10,885 research outputs found

    Letter to Antonio Nadal-Santiago regarding award of a Lucile Elliott Scholarship, May 5, 1982

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    A letter from William James to Antonio Nadal-Santiago notifying Nadal-Santiago that he has been selected as a recipient of the Lucile Elliott Scholarship

    Review: „The Nature of Human Creativity”, edited by Robert J. Sternberg and James C. Kaufman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018

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    A review of the latest collective work edited by R. J. Sternberg and J. C. Kaufman, in which the invited authors report on their own research path and assess the state of development of the creativity-related sciences (creatology).Recenzja najnowszej pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją R. J. Sternberga i J. C. Kaufmana, w której zaproszeni autorzy relacjonują własną drogę badawczą i oceniają stan rozwoju nauk o twórczości

    Introduction to measures of inequality and concentration in tourism

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    There are many statistical measures available in the literature for the analysis of inequality and concentration. The most common measure in this field is the Gini index (Roselló Nadal et al.,2004), which is associated to the Lorenz curve. Both were developed at the beginning of the 20th century: the Lorenz curve in 1905 and the Gini index in 1914 (Giorgi,!1993). A revision of recent applications of these measures in the field of tourism can be found in Cisneros Martín and Fernández Morales (2015)and Duro (2016)

    Turystyka rodzinna – istota i zakres pojęcia

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    Turystyka rodzinna a zachowania prospołeczne, Śledzińska J., Włodarczyk B. (red.

    Anti-Queer Microaggressions Towards Queer Black Men

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    Microaggressions are reoccurring derogatory messages that degrade and/ or discredit one’s identity. While invisible and unknown to many, they remain visible and apparent to those impacted by them. The research questions for this project are: (1) What microaggressions do Queer Black men experience within larger society? (2) To contrast with larger society, what microaggressions do Queer Black men experience within Black communities? By conducting focus groups, I will examine the intersectional microaggressions that Queer Black males experience in their own community, as well as document microaggression that they experience in larger society. After conducting my focus groups, I will be adopting Derald Wing Sue’s taxonomy of microaggression themes to translate the underlying messages behind delivered microaggressions. The results in this study will aide in addressing an appeared gap within microaggression literature by, documenting how Queer Black males experience these muted, normalized insults and invalidations in societ

    Plats i olles de Nadal

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    Els Guerrers de la Fona

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Ignasi GarcésAquest estudi té com a objectiu l’anàlisi de l’actuació dels foners balears com a soldats mercenaris afora de les Illes. El punt de partida són les descripcions aportades pels autors clàssics, després prosseguim amb els plantejaments d’estudiosos moderns, en algun cas monogràfiques com és el treball de J. Nadal Canyelles. Els foners eren especialistes que per lluitar utilitzaven, com a arma principal, un joc de fones, i que es llogaven tant a cartaginesos com a romans. La finalitat serà comprovar la magnitud del fenomen dels foners com a guerrers i si foren realment importants en les lluites en que varen participar

    J. Ponsatí, ara i en els JJ.OO'92

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