25 research outputs found

    Klog kapital, social kapital og finansiel kapital: Episoder i formidlingen af kapital i den videnbaserede økonomi

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    Finansiering af videnbaserede projekter og virksomheder er vigtig i vidensamfundet. Denne artikel handler om, hvorledes denne finansieringsproces ser ud. Den analyserer på basis af interviews med kapitalmarkedets aktører, hvorledes samspillet mellem analytikere og projektmagere gradvist ændrer en teknologisk eller immateriel idé til en virksomhed med en teknokommerciel dagsorden. Det vises, hvorledes denne finansieringsproces hverken begynder eller ender med overdragelse af finansiel kapital. Klog og social kapital er helt centrale elementer, hvorigennem analytikere og kapitalformidlere leverer viden om virksomhed og netværk, som disciplinerer entreprenøren, som gør projektet til en virksomhed, og som giver den finansielle kapital sin effektivitet – så forretning også bliver forrentning

    Effect of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on proteinuria and progression of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Hypertension and proteinuria are critically involved in the progression of chronic kidney disease. Despite treatment with renin angiotensin system inhibition, kidney function declines in many patients. Aldosterone excess is a risk factor for progression of kidney disease. Hyperkalaemia is a concern with the use of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. We aimed to determine whether the renal protective benefits of mineralocorticoid antagonists outweigh the risk of hyperkalaemia associated with this treatment in patients with chronic kidney disease. Methods: We conducted a meta-analysis investigating renoprotective effects and risk of hyperkalaemia in trials of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in chronic kidney disease. Trials were identified from MEDLINE (1966–2014), EMBASE (1947–2014) and the Cochrane Clinical Trials Database. Unpublished summary data were obtained from investigators. We included randomised controlled trials, and the first period of randomised cross over trials lasting ≥4 weeks in adults. Results: Nineteen trials (21 study groups, 1 646 patients) were included. In random effects meta-analysis, addition of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists to renin angiotensin system inhibition resulted in a reduction from baseline in systolic blood pressure (−5.7 [−9.0, −2.3] mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (−1.7 [−3.4, −0.1] mmHg) and glomerular filtration rate (−3.2 [−5.4, −1.0] mL/min/1.73 m2). Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism reduced weighted mean protein/albumin excretion by 38.7 % but with a threefold higher relative risk of withdrawing from the trial due to hyperkalaemia (3.21, [1.19, 8.71]). Death, cardiovascular events and hard renal end points were not reported in sufficient numbers to analyse. Conclusions: Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism reduces blood pressure and urinary protein/albumin excretion with a quantifiable risk of hyperkalaemia above predefined study upper limit

    A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordtribute to global conservation targets, we review outcomes of the last decade of marine conservation research in the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), one of the largest MPAs in the world. The BIOT MPA consists of the atolls of the Chagos Archipelago, interspersed with and surrounded by deep oceanic waters. Islands around the atoll rims serve as nesting grounds for sea birds. Extensive and diverse shallow and mesophotic reef habitats provide essential habitat and feeding grounds for all marine life, and the absence of local human impacts may improve recovery after coral bleaching events. Census data have shown recent increases in the abundance of sea turtles, high numbers of nesting seabirds and high fsh abundance, at least some of which is linked to the lack of recent harvesting. For example, across the archipelago the annual number of green turtle clutches (Chelonia mydas) is~20,500 and increasing and the number of seabirds is ~1 million. Animal tracking studies have shown that some taxa breed and/or forage consistently within the MPA (e.g. some reef fshes, elasmobranchs and seabirds), suggesting the MPA has the potential to provide long-term protection. In contrast, post-nesting green turtles travel up to 4000 km to distant foraging sites, so the protected beaches in the Chagos Archipelago provide a nesting sanctuary for individuals that forage across an ocean basin and several geopolitical borders. Surveys using divers and underwater video systems show high habitat diversity and abundant marine life on all trophic levels. For example, coral cover can be as high as 40–50%. Ecological studies are shedding light on how remote ecosystems function, connect to each other and respond to climate-driven stressors compared to other locations that are more locally impacted. However, important threats to this MPA have been identifed, particularly global heating events, and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fshing activity, which considerably impact both reef and pelagic fshes.Bertarelli Foundatio

    Klog kapital, social kapital og finansiel kapital: Episoder i formidlingen af kapital i den videnbaserede økonomi

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    Quantifying the fragility of coral reefs to hurricane impacts: a case study of the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico

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    Ecosystems like coral reefs mitigate rising coastal flood risks, but investments into their conservation remain low relative to the investments into engineered risk-mitigation structures. One reason is that quantifying the risk-reduction benefits of coral reefs requires an estimate of their fragility to severe stresses. Engineered structures typically have associated fragility functions which predict the probability of exceeding a damage state with the increasing loading intensity imposed by a stressor, like a hurricane. Here, we propose a preliminary framework for capturing the fragility of coral reefs towards hurricanes in an analogous way to that of an engineered structure. We base our framework on Disturbance Response Monitoring data collected in the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico following hurricanes Irma and Maria. We first establish a qualitatively consistent correlation between hurricane impacts and coral mortality rates using two surveys of coral health. We focus specifically on stony coral mortality as a metric for reef damage, simplifying the effect of coral morphology into a single quantitative index at the site scale. To quantify the loading intensity of a hurricane, we propose a Hurricane Wind Exposure Time that captures spatial variations in the exposure of different coral reef sites to hurricane force winds. We ultimately derive a simple empirical fragility function for the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico to support side-by-side comparisons of the cost-effectiveness of a coral reef and engineered solutions to flood risk reduction in these regions