179 research outputs found

    Typical Gibbs configurations for the 1d Random Field Ising Model with long range interaction

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    We study a one--dimensional Ising spin systems with ferromagnetic, long--range interaction decaying as n^{-2+\a}, \a \in [0,\frac 12], in the presence of external random fields. We assume that the random fields are given by a collection of symmetric, independent, identically distributed real random variables, gaussian or subgaussian with variance θ\theta. We show that for temperature and variance of the randomness small enough, with an overwhelming probability with respect to the random fields, the typical configurations, within volumes centered at the origin whose size grow faster than any power of th1\th^{-1}, % {\bf around the origin} are intervals of ++ spins followed by intervals of - spins whose typical length is \simeq \th^{-\frac{2}{(1-2\a)}} for 0\le \a<1/2 and e1th2\simeq e^{\frac 1 {\th^{2}}} for \a=1/2

    The low-temperature phase of Kac-Ising models

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    We analyse the low temperature phase of ferromagnetic Kac-Ising models in dimensions d2d\geq 2. We show that if the range of interactions is \g^{-1}, then two disjoint translation invariant Gibbs states exist, if the inverse temperature \b satisfies \b -1\geq \g^\k where \k=\frac {d(1-\e)}{(2d+1)(d+1)}, for any \e>0. The prove involves the blocking procedure usual for Kac models and also a contour representation for the resulting long-range (almost) continuous spin system which is suitable for the use of a variant of the Peierls argument.Comment: 19pp, Plain Te

    Phase Transition in the 1d Random Field ising model with long range interaction

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    We study the one dimensional Ising model with ferromagnetic, long range interaction which decays as |i-j|^{-2+a}, 1/2< a<1, in the presence of an external random filed. we assume that the random field is given by a collection of independent identically distributed random variables, subgaussian with mean zero. We show that for temperature and strength of the randomness (variance) small enough with P=1 with respect to the distribution of the random fields there are at least two distinct extremal Gibbs measures

    Statistical keyword detection in literary corpora

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    Understanding the complexity of human language requires an appropriate analysis of the statistical distribution of words in texts. We consider the information retrieval problem of detecting and ranking the relevant words of a text by means of statistical information referring to the "spatial" use of the words. Shannon's entropy of information is used as a tool for automatic keyword extraction. By using The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin as a representative text sample, we show the performance of our detector and compare it with another proposals in the literature. The random shuffled text receives special attention as a tool for calibrating the ranking indices.Comment: Published version. 11 pages, 7 figures. SVJour for LaTeX2


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    In the architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry methodologies are needed to ensure the interoperability of data and effective management of information from different sources. Integration of the cost domain and cost estimation within the Building Information Model (BIM) in the AEC/FM sector is still an unresolved problem and one of the most critical tasks due to the lack of a standardised cost domain, especially in the tendering phase. To ensure interoperability between cost data and geometric data, this research aims to address this gap by analyzing methods of converting cost data into Linked Building Data, thereby defining a cost domain in the Semantic Web, by collecting them into a graph database. This allows for structuring a cost domain, translating an IFC based structure previously developed by the research group, visualizing it using a graph system, and connecting it to the BIM geometric domain. Furthermore, it is possible to extend the cost ontology previously identified in the IFC model and facilitate the queries and analysis of cost data currently fragmented and based on unstructured data. The results show how Semantic Web technology can be used to improve data interoperability, develop a cost ontology, and join both cost data and BIM models

    One-sided versus two-sided stochastic descriptions

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    It is well-known that discrete-time finite-state Markov Chains, which are described by one-sided conditional probabilities which describe a dependence on the past as only dependent on the present, can also be described as one-dimensional Markov Fields, that is, nearest-neighbour Gibbs measures for finite-spin models, which are described by two-sided conditional probabilities. In such Markov Fields the time interpretation of past and future is being replaced by the space interpretation of an interior volume, surrounded by an exterior to the left and to the right. If we relax the Markov requirement to weak dependence, that is, continuous dependence, either on the past (generalising the Markov-Chain description) or on the external configuration (generalising the Markov-Field description), it turns out this equivalence breaks down, and neither class contains the other. In one direction this result has been known for a few years, in the opposite direction a counterexample was found recently. Our counterexample is based on the phenomenon of entropic repulsion in long-range Ising (or "Dyson") models.Comment: 13 pages, Contribution for "Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems

    Metastability of non-reversible mean-field Potts model with three spins

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    We examine a non-reversible, mean-field Potts model with three spins on a set with NN\uparrow\infty points. Without an external field, there are three critical temperatures and five different metastable regimes. The analysis can be extended by a perturbative argument to the case of small external fields. We illustrate the case of large external fields with some phenomena which are not present in the absence of external field.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    Environmental life cycle assessment of Italian mozzarella cheese: Hotspots and improvement opportunities

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    The present study investigated a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment to estimate the environmental impacts associated with Italian mozzarella cheese consumption. The differences between mozzarella produced from raw milk and mozzarella produced from curd were studied, and differences in manufacturing processes have been emphasized in order to provide guidance for targeted improvements at this phase. Specifically, the third-largest Italian mozzarella producer was surveyed to collect site-specific manufacturing data. The Ecoinvent v3.2 database was used for secondary data, whereas SimaPro 8.1 was the modeling software. The inventory included inputs from farm activities to end of life disposal of wasted mozzarella and packaging. Additionally, plant-specific information was used to assign major inputs, such as electricity, natural gas, packaging, and chemicals to specific products; however, where disaggregated information was not provided, milk solids allocation was applied. Notably, loss of milk solids was accounted during the manufacture, moreover mozzarella waste and transport were considered during distribution, retail, and consumption phases. Feed production and animal emissions were the main drivers of raw milk production. Electricity and natural gas usage, packaging (cardboard and plastic), transport, wastewater treatment, and refrigerant loss affected the emissions from a farm gate-to-dairy plant gate perspective. Post-dairy plant gate effects were mainly determined by electricity usage for storage of mozzarella, transport of mozzarella, and waste treatment. The average emissions were 6.66 kg of CO2 equivalents and 45.1 MJ of cumulative energy demand/kg of consumed mozzarella produced directly from raw milk, whereas mozzarella from purchased curd had larger emissions than mozzarella from raw milk due to added transport of curd from specialty manufacturing plants, as well as electricity usage from additional processes at the mozzarella plant that are required to process the curd into mozzarella. Normalization points to ecotoxicity as the impact category most significantly influenced by mozzarella consumption. From a farm gate-to-grave perspective, ecotoxicity and freshwater and marine eutrophication are the first and second largest contributors of mozzarella consumption to average European effects, respectively. To increase environmental sustainability, an improvement of efficiency for energy and packaging usage and transport activities is recommended in the post-farm gate mozzarella supply chain

    Metastability in the BCS model

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    We discuss metastable states in the mean-field version of the strong coupling BCS-model and study the evolution of a superconducting equilibrium state subjected to a dynamical semi-group with Lindblad generator in detailed balance w.r.t. another equilibrium state. The intermediate states are explicitly constructed and their stability properties are derived. The notion of metastability in this genuine quantum system, is expressed by means of energy-entropy balance inequalities and canonical coordinates of observables

    Analyticity of the SRB measure of a lattice of coupled Anosov diffeomorphisms of the torus

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    We consider the "thermodynamic limit"of a d-dimensional lattice of hyperbolic dynamical systems on the 2-torus, interacting via weak and nearest neighbor coupling. We prove that the SRB measure is analytic in the strength of the coupling. The proof is based on symbolic dynamics techniques that allow us to map the SRB measure into a Gibbs measure for a spin system on a (d+1)-dimensional lattice. This Gibbs measure can be studied by an extension (decimation) of the usual "cluster expansion" techniques.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure