2,184 research outputs found

    Near-Infrared Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Central Regions of Nearby Sc Galaxies: I. M33

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    Near-infrared images obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Adaptive Optics Bonnette (AOB) are used to investigate the stellar content within 18 arcsec of the center of the Local Group spiral galaxy M33. AGB stars with near-infrared spectral-energy distributions similar to those of giants in the solar neighborhood and Baade's Window are detected over most of the field. The bolometric luminosity function (LF) of these stars has a discontinuity near M_{bol} = -5.25, and comparisons with evolutionary tracks suggest that most of the AGB stars formed in a burst of star formation 1 - 3 Gyr in the past. The images are also used to investigate the integrated near-infrared photometric properties of the nucleus and the central light concentration. The nucleus is bluer than the central light concentration, in agreement with previous studies at visible wavelengths. The CO index of the central light concentration 0.5 arcsec from the galaxy center is 0.05, which corresponds to [Fe/H] = -1.2 for simple stellar systems. Hence, the central light concentration could not have formed from the chemically-enriched material that dominates the present-day inner disk of M33.Comment: 23 pages of text + 11 figures; to appear in A

    Compliance with international guidelines for chronic inflammatory neuropathies

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    ERare diseases’ management guidelines are produced with the primary aim of improving practice and standards of care for patients and may represent a useful framework for clinical practice. The EFNS/PNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society) guidelines for CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) and MMN (multifocal motor neuropathy) were last published in 2010 (1, 2). Enthusiasm of the audience for whom they are produced, arguably primarily non‐sub‐specialists, is however largely unexplored. Compliance to these guidelines by neuromuscular and/or peripheral nerve specialists has not been investigated

    The spatial and age distribution of stellar populations in DDO 190

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    The spatial distribution of stellar populations, the star formation history, and other properties of the dIrr galaxy DDO 190 have been analyzed using color--magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of about 3900 resolved stars and the Ha fluxes of HII regions. From the mean color index of the red giant branch, a mean metallicity [Fe/H]=-2.0 is obtained. The I magnitude of the TRGB has been used to estimate the distance. DDO 190 is 2.9+/-0.2 Mpc from the Milky Way, 2.1 Mpc from the M 94 group (CnV-I), 2.4 Mpc from the M 81 group and 2.9 Mpc from the barycenter of the Local Group, all indicating that it is an isolated, field galaxy. The surface-brightness distribution of the galaxy is well fitted by ellipses of ellipticity e=1-a/b=0.1 and P.A.=82deg. The radial star density distribution follows an exponential law of scale length a=43."4, corresponding to 611 pc. The Holmberg semi-major axis to mu_B=26.5 is estimated to be r^B_(26.5)=3.'0. Stellar populations of different ages in DDO 190 show strong spatial decoupling, the oldest population appearing much more extended than the youngest. Stars younger than 0.1 Gyr occupy only the central 40'' (0.55 kpc); stars younger than a few (~4) Gyr extend out to ~80'' (125 kpc), and for larger galactocentric distances only older stars seem to be present. This behavior is found in all the dIrr galaxies for which spatially extended studies have been performed and could be related with the kinematical history of the galaxy.Comment: To be published in the AJ. 29 pages, 13 figure

    M31 Transverse Velocity and Local Group Mass from Satellite Kinematics

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    We present several different statistical methods to determine the transverse velocity vector of M31. The underlying assumptions are that the M31 satellites on average follow the motion of M31 through space, and that the galaxies in the outer parts of the Local Group on average follow the motion of the Local Group barycenter through space. We apply the methods to the line-of-sight velocities of 17 M31 satellites, to the proper motions of the 2 satellites M33 and IC 10, and to the line-of-sight velocities of 5 galaxies near the Local Group turn around radius, respectively. This yields 4 independent but mutually consistent determinations of the heliocentric M31 transverse velocities in the West and North directions, with weighted averages = -78+/-41 km/s and = -38+/-34 km/s. The Galactocentric tangential velocity of M31 is 42 km/s, with 1-sigma confidence interval V_tan <= 56 km/s. The implied M31-Milky Way orbit is bound if the total Local Group mass M exceeds 1.72^{+0.26}_{-0.25}x10^{12} solar masses. If indeed bound, then the timing argument combined with the known age of the Universe implies that M = 5.58^{+0.85}_{-0.72}x10^{12} solar masses. This is on the high end of the allowed mass range suggested by cosmologically motivated models for the individual structure and dynamics of M31 and the Milky Way, respectively. It is therefore possible that the timing mass is an overestimate of the true mass, especially if one takes into account recent results from the Millennium Simulation that show that there is also a theoretical uncertainty of 41 percent (Gaussian dispersion) in timing mass estimates. The M31 transverse velocity implies that M33 is in a tightly bound orbit around M31. This may have led to some tidal deformation of M33. It will be worthwhile to search for observational evidence of this.Comment: ApJ in press, 14 pages, including 3 figures (has minor revisions with respect to previously posted version to address referee comments

    Dynamical Mass Estimates for Five Young Massive Stellar Clusters

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    We have obtained high-dispersion spectra for four massive star clusters in the dwarf irregular galaxies NGC 4214 and NGC 4449, using the HIRES spectrograph on the Keck I telescope. Combining the velocity dispersions of the clusters with structural parameters and photometry from images taken with HST, we estimate mass-to-light ratios and compare these with simple stellar population (SSP) models in order to constrain the stellar mass functions (MFs). For all clusters we find mass-to-light ratios which are similar to or slightly higher than for a Kroupa MF, and thereby rule out any MF which is deficient in low-mass stars compared to a Kroupa-type MF. The four clusters have virial masses ranging between 2.1E5 Msun and 1.5E6 Msun, half-light radii between 3.0 and 5.2 pc, estimated core densities in the range 2E3 Msun pc^-3 to 2E5 Msun pc^-3 and ages between 200 Myr and 800 Myr. We also present new high-dispersion near-infrared spectroscopy for a luminous young (about 15 Myr) cluster in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946, which we have previously observed with HIRES. The new measurements in the infrared agree well with previous estimates of the velocity dispersion, yielding a mass of about 1.7E6 Msun. The properties of the clusters studied here are all consistent with the clusters being young versions of the old globular clusters found around all major galaxies.Comment: 30 pages, including 7 figures and 9 tables. Corrected an error in Table 2: The colors listed for N6946-1447 were not reddening corrected. This also affected Table 9 and Fig 2, 6 and

    Clustering of supernova Ia host galaxies

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    For the first time the cross-correlation between type Ia supernova host galaxies and surrounding field galaxies is measured using the Supernova Legacy Survey sample. Over the z=0.2 to 0.9 redshift range we find that supernova hosts are correlated an average of 60% more strongly than similarly selected field galaxies over the 3-100 arcsec range and about a factor of 3 more strongly below 10 arcsec. The correlation errors are empirically established with a jackknife analysis of the four SNLS fields. The hosts are more correlated than the field at a significance of 99% in the fitted amplitude and slope, with the point-by-point difference of the two correlation functions having a reduced χ2\chi^2 for 8 degrees of freedom of 4.3, which has a probability of random occurrence of less than 3x10^{-5}. The correlation angle is 1.5+/-0.5 arcsec, which deprojects to a fixed co-moving correlation length of approximately 6.5+/- 2/h mpc. Weighting the field galaxies with the mass and star formation rate supernova frequencies of the simple A+B model produces good agreement with the observed clustering. We conclude that these supernova clustering differences are primarily the expected outcome of the dependence of supernova rates on galaxy masses and stellar populations with their clustering environment.Comment: ApJ (Letts) accepte

    Shape Isomerism at N = 40: Discovery of a Proton Intruder in 67Co

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    The nuclear structure of 67Co has been investigated through 67Fe beta-decay. The 67Fe isotopes were produced at the LISOL facility in proton-induced fission of 238U and selected using resonant laser ionization combined with mass separation. The application of a new correlation technique unambiguously revealed a 496(33) ms isomeric state in 67Co at an unexpected low energy of 492 keV. A 67Co level scheme has been deduced. Proposed spin and parities suggest a spherical (7/2-) 67Co ground state and a deformed first excited (1/2-) state at 492 keV, interpreted as a proton 1p-2h prolate intruder state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, preprint submitted to Physical Review Letter