3,549 research outputs found

    Intelligent environments: a manifesto

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    We explain basic features of an emerging area called Intelligent Environments. We give a short overview on how it has developed, what is the current state of the art and what are the challenges laying ahead. The aim of the article is to make aware the Computer Science community of this new development, the differences with previous dominant paradigms and the opportunities that this area offers to the scientific community and society

    On supersymmetric interfaces for string theory

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    We construct the world-sheet interface which preserves space-time supersymmetry in type II superstring theories in the Green-Schwarz formalism. This is an analog of the conformal interface in two-dimensional conformal field theory. We show that a class of the supersymmetric interfaces generates T-dualities of type II theories, and that these interfaces have a geometrical interpretation in the doubled target space. We compute the partition function with a pair of the supersymmetric interfaces inserted, from which we read off the spectrum of the modes coupled to the interfaces and the Casimir energy between them. We also derive the transformation rules under which a set of D-branes is transformed to another by the interface.Comment: 1+23 pages, 1 figure; (v2) added comments, made changes in presentatio

    Study of the interacting system NGC 6845

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    We present optical spectroscopy, B, V, R and I CCD photometry and VLA neutral hydrogen observations of the interacting quartet NGC 6845, also know as Klemola 30. NGC 6845 A, the dominant component, sports a broad and bright tidal bridge and a faint tidal tail, which bifurcate. The tidal bridge has a (B-I) color bluer than that of NGC 6845 A inner disk. Five strong condensations, identified as HII regions brighter than the brightest in our Galaxy, are found along the tidal bridge, with the two most luminous located at the bridge tip. Two giant HII regions, comparable to 30 Dor, are located where the tidal bridge and the tidal tail joint the disk of NGC 6845 A. Since the age of the HII regions are 3-8 Myr, star formation has been occurring along the tidal bridge and the tidal arm well after they had begun to be torn apart (>= 100 Myr). Satoh model fitting to the rotation curve of the A component reveals a kinematical mass of 4.4(+-1.2)E11 M_sun, inside the central 12 kpc (H_0=75 km/s/Mpc). The HI emission shows two components, a more massive one that belongs to NGC 6845 A, and a second one associated to NGC 6845 B. We do not detect gas associated to galaxies C and D. The total amount of HI is 1.4E10 M_sun, five time the HI content of the Milky Way. The HI kinematics indicates an amount of dark matter associated to the A component two times higher than the mass inside its central 12 kpc. The group kinematics indicates an M/L ~ 43(+-2) or M/L ~ 66(+-2) (solar units), according to two different prescriptions for the internal absorption correction. In spite of this difference, both values furnish similar group mass (~1E13 M_sun). Although preliminary results on N-Body simulations indicate that either B or C might well create a tidal feature like the bridge of the A component, the collision with B appears to be more favourable.Comment: 24 pages, 11 JPEG figures, uses aastex.cls and natbib.sty (included). To appear in the June/1999 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Penrose limits and Green-Schwarz strings

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    We discuss the Green-Schwarz action for type IIB strings in general plane-wave backgrounds obtained as Penrose limits from any IIB supergravity solutions with vanishing background fermions. Using the normal-coordinate expansion in superspace, we prove that the light-cone action is necessarily quadratic in the fermionic coordinates. This proof is valid for more general pp-wave backgrounds under certain conditions. We also write down the complete quadratic action for general bosonic on-shell backgrounds in a form in which its geometrical meaning is manifest both in the Einstein and string frames. When the dilaton and 1-form field strength are vanishing, and the other field strengths are constant, our string-frame action reduces, up to conventions, to the one which has been written down using the supercovariant derivative.Comment: 18 pages, latex, no figures; (v2) relation to ref.14 clarified; (v3) typos corrected, minor change

    Strings in AdS_3 and the SL(2,R) WZW Model. Part 2: Euclidean Black Hole

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    We consider the one-loop partition function for Euclidean BTZ black hole backgrounds or equivalently thermal AdS_3 backgrounds which are quotients of H_3 (Euclidean AdS_3). The one-loop partition function is modular invariant and we can read off the spectrum which is consistent to that found in hep-th/0001053. We see long strings and discrete states in agreement with the expectations.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Coherent String States in AdS_3 and SL(2,R) WZWN Model

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    In this paper we make the connection between semi-classical string quantization and exact conformal field theory quantization of strings in 2+1 Anti de Sitter spacetime. More precisely, considering the WZWN model corresponding to SL(2,R) and its covering group, we construct quantum {\it coherent} string states, which generalize the ordinary coherent states of quantum mechanics, and show that in the classical limit they correspond to oscillating circular strings. After quantization, the spectrum is found to consist of two parts: A continuous spectrum of low mass states (partly tachyonic) fulfilling the standard spin-level condition necessary for unitarity |j|< k/2, and a discrete spectrum of high mass states with asymptotic behaviour m^2\alpha'\propto N^2 (N positive integer). The quantization condition for the high mass states arises from the condition of finite positive norm of the coherent string states, and the result agrees with our previous results obtained using semi-classical quantization. In the k\to\infty limit, all the usual properties of coherent or {\it quasi-classical} states are recovered. It should be stressed that we consider the circular strings only for simplicity and clarity, and that our construction can easily be used for other string configurations too. We also compare our results with those obtained in the recent preprint hep-th/0001053 by Maldacena and Ooguri.Comment: Misprints corrected. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Local Inhomogeneity Effects on Nucleation Process in a High External Bias

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    Quantum nucleation processes in the presence of local moderate inhomogeneities are studied theoretically at high biases. The quantum nucleation rate Gamma is calculated for one-dimensional systems in a form Gamma = A e^(-B/hbar) by using the `bounce' method. The bias-dependence of the exponent B is shown to be changed by inhomogeneities. This change is explained by the reduction of the effective spatial dimension of the system. By studying the system-size dependence of the prefactor A, the condition for the appearance of inhomogeneity effects is evaluated. Nucleation rates in thermal activation regimes are also calculated, and compared with quantum tunneling regimes. For higher-dimensional systems, it is shown that the local approximation of inhomogeneity does not hold, and that spatial profiles of inhomogeneity become important.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Backflow and dissipation during the quantum decay of a metastable Fermi liquid

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    The particle current in a metastable Fermi liquid against a first-order phase transition is calculated at zero temperature. During fluctuations of a droplet of the stable phase, in accordance with the conservation law, not only does an unperturbed current arise from the continuity at the boundary, but a backflow is induced by the density response. Quasiparticles carrying these currents are scattered by the boundary, yielding a dissipative backflow around the droplet. An energy of the hydrodynamic mass flow of the liquid and a friction force exerted on the droplet by the quasiparticles have been obtained in terms of a potential of their interaction with the droplet.Comment: 5 pages (REVTeX), to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Stability of vortex lines in liquid 3He-4He mixtures at zero temperature

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    At low temperatures and 3He concentrations below 6.6 %, there is experimental evidence about the existence in liquid helium mixtures, of stable vortices with 3He-rich cores. When the system is either supersaturated or submitted to a tensile strength, vortices lose stability becoming metastable and eventually completely unstable, so that their cores freely expand. Within a density functional approach, we have determined the pressure-3He concentration curve along which this instability appears at zero temperature.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 9 pages and 5 Postscript figure
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