40 research outputs found

    Puget sound habitat status and trends monitoring program: nearshore and large river delta geospatial data and habitat status and trends monitoring metrics

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    The Puget Sound Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring (PSHSTM) program was developed to provide consistent salmon habitat status and trends data to support status reviews of Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed salmon populations across Puget Sound’s major population groups. Our approach primarily relies on readily available and regularly updated aerial imagery to consistently map key habitat features at a regional scale. We have developed a census-based approach to map key habitat features throughout the nearshore, large river delta, large river, and floodplain environments across Puget Sound. This presentation will focus on our mapping efforts in Puget Sound’s nearshore and large river delta environments, and the habitat status and trends metrics that will be derived from these efforts to support ESA listing reviews. In the nearshore environment, we are mapping overwater structures (e.g., docks, piers, bridges, buoys/floats, booms, aquaculture, and boat ramps), forested shoreline, and small embayment habitat features (e.g., lagoons, pocket estuaries, and blind tidal channels) for all ≈4,000 km of Puget Sound’s shoreline. In the large river delta environment, we are mapping tidal wetland areas, geomorphic delta boundaries, and channel features (e.g., distributaries and tidal channels) for all 17 large river deltas that drain into the Puget Sound, Hood Canal, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This census-based approach will provide a unique opportunity to develop consistent habitat status and trends metrics for habitat quantity and quality at a regional scale that can be used to inform ESA status reviews of listed salmon populations. We anticipate that the consistent regional-scale geospatial data sets developed from these efforts can be used to support a variety of other research and management needs

    Global challenges for seagrass conservation

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    Seagrasses, flowering marine plants that form underwater meadows, play a significant global role in supporting food security, mitigating climate change and supporting biodiversity. Although progress is being made to conserve seagrass meadows in select areas, most meadows remain under significant pressure resulting in a decline in meadow condition and loss of function. Effective management strategies need to be implemented to reverse seagrass loss and enhance their fundamental role in coastal ocean habitats. Here we propose that seagrass meadows globally face a series of significant common challenges that must be addressed from a multifaceted and interdisciplinary perspective in order to achieve global conservation of seagrass meadows. The six main global challenges to seagrass conservation are (1) a lack of awareness of what seagrasses are and a limited societal recognition of the importance of seagrasses in coastal systems; (2) the status of many seagrass meadows are unknown, and up-to-date information on status and condition is essential; (3) understanding threatening activities at local scales is required to target management actions accordingly; (4) expanding our understanding of interactions between the socio-economic and ecological elements of seagrass systems is essential to balance the needs of people and the planet; (5) seagrass research should be expanded to generate scientific inquiries that support conservation actions; (6) increased understanding of the linkages between seagrass and climate change is required to adapt conservation accordingly. We also explicitly outline a series of proposed policy actions that will enable the scientific and conservation community to rise to these challenges. We urge the seagrass conservation community to engage stakeholders from local resource users to international policy-makers to address the challenges outlined here, in order to secure the future of the world’s seagrass ecosystems and maintain the vital services which they supply

    Using remote sensing data to assess salmon habitat status and trends in Puget Sound river deltas

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    Puget Sound Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Steelhead (O. mykiss), and Hood Canal summer chum (O. keta) are currently listed as “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. The National Marine Fisheries Service is required to evaluate their listing status and trends in habitat conditions every five years. However, consistent habitat monitoring programs have not been developed to evaluate the status and trends of habitats used by listed Puget Sound salmon populations. To address this need, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center has been developing a monitoring program to provide consistent status and trends data for key habitat environments utilized by salmon. River deltas are one such critical environment, as juvenile salmon utilize delta habitats for rearing and to complete the physiological adaptations necessary to transition to marine waters. These favorable habitats occur primarily along the margins of distributary channels and tidal channels in delta estuaries. Therefore, consistent delineations of tidal channel features can provide an indicator of habitat quantity (e.g., tide channel area and channel edge habitat length) and quality (e.g., channel network complexity and node density) that can be used to evaluate the status and trends of delta habitat essential to juvenile salmon. We have initiated a monitoring program to map tidal channel features throughout Puget Sound’s major river deltas using high resolution aerial imagery. We have completed preliminary delineations of tidal channel features using 2010 to 2011 aerial imagery, and are currently updating these delineations using 2013 imagery. Because tidal and wetlands are increasingly the focus of salmon habitat restoration, we anticipate that consistent mapping of tidal channel features over time will illustrate trends of delta habitat quantity and quality that can be used to inform status reviews and management strategies

    Large river habitat complexity and productivity of Puget Sound Chinook salmon.

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    While numerous studies have shown that floodplain habitat complexity can be important to fish ecology, few quantify how watershed-scale complexity influences productivity. This scale mismatch complicates population conservation and recovery strategies that evaluate recovery at regional or multi-basin scales. We used outputs from a habitat status and trends monitoring program for ten of Puget Sound's large river systems to examine whether juvenile Chinook salmon productivity relates to watershed-scale habitat complexity. We derived habitat complexity metrics that quantified wood jam densities, side and braid to main channel ratios, and node densities from a remote sensing census of Puget Sound's large river systems. Principal component analysis revealed that 91% of variance in these metrics could be explained by two principal components. These metrics revealed gradients in habitat complexity across Puget Sound which were sensitive to changes in complexity as a result of restoration actions in one watershed. Mixed effects models revealed that the second principle component term (PC2) describing habitat complexity was positively related to log transformed subyearling Chinook per spawner productivity rates from 6-18 cohorts per watershed. Total subyearling productivity (subyearlings per spawner) and fry productivity (subyearling fry per spawner) rates were best described by models that included a positive effect of habitat complexity (PC2) and negative relationships with log transformed peak flow recurrence interval, suggestive of reduced survival due to egg destruction during floods. Total subyearling productivity (subyearlings per spawner) and parr productivity (subyearling parr per spawner) rates were best described by models that included a positive effect of habitat complexity (PC2) and negative relationships with log transformed spawner density, suggestive of density dependent limits on juvenile rearing habitat. We also found that coefficient of variation for log transformed subyearling productivity and subyearling fry productivity rates declined with increasing habitat complexity, supporting the idea that habitat complexity buffers populations from annual variation in environmental conditions. Therefore, we conclude that our watershed-scale census-based approach provided habitat complexity metrics that explained some of the variability in productivity of subyearling juveniles among Chinook salmon populations. Furthermore, this approach may provide a useful means to track and evaluate aggregate effects of habitat changes on the productivity of Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed Chinook salmon populations over time