744 research outputs found

    Disentangling the effects of particles and circulation on 231Pa/230Th during Heinrich Stadials

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    It has been shown that during Heinrich stadials northern deep water production ceased leading to an enhanced inflow of southern sourced water. Although Heinrich events are not considered to represent the primary trigger of Heinrich stadials the reorganisation of Atlantic ocean dynamics during their occurrences is an active field of research. In particular, Heinrich stadial 2 (HS2) is of high interest, based on the observation that the interplay with the climate system was very different during HS2 compared to HS1, although the magnitude of iceberg and freshwater discharge was similar (Hemming, 2004). During HS2 sea-level was still decreasing while the atmospheric CO­2 content was relatively stable unlike the climatic evolution during Heinrich HS1.The notion of a reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during Heinrich Stadials is mainly strengthened by the 231Pa/230Th records from the Bermuda Rise. However, other influencing factors, capable of increasing the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th without according decreases in AMOC strength, need to be considered as well. Besides biogenic opal, high dust fluxes may also result in enhanced scavenging rate of both radionuclides and consequently higher sedimentary 231Pa/230Th signals, since another distinct feature that accompanies Heinrich Stadials is the high atmospheric concentration of dust in the northern hemisphere. Furthermore, high dust concentrations might be an indicator of a vigorous wind system and therefore strong ocean mixing, which can lead to the enhanced formation of nepheloid layers These layers are suspected to cause strong bottom scavenging and consequently high sedimentary 231Pa/230Th. Very high dust fluxes were observed e.g. during HS2 and MIS4. Here, we compare 231Pa/230Th with dust records in order to disentangle the effects of scavenging and circulation on the recorded sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from the northwestern Atlanti

    Whole mitochondrial genome sequencing of domestic horses reveals incorporation of extensive wild horse diversity during domestication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA target enrichment by micro-array capture combined with high throughput sequencing technologies provides the possibility to obtain large amounts of sequence data (e.g. whole mitochondrial DNA genomes) from multiple individuals at relatively low costs. Previously, whole mitochondrial genome data for domestic horses (<it>Equus caballus</it>) were limited to only a few specimens and only short parts of the mtDNA genome (especially the hypervariable region) were investigated for larger sample sets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we investigated whole mitochondrial genomes of 59 domestic horses from 44 breeds and a single Przewalski horse (<it>Equus przewalski</it>) using a recently described multiplex micro-array capture approach. We found 473 variable positions within the domestic horses, 292 of which are parsimony-informative, providing a well resolved phylogenetic tree. Our divergence time estimate suggests that the mitochondrial genomes of modern horse breeds shared a common ancestor around 93,000 years ago and no later than 38,000 years ago. A Bayesian skyline plot (BSP) reveals a significant population expansion beginning 6,000-8,000 years ago with an ongoing exponential growth until the present, similar to other domestic animal species. Our data further suggest that a large sample of wild horse diversity was incorporated into the domestic population; specifically, at least 46 of the mtDNA lineages observed in domestic horses (73%) already existed before the beginning of domestication about 5,000 years ago.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study provides a window into the maternal origins of extant domestic horses and confirms that modern domestic breeds present a wide sample of the mtDNA diversity found in ancestral, now extinct, wild horse populations. The data obtained allow us to detect a population expansion event coinciding with the beginning of domestication and to estimate both the minimum number of female horses incorporated into the domestic gene pool and the time depth of the domestic horse mtDNA gene pool.</p

    Direct Imaging of Plant Metabolites in the Rhizosphere Using Laser Desorption Ionization Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    The interplay of rhizosphere components such as root exudates, microbes, and minerals results in small-scale gradients of organic molecules in the soil around roots. The current methods for the direct chemical imaging of plant metabolites in the rhizosphere often lack molecular information or require labeling with fluorescent tags or isotopes. Here, we present a novel workflow using laser desorption ionization (LDI) combined with mass spectrometric imaging (MSI) to directly analyze plant metabolites in a complex soil matrix. Undisturbed samples of the roots and the surrounding soil of Zea mays L. plants from either field- or laboratory-scale experiments were embedded and cryosectioned to 100 mm thin sections. The target metabolites were detected with a spatial resolution of 25 mm in the root and the surrounding soil based on accurate masses using ultra-high mass resolution laser desorption ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-MS). Using this workflow, we could determine the rhizosphere gradients of a dihexose (e.g., sucrose) and other plant metabolites (e.g., coumaric acid, vanillic acid). The molecular gradients for the dihexose showed a high abundance of this metabolite in the root and a strong depletion of the signal intensity within 150 mm from the root surface. Analyzing several sections from the same undisturbed soil sample allowed us to follow molecular gradients along the root axis. Benefiting from the ultra-high mass resolution, isotopologues of the dihexose could be readily resolved to enable the detection of stable isotope labels on the compound level. Overall, the direct molecular imaging via LDI-FT-ICR-MS allows for the first time a nontargeted or targeted analysis of plant metabolites in undisturbed soil samples, paving the way to study the turnover of root-derived organic carbon in the rhizosphere with high chemical and spatial resolution

    Factors influencing the development of school bonding among middle school students

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    The goal of this research is to examine the trajectory of school bonding over the middle school period and how factors such as gender, substance use, antisocial peers, delinquent behavior, and academic achievement affect this developmental process. Data from four waves of measurement of 2,902 adolescents are analyzed using hierarchical growth curve modeling. Results suggest that school bonding decreases in a nonlinear fashion from Grades 6 to 8. However, school bonding development varies based on interindividual differences. Boys have lower initial levels and greater decreases in school bonding than girls. Student deviant behavior, having antisocial peers, and low academic achievement are associated with lower levels of school bonding at Grade 6. Low grades and an increase in substance use are associated with a steeper decrease of school bonding over time. Increases in substance use and being male are also associated with a curvilinear pattern of school bonding. Implications for interventions are discussed

    Northern Sourced Water dominated the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Increased carbon sequestration in the ocean subsurface is commonly assumed to have been one of the main causes responsible for lower glacial atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Remineralized carbon must have been stored away from the atmosphere for thousands of years, yet the water mass structure accommodating such increased carbon storage continues to be debated. Here, we present new sediment-derived bottom-water neodymium isotope records that allow fingerprinting of water masses and provide a more complete picture of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation geometry during the Last Glacial Maximum. These results suggest that the vertical and meridional structure of the Atlantic water mass distribution only experienced minor changes since the last ice age. In particular, we find no compelling evidence supporting glacial southern-sourced water substantially expanding to shallower depths and farther into the Northern Hemisphere than today, which had been previously inferred from stable carbon isotope (δ13C) reconstructions. We argue that depleted δ13C values observed in the deep Northwest Atlantic do not necessarily indicate the presence of southern-sourced water. Instead, these values may represent a northern-sourced water mass with lower than modern preformed δ13C values that were further modified downstream by increased sequestration of remineralized carbon, facilitated by a more sluggish glacial deep circulation, corroborating previous evidence

    Changes of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation of the past 30ka recorded in a depth transect at the Blake Outer Ridge

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    Oceans and climate are a tightly coupled system interacting with each other in various ways such as storage of carbon dioxide in the deep ocean. Within the global conveyor belt the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) holds a key function, transporting warm salty surface waters from the tropical to the northern Atlantic where deep water formation takes place. Following the continental rise of North America this newly formed deep water propagates southward as Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC) ventilating the deep Atlantic. In the past (e.g. the last glacial cycle) strength and geometry of the AMOC have changed significantly. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the temporal and spatial (also depth depended) evolution of the AMOC in the western Atlantic sector since the last glacial (∼30 ka). We have investigated four sediment cores of the Blake Outer Ridge (30°N, 74°W; ODP 1059 to 1062) in a depth transect from 3000 to 4700 m water depth in the main flow path of the WBUC. We measured four down-core profiles of neodymium (εNd) and 231Pa/230Th isotopes for the reconstruction of water mass provenance and circulation strength of the last ∼30 ka. In contrast to published Nd isotope and 231Pa/230Th records from the Blake Ridge area our records are of unprecedented resolution, resolving climate key features of the North Atlantic region: Heinrich Stadials (HS) 1 and 2, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the Bølling-Allerød and Younger Dryas (YD). Radiogenic Nd isotope signatures during the LGM reveal AABW to be the prevalent water mass in the deep western North Atlantic. The trend to more unradiogenic signatures during the deglaciation point to an increased formation of NADW which was again replaced by AABW during YD. The Holocene shows the most unradiogenic signatures and therefore established NADW. The circulation strength-proxy 231Pa/230Th indicates reduced LGM deep circulation, a pronounced slowdown during HS1 and a strong and deep circulation during the Holocene. Compared to isotopic records from the Bermuda Rise (ODP 1063) we found depth depended geometry changes of the WBUC which have occurred through the last glacial. Here, we focus on how deep northern sourced water has reached during phases of reduced circulation (indicated by increased 231Pa/230Th ratios) and the timing of this southward progradation of lower NADW

    Humusqualität und Bodenstruktur: Was kontrolliert die Lachgas-Emissionen aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden?

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde der globale N-Kreislauf nicht nur durch die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger, sondern auch durch Anwendung von Düngemitteln drastisch verändert. Gefährdung des Grundwassers und Beitrag zur globalen Klimaentwicklung sind bekannte Folgewirkungen. In Böden ist die Denitrifikation hauptverantwortlich für die Rückführung des Stickstoffs in die Atmosphäre und gehört somit zu den Schlüsselprozessen im N-Kreislauf. Obwohl längst bekannt ist, dass denitrifizierende Bodenorganismen hierfür organische Bodensubstanz (OBS) sowohl als C-Substrat als auch als Elektronendonator nutzen, ist hierbei die Rolle funktioneller OBS-Fraktionen (Humusqualität) sowie deren räumliche und zeitliche Verfügbarkeit in unterschiedlichen Aggregatgrößenfraktionen weitestgehend unbekannt. Aus diesem Grund werden die Auswirkungen spezifischer funktioneller OBS-Fraktionen (gelöste und partikuläre OBS) auf den Beginn und das Ausmaß der Denitrifikation in definierten Inkubationsexperimenten untersucht. Insbesondere für die N2O-Bildung durch Denitrifikation scheinen anoxische „Mikrohabitate“ im Inneren der Aggregate relevant. Im Statischen Düngeversuch in Bad Lauchstädt untersuchen wir daher den Einfluss langfristiger Düngeranwendungen (Applikation von N-, NP- und organischem Dünger) auf die Akkumulation bestimmter funktioneller OBS-Fraktionen sowie auf die Aggregatstruktur und infolgedessen auf das Treibhausgasemissionspotential (neben N2O auch CO2 und CH4). Gasemissionsmessungen aus ungestörten Bodenproben sollen zeigen, inwieweit das Düngungsmanagement über die Kontrolle der Humusqualität und/oder des Aggregationsstatus die Treibhausgasemissionen aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden steuert

    SoldaduraTIG del Acero AISI-316 en cámara inerte y con diferentes metales de aporte: Cambios en su microestructura y propiedades mecánicas

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    [EN] This report analyses the influence of the use of an inert gas welding chamber with a totally inert atmosphere on the microstructure and mechanical properties of austenitic AISI 316L stainless steel TIC welds, using AISI ER316L, AISI 308L and Inconel 625 as filler metals. When compared with the typical TIC process, the use of the inert gas chamber induced changes in the microstructure, mainly an increase in the presence of vermicular ferrite and ferrite stringers, what resulted in higher yield strengths and lower values of hardness. Its effect on other characteristics of the joins, such as tensile strength, depended on the filler metal. The best combination of mechanical characteristics was obtained when welding in the inert gas chamber using Inconel 625 as filler metal.[ES] En este estudio se analiza la influencia que el uso de una cámara de soldadura de gas inerte tiene sobre la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas de las soldaduras TIG en el acero inoxidable austenítico AISI-316L cuando se emplean AISI ER316L, AISI 308L e Inconel 625 como materiales de aporte. Cuando se compara con el típico proceso de TIG, el uso de una cámara de gas inerte induce cambios en la microestructura, incrementando la presencia de ferrita vermicular y de laminillas de ferrita, resultando en un aumento del límite elástico y una pérdida de dureza. Su influencia sobre otras características de las soldaduras como la carga de rotura depende de la composición del material de aporte. La mejor combinación de propiedades mecánicas se obtuvo usando el Inconel 625 como material de aporte y soldando en la cámara de gas inerte.Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F.; Cárcel Carrasco, FJ.; Perales Villena, M.; Sánchez Bolinches, A. (2010). TIG AISI-316 welds using an inert gas welding chamber and different filler metals: Changes in mechanical properties and microstructure. Revista de Metalurgia. 46(6):493-498. https://doi.org/10.3989/revmetalmadrid.1005S49349846