1,948 research outputs found

    The Kelly criterion for spread bets

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    The optimal betting strategy for a gambler betting on a discrete number of outcomes was determined by Kelly (1956, A new interpretation of information rate. J. Oper. Res. Soc., 57, 975–985). Here, the corresponding problem is examined for spread betting, which may be considered to have a continuous distribution of possible outcomes. Since the formulae for individual events are complicated, the asymptotic limit in which the gamblers edge is small is examined, which results in universal formulae for the optimal fraction of the bank to wager, the probability of bankruptcy and the distribution function of the gamblers total capital

    Mitochondrial differentiation, introgression and phylogeny of species in the Tegenaria atrica group (Araneae, Agelenidae)

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    The relationships between the three members of the Tegenaria atrica group (T. atrica, T. saeva and T. gigantea) were examined with DNA sequence data from mitochondrial CO1, 16S rRNA, tRNAleu(CUN) and ND1 genes. Members of this group of large house spiders have overlapping distributions in western Europe and hybridize with each other to a variable degree. The close relatedness of all three species was supported by all analyses. T. saeva and T. gigantea are more closely affiliated than either is to T. atrica. Haplotypes clearly assignable to T. gigantea were also present in many specimens of T. saeva suggesting asymmetrical introgression of mtDNA from T. gigantea into T. saeva. Molecular clock calibrations (CO1) suggest that deeper divisions within the genus Tegenaria may be in excess of 10 million years old, and that the evolutionary history of the T. atrica group has been moulded by Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles

    Legal Aspects of SIDS

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    My remarks today focus on four legal aspects of SIDS; the first three are problems of long standing and the fourth is less well recognized, an immediate problem to some but more of a cloud on the horizon to others. At the outset, I want to emphasize that I bring you no certain solutions. Rather my more modest objective is to provide a focus and framework for further discussions

    The Expression Patterns of Minor Fibrillar Collagens During Development in Zebrafish

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    Minor fibrillar collagens are recognized as the organizers and nucleators during collagen fibrillogenesis but likely serve additional functions. The minor fibrillar collagens include collagens type V and type XI. Mutations of collagen type V and XI can cause Ehlers Danlos, Stickler\u27s, and Marshall\u27s syndromes in human. We have characterized the spatiotemporal expression patterns of Col11a1, Col11a2, Col5a1 as well as Col5a3 in zebrafish embryos by in situ hybridization. Col5a1 is expressed in developing somites, neural crest, the head mesenchyme, developing cranial cartilage, pharyngeal arches and vertebrae. Col5a3 is detected in the notochord, mesenchyme cells in the eyes and lens. Both Col11a1 and Col11a2 have similar expression patterns, including notochord, otic vesicle, and developing cranial cartilages. Zebrafish may therefore serve as a valuable vertebrate model system for the study of diseases associated with collagens type V and XI mutations

    Evolution of crystalline orientations in the production of ferritic stainless steel

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    Ferritic stainless steel EN 1.4016 is used in a wide range of applications, the most common ones related to sheet forming. Several problems in the post-processing of these steels relates to their texture and anisotropy. Therefore, it is necessary to know the mechanisms of texture formation in the subsequent stages of metal manufacturing processes. EBSD has been demonstrated as a successful characterisation technique for this purpose. It is known that during re-crystallisation of Fe-Cr steels, deviations from the desired.-fibre texture promote a decrease of deep drawability. Additionally, a-fibre damages formability. Subsequent cold rolling and annealing can enhance the deep drawing properties of the steel sheet. In this research, a standard sample and a modified one with optimised settings as regard to chemical composition and manufacturing process, to improve the formability properties, are characterised. To analyse the preferred orientation and the type of main fibre present in the material, ODF and Aztec Reclassify Phase, to calculate the content of martensite, were used

    Interaction of internal anions with potassium channels of the squid giant axon

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    The interaction of internal anions with the delayed rectifier potassium channel was studied in perfused squid axons. Changing the internal potassium salt from K+ glutamate- to KF produced a reversible decline of outward K currents and a marked slowing of the activation of K channels at all voltages. Fluoride ions exert a differential effect upon K channel gating kinetics whereby activation of IK during depolarizing steps is slowed dramatically, but the rate of closing after the step is not much altered. These effects develop with a slow time course (30-60 min) and are specific for K channels over Na channels. Both the amplitude and activation rate of IK were restored within seconds upon return to internal glutamate solutions. The fluoride effect is independent of the external K+ concentration and test membrane potential, and does not recover with repetitive application of depolarizing voltage steps. Of 11 different anions tested, all inorganic species induced similar decreases and slowing of IK, while K currents were maintained during extended perfusion with several organic anions. Anions do not alter the reversal potential or shape of the instantaneous current-voltage relation of open K channels. The effect of prolonged exposure to internal fluoride could be partially reversed by the addition of cationic K channel blocking agents such as TEA+, 4-AP+, and Cs+. The competitive antagonism between inorganic anions and internal cationic K channel blockers suggests that they may interact at a related site(s). These results indicate that inorganic anions modify part of the K channel gating mechanism (activation) at a locus near the inner channel surface

    Assessment of human influenza pandemic scenarios in Europe

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    The response to the emergence of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic was the result of a decade of pandemic planning, largely centred on the threat of an avian influenza A(H5N1) pandemic. Based on a literature review, this study aims to define a set of new pandemic scenarios that could be used in case of a future influenza pandemic. A total of 338 documents were identified using a searching strategy based on seven combinations of keywords. Eighty-three of these documents provided useful information on the 13 virus-related and health-system-related parameters initially considered for describing scenarios. Among these, four parameters were finally selected (clinical attack rate, case fatality rate, hospital admission rate, and intensive care admission rate) and four different levels of severity for each of them were set. The definition of six most likely scenarios results from the combination of four different levels of severity of the four final parameters (256 possible scenarios). Although it has some limitations, this approach allows for more flexible scenarios and hence it is far from the classic scenarios structure used for pandemic plans until 2009

    Single crystal of superconducting SmFeAsO1-xFy grown at high pressure

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    Single crystals of SmFeAsO1-xFy of a size up to 120 micrometers have been grown from NaCl/KCl flux at a pressure of 30 kbar and temperature of 1350-1450 C using the cubic anvil high-pressure technique. The superconducting transition temperature of the obtained single crystals varies between 45 and 53 K.Obtained crystals are characterized by a full diamagnetic response in low magnetic fields and by a high critical current density in high magnetic fields. Structural refinement has been performed on single crystal. Differential thermal analysis investigations at 1 bar Ar pressure show decomposition of SmFeAsO1-xFy at 1302 C.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 6 figure

    Recovery of Stem Cell Proliferation by Low Intensity Vibration Under Simulated Microgravity Requires LINC Complex

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) rely on their ability to integrate physical and spatial signals at load bearing sites to replace and renew musculoskeletal tissues. Designed to mimic unloading experienced during spaceflight, preclinical unloading and simulated microgravity models show that alteration of gravitational loading limits proliferative activity of stem cells. Emerging evidence indicates that this loss of proliferation may be linked to loss of cellular cytoskeleton and contractility. Low intensity vibration (LIV) is an exercise mimetic that promotes proliferation and differentiation of MSCs by enhancing cell structure. Here, we asked whether application of LIV could restore the reduced proliferative capacity seen in MSCs that are subjected to simulated microgravity. We found that simulated microgravity (sMG) decreased cell proliferation and simultaneously compromised cell structure. These changes included increased nuclear height, disorganized apical F-actin structure, reduced expression, and protein levels of nuclear lamina elements LaminA/C LaminB1 as well as linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex elements Sun-2 and Nesprin-2. Application of LIV restored cell proliferation and nuclear proteins LaminA/C and Sun-2. An intact LINC function was required for LIV effect; disabling LINC functionality via co-depletion of Sun-1, and Sun-2 prevented rescue of cell proliferation by LIV. Our findings show that sMG alters nuclear structure and leads to decreased cell proliferation, but does not diminish LINC complex mediated mechanosensitivity, suggesting LIV as a potential candidate to combat sMG-induced proliferation loss
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