166 research outputs found

    A space for the living and the dead: The Chalcolithic ditched enclosured settlement of Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid)

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    Se presentan los resultados preliminares de la excavación de un gran poblado de fosos calcolítico, cuya situación estratégica ayudó a ser un centro de producción e intercambio de excedentes en materias primas (sílex, granito y piedras metamórficas) y productos agropecuarios e industriales por otros foráneos (cobre, variscita, cinabrio, marfil y oro). Los rituales funerarios son de una gran variedad, individuales y colectivos, en covachas e hipogeos, con o sin ajuar campaniforme, algunos de los últimos con ricos ajuares áureos y ebúrneos. Los datos óseos de algunos inhumados campaniformes apuntan a un aspecto físico muy llamativo en vida, mientras los depósitos con fauna, en composición taxonómica variada, indican una compleja relación simbólica con el mundo animal. El yacimiento resulta clave para un mejor conocimiento del período calcolítico y el impacto campaniforme y sus rituales funerarios en la consolidación y diferenciación de las primeras sociedades metalúrgicas del interior peninsularThe preliminary results are presented of the excavations in a large, ditched enclosured Chalcolithic settlement. The site was probably a central place in the production and long-distance exchange of surplus. The accumulations found of raw materials (flint, granite and metamorphic stones) and agricultural, stockbreeding and industrial products were exchanged by other foreign products (variscite, cinnabar, ivory and gold). Ritual data are also remarkable: a significant number of individual and collective burials have been recorded in pits, small artificial caves and hypogeos, delimited in special areas. The richer burials had Ciempozuelos-style Bell-beaker elements and prestige items, such as gold and ivory beads. Osteomorphic and size features of some Bell-beaker individuals point out a remarkable physical aspect during their life time. The faunal deposits, which included mixed species associations, evidence a complex symbolic relationship with animals. The site is essential for the knowledge of the Chalcolithic period and the impact of Bell-beaker customs and funerary rituals in the consolidation of social inequalities amidst the first metallurgical societies of the interior of the Iberian Peninsul

    Transformación vía Agrobacterium tumefaciens para inducir tolerancia a la podredumbre blanca del aguacate

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    Comunicación presentada en el VII World Avocado Congress, celebrado en Cairns (Australia) del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2011.[EN] One of the most important limiting factors for avocado production in Spain is the disease caused by the fungus Rosellinia necatrix . Genetic manipulation could be useful for the introduction of fungal resistance traits into this crop. A n efficient Agrobacterium - mediated transformation protocol for avocado using AGL1 Agrobacterium strain and somatic embryos as the target material has been established by our group, although embryo conversion rate into plants needs to be improved. For that reason, we are using the strawberry, another Rosellinia necatrix ́s host, as model species to test the effect of several transgenes (two of fungal origin, chit 42 chitinase and β - 1,3 - glucanase from Trichoderma harzianum , and one of plant origin, At NPR1), on inducing tolerance to this fungus. Strawberry transformation with the β - 1,3 - glucanase gene has allowed the selection of two lines, β6 and β10, with enhanced tolerance to R. necatrix while no positive results were obtained following transformation with the chit - 42 gene. In relation to the At NPR1 gene more than 30 independent transgenic lines have been obtained whose tolerance to R. necatrix is currently under evaluation. Concerning avocado transformation, more than 10 independent transgenic lines (derive d from an embryogenic line of an immature Duke7 zygotic embryo) have been obtained with At NPR1 gene. Plants have been recovered from one line and efforts are underway to recover plants from other lines following micrografting of the transgenic sprouted sho ots onto in vitro germinated seedlings.[ES] Uno de los factores limitantes de la producción de aguacate en España es la enfermedad causada por el hongo R. necatrix. La manipulación genética podría ser de utilidad para introducir caracteres de resistencia en este cultivo. Se ha establecido un sistema eficiente de transformación en aguacate usando la cepa de Agrobacterium AGL1 y células embriogénicas como diana, sin embargo, la conversión en plantas de los embriones transgénicos necesita ser mejorada. Por esta razón, estamos utilizando la fresa, otro huésped de R. necatrix, como especie modelo para testar el efecto de varios transgenes (2 de origen fúngico, la quitinasa chit-42 y la β-1,3-glucanasa de Trichoderma harzianum, y uno derivado de plantas, AtNPR1), en la inducción de tolerancia a este patógeno tras la transformación de esta especie. La transformación de fresa con el gen de β -1,3-glucanasa ha permitido la selección de dos líneas, β6 y β10, con mayor tolerancia a R. necatrix, mientras que no se han obtenido resultados positivos con el gen chit-42. En relación con el gen AtNPR1, se han obtenido más de 30 líneas transgénicas independientes, cuya tolerancia frente a R. necatrix se está evaluando en la actualidad. En relación con la transformación de aguacate, más de 10 líneas transgénicas independientes (derivadas de una línea embriogénica obtenida a partir de un embrión zigótico inmaduro del cv. Duke 7) se han obtenido con el gen AtNPR1. Se han recuperado plantas de una línea y actualmente se está intentando recuperar plantas de otras líneas mediante microinjerto de los embriones transgénicos germinados.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto AGL2008 - 05453 - C02 - 01/AGR.Peer Reviewe

    Next generation flow for minimally-invasive blood characterization of MGUS and multiple myeloma at diagnosis based on circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC)

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    Here, we investigated for the first time the frequency and number of circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC) in peripheral blood (PB) of newly diagnosed patients with localized and systemic plasma cell neoplasms (PCN) using next-generation flow cytometry (NGF) and correlated our findings with the distinct diagnostic and prognostic categories of the disease. Overall, 508 samples from 264 newly diagnosed PCN patients, were studied. CTPC were detected in PB of all active multiple myeloma (MM; 100%), and smoldering MM (SMM) patients (100%), and in more than half (59%) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) cases (p < 0.0001); in contrast, CTPC were present in a small fraction of solitary plasmacytoma patients (18%). Higher numbers of CTPC in PB were associated with higher levels of BM infiltration and more adverse prognostic features, together with shorter time to progression from MGUS to MM (p < 0.0001) and a shorter survival in MM patients with active disease requiring treatment (p <= 0.03). In summary, the presence of CTPC in PB as assessed by NGF at diagnosis, emerges as a hallmark of disseminated PCN, higher numbers of PB CTPC being strongly associated with a malignant disease behavior and a poorer outcome of both MGUS and MM

    Do Religious Factors Influence the Attitude Toward Organ Donation Among Medical Students? A Spanish Multicenter Study

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    Introduction Religious factors have conditioned the attitude toward organ donation and transplantation (ODT) since the beginning of transplantation, despite the fact that most religions are in favor of transplantation. Objective To assess the impact of religious beliefs of medical students on their attitude toward ODT. Method Population under study: Medical students in Spanish universities. Study sample: Stratified by geographical area and academic course. Assessment instrument: Attitude ODT questionnaire PCID-DTO-Ríos, anonymous and self-administered. Results Of all students, 42% (n = 3907) declare themselves atheists or agnostics. The remaining 58% (n = 5368) declare themselves to be religious, the majority being Catholic (55%, n = 5102). Of the rest, 0.2% are Muslims (n = 8), 0.1% Protestants (n = 1), and the remaining 2.7% (n = 257) indicate other religious doctrines but do not want to specify it. Regarding their attitude toward ODT, those who consider themselves atheists or agnostics have a more favorable attitude than those who consider themselves religious (84% versus 76%; P < .001). Among those who follow some kind of religion, Catholics are more in favor of ODT than non-Catholics (77% vs 64%, P < .001). Note that among the religious, only 57% (n = 3050) know which religion is in favor of transplantation, while 22% (n = 1,152) consider that it has not been pronounced on the matter, 13% (n = 723) think the religion is against donation, and the remaining 8% (n = 443) do not know. Conclusion The religion professed by medical students conditions their attitude toward donation, with the atheists and agnostics being more in favor of donation.Sin financiación0.784 JCR (2019) Q4, 155/158 Immunology, 191/210 Surgery, 24/24 Transplantation0.363 SJR (2019) Q3, 254/451 Surgery, 27/41 TransplantationNo data IDR 2019UE

    Engineering of III-Nitride Semiconductors on Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics

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    This work presents results in the feld of advanced substrate solutions in order to achieve high crystalline quality group-III nitrides based heterostructures for high frequency and power devices or for sensor applications. With that objective, Low Temperature Co-fred Ceramics has been used, as a noncrystalline substrate. Structures like these have never been developed before, and for economic reasons will represent a groundbreaking material in these felds of Electronic. In this sense, the report presents the characterization through various techniques of three series of specimens where GaN was deposited on this ceramic composite, using diferent bufer layers, and a singular metal-organic chemical vapor deposition related technique for low temperature deposition. Other single crystalline ceramic-based templates were also utilized as substrate materials, for comparison purposes

    Next generation flow for minimally-invasive blood characterization of MGUS and multiple myeloma at diagnosis based on circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC)

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    © The Author(s) 2018.Here, we investigated for the first time the frequency and number of circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC) in peripheral blood (PB) of newly diagnosed patients with localized and systemic plasma cell neoplasms (PCN) using next-generation flow cytometry (NGF) and correlated our findings with the distinct diagnostic and prognostic categories of the disease. Overall, 508 samples from 264 newly diagnosed PCN patients, were studied. CTPC were detected in PB of all active multiple myeloma (MM; 100%), and smoldering MM (SMM) patients (100%), and in more than half (59%) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) cases (p <0.0001); in contrast, CTPC were present in a small fraction of solitary plasmacytoma patients (18%). Higher numbers of CTPC in PB were associated with higher levels of BM infiltration and more adverse prognostic features, together with shorter time to progression from MGUS to MM (p <0.0001) and a shorter survival in MM patients with active disease requiring treatment (p ≤ 0.03). In summary, the presence of CTPC in PB as assessed by NGF at diagnosis, emerges as a hallmark of disseminated PCN, higher numbers of PB CTPC being strongly associated with a malignant disease behavior and a poorer outcome of both MGUS and MM.This work has been supported by the International Myeloma Foundation-Black Swan Research Initiative and the EuroFlow Consortium; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer (CIBER-ONC; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER), numbers: CB16/12/00400, CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00489 and CB16/12/00233; grant SA079U14 from the Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain and; grant DTS15/00119 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain. Acuerdo de colaboración con Fundación de Hemoterapia y Hemodonación de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain. This study was also supported by the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Award No. 7-916-3-237, the AACR-Millennium Fellowship in Multiple Myeloma Research (15-40-38-PAIV), ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 (iMMunocell), by a 2017 Leonardo Grant (BZG10931) for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT)