644 research outputs found

    Economic method for measuring ultra-low flow rates of fluids

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    Capillary tube flowmeter measures ultra-low flows of very corrosive fluids /such as chlorine trifluoride and liquid fluorine/ and other liquids with reasonable accuracy. Flowmeter utilizes differential pressure transducer and operates on the principle that for laminar flow in the tube, pressure drop is proportional to flow rate

    Simulations of MHD Instabilities in Intracluster Medium Including Anisotropic Thermal Conduction

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    We perform a suite of simulations of cooling cores in clusters of galaxies in order to investigate the effect of the recently discovered heat flux buoyancy instability (HBI) on the evolution of cores. Our models follow the 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of cooling cluster cores and capture the effects of anisotropic heat conduction along the lines of magnetic field, but do not account for the cosmological setting of clusters or the presence of AGN. Our model clusters can be divided into three groups according to their final thermodynamical state: catastrophically collapsing cores, isothermal cores, and an intermediate group whose final state is determined by the initial configuration of magnetic field. Modeled cores that are reminiscent of real cluster cores show evolution towards thermal collapse on a time scale which is prolonged by a factor of ~2-10 compared with the zero-conduction cases. The principal effect of the HBI is to re-orient field lines to be perpendicular to the temperature gradient. Once the field has been wrapped up onto spherical surfaces surrounding the core, the core is insulated from further conductive heating (with the effective thermal conduction suppressed to less than 1/100th of the Spitzer value) and proceeds to collapse. We speculate that, in real clusters, the central AGN and possibly mergers play the role of "stirrers," periodically disrupting the azimuthal field structure and allowing thermal conduction to sporadically heat the core.Comment: 16 pages, 3 tables, 17 figures, accepted to ApJ with minor revisions, to appear in Volume 704, Oct 20, 2009 issu

    Electronic Structure of the Complex Hydride NaAlH4

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    Density functional calculations of the electronic structure of the complex hydride NaAlH4 and the reference systems NaH and AlH3 are reported. We find a substantially ionic electronic structure for NaAlH4, which emphasizes the importance of solid state effects in this material. The relaxed hydrogen positions in NaAlH4 are in good agreement with recent experiment. The electronic structure of AlH3 is also ionic. Implications for the binding of complex hydrides are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Structure and Thermodynamics of the Mixed Alkali Alanates

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    The thermodynamics and structural properties of the hexahydride alanates (M2M'AlH6) with the elpasolite structure have been investigated. A series of mixed alkali alanates (Na2LiAlH6, K2LiAlH6 and K2NaAlH6) were synthesized and found to reversibly absorb and desorb hydrogen without the need for a catalyst. Pressure-composition isotherms were measured to investigate the thermodynamics of the absorption and desorption reactions with hydrogen. Isotherms for catalyzed (4 mol% TiCl3) and uncatalyzed Na2LiAlH6 exhibited an increase in kinetics, but no change in the bulk thermodynamics with the addition of a dopant. A structural analysis using synchrotron x-ray diffraction showed that these compounds favor the Fm-3m space group with the smaller ion (M') occupying an octahedral site. These results demonstrate that appropriate cation substitutions can be used to stabilize or destabilize the material and may provide an avenue to improving the unfavorable thermodynamics of a number of materials with promising gravimetric hydrogen densities.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures,3 tables, submitted to PR

    Electronic structure and optical properties of lightweight metal hydrides

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    We study the electronic structures and dielectric functions of the simple hydrides LiH, NaH, MgH2 and AlH3, and the complex hydrides Li3AlH6, Na3AlH6, LiAlH4, NaAlH4 and Mg(AlH4)2, using first principles density functional theory and GW calculations. All these compounds are large gap insulators with GW single particle band gaps varying from 3.5 eV in AlH3 to 6.5 eV in the MAlH4 compounds. The valence bands are dominated by the hydrogen atoms, whereas the conduction bands have mixed contributions from the hydrogens and the metal cations. The electronic structure of the aluminium compounds is determined mainly by aluminium hydride complexes and their mutual interactions. Despite considerable differences between the band structures and the band gaps of the various compounds, their optical responses are qualitatively similar. In most of the spectra the optical absorption rises sharply above 6 eV and has a strong peak around 8 eV. The quantitative differences in the optical spectra are interpreted in terms of the structure and the electronic structure of the compounds.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Revisiting dual AGN candidates with spatially resolved LBT spectroscopy: The impact of spillover light contamination

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    Context. The merging of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is a direct consequence of our hierarchical picture of galaxy evolution. It is difficult to track the merging process of SMBHs during mergers of galaxies as SMBHs are naturally difficult to observe. Aims. We want to characterise and confirm the presence of two independent active galactic nuclei (AGN) separated by a few kiloparsec in seven strongly interacting galaxies previously selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) as Seyfert-Seyfert pairs based on emission-line ratio diagnostics. Methods. Optical slit spectra taken with MODS at the Large Binocular Telescope are presented to infer the detailed spatial distribution of optical emission lines, and their line ratios and AGN signatures with respect to the host galaxies, thereby quantifying the impact of beam smearing and large fibre apertures on the spectra captured by the SDSS. Results. We find that at most two of the seven targets actually retain a Seyfert-Seyfert dual AGN, whereas the others may be more likely powered by post-AGB stars in retired galaxies or through shocks in the ISM based on spatially resolved optical line diagnostics. The major cause of this discrepancy is a bias caused by the spillover of flux from the primary source in the secondary SDSS fibre which can be more than an order of magnitude at < 3\u2033 separations. Previously reported extremely low X-ray-to-[O III] luminosity ratios may be explained by this misclassification, as can heavily obscured AGN for the primaries. We also find that the nuclei with younger stellar ages host the primary AGN. Conclusions. Studies of close dual AGN selected solely from fibre-based spectroscopy can create severe biases in the sample selection and interpretation of the results. Spatially resolved spectroscopy should ideally be used in the future to characterise such compact systems together with multi-wavelength follow-up observations

    A block to pre-prepared movement in gait freezing, relieved by pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation

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    Gait freezing and postural instability are disabling features of Parkinsonian disorders, treatable with pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation. Both features are considered deficits of proximal and axial musculature, innervated predominantly by reticulospinal pathways and tend to manifest when gait and posture require adjustment. Adjustments to gait and posture are amenable to pre-preparation and rapid triggered release. Experimentally, such accelerated release can be elicited by loud auditory stimuli—a phenomenon known as ‘StartReact’. We observed StartReact in healthy and Parkinsonian controls. However, StartReact was absent in Parkinsonian patients with severe gait freezing and postural instability. Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation restored StartReact proximally and proximal reaction times to loud stimuli correlated with gait and postural disturbance. These findings suggest a relative block to triggered, pre-prepared movement in gait freezing and postural instability, relieved by pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation

    Robertson Intelligent States

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    Diagonalization of uncertainty matrix and minimization of Robertson inequality for n observables are considered. It is proved that for even n this relation is minimized in states which are eigenstates of n/2 independent complex linear combinations of the observables. In case of canonical observables this eigenvalue condition is also necessary. Such minimizing states are called Robertson intelligent states (RIS). The group related coherent states (CS) with maximal symmetry (for semisimple Lie groups) are particular case of RIS for the quadratures of Weyl generators. Explicit constructions of RIS are considered for operators of su(1,1), su(2), h_N and sp(N,R) algebras. Unlike the group related CS, RIS can exhibit strong squeezing of group generators. Multimode squared amplitude squeezed states are naturally introduced as sp(N,R) RIS. It is shown that the uncertainty matrices for quadratures of q-deformed boson operators a_{q,j} (q > 0) and of any k power of a_j = a_{1,j} are positive definite and can be diagonalized by symplectic linear transformations. PACS numbers: 03.65.Fd, 42.50.DvComment: 23 pages, LaTex. Minor changes in text and references. Accepted in J. Phys.

    Large-scale manipulation of promoter DNA methylation reveals context-specific transcriptional responses and stability

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    BACKGROUND: Cytosine DNA methylation is widely described as a transcriptional repressive mark with the capacity to silence promoters. Epigenome engineering techniques enable direct testing of the effect of induced DNA methylation on endogenous promoters; however, the downstream effects have not yet been comprehensively assessed. RESULTS: Here, we simultaneously induce methylation at thousands of promoters in human cells using an engineered zinc finger-DNMT3A fusion protein, enabling us to test the effect of forced DNA methylation upon transcription, chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, and DNA methylation persistence after the removal of the fusion protein. We find that transcriptional responses to DNA methylation are highly context-specific, including lack of repression, as well as cases of increased gene expression, which appears to be driven by the eviction of methyl-sensitive transcriptional repressors. Furthermore, we find that some regulatory networks can override DNA methylation and that promoter methylation can cause alternative promoter usage. DNA methylation deposited at promoter and distal regulatory regions is rapidly erased after removal of the zinc finger-DNMT3A fusion protein, in a process combining passive and TET-mediated demethylation. Finally, we demonstrate that induced DNA methylation can exist simultaneously on promoter nucleosomes that possess the active histone modification H3K4me3, or DNA bound by the initiated form of RNA polymerase II. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for epigenome engineering and demonstrate that the response of promoters to DNA methylation is more complex than previously appreciated. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13059-022-02728-5
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