969 research outputs found

    Rational Theories of 2D Gravity from the Two-Matrix Model

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    The correspondence claimed by M. Douglas, between the multicritical regimes of the two-matrix model and 2D gravity coupled to (p,q) rational matter field, is worked out explicitly. We found the minimal (p,q) multicritical potentials U(X) and V(Y) which are polynomials of degree p and q, correspondingly. The loop averages W(X) and \tilde W(Y) are shown to satisfy the Heisenberg relations {W,X} =1 and {\tilde W,Y}=1 and essentially coincide with the canonical momenta P and Q. The operators X and Y create the two kinds of boundaries in the (p,q) model related by the duality (p,q) - (q,p). Finally, we present a closed expression for the two two-loop correlators and interpret its scaling limit.Comment: 24 pages, preprint CERN-TH.6834/9

    Two Dimensional QCD as a String Theory

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    I explore the possibility of finding an equivalent string representation of two dimensional QCD. I develop the large N expansion of the QCD2{\rm QCD_2} partition function on an arbitrary two dimensional Euclidean manifold. If this is related to a two-dimensional string theory then many of the coefficients of the 1N{1\over N} expansion must vanish. This is shown to be true to all orders, giving strong evidence for the existence of a string representation.Comment: 24 page

    Scattering of Long Folded Strings and Mixed Correlators in the Two-Matrix Model

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    We study the interactions of Maldacena's long folded strings in two-dimensional string theory. We find the amplitude for a state containing two long folded strings to come and go back to infinity. We calculate this amplitude both in the worldsheet theory and in the dual matrix model, the Matrix Quantum Mechanics. The matrix model description allows to evaluate the amplitudes involving any number of long strings, which are given by the mixed trace correlators in an effective two-matrix model.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figure

    Bulk correlation functions in 2D quantum gravity

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    We compute bulk 3- and 4-point tachyon correlators in the 2d Liouville gravity with non-rational matter central charge c<1, following and comparing two approaches. The continuous CFT approach exploits the action on the tachyons of the ground ring generators deformed by Liouville and matter ``screening charges''. A by-product general formula for the matter 3-point OPE structure constants is derived. We also consider a ``diagonal'' CFT of 2D quantum gravity, in which the degenerate fields are restricted to the diagonal of the semi-infinite Kac table. The discrete formulation of the theory is a generalization of the ADE string theories, in which the target space is the semi-infinite chain of points.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Quasiperiodic Solutions of the Fibre Optics Coupled Nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger Equations

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    We consider travelling periodical and quasiperiodical waves in single mode fibres, with weak birefringence and under the action of cross-phase modulation. The problem is reduced to the ``1:2:1" integrable case of the two-particle quartic potential. A general approach for finding elliptic solutions is given. New solutions which are associated with two-gap Treibich-Verdier potentials are found. General quasiperiodic solutions are given in terms of two dimensional theta functions with explicit expressions for frequencies in terms of theta constants. The reduction of quasiperiodic solutions to elliptic functions is discussed.Comment: 24 page

    Boundary operators in the O(n) and RSOS matrix models

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    We study the new boundary condition of the O(n) model proposed by Jacobsen and Saleur using the matrix model. The spectrum of boundary operators and their conformal weights are obtained by solving the loop equations. Using the diagrammatic expansion of the matrix model as well as the loop equations, we make an explicit correspondence between the new boundary condition of the O(n) model and the "alternating height" boundary conditions in RSOS model.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; version to appear in JHE

    The O(n)O(n) model on a random surface: critical points and large order behaviour

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    In this article we report a preliminary investigation of the large NN limit of a generalized one-matrix model which represents an O(n)O(n) symmetric model on a random lattice. The model on a regular lattice is known to be critical only for 2n2-2\le n\le 2. This is the situation we shall discuss also here, using steepest descent. We first determine the critical and multicritical points, recovering in particular results previously obtained by Kostov. We then calculate the scaling behaviour in the critical region when the cosmological constant is close to its critical value. Like for the multi-matrix models, all critical points can be classified in terms of two relatively prime integers p,qp,q. In the parametrization p=(2m+1)q±lp=(2m+1)q \pm l, m,lm,l integers such that 0<l<q0<l<q, the string susceptibility exponent is found to be γstring=2l/(p+ql)\gamma_{\rm string}=-2l/(p+q-l). When l=1l=1 we find that all results agree with those of the corresponding (p,q)(p,q) string models, otherwise they are different.\par We finally explain how to derive the large order behaviour of the corresponding topological expansion in the double scaling limit.Comment: 33 page

    Correlation Functions in the Multiple Ising Model Coupled to Gravity

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    The model of p Ising spins coupled to 2d gravity, in the form of a sum over planar phi-cubed graphs, is studied and in particular the two-point and spin-spin correlation functions are considered. We first solve a toy model in which only a partial summation over spin configurations is performed and, using a modified geodesic distance, various correlation functions are determined. The two-point function has a diverging length scale associated with it. The critical exponents are calculated and it is shown that all the standard scaling relations apply. Next the full model is studied, in which all spin configurations are included. Many of the considerations for the toy model apply for the full model, which also has a diverging geometric correlation length associated with the transition to a branched polymer phase. Using a transfer function we show that the two-point and spin-spin correlation functions decay exponentially with distance. Finally, by assuming various scaling relations, we make a prediction for the critical exponents at the transition between the magnetized and branched polymer phases in the full model.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, uses epsf macro, 5 figure