81 research outputs found

    Driven diffusive system with non-local perturbations

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    We investigate the impact of non-local perturbations on driven diffusive systems. Two different problems are considered here. In one case, we introduce a non-local particle conservation along the direction of the drive and in another case, we incorporate a long-range temporal correlation in the noise present in the equation of motion. The effect of these perturbations on the anisotropy exponent or on the scaling of the two-point correlation function is studied using renormalization group analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Diez ecotipos de mora identificados para ser evaluados agronómicamente

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    No hay material de siembra con calidad genética, fisiológica y fitosanitaria adecuada para las distintas zonas del país (demanda de la cadena), se identificaron 10 materiales de mora para ser evaluados en el 2013, se estableció la línea base para profundizar en el conocimiento del sistema de producción de mora, para lo cual se emplearon los materiales seleccionados, los materiales de procedieron de los tres nichos más importantes de mora del oriente antioqueño (Envigado “Pantanillo”, Guarne “Guapante” y La Ceja “San José”); de los tres cultivares de mora mas sembrados (cv ‘Castilla’, cv ‘San Antonio y cv ‘Sin Espinas’) y cuatro accesiones del banco de germoplasma de mora (BGNCAA), identificadas por su calidad (ILS 2268, ILS 2281, ILS 2282, ILS 2283). La línea base tuvo los siguientes productos: La revisión crítica del estado del arte del sistema de producción de mora; la caracterización del entorno socioeconómico y productivo de la mora; dos metodologías de evaluación de problemas fitopatológicos obtenidas; el conocimiento de los niveles tróficos y de daño de la entomofauna asociada con materiales de mora; diagnóstico nematológico de la colección de mora obtenido; características representativas definidas de los suelos cultivados con mora en el oriente antioqueño; comportamiento fisiológico definido para los materiales de mora; la calidad de la fruta y curvas de maduración de los ecoptipos de mora seleccionados cuantificada a través del tiempo en testigos y banco de germoplasma.Mora-Rubus ulmifoliu

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas e interesantes de la provincia de Almería

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new and interesting cites of the Almería province.Palabras clave. Corología, Isla de Alborán, sureste ibérico, xenófitas.Key words. Corology, Alborán Island, South-Eastern Iberian Peninsula, xenophytes

    Prevalence and distribution of intestinal parasites in stray dogs in the northwest area of Mexico

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    Zoonotic parasitic infections are a major global public and veterinary health problem and widespread among stray dogs. The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of intestinal parasites in stray dogs in the urban, rural and coastal areas of Mexicali County in northwest Mexico. In 2014, from January to December, 380 stray dogs were captured. The entire small intestine, cecum and faeces samples were collected and examined by using simple zinc sulfate flotation and Lugol’s solution staining. Data were statistically analysed. Overall, about 21.5% of examined dogs were found positive for intestinal parasites. Toxocara canis was the most frequent detected parasite, with a prevalence of 7.1%, followed by Toxascaris leonina (5.5%), Cystoisospora spp. (5.0%), Taenia spp. (3.9%) and Dipylidium caninum (2.8%). Dogs were more frequently found to be infected with a single genus of intestinal parasite (18.7%) than co-infected (2.8%). Intestinal parasites were more prevalent in samples from the coastal area (25%) than in those from the rural (24.4%) and urban (20.6%) areas, however, only statistical association was found between capture area and specific intestinal parasitic infection. There were significant differences in the prevalence of taeniasis among two age groups (P<0.01). A seasonal peak of prevalence for intestinal parasitic infections was found during spring (P<0.05), corresponding with a seasonal peak of prevalence of T. canis (P<0.05). The wide range of isolated parasites indicated that people residing in this area are at risk of exposure to these potentially hazardous zoonotic pathogens


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    Se presentan 48 citas de 27 taxones asilvestrados en la provincia de Almería, entre las que se incluyen 9 novedades y 8 confirmaciones para la flora de la provincia de Almería, y que aportan nuevos datos interesantes sobre su potencial invasor (sobre la cual se discute)

    Soil penetration resistance analysis by multivariate and geostatistical methods

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    The penetration resistance (PR) is a soil attribute that allows identifies areas with restrictions due to compaction, which results in mechanical impedance for root growth and reduced crop yield. The aim of this study was to characterize the PR of an agricultural soil by geostatistical and multivariate analysis. Sampling was done randomly in 90 points up to 0.60 m depth. It was determined spatial distribution models of PR, and defined areas with mechanical impedance for roots growth. The PR showed a random distribution to 0.55 and 0.60 m depth. PR in other depths analyzed showed spatial dependence, with adjustments to exponential and spherical models. The cluster analysis that considered sampling points allowed establishing areas with compaction problem identified in the maps by kriging interpolation. The analysis with main components identified three soil layers, where the middle layer showed the highest values of PR.La resistencia a la penetración (RP) es un atributo del suelo que permite identificar zonas con restricciones debido a la compactación, que se traduce en impedancia mecánica para el desarrollo de las raíces y en una menor productividad de los cultivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar la RP de un suelo agrícola, mediante análisis geoestadístico y multivariado. El muestreo se realizó de manera aleatoria en 90 puntos, hasta una profundidad de 0,60 m. Se determinaron los modelos de distribución espacial de la RP y se delimitaron áreas con problemas de impedancia mecánica de las raíces. La RP presentó distribución aleatoria a 0,55 y 0,60 m de profundidad. La RP en las otras profundidades analizadas mostraron dependencia espacial, con ajustes a modelos exponenciales y esféricos. El análisis jerárquico que consideró puntos de muestreo, permitió establecer zonas con problemas de compactación, identificadas en los mapas obtenidos mediante interpolación por kriging. El análisis de componentes principales permitió identificar tres capas de suelo, donde la capa intermedia fue la que presentó los mayores valores de RP

    Prediction of LDL cholesterol response to statin using transcriptomic and genetic variation

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    BACKGROUND: Statins are widely prescribed for lowering LDL-cholesterol (LDLC) levels and risk of cardiovascular disease. There is, however, substantial inter-individual variation in the magnitude of statin-induced LDLC reduction. To date, analysis of individual DNA sequence variants has explained only a small proportion of this variability. The present study was aimed at assessing whether transcriptomic analyses could be used to identify additional genetic contributions to inter-individual differences in statin efficacy. RESULTS: Using expression array data from immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from 372 participants of the Cholesterol and Pharmacogenetics clinical trial, we identify 100 signature genes differentiating high versus low statin responders. A radial-basis support vector machine prediction model of these signature genes explains 12.3% of the variance in statin-mediated LDLC change. Addition of SNPs either associated with expression levels of the signature genes (eQTLs) or previously reported to be associated with statin response in genome-wide association studies results in a combined model that predicts 15.0% of the variance. Notably, a model of the signature gene associated eQTLs alone explains up to 17.2% of the variance in the tails of a separate subset of the Cholesterol and Pharmacogenetics population. Furthermore, using a support vector machine classification model, we classify the most extreme 15% of high and low responders with high accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that transcriptomic information can explain a substantial proportion of the variance in LDLC response to statin treatment, and suggest that this may provide a framework for identifying novel pathways that influence cholesterol metabolism. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0460-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users