85 research outputs found

    Adaptive refinement and selection process through defect localization for reconstructing an inhomogeneous refraction index

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    We consider the iterative reconstruction of both the internal geometry and the values of an inhomogeneous acoustic refraction index through a piecewise constant approximation. In this context, we propose two enhancements intended to reduce the number of parameters to reconstruct, while preserving accuracy. This is achieved through the use of geometrical informations obtained from a previously developed defect localization method. The first enhancement consists in a preliminary selection of relevant parameters, while the second one is an adaptive refinement to enhance precision with a low number of parameters. Each of them is numerically illustrated

    Determining the shape of defects in non-absorbing inhomogeneous media from far-field measurements

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    International audienceWe consider non-absorbing inhomogeneous media represented by some refraction index. We have developed a method to reconstruct, from far-field measurements, the shape of the areas where the actual index differs from a reference index. Following the principle of the Factorization Method, we present a fast reconstruction algorithm relying on far field measurements and near field values, easily computed from the reference index. Our reconstruction result is illustrated by several numerical test cases

    TEX264 coordinates p97- and SPRTN-mediated resolution of topoisomerase 1-DNA adducts

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    Eukaryotic topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) regulates DNA topology to ensure efficient DNA replication and transcription. TOP1 is also a major driver of endogenous genome instability, particularly when its catalytic intermediate—a covalent TOP1-DNA adduct known as a TOP1 cleavage complex (TOP1cc)—is stabilised. TOP1ccs are highly cytotoxic and a failure to resolve them underlies the pathology of neurological disorders but is also exploited in cancer therapy where TOP1ccs are the target of widely used frontline anti-cancer drugs. A critical enzyme for TOP1cc resolution is the tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase (TDP1), which hydrolyses the bond that links a tyrosine in the active site of TOP1 to a 3’ phosphate group on a single-stranded (ss)DNA break. However, TDP1 can only process small peptide fragments from ssDNA ends, raising the question of how the ~90 kDa TOP1 protein is processed upstream of TDP1. Here we find that TEX264 fulfils this role by forming a complex with the p97 ATPase and the SPRTN metalloprotease. We show that TEX264 recognises both unmodified and SUMO1-modifed TOP1 and initiates TOP1cc repair by recruiting p97 and SPRTN. TEX264 localises to the nuclear periphery, associates with DNA replication forks, and counteracts TOP1ccs during DNA replication. Altogether, our study elucidates the existence of a specialised repair complex required for upstream proteolysis of TOP1ccs and their subsequent resolution

    Landscape structure, human disturbance and crop management affect foraging ground selection by migrating geese

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    It is well known that agricultural intensification has caused severe population declines among bird species which use farmland for breeding and overwintering, while migrating bird species may benefit from intensive farming, but in turn damage crops. Knowledge of the habitat selection of migrating birds is important from both a conservation and agro-economic point of view. We investigated the habitat preferences of three common migrating goose species: White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons, Bean Goose A. fabalis and Greylag Goose A. anser during the autumn of 2009 in western Poland. A total of 24 flocks of these species were identified. Geese preferred large, elevated fields that were remote from forests and human settlements but in close proximity to a lake. Geese selected maize stubbles and avoided winter cereals. They selected sites in landscapes with a lower diversity of crops. Flock size was negatively correlated with the proportion of pastures in the landscape, but it increased with field size, distance to forest and distance to town. Our results are in contrast with the paradigm that less intensive farmland positively influences habitat use by birds during foraging. We advise the delayed ploughing of stubbles with the aim of creating appropriate foraging habitats for geese and minimizing damage to cereal crops

    A Pro-Cathepsin L Mutant Is a Luminal Substrate for Endoplasmic-Reticulum-Associated Degradation in C. elegans

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    Endoplasmic-reticulum associated degradation (ERAD) is a major cellular misfolded protein disposal pathway that is well conserved from yeast to mammals. In yeast, a mutant of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY*) was found to be a luminal ER substrate and has served as a useful marker to help identify modifiers of the ERAD pathway. Due to its ease of genetic manipulation and the ability to conduct a genome wide screen for modifiers of molecular pathways, C. elegans has become one of the preferred metazoans for studying cell biological processes, such as ERAD. However, a marker of ERAD activity comparable to CPY* has not been developed for this model system. We describe a mutant of pro-cathepsin L fused to YFP that no longer targets to the lysosome, but is efficiently eliminated by the ERAD pathway. Using this mutant pro-cathepsin L, we found that components of the mammalian ERAD system that participate in the degradation of ER luminal substrates were conserved in C. elegans. This transgenic line will facilitate high-throughput genetic or pharmacological screens for ERAD modifiers using widefield epifluorescence microscopy

    CUL-2<sup>LRR-1</sup> and UBXN-3 drive replisome disassembly during DNA replication termination and mitosis

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    Replisome disassembly is the final step of DNA replication in eukaryotes, involving the ubiquitylation and CDC48-dependent dissolution of the CMG helicase (CDC45-MCM-GINS). Using Caenorhabditis elegans early embryos and Xenopus laevis egg extracts, we show that the E3 ligase CUL-2(LRR-1) associates with the replisome and drives ubiquitylation and disassembly of CMG, together with the CDC-48 cofactors UFD-1 and NPL-4. Removal of CMG from chromatin in frog egg extracts requires CUL2 neddylation, and our data identify chromatin recruitment of CUL2(LRR1) as a key regulated step during DNA replication termination. Interestingly, however, CMG persists on chromatin until prophase in worms that lack CUL-2(LRR-1), but is then removed by a mitotic pathway that requires the CDC-48 cofactor UBXN-3, orthologous to the human tumour suppressor FAF1. Partial inactivation of lrr-1 and ubxn-3 leads to synthetic lethality, suggesting future approaches by which a deeper understanding of CMG disassembly in metazoa could be exploited therapeutically

    The clinical impact of using complex molecular profiling strategies in routine oncology practice

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    Molecular profiling and functional assessment of signalling pathways of advanced solid tumours are becoming increasingly available. However, their clinical utility in guiding patients’ treatment remains unknown. Here, we assessed whether molecular profiling helps physicians in therapeutic decision making by analysing the molecular profiles of 1057 advanced cancer patient samples after failing at least one standard of care treatment using a combination of next-generation sequencing (NGS), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and other specific tests. The resulting information was interpreted and personalized treatments for each patient were suggested. Our data showed that NGS alone provided the oncologist with useful information in 10–50% of cases (depending on cancer type), whereas the addition of IHC/other tests increased extensively the usefulness of the information provided. Using internet surveys, we investigated how therapy recommendations influenced treatment choice of the oncologist. For patients who were still alive after the provision of the molecular information (76.8%), 60.4% of their oncologists followed report recommendations. Most treatment decisions (93.4%) were made based on the combination of NGS and IHC/other tests, and an approved drug- rather than clinical trial enrolment- was the main treatment choice. Most common reasons given by physicians to explain the non-adherence to recommendations were drug availability and cost, which remain barriers to personalised precision medicine. Finally, we observed that 27% of patients treated with the suggested therapies had an overall survival > 12 months. Our study demonstrates that the combination of NGS and IHC/other tests provides the most useful information in aiding treatment decisions by oncologists in routine clinical practice
