652 research outputs found

    Caza y desarrollo rural en la montaña andaluza. Fuentes actuales para su estudio

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    En el contexto del creciente valor y significación que los espacios cinegéticos han adquirido, tanto desde la vertiente lúdica como desde la óptica de los aprovechamientos agrarios y su consiguiente contribución al desarrollo rural, se consideran las fuentes más idóneas para su estudio en Andalucía. Al respecto se consideran las aportaciones bibliográficas recientes sobre el tema, así como un importante conjunto de fuentes de índole administrativa tales como los expedientes de los cotos de caza, los planes técnicos de caza, las memorias anuales de actividades y otros. Se consideran finalmente las posibilidades que ofrecen los archivos de determinadas entidades y asociaciones relacionadas con la caza

    A low cost way for assessing bird risk hazards in power lines: Fixed-wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    Accidents on power lines are one of the most important causes of man-induced mortality for raptors and soaring birds. The factors that condition the hazard have been extensively studied, and currently there are a variety of technical solutions available to miti- gate the risk. Most of the resources in conservation projects to reduce avian mortality now are invested in fieldwork to monitor the lines, which diverts the resources available to install actual corrective measures to mitigate bird hazard. Little progress has been achieved in the methodology to characterize line risk, which is an expensive, tedious, and time- consuming task. In this work we describe the use of low cost small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) equipped with on-board cameras for power line surveillance. As a case study, we characterized four power lines, geo-referenced every pylon in selected portions, and assessed their hazard for birds. We compare the effectiveness of two variants of the sUAS method for data acquisition and two methods of plane control. This work provides evidence of the usefulness of sUAS as a fast, inexpensive, and practical tool in conservation biology, adding to their already known applications in wildlife monitoring, the environmental impact assessment of infrastructures

    Stochastic Comparisons for Time Transformed Exponential Models

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    Different sufficient conditions for stochastic comparisons between random vectors have been described in the literature. In particular, conditions for the comparison of random vectors having the same copula, i.e., the same dependence structure, may be found in Müller and Scarsini (2001). Here we provide conditions for the comparison, in the usual stochastic order sense and in other weaker stochastic orders, of two time transformed exponential bivariate lifetimes having different copulas. Some examples of applications are provided too

    Wetlands in the south of Cordoba (Spain): conflicts between protected areas and surrounding rural lands

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    In the countryside of Cordoba, secular and intense agricultural space, certain endorheic wetlands of varied physical characteristics are located. In any case, several common features can be emphasized: landscape quality, ecological relevance (primarily aquatic birds) and the continuous interaction between ecosystems and the surrounding rural lands. This has justified the protection of the most outstanding wetlands, being declared as Nature Reserves. This paper sets out the main keys of the transition from agricultural area to protected area, and the grounds of the protection applied in order to achieve the desirable -and not always easy-compatibility between conservation and the proper deve/opment of traditional agricultural uses

    El Sistema de Patrimonio Territorial y su significado en el contexto de las nuevas directrices de ordenación del territorio en Andalucía (España)

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    Comunicación presentada a UGI-2011. Regional Geographic Conference. Santiago de Chile, 2011El Plan de Ordenación del Territorio de Andalucía (POTA) aprobado en 2006 ha venido a impulsar un nuevo modelo con la intención de mejorar la integración económica y la cohesión social. Se pretende, en definitiva, fortalecer la articulación de esta región y, con tal fin, establece diversas estrategias de desarrollo territorial, entre las que ocupa un lugar destacado la creación del denominado “Sistema de Patrimonio Territorial de Andalucía” El SPTA procura una “gestión y ordenación unitaria” de los principales elementos que conforman el patrimonio natural y cultural de la región. Se intenta evitar una gestión del Patrimonio desde planteamientos parciales, considerando los bienes patrimoniales como elementos aislados sin conexión con el territorio y con otros bienes patrimoniales. Pero también existe otro factor que justifica el cambio de paradigma que se pretende con el SPTA: la necesidad de impulsar la puesta en valor de los bienes patrimoniales desde su entendimiento como un recurso que ha de repercutir en el desarrollo local y regional. A la reflexión sobre estas cuestiones se dedica este trabajo


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    The covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted business operations, economic activities, working structures, and employee productivity globally. This has led to carefully thought out measures and panic-triggered guidelines to limit the virus's spread. This paper aims to examine key determinants of productivity in the service firms during the pandemic and how these factors could be sustained after the lockdown for optimal productivity. Using primary data collected from a questionnaire administered to 411 workers, a binary logistic regression was conducted to ascertain whether these determinants are of significance or not. The empirical results revealed that remote working would only be productive in service firms if working tools are available to workers; thus, productivity can be measured regularly irrespective of the worker's location. This paper responds to the need to evaluate the drivers of employee productivity during remote working, especially during the lockdown, and to understand better these drivers for organizations planning after the pandemic

    Medición de presión intraocular con el tonómetro Proview®

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    Purpose: To evaluate a new ocular tonometer (Proview®) which functions by visualizing a phosphene after putting pressure on the upper eyelid. To ascertain its accuracy and reproducibility with respect to the Goldmann tonometer (GT). Methods: A study on both eyes of 110 non-selected patients was performed. One measurement with GT and three subsequent measurements with Proview® were taken by the same investigator. The number of failed attempts to visualize the phosphene was recorded. We evaluated each eye separately to observe the possible learning effect. Results: The intraocular pressure (IOP) mean with Proview® is 5 mm Hg higher than the GT (p0.05). Conclusions: The Proview® tonometer showed low accuracy and reproducibility in comparison with the GT. This tonometer requires a long learning process before phosphene visualization. The results demonstrated that this tonometer is not clinically useful, except in patients with serious corneal diseases which make measurement with GT very difficul

    Variabilidad en la presentación del Síndrome de Brown-McLean

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    Case report: We report two aphakic patients with Brown-McLean syndrome. Discussion: One patient was affected by Marfan syndrome, after having undergone lens subluxation surgery and aphakia 23 years previously. The other patient was aphakic due to cataract surgery with complications three years before. Our cases demonstrate that this syndrome can show a variety of clinical characteristics, but peripheral corneal edema is always present. A full understanding of the clinical signs of presentation is of great importance in order to detect this syndrom

    Nested sampling for materials: the case of hard spheres

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    The recently introduced nested sampling algorithm allows the direct and efficient calculation of the partition function of atomistic systems. We demonstrate its applicability to condensed phase systems with periodic boundary conditions by studying the three dimensional hard sphere model. Having obtained the partition function, we show how easy it is to calculate the compressibility and the free energy as functions of the packing fraction and local order, verifying that the transition to crystallinity has a very small barrier, and that the entropic contribution of jammed states to the free energy is negligible for packing fractions above the phase transition. We quantify the previously proposed schematic phase diagram and estimate the extent of the region of jammed states. We find that within our samples, the maximally random jammed configuration is surprisingly disordered