55 research outputs found

    Exceptional points in the scattering continuum

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    The manifestation of exceptional points in the scattering continuum of atomic nucleus is studied using the real-energy continuum shell model. It is shown that low-energy exceptional points appear for realistic values of coupling to the continuum and, hence, could be accessible experimentally. Experimental signatures are proposed which include the jump by 2π2\pi of the elastic scattering phase shift and a salient energy dependence of cross-sections in the vicinity of the exceptional point.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Near-threshold correlations of neutrons

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    The appearance of charged-particle clustering in near-threshold configuration is a phenomenon that can be explained in the Open Quantum System description of the atomic nucleus. In this work we apply the realistic Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum to elucidate the emergence of neutron correlations in near-threshold many-body states coupled to l=1,2 neutron decay channels. Spectral consequences of such continuum coupling are briefly discussed together with the emergence of complex multi-neutron correlations.Comment: Invited talk at XXXIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physic

    Chaos induced by Pauli blocking

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    Dynamics of classical scattering in the system of fermions is studied. The model is based on the coherent state representation and the equations of motion for fermions are derived from the time-dependent variational principle. It is found that the antisymmetrization due to the Pauli exclusion principle, may lead to hyperbolic chaotic scattering even in the absence of interaction between particles. At low bombarding energies, the same effect leads to the screening of the hard, short-ranged component in the two particle interaction and thus regularizes the dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX

    Asymptotic normalization coefficients and continuum coupling in mirror nuclei

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    Background: An asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) characterizes the asymptotic form of a one-nucleon overlap integral required for description of nucleon-removal reactions. Purpose: We investigate the impact of the particle continuum on proton and neutron ANCs for mirror systems from pp- and sdsd-shell regions. Method: We use the real-energy and complex-energy continuum shell model approaches. Results: We studied the general structure of the single-particle ANCs as a function of the binding energy and orbital angular momentum. We computed ANCs in mirror nuclei for different physical situations, including capture reactions to weakly-bound and unbound states. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the single-particle ANCs exhibit generic behavior that is different for charged and neutral particles. We verified the previously proposed relation [N.K. Timofeyuk, R.C. Johnson, and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 232501 (2003); Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 069904(E) (2006); N. K. Timofeyuk and P. Descouvemont, Phys. Rev. C 72, 064324 (2005)] between proton and neutron mirror ANCs. We find minor modifications if the spectroscopic strength is either localized in a single state or broadly distributed. For cases when several states couple strongly to the decay channel, these modifications may reach 30%.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 9 table

    βp\beta^-{\rm p} and βα\beta^-\alpha decay of the 11^{11}Be neutron halo ground state

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    Beta-delayed proton emission from the neutron halo ground state of 11^{11}Be raised much attention due to the unusually high decay rate. It was argued that this may be due to the existence of a resonance just above the proton decay threshold. In this Letter, we use the lenses of real-energy continuum shell model to describe several observables including the Gamow-Teller rates for the β\beta^--delayed α\alpha and proton decays, and argue that, within our model, the large βp\beta^-{\rm p} branching ratio cannot be reconciled with other data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Near-threshold resonances in 11C and the 10B(p,{\alpha})7Be aneutronic reaction cross section

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    The nucleus 11C plays an important role in the boron-proton fusion reactor environment as a catalyzer of the 10B(p,{\alpha})7Be reaction which, by producing a long-lived isotope of 7Be, poisons the aneutronic fusion process 11B(p,2{\alpha})4He. The low-energy cross section of 10B(p,{\alpha})7Be depends on the near-threshold states 7/2+1 , 5/2+2 , 5/2+3 in 11C whose properties are primarily known from the indirect measurements. We investigate the continuum-coupling induced collectivization of these resonances in the shell model embedded in the continuum. We predict a significant enhancement of the 10B(p,{\alpha})7Be cross section at energies accessible to the laser-driven hot plasma facilities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Molecular dynamics approach: from chaotic to statistical properties of compound nuclei

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    Statistical aspects of the dynamics of chaotic scattering in the classical model of α\alpha-cluster nuclei are studied. It is found that the dynamics governed by hyperbolic instabilities which results in an exponential decay of the survival probability evolves to a limiting energy distribution whose density develops the Boltzmann form. The angular distribution of the corresponding decay products shows symmetry with respect to π/2\pi/2 angle. Time estimated for the compound nucleus formation ranges within the order of 102110^{-21}s.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, non

    Gamow Shell-Model Description of Weakly Bound and Unbound Nuclear States

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    Recently, the shell model in the complex k-plane (the so-called Gamow Shell Model) has been formulated using a complex Berggren ensemble representing bound single-particle states, single-particle resonances, and non-resonant continuum states. In this framework, we shall discuss binding energies and energy spectra of neutron-rich helium and lithium isotopes. The single-particle basis used is that of the Hartree-Fock potential generated self-consistently by the finite-range residual interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, presented by N. Michel at the XXVII Symposium On Nuclear Physics, Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico, January 5-8 200

    Shell Structure of Exotic Nuclei

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    Theoretical predictions and experimental discoveries for neutron-rich, short-lived nuclei far from stability indicate that the familiar concept of nucleonic shell structure should be considered as less robust than previously thought. The notion of single-particle motion in exotic nuclei is reviewed with a particular focus on three aspects: (i) variations of nuclear mean field with neutron excess due to tensor interactions; (ii) importance of many-body correlations; and (iii) influence of open channels on properties of weakly bound and unbound nuclear states.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Proc. of the International School of Nuclear Physics 28th Course, Radioactive Beams, Nuclear Dynamics and Astrophysics, Erice-Sicily: 16 - 24 September 200