1,429 research outputs found

    Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings

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    This paper is focused on the study of an earthquake protection system, the Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD), which can, if adequately designed, reduce earthquake demands on buildings. This positive effect is accomplished taking into account the oscillation of the free surface of a fluid inside a tank (sloshing). The behaviour of an isolated Tuned Liquid Damper, subjected to a sinusoidal excitation at its base, with different displacement amplitudes, was studied by finite element analysis. The efficiency of the TLD in improving the seismic response of an existing building, representative of modern architecture buildings in southern European countries was also evaluated based on linear dynamic analyses

    Dark matter from cosmic defects on galactic scales?

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    We discuss the possible dynamical role of extended cosmic defects on galactic scales, specifically focusing on the possibility that they may provide the dark matter suggested by the classical problem of galactic rotation curves. We emphasize that the more standard defects (such as Goto-Nambu strings) are unsuitable for this task, but show that more general models (such as transonic wiggly strings) could in principle have a better chance. In any case, we show that observational data severely restricts any such scenarios.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D (Brief Reports). v2: Reference added and some typos corrected, matches published versio

    Pneumatosis Coli Treated with Metronidazole and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Successful Case

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    A pneumatose intestinal, caracterizada pela presença de gás na parede do cólon, é uma condição incomum com um espectro de apresentação variável. Pode ser idiopática ou secundária a outras doenças. A tomografia computorizada é o método de diagnóstico com maior sensibilidade. Na ausência de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de complicações, como a perfuração e a peritonite, a pneumatose intestinal pode ser tratada de forma conservadora. Apresenta-se o caso de uma mulher de 59 anos com pneumatose cólica secundária a teratoma ovárico benigno. Após a cirurgia, manteve-se sintomática e foi tratada com sucesso com metronidazol e oxigenoterapia hiperbárica

    Refuerzo sismico de muros de mamposteria con entramado de madera

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    After the 1755 earthquake that destroyed Lisbon, an innovative anti-seismic structural system was developed consisting of a timber skeleton, that included timber framed masonry walls. After more than 250 years these structures need rehabilitation to face the present demands. The research presented in this paper aimed at experimentally characterizing the cyclic behaviour of timber framed walls reinforced with three different methods, namely: (i) elastic-plastic dampers on diagonal braces, (ii) reinforcement of timber connections with steel plates, (iii) application of a reinforced rendering. The elastic-plastic damper showed an unsymmetrical behaviour and some difficulties to implement in practice. The strengthening with reinforced render led to an initial stiffness increase but showed a limited deformation capacity. The walls with reinforcing steel plates at the timber connections showed the best behaviour in terms of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation.Después del terremoto de 1755 que destruyó Lisboa, un sistema estructural antisísmico muy innovador fue desarrollado. El sistema consistió en un esqueleto de madera, que incluyó la construcción de muros de mampostería con un entramado de madera. Transcurridos más de 250 años, estas estructuras necesitan rehabilitación para poder hacer frente a los requisitos estructurales actuales. La investigación presentada en este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar experimentalmente el comportamiento cíclico de los muros con entramado de madera reforzados con tres métodos diferentes: (i) amortiguadores elasto-plásticos, (ii) refuerzo de las conexiones de madera con placas de acero, (iii) aplicación de un mortero reforzado. El amortiguador elasto-plástico mostró un comportamiento asimétrico y algunas dificultades para aplicarlo en la práctica. El refuerzo con mortero reforzado condujo a un aumento de la rigidez inicial, pero reveló una capacidad de deformación limitada. Los muros con placas de refuerzo de acero en las conexiones de madera mostraron el mejor comportamiento en términos de resistencia, rigidez y disipación de la energía

    Melhor Suporte Nutricional — «Melhor» Composição Corporal? Uma Análise em Recém-Nascidos de Baixo Peso

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    Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto de diferentes estratégias de suporte nutricional na composição corporal de recém-nascidos de baixo peso (RNBP), por intermédio não só do peso, mas também das áreas muscular braquial (AMB) e adiposa braquial (AAB). Indivíduos e métodos: Comparou-se a média do dia de recuperação do peso, da AMB e da AAB entre dois grupos de RNBP assistidos em períodos distintos, com suportes nutricionais diferentes — grupo I (n=10): 1991 versus grupo II (n=24): 1995/96. Os recém-nascidos foram incluidos de modo consecutivo e avaliados prospectivamente sob o ponto de vista antropométrico. Resultados: Não houve diferenças significativas da média das idades gestacionais e dos pesos de nascimento entre os dois grupos. Os recém-nascidos do grupo II, comparativamente com os do grupo I, receberam provisões mais precoces de energia, lípidos e proteínas através da alimentação parentérica. Não se observaram diferenças significativas no dia de recuperação do peso e da AMB entre os grupos. No entanto, os RN do grupo II recuperaram mais precocemente a AAB (dia 6,9 ± 2,5 vs dia 12,6 ± 5,1) (p<0,01), após um período inicial de declínio dos respectivos valores. Conclusões: O atraso na adequada provisão de energia e proteínas pode ter um impacto negativo na reserva lipídica, não detectada pela observação isolada da evolução ponderai. A medição das áreas braquiais representa um método simples e não invasivo de avaliação indirecta da composição corporal dos RNBP

    Coccolithophore fluxes in the open tropical North Atlantic: influence of thermocline depth, Amazon water, and Saharan dust

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    Coccolithophores are calcifying phytoplankton and major contributors to both the organic and inorganic oceanic carbon pumps. Their export fluxes, species composition, and seasonal patterns were determined in two sediment trap moorings (M4 at 12 degrees N, 49 degrees W and M2 at 14 degrees N, 37 degrees W) collecting settling particles synchronously from October 2012 to November 2013 at 1200 m of water depth in the open equatorial North Atlantic. The two trap locations showed a similar seasonal pattern in total coccolith export fluxes and a predominantly tropical coccolithophore settling assemblage. Species fluxes were dominated throughout the year by lower photic zone (LPZ) taxa (Florisphaera profunda, Gladiolithus flabellatus) but also included upper photic zone (UPZ) taxa (Umbellosphaera spp., Rhabdosphaera spp., Umbilicosphaera spp., Helicosphaera spp.). The LPZ flora was most abundant during fall 2012, whereas the UPZ flora was more important during summer. In spite of these similarities, the western part of the study area produced persistently higher fluxes, averaging 241 x 10(7) +/- 76 x 10(7) coccoliths m(-2) d(-1) at station M4 compared to only 66 x 10(7) +/- 31 x 10(7) coccoliths m(-2) d(-1) at station M2. Higher fluxes at M4 were mainly produced by the LPZ species, favoured by the westward deepening of the thermocline and nutricline. Still, most UPZ species also contributed to higher fluxes, reflecting enhanced productivity in the western equatorial North Atlantic. Such was the case of two marked flux peaks of the more opportunistic species Gephyrocapsa muellerae and Emiliania huxleyi in January and April 2013 at M4, indicating a fast response to the nutrient enrichment of the UPZ, probably by wind-forced mixing. Later, increased fluxes of G. oceanica and E. huxleyi in October-November 2013 coincided with the occurrence of Amazon-River-affected surface waters. Since the spring and fall events of 2013 were also accompanied by two dust flux peaks, we propose a scenario in which atmospheric dust also provided fertilizing nutrients to this area. Enhanced surface buoyancy associated with the river plume indicates that the Amazon acted not only as a nutrient source, but also as a surface density retainer for nutrients supplied from the atmosphere. Nevertheless, lower total coccolith fluxes during these events compared to the maxima recorded in November 2012 and July 2013 indicate that transient productivity by opportunistic species was less important than "background" tropical productivity in the equatorial North Atlantic. This study illustrates how two apparently similar sites in the tropical open ocean actually differ greatly in ecological and oceanographic terms. The results presented here provide valuable insights into the processes governing the ecological dynamics and the downward export of coccolithophores in the tropical North Atlantic.Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) [822.01.008]; European Research Council (ERC) [311152]; University of Bremen; European Union [600411]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nonlinear effects of radio over fiber transmission in base station cooperation systems

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    In this paper we consider the uplink of Base Station (BS cooperation) systems, where each Mobile Terminal (MT) employs a Single-Carrier with Frequency-Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) modulation scheme. The combined signals at each BS are detected and/or separated by a Central Processing Unit (CPU) with Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalization (IB-DFE) receivers. We consider a Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) link between the BS and the CPU, the electrical and optical conversions are performed by a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator, which introduces nonlinear distortion. We design robust receivers that take advantage of the statistical characteristics of the nonlinear distortion.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Portuguese fish producers’ organisations: some concerns

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