120 research outputs found

    Contenido polínico de la atmósfera de la ciudad de Orense, primeros resultados (marzo 1986-marzo 1987)

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    El presente trab•jo rcooge los primeroo resultadO< del contenido poltnico de la atmWcra de la ciudad de Orcnse, regisrradoo durante el periodo de un año (!5 de Ma11.o de 1.986-14 de :>tara> de 1987) dentro de un programa P<e-;sto a largo plazo y por el que se pretcadc conocer las fluctuaciones anuales e intcrenualcs en dicha ciudad Un 101al de 35 pcrr.Jcs rcllejan ol contenido pollnico por periodos de dos a tres dios a lo largo del año. Pinu.s es d géocro más abundante de los rtprescnlados con m~ximos en t i mes de mayo, le siguen Ptouuuzs (abril) y Quercm (mayo); entre las familias las Gramintae y PDpilionoctat son las más abu ndante.~In this J'"pcr WC have collea ed pollcn·count rcadings fur tbe city or Orense, rcgistered over • period or onc ycar (15th march l986- 14th march 1987). This ;, part of a long-tcnn programm: of im·cstigation through whic.:h we y,rjs)¡ 10 discover the annual and in· terannllal fi uct.uu tion of the pollcn-count in thi.s city. Thi rt yfivc graphs reflect the pol!cn· couot for periods OÍ IWO lO threc days tal:en throoghoul the year. Of the specics rcprcscntcd here Pimu is the most :Jbundant, with maximum oounts in may, folloy.ocd by Plarwn;s (in april). and Quw:UJ (may). The moSI abundan! amoog thc familic! are thc Gronuncoe ond the PapUionautu

    The coinmunities of cl. Ononido-Rosmarinetea Br.-BI. 1947 in ets northwestern Iberian limit (Galicia-NW Spain)

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    AMIGO, ]., GIMÉNEZ DE AZCARATE, i. &amp; lico, J. 1993. Las comunidades de la clase Ononijo-Rosn,a,inetea Br.-BI. l947 en su límite noroccidental ibérico (Galicia-NOde España). Sor. Cornphítcnsts 18: 213-229 Se estudian las formaciones vegetales pertenecientes a la Clase Ononido-Rosrnarinetea inédita en el territorio de Galicia. Se describen dos comunidades diferentes. un pastizal con caméfitos del piso montano, orófilo y psicroxerófilo, que designamos Koelerio vallesiance trodietmn glandulosi, y un matorral más termófilo del piso mcsomediterráneo que designamos Comunidad de Thymus zygis". Se presenta de ambas su composición florística y su ubicación geográfica detallada realzando su carácter linícola extremo

    El cultivo ornamental de Olea Europaea como fuente de polen atmosférico. Evidencias de dos localidades del NO Ibérico (Ourense y Vigo)

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    Flora Matritensis,1 (Pteridophyta)

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    La flora pteridológica de la provincia de Madrid y comarcas limítrofes consta de 24 géneros, 54 especies, siete subespecies, dos formas y doce híbridos. La obra posee claves para determinar órdenes, géneros, especies, subespecies y formas. Para cada taxon se indica el biotipo, tamaño, ecología, fitosociología, pisos bioclimáticos, corología general y regional, así como la ploidía y número de cromosomas.The pteridological flora from Madrid and surrouding areas comprehends 24 genera, 54 species, 7 subspecies, 2 forms and 12 hybrids. This paper has keys for the determination of all taxa up to the form level. Biotype, size, ecology, phytosociology, vegetation stage, general and regional and regional chorology, plody level and chromosome number is given for each [email protected]

    Glial activation precedes alpha-synuclein pathology in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease

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    Neuroinflammation is increasingly recognized as an important feature in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, it remains unclear whether neuroinflammation contributes to nigral degeneration in PD or is merely a secondary marker of neurodegeneration. We aimed to investigate the temporal relationship between synucleopathy, neuroinflammation and nigrostriatal degeneration in a mouse model of PD. Mice received unilateral intrastriatal injection of alpha-synuclein pre-formed fibrils, alpha-synuclein monomer or vehicle and were sacrificed at 15, 30 and 90 days post-injection. Intrastriatal inoculation of alpha-synuclein fibrils led to significant alpha-synuclein aggregation in the substantia nigra peaking at 30 days after injection while the significant increase in Iba-1 cells, GFAP cells and IL-1β expression peaked earlier at 15 days. At 90 days, the striatal dopaminergic denervation was associated with astroglial activation. Alpha-synuclein monomer did not result in long-term glia activation or increase in inflammatory markers. The spread of alpha-synuclein aggregates into the cortex was not associated with any changes to neuroinflammatory markers. Our results demonstrate that in the substantia nigra glial activation is an early event that precedes alpha-synuclein inclusion formation, suggesting neuroinflammation could play an important early role in the pathogenesis of PD

    A classe Cytisetea scopario-striati em Portugal continental

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    Giestais são a designação vulgar em português para as comunidades silicícolas que se inserem na classe Cytisetea scopario-striati e são dominadas por espécies de leguminosas dos géneros Cytisus, Genista, Adenocarpus e Retama. Esta classe tem o seu óptimo na Península Ibérica e representa normalmente as orlas ou etapas de regressão de bosques climácicos da Quercetalia roboris e da Quercion broteroi. No presente trabalho apresentam-se as diversas comunidades da classe Cytisetea scopario-striati que ocorrem em Portugal continental. Propõem-se os seguintes novos sintáxones: Ulici latebracteati-Cytisetum striati cytisetosum grandiflori, Cytiso multiflori-Retametum sphaerocarpae cytisetosum scoparii, Cytiso multiflori-Retametum sphaerocarpae cytisetosum eriocarpi, Cytisetum cabezudo

    Geobotanical survey of Cabo Verde Islands (West Africa)

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    The results of the study of the bioclimate, biogeography, flora and vegetation of Cabo Verde Islands, after seven years of field works in all inhabited isles are presented in this paper. Tropical hyperdesertic to pluviseasonal, upper infra- to low supratropical and upper ultrahyperarid to upper dry, and occasionaly lower subhumid (short period years), are the bioclimates in these archipelago. Biogeographically they are situated in the Paleotropical Kingdom, Afrotropical Subkingdom, Tropical Saharan Region, and Cabo Verde Province. Eight new species are described: Acacia caboverdeana, Asphodelus mariolousae, Frankenia pseudoericifolia, Hyparrhenia caboverdeana, Lotus chevalieri, Polycarpaea caboverdeana, Suaeda caboverdeana and Tetraena vicentina, and also fifteen new combinations are proposed. In taxonomic phytosociology, five new classis: Cocculo penduli-Sarcostemmetea daltonii, Heteropogonetea contorti, Tetraenetea simplicis, Frankenio pseudoericifoliae-Suaedetea caboverdeanae and Arthrocnemetea franzii; nine new orders: Euphorbio tuckeyanae-Sarcostemmetalia daltonii, Dichrostachyo platycarpae-Acacietalia caboverdeanae, Melinio grandiflorae-Heteropogonetalia contorti, Aristido cardosoi-Tetraenetalia simplicis, Frankenio pseudoericifoliae-Suaedetalia caboverdeanae, Artrocnemetalia franzii, Sesuvietalia sesuvioidis, Kickxietalia elegantis and Euphorbietalia prostrato-hirtae; fourteen new alliances: Asparago squarrosi-Sarcostemmion daltonii, Globulario amygdalifoliae- Periplocion chevalieri, Fico gnaphalocarpae-Acacion caboverdeanae, Phoenicion atlanticae, Tamaricion senegalensis, Heteropogonion melanocarpo-contorti, Aristido cardosoi-Tetraenion simplicis, Polycarpaeo caboverdeanae-Tetraenion waterlotii, Arthrocnemion franzii, Sesuvion sesuvioidis, Adiantion trifidi, Kickxion elegantis, Adiantion incisophilippensis and Trianthemion portulacastri and, finally, fifty two new associations: Cocculo penduli-Sarcostemmetum daltonii, Campylantho spathulati-Sarcostemmetum daltonii, Frankenio caboverdeanae-Asparagetum squarrosi, Aeonio gogonei-Sarcostemmetum daltonii, Echio stenosiphonis-Euphorbietum tuckeyanae, Suaedo caboverdeanae-Asparagetum squarrosii, Tetraeno waterlotii-Sarcostemmetum daltonii, Erysimo caboverdeanae-Periplocetum chevalieri, Echietum vulcanori, Actinopterido radiatae-Sarcostemmetum daltonii, Echio hypertropici-Euphorbietum tuckeyanae, Launaeo thalassicae-Euphorbietum tuckeyanae, Loto latifolii-Artemisietum gogonei, Melanoselino bischoffii-Globularietum amygdalifoliae, Asterisco smithii-Euphorbietum tuckeyanae, Dichrostachyo platycarpae-Acacietum caboverdeanae, Cocculo penduli-Acacietum caboverdeanae, Forsskaoleo procridifoliae-Acacietum caboverdeanae, Cocculo penduli-Ficetum gnaphalocarpae, Forsskaoleo procridifoliae-Ficetum gnaphalocarpae, Dichrostachyo platycarpae-Ficetum sur, Euphorbio tuckeyanae-Ficetum sur, Sideroxyletum marginati, Dracaenetum caboverdeanae, Cocculo penduli-Phoenicetum atlanticae, Cocculo penduli-Tamaricetum senegalensis, Dichanthio foveolati-Heteropogonetum contorti, Heteropogonetum melanocarpi, Bothriochloo bladhii-Enneapogonetum desvauxii, Aristido cardosoi- Tetraenetum simplicis, Asphodelo mariolousae-Aristidetum cardosoi, Sehimatetum ischaemoidis, Polycarpaeo caboverdeanae-Tetraenetum waterlotii, Tetraenetum vicentinae, Sporobolo spicati-Cyperetum crassipedis, Loto brunneri- Pulicarietum diffusae, Arthrocnemetum franzii, Cressetum salinae, Sesuvietum sesuvioidis, Sesuvietum portulacastri, Blutaparonetum vermicularis, Adiantetum trifidi, Hypodematio crenati-Campanuletum bravensis, Kickxietum webbianae, Diplotaxio hirtae-Kickxietum elegantis, Umbilico schmidtii-Cheilanthetum acrosticae, Campanuletum jacobaeae, Campanulo bravensis-Launaetum thalassicae, Adiantetum inciso-philippensis, Trianthemetum portulacastri, Euphorbio hirtae-Boerhavietum repentis and Oldenlandietum corymbosae are proposed and describedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utility of the MoCA for cognitive impairment screening in long-term psychosis patients

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    Cognitive impairment is a key feature in patients with psychotic disorders. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief tool that has been shown to be effective in identifying mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. This study explores the usefulness of this instrument to detect cognitive impairment in long-term psychotic disorders. One hundred-forty stabilized patients were re-evaluated more than 15 years after a First Episode of Psychosis (FEP). Patients were psychopathologically assessed, and the MoCA test and MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) were administered. Two cut-off scores for cognitive impairment using the MCCB were applied (T score <40 and < 30). Concurrent validation was found between the total scores of the MoCA and MCCB. We also found significant associations between 5 out of 7 MoCA subtests (visuospatial-executive, attention, language, abstraction and delayed recall) and MCCB subtests but not for the naming and orientation MoCA subtests. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis suggested a <25 cut-off for cognitive impairment instead of the original <26. Our results suggest that the MoCA test is a useful screening instrument for assessing cognitive impairment in psychotic patients and has some advantages over other available instruments, such as its ease-of-use and short administration time