1,964 research outputs found

    Aproximación geohistórica global a las adhesiones a los bloques capitalista y comunista durante la guerra fría

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    This essay deals with the importance of country recruiting for both capitalist and comunist blocks during the Cold War and the geographical patterns which were going to be shaped globally. After all, the number of countries under the wings of the superpowers,or the area of each block in the world, was a key aspect within the hegemony race. At the beginning of this important moment in our recent history, there were no rules to manage the confrontation and the geopolitical context was very complex. However, responses from both United States and Soviet Union to the rival and other external events established ways of conduct and limits for every situation and scenario. As a result, an unwritten norm was created and its laws can be seen as linked to every moment and place in the world; therefore, it is possible to create a world�s general model of performance for both superpowers.El presente trabajo aborda la cuestión de la importancia de la captación de nuevos países para la órbita comunista y capitalista durante la Guerra Fría y los patrones geográficos que se fueron organizando con el tiempo en esta pugna global. A fin de cuentas, el número de países �o la superficie que ocupaba cada bloque en el mundo� era un factor determinante en la carrera por la hegemonía. La confrontación de este importante periodo de la historia reciente nace sin reglas y en un contexto geopolítico muy complejo, y sin embargo la respuesta de Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética a las acciones rivales y los acontecimientos van esbozando la manera de actuar y los límites aceptables para cada situación y escenario. El resultado final fue el de una norma de proceder vinculada a cada momento pero sobre todo a cada lugar en el planeta, y por tanto es posible esbozar un modelo básico de actuación mundial para las dos superpotencias

    The difficult didactic transposition. A comparative study of the construction of social stereotypes from historiography to the classroom (Spain-France)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la difícil transposición didáctica desde la historiografía al aula a través de una temática concreta: el mundo rural en la Edad Moderna en España y Francia. Para conseguir este objetivo se ha partido del estudio de la construcción historiográfica sobre el campesinado y el mundo rural en las principales revistas de investigación de esta temática. Posteriormente se ha comprobado la transmisión de este conocimiento en las aulas a través de las propuestas curriculares. Finalmente se ha analizado la percepción del alumnado sobre los estereotipos sociales ligados a esta temática. Los resultados muestran un desequilibrio importante entre la representación del mundo urbano y el mundo rural, fruto de la pervivencia de la teoría de la modernización en las explicaciones históricas.The objective of this paper is to analyze the difficult didactic transposition from the historiography to the classroom through a concrete issue: the rural world in the Early Modern Age in Spain and France. To achieve this objective, this paper start with the study of the historiographical construction of the peasantry and the rural world in the most representative journals. Second it has been verified the transmission of this knowledge in the classrooms through the curricular proposals. Finally we have analyzed the student's perception of the social stereotypes related to this subject. The results show a significant imbalance between the representation of the urban world and the rural world, consequence of the survival of the theory of modernization in historical explanations.Este trabajo es resultado del proyecto de investigación "Familia, desigualdad social y cambio generacional en la España centro-meridional, ss. XVI-XIX" (HAR2013-48901-C6-6-R) y EDU2015-65621-C3-2-R “La evaluación de las competencias y el desarrollo de capacidades cognitivas sobre historia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria”, financiados ambos por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y los fondos FEDER

    When are profinite many-sorted algebras retracts of ultraproducts of finite many-sorted algebras?

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    For a set of sorts S and an S-sorted signature Σ we prove that a profinite Σ-algebra, i.e. a projective limit of a projective system of finite Σ-algebras, is a retract of an ultraproduct of finite Σ-algebras if the family consisting of the finite Σ-algebras underlying the projective system is with constant support. In addition, we provide a categorial rendering of the above result. Specifically, after obtaining a category where the objects are the pairs formed by a nonempty upward directed preordered set and by an ultrafilter containing the filter of the final sections of it, we show that there exists a functor from the just mentioned category whose object mapping assigns to an object a natural transformation which is a retraction

    Eilenberg Theorems for Many-sorted Formations

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    A theorem of Eilenberg establishes that there exists a bijectionbetween the set of all varieties of regular languages and the set of all vari-eties of finite monoids. In this article after defining, for a fixed set of sortsSand a fixedS-sorted signature Σ, the concepts of formation of congruenceswith respect to Σ and of formation of Σ-algebras, we prove that the alge-braic lattices of all Σ-congruence formations and of all Σ-algebra formationsare isomorphic, which is an Eilenberg's type theorem. Moreover, under asuitable condition on the free Σ-algebras and after defining the concepts offormation of congruences of finite index with respect to Σ, of formation offinite Σ-algebras, and of formation of regular languages with respect to Σ, weprove that the algebraic lattices of all Σ-finite index congruence formations,of all Σ-finite algebra formations, and of all Σ-regular language formationsare isomorphic, which is also an Eilenberg's type theorem

    Leptogenesis, Z' bosons, and the reheating temperature of the Universe

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    We study the impact for leptogenesis of new U(1) gauge bosons coupled to the heavy Majorana neutrinos. They can significantly enhance the efficiency of thermal scenarios in the weak washout regime as long as the Z' masses are not much larger than the reheating temperature (MZ<10TrhM_{Z'}<10 T_{rh}), with the highest efficiencies obtained for Z' bosons considerably heavier than the heavy neutrinos (MZ>100M1M_{Z'} > 100 M_1). We show how the allowed region of the parameter space is modified in the presence of a Z' and we also obtain the minimum reheating temperature that is required for these models to be successful.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; One figure added, discussion on the reheating temperature extende

    A characterization of the n-ary many-sorted closure operators and a many-sorted Tarski irredundant basis theorem

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    A theorem of single-sorted algebra states that, for a closure space (A, J ) and a natural number n, the closure operator J on the set A is n-ary if and only if there exists a single-sorted signature Σ and a Σ-algebra A such that every operation of A is of an arity ≤ n and J = SgA, where SgA is the subalgebra generating operator on A determined by A. On the other hand, a theorem of Tarski asserts that if J is an n-ary closure operator on a set A with n ≥ 2, then, for every i, j ∈ IrB(A, J ), where IrB(A, J ) is the set of all natural numbers which have the property of being the cardinality of an irredundant basis (≡ minimal generating set) of A with respect to J , if i < j and {i + 1, . . . , j − 1} ∩ IrB(A, J ) = Ø, then j − i ≤ n − 1. In this article we state and prove the many-sorted counterparts of the above theorems. But, we remark, regarding the first one under an additional condition: the uniformity of the many-sorted closure operator

    Influence of Seed Vigor and Preplant Herbicides on Emergence, Growth, and Yield of Tomato

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    The interactions of seed vigor with herbicides were studied with respect to seedling emergence, growth, and fruit yield of processing tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. UC204C). Seed vigor (speed of germination) was enhanced by priming in an aerated solution of 0.12 m K2HP O4 plus 0.15 m KN O3 at 20C for 5 days followed by drying in forced air at 30C. The vigor of a second subsample of the same seed lot was reduced by controlled deterioration at 13% water content (dry-weight basis) for 6 days at 50C (aged seeds). Primed, aged, and untreated seeds were tested for their sensitivity to napropamide and metribuzin herbicides in greenhouse and field studies. A seed vigor × herbicide interaction was detected only under greenhouse conditions, where aged seeds were more sensitive than primed or untreated seeds to metribuzin. In April and May field plantings, seed vigor influenced the rate and percentage of final emergence and the earliness of fruit maturity, but had no effect on relative growth rate or total vegetative or reproductive yield. Napropamide at 4.5 and 9 kg·ha-1 and metribuzin at 0.4 and 0.8 kg·ha-1 had no effect on the rate or percentage of seedling emergence, relative growth rate, or total fruit yield. Metribuzin increased the mortality of seedlings at either application rate, and at 0.8 kg·ha-1 delayed early growth and fruit maturity in the April planting. Napropamide treatments did not differ from the water control for all characteristics and environments studied. Chemical names used: 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one (metribuzin); 2-(α-napthoxy)-N,N-diethyl propionamide (napropamide).EEA La ConsultaFil: Argerich, Cosme Alberto. University of California, Davis; Estados Unidos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; ArgentinaFil: Bradford, Kent J. University of California, Davis; Estados UnidosFil: Ashton, Floyd M. University of California, Davis; Estados Unido