1,738 research outputs found

    High ampacity carbon nanotube materials

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue The Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes.Constant evolution of technology is leading to the improvement of electronical devices. Smaller, lighter, faster, are but a few of the properties that have been constantly improved, but these developments come hand in hand with negative downsides. In the case of miniaturization, this shortcoming is found in the inherent property of conducting materials-the limit of current density they can withstand before failure. This property, known as ampacity, is close to reaching its limits at the current scales of use, and the performances of some conductors such as gold or copper suffer severely from it. The need to find alternative conductors with higher ampacity is, therefore, an urgent need, but at the same time, one which requires simultaneous search for decreased density if it is to succeed in an ever-growing electronical world. The uses of these carbon nanotube-based materials, from airplane lightning strike protection systems to the microchip industry, will be evaluated, failure mechanisms at maximum current densities explained, limitations and difficulties in ampacity measurements with different size ranges evaluated, and future lines of research suggested. This review will therefore provide an in-depth view of the rare properties that make carbon nanotubes and their hybrids unique.This research was funded by Airbus and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under grant MAT2014-57557-R

    Rasgos sedimentarios de los conglomerados miocénicos del borde noreste de la Depresión de Granada

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    Este trabajo da una primera interpretación sedimentaria y una reconstrucción paleogeográfica de los materiales conglomeráticos neógenos de parte de la Depresión de Granada. El modelo sedimentario propuesto consiste en abanicos aluviales que penetran en medio marino. En una fase posterior, se establece un régimen fluvial que desemboca en zonas lacustres, eventualmente evaporÍticas. [ABSTRACT] This paper offers a first sedimentary interpretation aod a paleogeographic reconstruction for the neogenic conglomerates in a part of Granada Basin. The proposed sedimentary ruodel consists on alluvial fans going into marine environment. Later, a braided fluviatile pattern connected downstream with lacllstrine areas with episodic evaporite deposits establishes in this place

    Analysis of the errors in polarimetry with full Poincare beams

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    The main error sources of a recently proposed Mueller matrix polarimetric method based on the use of full Poincare beams (FPBs) are described and analysed in detail. Numerical simulations are performed under the presence of different sources of errors. Their influence in the determination of the Mueller matrix is studied for samples presenting either birefringence or diattenuation. The present study will allow to improve the experimental procedure for obtaining the Mueller matrix of a sample using a FPB

    Microsatellite variation in Spanish Alano dogs

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    We have studied a sample of 35 spanish alano dogs in order to estimate the level of genetic variability that can be detected by using microsatellites and the efficiency of these genetic markers as tools for parentage testing in this canine population. We have used 4 microsatellites previously described in the literature. All of them were polymorphic, with an average number of 5 alleles/ locus and an average gene diversity (H) of 0,70 ± 0,06, similar to the figures reported in others breeds. Two of the microsatellites showed disa-greement with Hardy-Weinberg proportions, due to a deficit of heterozygotes. We have found in one of the microsatellites alleles that could be breed specific, as they have not been detected in other spanish breeds. The combined exclusion probability detected is higher than 90 percent, suggesting the possibility of using efficiently microsatellites in parentage testing in the spanish alano population.En una muestra de 35 alanos españoles se investigó la utilidad de los microsatélites para detectar variabilidad genética y para el control de paternidad. Los 4 microsatélites utilizados, descritos ya en la bibliografía, resultaron polimórficos, con un número medio de 5 alelos/ locus y una heterocigosis media (H), de 0,70 ± 0,06, similar a la de otras razas caninas. Se ha detectado una desviación del equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para dos microsatélites debida a un déficit de heterocigotos. En un microsatélite se han detectado alelos inexistentes en otras razas españolas, por lo que podrían ser específicos de raza. La probabilidad acumulada de exclusión de paternidad es superior al 90 p.100, por lo que podrían ser eficaces para estas pruebas en alanos

    Critical Theory and the Loneliness of the Tax Prof

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    This essay, prepared for a symposium on critical theory and tax law, has two goals: to suggest why feminist theory and critical race theory are spreading in taxation and to discuss some dangers of that criticism. The author evaluates three examples of the new criticism: an article on critical race theory by Professors Moran and Whitford; an article on feminist statutory interpretation by Professor Handelman; and a book, Taxing Women, by Professor McCaffery

    Nuevas formas farmacéuticas para el tratamiento de enfermedades alérgicas

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    Specific immunotherapy involves certain drawbacks which could be minimized by the use of appropriate adjuvants, capable of amplifying the right immune response with minimal side effects. In this context, we review different types of immunotherapy vehicles and coadyuvants. We describe previous studies by our group in which we demonstrated the adjuvant capacity of Gantrez® AN nanoparticles, which can effectively enhance the immune response. We employed two types of nanoparticles (with and without LPS of Brucella ovis as immunomodulator) within capsulated ovoalbumin and Lollium perenne extract, tested on a model of mice sensitized to this allergenic mixture. In the challenge experiment involving the sensitized mice, differences in the mortality rate and in the MCP-1 levels were found between the treated groups and the control. Under the experimental conditions of this model of mice pre-sensitized to L. perenne, Gantrez®AN nanoparticles appeared to be a good strategy for immunotherapy. We finally tested these carriers administered by the oral route and found that they were able to protect a model of mice sensitized to ovalbumin from anaphylactic shock

    Na+/K+-ATPase is a new interacting partner for the neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 that downregulates its expression in vitro and in vivo

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    The neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 plays a fundamental role in the glycinergic neurotransmission by recycling the neurotransmitter to the presynaptic terminal. GlyT2 is the main supplier of glycine for vesicle refilling, a process that is absolutely necessary to preserve quantal glycine content in synaptic vesicles. Alterations in GlyT2 activity modify glycinergic neurotransmission and may underlie several neuromuscular disorders, such as hyperekplexia, myoclonus, dystonia, and epilepsy. Indeed, mutations in the gene encoding GlyT2 are the main presynaptic cause of hyperekplexia in humans and produce congenital muscular dystonia type 2 (CMD2) in Belgian Blue cattle. GlyT2 function is strictly coupled to the sodium electrochemical gradient actively generated by the Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA). GlyT2 cotransports 3Na+/Cl-/glycine generating large rises of Na+ inside the presynaptic terminal that must be efficiently reduced by the NKA to preserve Na+ homeostasis. In this work, we have used high-throughput mass spectrometry to identify proteins interacting with GlyT2 in the CNS. NKA was detected as a putative candidate and through reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and immunocytochemistry analyses the association between GlyT2 and NKA was confirmed. NKA mainly interacts with the raft-associated active pool of GlyT2, and low and high levels of the specific NKA ligand ouabain modulate the endocytosis and total expression of GlyT2 in neurons. The ouabain-mediated downregulation of GlyT2 also occurs in vivo in two different systems: zebrafish embryos and adult rats, indicating that this NKA-mediated regulatory mechanism is evolutionarily conserved and may play a relevant role in the physiological control of inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission

    Nanoparticulate adjuvants and delivery systems for allergen immunotherapy

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    In the last decades, significant progress in research and clinics has been made to offer possible innovative therapeutics for the management of allergic diseases. However, current allergen immunotherapy shows limitations concerning the long-term efficacy and safety due to local side effects and risk of anaphylaxis. Thus, effective and safe vaccines with reduced dose of allergen have been developed using adjuvants. Nevertheless, the use of adjuvants still has several disadvantages, which limits its use in human vaccines. In this context, several novel adjuvants for allergen immunotherapy are currently being investigated and developed. Currently, nanoparticles-based allergen-delivery systems have received much interest as potential adjuvants for allergen immunotherapy. It has been demonstrated that the incorporation of allergens into a delivery system plays an important role in the efficacy of allergy vaccines. Several nanoparticles-based delivery systems have been described, including biodegradable and nondegradable polymeric carriers. Therefore, this paper provides an overview of the current adjuvants used for allergen immunotherapy. Furthermore, nanoparticles-based allergen-delivery systems are focused as a novel and promising strategy for allergy vaccines

    DNA damage triggers squamous metaplasia in human lung and mammary cells via mitotic checkpoints

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    Epithelial transdifferentiation is frequent in tissue hyperplasia and contributes to disease in various degrees. Squamous metaplasia (SQM) precedes epidermoid lung cancer, an aggressive and frequent malignancy, but it is rare in the epithelium of the mammary gland. The mechanisms leading to SQM in the lung have been very poorly investigated. We have studied this issue on human freshly isolated cells and organoids. Here we show that human lung or mammary cells strikingly undergo SQM with polyploidisation when they are exposed to genotoxic or mitotic drugs, such as Doxorubicin or the cigarette carcinogen DMBA, Nocodazole, Taxol or inhibitors of Aurora-B kinase or Polo-like kinase. To note, the epidermoid response was attenuated when DNA repair was enhanced by Enoxacin or when mitotic checkpoints where abrogated by inhibition of Chk1 and Chk2. The results show that DNA damage has the potential to drive SQM via mitotic checkpoints, thus providing novel molecular candidate targets to tackle lung SCC. Our findings might also explain why SCC is frequent in the lung, but not in the mammary gland and why chemotherapy often causes complicating skin toxicity

    POSEIDON Project: Objectives and Preliminary Results

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    [Abstract] This paper is presenting preliminary results dealing with the ongoing three-year project POSEIDON (imProving underwater cOoperative manipulation by meanS of lEarnIng, augmenteD reality and wIreless cOmmunicatioNs). In fact, this Project is a sub-project inside of a bigger one, COOPERAMOS (COOPErative Resident Robots for Autonomous ManipulatiOn Subsea). The aim and specific objectives of this project are presented, as well as some preliminary results on Simulation, HRI, and communications.[Resumen] Este documento presenta los resultados preliminares relacionados con el proyecto POSEIDON (mejora de la manipulación cooperativa subacuática mediante el aprendizaje, la realidad aumentada y las comunicaciones inalámbricas), que tiene una duración de tres años y está en curso. De hecho, este Proyecto es un subproyecto dentro de uno más grande, COOPERAMOS (COOPerativos Residentes de robots para la Manipulación Autónoma Submarina). Se presentan los objetivos de este proyecto, así como algunos resultados preliminares sobre Simulación, HRI y comunicaciones.Funded by PID2020-115332RBC31 (COOPERAMOS), IDIFEDER/2018/013 (GV), UJI-B2021-30 (AUDAZ) and EU H2020-Peacetolero-NFRP-2019-2020-04 projects.https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.978849749841