia sobre su rendimiento académico. El rechazo escolar afecta a un número elevado de niños-as y tiene graves consecuencias negativas a corto, medio y largo plazo. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de este tema, es imprescindible profundizar en el conocimiento de los diversos aspectos que presenta. El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio descriptivo de las relaciones entre la tipología sociométrica y las diferentes medidas de centralidad social (grupal e individual) y la pertenencia a grupos informales. La muestra está formada por 809 niños y niñas escolarizados en 35 aulas de 1º de Primaria, ubicadas en 15 colegios públicos de las provincias de Castellón, Sevilla, Valladolid y Palma de Mallorca. El estudio se centra en el 13.7 % de rechazados-as pertenecientes a esta muestra. Los instrumentos utilizados son el Social Cognitive Maps SCM (Cairns et al. 1995), adaptado por el GREI, y el Cuestionario Sociométrico de Preferencias (GREI, 2009). Para los cálculos se utilizan softwares específicos: el Sociomet (González y García-Bacete, 2010) y el SCM. El análisis de datos final se realiza mediante el SPSS. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan conocimiento valioso sobre diversos aspectos del aula (subgrupos de relaciones y posición de cada alumno en función de sus relaciones de aceptación y rechazo), que permite al profesorado tomas decisiones para intervenir de modo eficaz.At present we know the importance of the children’s social networks on their socio-emotional development, as well as the influence on their academic performance. The school rejection affects a large number of children and has serious negative consequences in short, medium and long term. Due to the relevance of this issue, it is essential to study more in depth the various aspects it presents. The aim of this paper is the descriptive study of relations between sociometric types and different types of social centrality measures (group and individual) and belonging to an informal peer gropu. The sample consists of 809 children enrolled in 35 classrooms of first grade elementary, located in 15 public schools in the provinces of Castellon, Sevilla, Valladolid and Palma de Mallorca. The study focuses on the 13.7% of rejected children that belong to this sample. The instruments used are the Social Cognitive Maps (Cairns et al., 1995), adapted by GREI, and Questionnaire of Sociometric Preferences (Grei, 2009). Calculations were performed using specific software: the Sociomet (González and García-Bacete, 2010) and the SCM. The final data analysis is performed using the SPSS. The results provide valuable insight into various aspects of the classroom (subgroups of social networks and position of each student according to acceptance and rejection), which allows teachers to make decisions to carry out effective intervention

    Mechanomyographic measures of muscle contractile properties are influenced by electrode size and stimulation pulse duration

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    The aim was to determine the effects of changing pulse duration and electrode size on muscle contractile properties. Thirty-six healthy young male participated in the study (age 24.8 ± 5.8 years; height 178.2 ± 0.6 cm; body mass 71.8 ± 7.3 kg; self-reported weekly moderate intensity activity 3.5 ± 1.2 h·week−1). Tensiomyography was used to assess rectus femoris (RF) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles neuromuscular properties of the dominant leg according to the electrode size (3.2–5 cm) and the stimulus length (0.2, 0.5, and 1 ms). Maximal radial displacement (Dm); Contraction time (Tc); Delay time (Td); Sustained time (Ts) and Half relaxation time (Tr) were measured. Relative and absolute reliability was quantified. To analyze the effects of the electrode and the stimulus length, a repeated-measures analysis of variance was used. Dm and Tc parameters showed for both muscles an excellent relative (0.95–0.99) and absolute reliability (1.6–4.2%). However, Ts and Tr showed low values of absolute reliability (4.4–40.9%). The duration of the stimulus length applied to the RF and VM and electrode size significantly influences muscle’s contractile properties (p < 0.05; η2p = 0.09–0.60). The Dm increases substantially as the duration of the stimulus increases and with the use of the larger electrode in both muscles. However, Tc and Td are less affected by both conditions and not entirely clear. Practically, our study suggests that a stimulus pulse duration of 1 ms together with a 5 × 5 cm electrode is necessary to reach a reliable and reproducible assessment of both RF and VM muscles contractile properti


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    An internet-based intervention for depression in primary care in Spain: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Depression is the most prevalent cause of illness-induced disability worldwide. Face-to-face psychotherapeutic interventions for depression can be challenging, so there is a need for other alternatives that allow these interventions to be offered. One feasible alternative is Internet-based psychological interventions. This is the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention on depression in primary health care in Spain. Objective: Our aim was to compare the effectiveness of a low-intensity therapist-guided (LITG) Internet-based program and a completely self-guided (CSG) Internet-based program with improved treatment as usual (iTAU) care for depression. Methods: Multicenter, three-arm, parallel, RCT design, carried out between November 2012 and January 2014, with a follow-up of 15 months. In total, 296 adults from primary care settings in four Spanish regions, with mild or moderate major depression, were randomized to LITG (n=96), CSG (n=98), or iTAU (n=102). Research completers at follow-up were 63.5%. The intervention was Smiling is Fun, an Internet program based on cognitive behavioral therapy. All patients received iTAU by their general practitioners. Moreover, LITG received Smiling is Fun and the possibility of psychotherapeutic support on request by email, whereas CSG received only Smiling is Fun. The main outcome was the Beck Depression Inventory-II at 3 months from baseline. Mixed-effects multilevel analysis for repeated measures were undertaken. Results: There was no benefit for either CSG (B coefficient=-1.15; P=.444)] or LITG (B=-0.71; P=.634)] compared to iTAU, at 3 months. There were differences at 6 months iTAU vs CSG (B=-4.22; P=.007); iTAU vs LITG (B=-4.34; P=.005)] and 15 months iTAU vs CSG (B=-5.10; P=.001); iTAU vs LITG (B=-4.62; P=.002)]. There were no differences between CSG and LITG at any time. Adjusted and intention-to-treat models confirmed these findings. Conclusions: An Internet-based intervention for depression combined with iTAU conferred a benefit over iTAU alone in the Spanish primary health care system

    La fauna del pleistoceno inferior de la sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia)

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    El yacimiento kárstico cuaternario de la Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia) ha proporcionado una amplia lista faunística constituida por 53 especies repartidas entre gasterópodos, miriápodos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. En el conjunto de los gasterópodos destaca Palaeoglandina, un género que se extingue en el resto de Europa durante el Plioceno y que se mantiene como relicto en el Pleistoceno de la Península Ibérica. Dos de las especies de aves determinadas, Gypaetus barbatus y Gerontieus eremita, y una de las serpientes, Elaphe cf. E. sealaris, apenas se hallan representadas en el registro fósil. Hay además varias especies de aves cuya aparición en Quibas supone la primera cita en el Pleistoceno inferior de la Península Ibérica. Entre los mamíferos posee una especial relevancia la presencia del cercopitécido Macaca sylvanus. La asociación de los taxones Arvieola deuealíon, Castillomys rivas rivas, Elíomys intermedius, Equus altidens y Capra sp. aff. C. alba permite la correlación con Plines 1, Orce 3 y Venta Micena, entre otros. El yacimiento de Quibas puede situarse, por tanto, antes del final del Pleistoceno inferior, con una antigüedad entre 1.3 y 1 Ma. Por lo que se refiere a las condiciones paleoclimáticas, podemos inferir a partir de la asociación faunística un régimen xerófilo, muy semejante al actual en el área geográfica, aunque quizás con valores de humedad y temperatura algo superiores. El entorno de la cavidad kárstica estaba formado por roquedo calcáreo con áreas abiertas de matorral, pero en las proximidades se desarrollaron humedales y zonas arboladas, como así lo atestigua la presencia de aves y micromamíferos típicos de estos hábitats.The Quaternary karstic site of Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia, Spain) has provided a wide faunallist with 53 species distributed among gastropods, myriapods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Especially interesting among the gastropods is Palaeoglandina that became extinct in Europe during the Pliocene. It remains as a relict genus in the Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Two of the birds, Gypaetus barbatus and Geronticus eremita, and a snake, Elaphe cf. E. sealaris, are scarcely represented in the fossil record. For several birds, it is the first record in the Lower Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Among the mammals, the presence of the Cercopithecine Macaca sylvanus is especially relevant. The assemblage of the taxa Arvicola deucalion, Castillomys rivas rivas, Eliomys intermedius, Equus altidens and Capra sp. aff. C. alba allows the correlation with Plines 1, Orce 3 and Venta Micena, among other sites. Therefore Quibas can be clated before the end of Lower Pleistocene, between 1.3 and 1 Ma. A dry paleoclimatic regime, very similar to the current climate in the geographical area, though perhaps slightly wetter and warmer, can be inferred from the faunal assemblage. The environment of the karstic cavity was a rocky place with open brushwood areas, but in the proximities there were wetlands and woodlands, as can be inferred from the presence of birds and micromammals characteristic of these [email protected] [email protected]

    Do trauma cue exposure and/or PTSD symptom severity intensify selective approach bias toward cannabis cues in regular cannabis users with trauma histories?

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    Trauma cue-elicited activation of automatic cannabis-related cognitive biases are theorized to contribute to comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and cannabis use disorder. This phenomenon can be studied experimentally by combining the trauma cue reactivity paradigm (CRP) with cannabis-related cognitive processing tasks. In this study, we used a computerized cannabis approach-avoidance task (AAT) to assess automatic cannabis (vs. neutral) approach bias following personalized trauma (vs. neutral) CRP exposure. We hypothesized that selective cannabis (vs. neutral) approach biases on the AAT would be larger among participants with higher PTSD symptom severity, particularly following trauma (vs. neutral) cue exposure. We used a within-subjects experimental design with a continuous between-subjects moderator (PTSD symptom severity). Participants were exposed to both a trauma and neutral CRP in random order, completing a cannabis AAT (cannabis vs. neutral stimuli) following each cue exposure. Current cannabis users with histories of psychological trauma (n = 50; 34% male; mean age = 37.8 years) described their most traumatic lifetime event, and a similarly-detailed neutral event, according to an established interview protocol that served as the CRP. As hypothesized, an AAT stimulus type x PTSD symptom severity interaction emerged (p = .042) with approach bias greater to cannabis than neutral stimuli for participants with higher (p = .006), but not lower (p = .36), PTSD symptom severity. Contrasting expectations, the stimulus type x PTSD symptoms effect was not intensified by trauma cue exposure (p = .19). Selective cannabis approach bias may be chronically activated in cannabis users with higher PTSD symptom severity and may serve as an automatic cognitive mechanism to help explain PTSD-CUD co-morbidity.</p

    Radioprotectors and Mitigators of Radiation-Induced Normal Tissue Injury

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    The article reviews agents in clinical use or in development as radioprotectors and mitigators of radiation-induced normal tissue injury