79 research outputs found

    Court Priests in the Entourage of Queen Mary of Hungary

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    Detecting Radium-226 In Submarine Groundwater Discharge

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    Studies have been done to see if abundance of neutrinos have an effect on the decay rate of radioactive nuclei. Questions regarding the proximity of the sun and the concentration of the flux of neutrinos as a result, have emerged due to there being more counts in the winter when the sun is closer versus there being less counts in the summer when the sun is farther away. Other studies say that the cause of the difference in counts are more local, as in the environmental conditions like temperature and various background radiation that interferes with the counts of the target isotope. Using a geiger muller counter the emissions from various isotopes, one being Radium-226 that can be found in submarine groundwater

    Thorium and uranium isotopes in a manganese nodule from the Peru basin determined by alpha spectrometry and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS): Are manganese supply and growth related to climate?

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    Thorium- and uranium isotopes were measured in a diagenetic manganese nodule from the Peru basin applying alpha- and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Alpha-counting of 62 samples was carried out with a depth resolution of 0.4 mm to gain a high-resolution230Thexcess profile. In addition, 17 samples were measured with TIMS to obtain precise isotope concentrations and isotope ratios. We got values of 0.06–0.59 ppb (230Th), 0.43–1.40 ppm (232Th), 0.09–0.49 ppb (234U) and 1.66–8.24 ppm (238U). The uranium activity ratio in the uppermost samples (1–6 mm) and in two further sections in the nodule at 12.5±1.0 mm and 27.3–33.5 mm comes close to the present ocean water value of 1.144±0.004. In two other sections of the nodule, this ratio is significantly higher, probably reflecting incorporation of diagenetic uranium. The upper 25 mm section of the Mn nodule shows a relatively smooth exponential decrease in the230Thexcess concentration (TIMS). The slope of the best fit yields a growth rate of 110 mm/Ma up to 24.5 mm depth. The section from 25 to 30.3 mm depth shows constant230Thexcess concentrations probably due to growth rates even faster than those in the top section of the nodule. From 33 to 50 mm depth, the growth rate is approximately 60 mm/Ma. Two layers in the nodule with distinct laminations (11–15 and 28–33 mm depth) probably formed during the transition from isotopic stage 8 to 7 and in stage 5e, respectively. The Mn/Fe ratio shows higher values during interglacials 5 and 7, and lower ones during glacials 4 and 6. A comparison of our data with data from adjacent sediment cores suggests (a) a variable supply of hydrothermal Mn to sediments and Mn nodules of the Peru basin or (b) suboxic conditions at the water sediment interface during periods with lower Mn/Fe ratios

    Morphology of the Raised Shore Platforms along the Coastline between Daghmar and Dhabab, Sultanate of Oman

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    Raised shore platforms, are rocky surfaces formed by wave action and subaerial weathering during global high sea level stands. The present height of the raised shore platforms is attributed to several factors, mainly to eustatic sea level changes, isostatic changes in the relative level of land and sea, and vertical tectonic activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the detailed morphology of the raised shore platform along the rocky coastline between Daghmar and Dhabab, in the southeastern part of Muscat Governorate. The study also intends to establish a tentative chronology of the raised shore platforms development. The methodology is based on field observation and documentation, along with satellite and aerial photographs analysis. The results have shown that the study area has a sequence of five successive, well developed raised shore platforms and well preserved, except the platform at 10m altitude which is only found in isolated fragments. The formation of the raised shore platforms has been affected by a number of constructive factors including tectonic activity, and destructive factors such as fluvial action and subaerial weathering. No absolute dating has been reported or can be obtained from the study area, due to its erosional nature. However, dating from the shorelines adjacent to the study area, ranging in heights from 3 to 15m above sea level, revealed a narrow range of 26,400 to 29,600 years. This period coincides with the last glaciations when the sea level was at about 75m below the present level, and thus did not match with the altitudes of the platforms. This suggests that the platforms could be belong to the last interglacial high sea level, when the sea level stood at about 6m above the present level. Based on this scenario, the study concludes that the coastline of the study area has not experienced any significant uplift during the Late Quaternary

    El castillo perdido del conde Rodrigo González

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    This article suggests that a castle called Toron built in 1137 by Count Rodrigo of Lara, and granted to the Templar Order was in Summil, where remains of a Crusader castles are still visible (ca. 25 km from Ascalon, in south west Israel). This opinion opposes a consensual view that the castle built by Count Rodrigo was in Latrun, midway between Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. This identifi cation is based on names’ similarity and on the universal opinion that Latrun was a Templar castle. In this article it is demonstrated that the geographic setting of Summil fi ts the Count’s castle, whereas Latrun does not; that Toron was a common name in the Crusader Kingdom; and, moreover, it is not certain that Latrun was a Templar castle. The article also suggest that there was a village near the castle, called Casale Sancti Salvatoris, and also discusses Frankish fortifi cation and settlement policy during the twelfth century.Este artículo sugiere que un castillo llamado Toron, construido el año 1137 por el conde Rodrigo González de Lara, y que fue luego otorgado a la orden del Temple, estaba en Summil, donde todavía permanecen las ruinas de un castillo de los cruzados (a unos 25 km de Ascalon, en el sudoeste de Israel). Esta opinión se contrapone a la tesis general que sostiene que el castillo construido por el conde estuvo situado en Latrun, a medio camino entre Tel-Aviv y Jerusalén. Una identificación basada en la similitud de nombres y en la común opinión que Latrun era un castillo templario. En este estudio se demuestra que la ubicación geográfica de Summil encaja con la del castillo del conde, mientras que Latrun no lo hace; que Toron fue un nombre habitual en el reino cruzado y que, por otra parte, no es cierto que Latrun fuera un castillo templario. Se sugiere también que cerca del castillo de Summil existía un pueblo llamado casale Sancti Salvatoris, analizándose asimismo la política de fortificación y colonización llevada a cabo por los cruzados durante el siglo XII

    Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evolution of the Shkodra Lake (Albania) during the last 4500 yr through ostracod proxies

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    Dedicatoria: "Dedicado al Exmo Sr. D. Mariano Roca de Togores, Marqués de Molins, Vizconde de Rocamora, Caballero profeso del hábito de Calatrava..."Coordenadas referidas al meridiano de Madrid (O 7°20'--E 9°45'/N 44°00'--N 35°00'). Red geográfica de 1° en 1°Tabla de signos convencionales para indicar capitanías de 1a clase a 4a, cabeza de departamento, de tercios, provincias y distritos navales, escuelas de náutica, constructores navales, almadrabas y farosSe incluyen varias notas: "Pesca", "Pescado mas común del mar del Norte", "Nota sobre los faros", "Contraseñas de los buques mercantes por provincias", "Pescado mas comun del Guadiana al Estrecho", "Pescado mas común en el Mediterraneo", "Estado de la Marina"En el margen derecho consta una leyenda con los nombres de los marinos y viajeros célebres agrupados por provincia

    Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques : Physiopathologie complexe et intriquée

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    Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) est la cause la plus fréquente des troubles d’ovulation, d’infécondité et d’hyperandrogénie chez la femme. Sa physiopathologie est complexe et multifactorielle, mais l’hyperandrogénie primitivement ovarienne semble être l’élément « fondateur » de ce syndrome. Elle résulterait avant tout d’une dysrégulation des cellules thécales d’origine encore indéterminée, et serait modulée par des facteurs hormonaux tels que la « Luteinizing hormon » (LH) et l’insuline. Le deuxième élément physiopathologique du SOPK est représenté par les troubles de la folliculogenèse témoignant d’un dysfonctionnement des cellules de la granulosa, avec comme conséquences, un excès de croissance folliculaire et un défaut de sélection du follicule dominant ou « follicular arrest ». Ainsi, certains facteurs intra ovariens sécrétés par les cellules de la granulosa comme l’hormone antimüllérienne sont possiblement impliqués  dans ces troubles de folliculogenèse notamment le blocage du processus physiologique de recrutement folliculaire. Quoiqu’il en soit, le SOPK est encore loin de délivrer tous ces mystères vu l’intérêt actuellement donné pour sa composante génétique
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