3,077 research outputs found

    Quantum Limits of Measurements Induced by Multiplicative Conservation Laws: Extension of the Wigner-Araki-Yanase Theorem

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    The Wigner-Araki-Yanase (WAY) theorem shows that additive conservation laws limit the accuracy of measurements. Recently, various quantitative expressions have been found for quantum limits on measurements induced by additive conservation laws, and have been applied to the study of fundamental limits on quantum information processing. Here, we investigate generalizations of the WAY theorem to multiplicative conservation laws. The WAY theorem is extended to show that an observable not commuting with the modulus of, or equivalently the square of, a multiplicatively conserved quantity cannot be precisely measured. We also obtain a lower bound for the mean-square noise of a measurement in the presence of a multiplicatively conserved quantity. To overcome this noise it is necessary to make large the coefficient of variation (the so-called relative fluctuation), instead of the variance as is the case for additive conservation laws, of the conserved quantity in the apparatus.Comment: 8 pages, REVTEX; typo added, to appear in PR

    Adaptive Covariance Estimation with model selection

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    We provide in this paper a fully adaptive penalized procedure to select a covariance among a collection of models observing i.i.d replications of the process at fixed observation points. For this we generalize previous results of Bigot and al. and propose to use a data driven penalty to obtain an oracle inequality for the estimator. We prove that this method is an extension to the matricial regression model of the work by Baraud

    New Techniques to Determine Ages of Open Clusters Using White Dwarfs

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    Currently there are two main techniques for independently determining the ages of stellar populations: main sequence evolution theory (via cluster isochrones) and white dwarf cooling theory. Open clusters provide the ideal environment for the calibration of these two clocks. Because current techniques to derive cluster ages from white dwarfs are observationally challenging, we discuss the feasibility of determining white dwarf ages from the brighter white dwarfs alone. This would eliminate the requirement of observing the coolest (i.e., faintest) white dwarfs. We discuss our method for testing this new idea, as well as the required photometric precision and prior constraints on metallicity, distance, and reddening. We employ a new Bayesian statistical technique to obtain and interpret results.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    The Position of High Frequency Waves with Respect to the Granulation Pattern

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    High frequency velocity oscillations were observed in the spectral lines Fe I 543.45nm and 543.29nm, using 2D spectroscopy with a Fabry- Perot and speckle reconstruction, at the VTT in Tenerife. We investigate the radial component of waves with frequencies in the range 8 - 22mHz in the internetwork, network and a pore. We find that the occurrence of waves do not show any preference on location and are equally distributed over down-flows and up-flows, regardless of the activity of the observed area in the line of Fe I 543.45nm. The waves observed in the lower formed line of Fe I 543.29nm seem to appear preferentially over down-flows.Comment: Article has 12 pages and 7 images. It is accepted in Solar Physics Journa

    Deforming the Maxwell-Sim Algebra

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    The Maxwell alegbra is a non-central extension of the Poincar\'e algebra, in which the momentum generators no longer commute, but satisfy [Pμ,Pν]=Zμν[P_\mu,P_\nu]=Z_{\mu\nu}. The charges ZμνZ_{\mu\nu} commute with the momenta, and transform tensorially under the action of the angular momentum generators. If one constructs an action for a massive particle, invariant under these symmetries, one finds that it satisfies the equations of motion of a charged particle interacting with a constant electromagnetic field via the Lorentz force. In this paper, we explore the analogous constructions where one starts instead with the ISim subalgebra of Poincar\'e, this being the symmetry algebra of Very Special Relativity. It admits an analogous non-central extension, and we find that a particle action invariant under this Maxwell-Sim algebra again describes a particle subject to the ordinary Lorentz force. One can also deform the ISim algebra to DISimb_b, where bb is a non-trivial dimensionless parameter. We find that the motion described by an action invariant under the corresponding Maxwell-DISim algebra is that of a particle interacting via a Finslerian modification of the Lorentz force.Comment: Appendix on Lifshitz and Schrodinger algebras adde

    Phase I/II study of the anti-oestrogen zindoxifene (D16726) in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. A Cancer Research Campaign Phase I/II Clinical Trials Committee study.

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    We report a phase I/II study of the indole derivative, zindoxifene, an anti-oestrogen with intrinsic oestrogenic activity. We have treated 28 women with advanced breast cancer of whom 26 had received prior endocrine therapy. Oral zindoxifene doses ranged from 10 to 100 mg daily; doses were escalated in some patients. Twenty-five patients were assessed for response; the remaining three patients completed less than 3 weeks of treatment. There were no objective responses; disease stabilised in seven patients for up to 5 months and progressed in the remaining 18. Five patients (including three treated with tamoxifen) responded to subsequent endocrine therapy. Nausea, which was dose-limiting, affected half of the patients treated with 80 mg daily. Metabolites of zindoxifene were detectable in serum at all doses used, and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels showed a strong tendency to rise at the higher doses, indicating that zindoxifene is absorbed and has biological activity. We conclude that zindoxifene in the doses used in this study has only marginal therapeutic activity in the treatment of advanced breast cancer

    Gamma and beta frequency oscillations in response to novel auditory stimuli: A comparison of human electroencephalogram (EEG) data with in vitro models

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    Investigations using hippocampal slices maintained in vitro have demonstrated that bursts of oscillatory field potentials in the gamma frequency range (30-80 Hz) are followed by a slower oscillation in the beta 1 range (12-20 Hz). In this study, we demonstrate that a comparable gamma-to-beta transition is seen in the human electroencephalogram (EEG) in response to novel auditory stimuli. Correlations between gamma and beta 1 activity revealed a high degree of interdependence of synchronized oscillations in these bands in the human EEG. Evoked (stimulus-locked) gamma oscillations preceded beta 1 oscillations in response to novel stimuli, suggesting that this may be analogous to the gamma-to-beta shift observed in vitro. Beta 1 oscillations were the earliest discriminatory responses to show enhancement to novel stimuli, preceding changes in the broad-band event-related potential (mismatch negativity). Later peaks of induced beta activity over the parietal cortex were always accompanied by an underlying gamma frequency oscillation as seen in vitro. A further analogy between in vitro and human recordings was that both gamma and beta oscillations habituated markedly after the initial novel stimulus presentation

    Patient factors associated with non-attendance at colonoscopy after a positive screening faecal occult blood test

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    BACKGROUND: Screening participants with abnormal faecal occult blood test results who do not attend further testing are at high risk of colorectal cancer, yet little is known about their reasons for non-attendance. METHODS: We conducted a medical record review of 170 patients from two English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme centres who had abnormal guaiac faecal occult blood test screening tests between November 2011 and April 2013 but did not undergo colonoscopy. Using information from patient records, we coded and categorized reasons for non-attendance. RESULTS: Of the 170 patients, 82 were eligible for review, of whom 66 had at least one recorded reason for lack of colonoscopy follow-up. Reasons fell into seven main categories: (i) other commitments, (ii) unwillingness to have the test, (iii) a feeling that the faecal occult blood test result was a false positive, (iv) another health issue taking priority, (v) failing to complete bowel preparation, (vi) practical barriers (e.g. lack of transport), and (vii) having had or planning colonoscopy elsewhere. The most common single reasons were unwillingness to have a colonoscopy and being away. CONCLUSIONS: We identify a range of apparent reasons for colonoscopy non-attendance after a positive faecal occult blood test screening. Education regarding the interpretation of guaiac faecal occult blood test findings, offer of alternative confirmatory test options, and flexibility in the timing or location of subsequent testing might decrease non-attendance of diagnostic testing following positive faecal occult blood test

    A tilted interference filter in a converging beam

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    Context. Narrow-band interference filters can be tuned toward shorter wavelengths by tilting them from the perpendicular to the optical axis. This can be used as a cheap alternative to real tunable filters, such as Fabry-P\'erot interferometers and Lyot filters. At the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, such a setup is used to scan through the blue wing of the Ca II H line. Because the filter is mounted in a converging beam, the incident angle varies over the pupil, which causes a variation of the transmission over the pupil, different for each wavelength within the passband. This causes broadening of the filter transmission profile and degradation of the image quality. Aims. We want to characterize the properties of our filter, at normal incidence as well as at different tilt angles. Knowing the broadened profile is important for the interpretation of the solar images. Compensating the images for the degrading effects will improve the resolution and remove one source of image contrast degradation. In particular, we need to solve the latter problem for images that are also compensated for blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence. Methods. We simulate the process of image formation through a tilted interference filter in order to understand the effects. We test the hypothesis that they are separable from the effects of wavefront aberrations for the purpose of image deconvolution. We measure the filter transmission profile and the degrading PSF from calibration data. Results. We find that the filter transmission profile differs significantly from the specifications.We demonstrate how to compensate for the image-degrading effects. Because the filter tilt effects indeed appear to be separable from wavefront aberrations in a useful way, this can be done in a final deconvolution, after standard image restoration with MFBD/Phase Diversity based methods. We illustrate the technique with real data

    The White Dwarf Age of NGC 2477

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    We present deep photometric observations of the open cluster NGC 2477 using HST/WFPC2. By identifying seven cluster white dwarf candidates, we present an analysis of the white dwarf age of this cluster, using both the traditional method of fitting isochrones to the white dwarf cooling sequence, and by employing a new Bayesian statistical technique that has been developed by our group. This new method performs an objective, simultaneous model fit of the cluster and stellar parameters (namely age, metallicity, distance, reddening, as well as individual stellar masses, mass ratios, and cluster membership) to the photometry. Based on this analysis, we measure a white dwarf age of 1.035 +/- 0.054 +/- 0.087 Gyr (uncertainties represent the goodness of model fits and discrepancy among models, respectively), in good agreement with the cluster's main sequence turnoff age. This work is part of our ongoing work to calibrate main sequence turnoff and white dwarf ages using open clusters, and to improve the precision of cluster ages to the ~5% level.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, accepted Ap
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