9 research outputs found

    Detección del movimiento cíclico estacional en edificios históricos por métodos topográficos

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    As in other engineering structures, historic buildings are conditioned by atmospheric changes which affect their size and shape. These effects follow a more or less cyclic pattern and do not normally put the stability of such buildings in jeopardy since they are part of their natural dynamics. Nevertheless, the study of these effects provides valuable information to understand the behavior of both the building and the materials it is made of. This paper arose from the project of geometric monitoring of a presumably unstable historic building: the church of Santa María la Blanca in Agoncillo (La Rioja, Spain), which is being observed with conventional surveying equipment. The computations of the different epochs show several movements that can be explained as due to seasonal cycles.Al igual que el resto de estructuras de ingeniería, los edificios históricos están sometidos a las variaciones de las condiciones atmosféricas que afectan a sus dimensiones. Estos efectos son de carácter cíclico y no suelen suponer riesgo para la estabilidad del edificio, ya que se encuentran dentro de su dinámica natural, sin embargo, su determinación aporta información valiosa a la hora de entender el comportamiento tanto del edificio como de los materiales que lo conforman. Los resultados que se presentan surgen del proyecto de auscultación geométrica de un edificio histórico supuestamente inestable, la Iglesia de Santa María la Blanca de Agoncillo (La Rioja, España), que se viene realizando utilizando instrumentación topográfica convencional. En el cálculo de las diferentes campañas se han podido detectar movimientos cíclicos estacionales


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    Among the many valuable uses of the artificial intelligence in the field of museums, it may assist the classification of out-of-context items. This paper deals with the problem of the identification of dinosaur teeth (a type of fossil that is usually found scattered), which can be tackled by means of multivariate algorithms (such as the principal components, discriminant or cluster analyses) taking as a starting point a series of morphometric values (i.e., distances between specific points of the fossil tooth). A good interpretation requires some comprehension regarding the mathematical algorithms that are used, as well as the specific knowledge in palaeontology that permits appreciating the actual reach of the results. However, based on metric values as the computations are, there must also be some control over their precision and the possibility of checking the old measurements or complete the list of morphometric variables. This is an aspect that may be solved if the three-dimensional models of the teeth are made publicly available.The text describes the 3D documentation of a set of twelve fossil teeth of the museum of Natural Sciences of Álava (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) —approximately from 1 to 6 cm in size— using a structured light scanner and close-up photographs for recording some features smaller than the resolution of the scanner. The information about each tooth was then packed and uploaded to the university repository, from where it is also accessible via cultural and scientific aggregators (such as Europeana); likewise, reduced resolution copies are also accessible in the commercial platform Sketchfab&reg;.</p


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    Three-dimensional models with photographic textures have become a usual product for the study and dissemination of elements of heritage. The interest for cultural heritage also includes evolution along time; therefore, apart from the 3D models of the current state, it is interesting to be able to generate models representing how they were in the past. To that end, it is necessary to resort to archive information corresponding to the moments that we want to visualize. This text analyses the possibilities of generating 3D models of surfaces with photographic textures from old collections of analog negatives coming from works of terrestrial stereoscopic photogrammetry of historic buildings. The case studies presented refer to the geometric documentation of a small hermitage (done in 1996) and two sections of a wall (year 2000). The procedure starts with the digitization of the film negatives and the processing of the images generated, after which a combination of different methods for 3D reconstruction and texture wrapping are applied: techniques working simultaneously with several images (such as the algorithms of Structure from Motion – SfM) and single image techniques (such as the reconstruction based on vanishing points). Then, the features of the obtained models are described according to the geometric accuracy, completeness and aesthetic quality. In this way, it is possible to establish the real applicability of the models in order to be useful for the aforementioned historical studies and dissemination purposes. The text also wants to draw attention to the importance of preserving the documentary heritage available in the collections of negatives in archival custody and to the increasing difficulty of using them due to: (1) problems of access and physical conservation, (2) obsolescence of the equipment for scanning and stereoplotting and (3) the fact that the software for processing digitized photographs is discontinued

    El posible perfil enológico de los vinos de la vid silvestre euroasiática antes de su domesticación y la presencia mas antigua de semillas cultivadas en el área de Tartessos.

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    [ES]: The present paper is focused on five relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015¿2017. One microvinification was carried out in each population. Data indicate that the ethanol concentration varies between 10.4 and 13.4 v/v. The color intensity is situated between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26¿3.27. These constitute suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. On the other hand the age of cultivated waterlogged grapevine seeds found in an excavation in the down town of Huelva city, using a radiocarbon procedure, was 2,795 ± 30 years B.P. This antiquity agrees with that calculated according the style of the ceramic rests to contain wine from Sardinian origin accompanying the pips, found in the same archaeological stratum. Tridimensional measures of these pips were compared with other from wild origin in order to establish differences between both groups.[EN]: The present paper is focused on five relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015–2017. One microvinification was carried out in each population. Data indicate that the ethanol concentration varies between 10.4 and 13.4 v/v. The color intensity is situated between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26–3.27. These constitute suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. On the other hand the age of cultivated waterlogged grapevine seeds found in an excavation in the down town of Huelva city, using a radiocarbon procedure, was 2,795 ± 30 years B.P. This antiquity agrees with that calculated according the style of the ceramic rests to contain wine from Sardinian origin accompanying the pips, found in the same archaeological stratum. Tridimensional measures of these pips were compared with other from wild origin in order to establish differences between both groups

    An inventory of the relic eurasian wild grapevine populational nuclei in huelva province (andalusia, Spain)

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    6 páginas.- 2 figuras.- 3 tablas.- 28 referenciasThis paper is focused on 21 relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015-2017. Position of each popu lation along river-bank forests, types of flower of this dioecious subspecies and morphology of the pollen grains were described. Analyses of five microvinifications were carried out, which indicate that the color intensity of the wines is between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26-3.27, which are suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. A list of the accompanying vegetation and the cultivated varieties in the "Condado de Huelva" Registered Appellation Origin Mark were also included. Moreover, the genetic diversity of 23 vines was characterized using 25 nuclear SSR loci, the results showed a slightly higher diversity than the one found in Iberian cultivars. However, the observed heterozygosity was significantly lower than the expected one for wild populations in the Huelva province. The inbreeding depression in these wild grape populations is suggested by the positive F values. Therefore, the conservation of this unique germplasm collection should be part of the process of maintaining the genetic diversity in this gene pool, especially, taking into account that no particular legal figure of preservation exists in Spain. © The author(s).Peer reviewe

    La vid silvestre euroasiática, un recurso fitogenético amenazado ligado a la historia de la humanidad

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    16 páginas.-- 20 figuras.-- 64 referencias[EN]: The present article, focused on the Eurasian wild grapevine, the dioecious parental of the present cultivars, shows the ancient uses of this vine in the past and its importance as a plant genetic resource in the genetic improvement of existing varieties and to reduce the loss of agrodiversity in the vineyard. It also includes its main natural habitats, its main ampelographic features and the parasites that affect it. Finally, it remarks the main taxon, lacking a legal figure of preservation in Spain, at both the state and autonomic levels[ES]: El presente artículo centrado en la vid silvestre euroasiática, el parental dioico de las actuales variedades de cultivo, recoge los antiguos aprovechamientos que tuvo esta liana en el pasado y su importancia como recurso fitogenético para la mejora de variedades existentes y frenar la pérdida de agrodiversidad en el viñedo. Asimismo, señala sus principales hábitats naturales, sus principales características ampelográficas y los parásitos que la afectan. Finalmente, señala los principales impactos de carácter antrópico que han reducido drásticamente sus poblaciones, convirtiéndolo en un taxón amenazado, carente de una figura legal de protección en España, tanto a nivel estatal como autonómicoN