1,080 research outputs found

    QFT with Twisted Poincar\'e Invariance and the Moyal Product

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    We study the consequences of twisting the Poincare invariance in a quantum field theory. First, we construct a Fock space compatible with the twisting and the corresponding creation and annihilation operators. Then, we show that a covariant field linear in creation and annihilation operators does not exist. Relaxing the linearity condition, a covariant field can be determined. We show that it is related to the untwisted field by a unitary transformation and the resulting n-point functions coincide with the untwisted ones. We also show that invariance under the twisted symmetry can be realized using the covariant field with the usual product or by a non-covariant field with a Moyal product. The resulting S-matrix elements are shown to coincide with the untwisted ones up to a momenta dependent phase.Comment: 11 pages, references adde

    ISO LWS Spectra of T Tauri and Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present an analysis of ISO-LWS spectra of eight T Tauri and Herbig AeBe young stellar objects. Some of the objects are in the embedded phase of star-formation, whereas others have cleared their environs but are still surrounded by a circumstellar disk. Fine-structure lines of [OI] and [CII] are most likely excited by far-ultraviolet photons in the circumstellar environment rather than high-velocity outflows, based on comparisons of observed line strengths with predictions of photon-dominated and shock chemistry models. A subset of our stars and their ISO spectra are adequately explained by models constructed by Chiang & Goldreich (1997) and Chiang et al. (2001) of isolated, passively heated, flared circumstellar disks. For these sources, the bulk of the LWS flux at wavelengths longward of 55 µm arises from the disk interior which is heated diffusively by reprocessed radiation from the disk surface. At 45 µm, water ice emission bands appear in spectra of two of the coolest stars, and are thought to arise from icy grains irradiated by central starlight in optically thin disk surface layers

    Gas Accretion is Dominated by Warm Ionized Gas in Milky Way-Mass Galaxies at z ~ 0

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    We perform high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of a Milky Way-mass galaxy in a fully cosmological setting using the adaptive mesh refinement code, Enzo, and study the kinematics of gas in the simulated galactic halo. We find that the gas inflow occurs mostly along filamentary structures in the halo. The warm-hot (10^5 K 10^6 K) ionized gases are found to dominate the overall mass accretion in the system (with dM/dt = 3-5 M_solar/yr) over a large range of distances, extending from the virial radius to the vicinity of the disk. Most of the inflowing gas (by mass) does not cool, and the small fraction that manages to cool does so primarily close to the galaxy (R <~ 20 kpc), perhaps comprising the neutral gas that may be detectable as, e.g., high-velocity clouds. The neutral clouds are embedded within larger, accreting filamentary flows, and represent only a small fraction of the total mass inflow rate. The inflowing gas has relatively low metallicity (Z/Z_solar < 0.2). The outer layers of the filamentary inflows are heated due to compression as they approach the disk. In addition to the inflow, we find high-velocity, metal-enriched outflows of hot gas driven by supernova feedback. Our results are consistent with observations of halo gas at low z.Comment: 10 pages including 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Photoionization of High Altitude Gas in a Supernova-Driven Turbulent Interstellar Medium

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    We investigate models for the photoionization of the widespread diffuse ionized gas in galaxies. In particular we address the long standing question of the penetration of Lyman continuum photons from sources close to the galactic midplane to large heights in the galactic halo. We find that recent hydrodynamical simulations of a supernova-driven interstellar medium have low density paths and voids that allow for ionizing photons from midplane OB stars to reach and ionize gas many kiloparsecs above the midplane. We find ionizing fluxes throughout our simulation grids are larger than predicted by one dimensional slab models, thus allowing for photoionization by O stars of low altitude neutral clouds in the Galaxy that are also detected in Halpha. In previous studies of such clouds the photoionization scenario had been rejected and the Halpha had been attributed to enhanced cosmic ray ionization or scattered light from midplane H II regions. We do find that the emission measure distributions in our simulations are wider than those derived from Halpha observations in the Milky Way. In addition, the horizontally averaged height dependence of the gas density in the hydrodynamical models is lower than inferred in the Galaxy. These discrepancies are likely due to the absence of magnetic fields in the hydrodynamic simulations and we discuss how magnetohydrodynamic effects may reconcile models and observations. Nevertheless, we anticipate that the inclusion of magnetic fields in the dynamical simulations will not alter our primary finding that midplane OB stars are capable of producing high altitude diffuse ionized gas in a realistic three-dimensional interstellar medium.Comment: ApJ accepted. 17 pages, 7 figure

    Spectral Energy Distributions of T Tauri and Herbig Ae Disks: Grain Mineralogy, Parameter Dependences, and Comparison with ISO LWS Observations

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    We improve upon the radiative, hydrostatic equilibrium models of passive circumstellar disks constructed by Chiang & Goldreich (1997). New features include (1) account for a range of particle sizes, (2) employment of laboratory-based optical constants of representative grain materials, and (3) numerical solution of the equations of radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium within the original 2-layer (disk surface + disk interior) approximation. We explore how the spectral energy distribution (SED) of a face-on disk depends on grain size distributions, disk geometries and surface densities, and stellar photospheric temperatures. Observed SEDs of 3 Herbig Ae and 2 T Tauri stars, including spectra from the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) aboard the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), are fitted with our models. Silicate emission bands from optically thin, superheated disk surface layers appear in nearly all systems. Water ice emission bands appear in LWS spectra of 2 of the coolest stars. Infrared excesses in several sources are consistent with vertical settling of photospheric grains. While this work furnishes further evidence that passive reprocessing of starlight by flared disks adequately explains the origin of infrared-to-millimeter wavelength excesses of young stars, we emphasize how the SED alone does not provide sufficient information to constrain particle sizes and disk masses uniquely.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 35 pages inc. 14 figures, AAS preprin

    Motion in Quantum Gravity

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    We tackle the question of motion in Quantum Gravity: what does motion mean at the Planck scale? Although we are still far from a complete answer we consider here a toy model in which the problem can be formulated and resolved precisely. The setting of the toy model is three dimensional Euclidean gravity. Before studying the model in detail, we argue that Loop Quantum Gravity may provide a very useful approach when discussing the question of motion in Quantum Gravity.Comment: 30 pages, to appear in the book "Mass and Motion in General Relativity", proceedings of the C.N.R.S. School in Orleans, France, eds. L. Blanchet, A. Spallicci and B. Whitin

    Group theoretical approach to quantum fields in de Sitter space I. The principal series

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    Using unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group, we construct the Fock space of a massive free scalar field. In this approach, the vacuum is the unique dS invariant state. The quantum field is a posteriori defined by an operator subject to covariant transformations under the dS isometry group. This insures that it obeys canonical commutation relations, up to an overall factor which should not vanish as it fixes the value of hbar. However, contrary to what is obtained for the Poincare group, the covariance condition leaves an arbitrariness in the definition of the field. This arbitrariness allows to recover the amplitudes governing spontaneous pair creation processes, as well as the class of alpha vacua obtained in the usual field theoretical approach. The two approaches can be formally related by introducing a squeezing operator which acts on the state in the field theoretical description and on the operator in the present treatment. The choice of the different dS invariant schemes (different alpha vacua) is here posed in very simple terms: it is related to a first order differential equation which is singular on the horizon and whose general solution is therefore characterized by the amplitude on either side of the horizon. Our algebraic approach offers a new method to define quantum field theory on some deformations of dS space.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures ; Corrected typo, Changed referenc

    Duality and Braiding in Twisted Quantum Field Theory

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    We re-examine various issues surrounding the definition of twisted quantum field theories on flat noncommutative spaces. We propose an interpretation based on nonlocal commutative field redefinitions which clarifies previously observed properties such as the formal equivalence of Green's functions in the noncommutative and commutative theories, causality, and the absence of UV/IR mixing. We use these fields to define the functional integral formulation of twisted quantum field theory. We exploit techniques from braided tensor algebra to argue that the twisted Fock space states of these free fields obey conventional statistics. We support our claims with a detailed analysis of the modifications induced in the presence of background magnetic fields, which induces additional twists by magnetic translation operators and alters the effective noncommutative geometry seen by the twisted quantum fields. When two such field theories are dual to one another, we demonstrate that only our braided physical states are covariant under the duality.Comment: 35 pages; v2: Typos correcte