148 research outputs found

    HST-COS Observations of Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon and Nitrogen Emission from the SN 1987A Reverse Shock

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    We present the most sensitive ultraviolet observations of Supernova 1987A to date. Imaging spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope-Cosmic Origins Spectrograph shows many narrow (dv \sim 300 km/s) emission lines from the circumstellar ring, broad (dv \sim 10 -- 20 x 10^3 km/s) emission lines from the reverse shock, and ultraviolet continuum emission. The high signal-to-noise (> 40 per resolution element) broad LyA emission is excited by soft X-ray and EUV heating of mostly neutral gas in the circumstellar ring and outer supernova debris. The ultraviolet continuum at \lambda > 1350A can be explained by HI 2-photon emission from the same region. We confirm our earlier, tentative detection of NV \lambda 1240 emission from the reverse shock and we present the first detections of broad HeII \lambda1640, CIV \lambda1550, and NIV] \lambda1486 emission lines from the reverse shock. The helium abundance in the high-velocity material is He/H = 0.14 +/- 0.06. The NV/H-alpha line ratio requires partial ion-electron equilibration (T_{e}/T_{p} \approx 0.14 - 0.35). We find that the N/C abundance ratio in the gas crossing the reverse shock is significantly higher than that in the circumstellar ring, a result that may be attributed to chemical stratification in the outer envelope of the supernova progenitor. The N/C abundance ratio may have been stratified prior to the ring expulsion, or this result may indicate continued CNO processing in the progenitor subsequent to the expulsion of the circumstellar ring.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. ApJ - accepte

    Three-dimensional distribution of ejecta in Supernova 1987A at 10 000 days

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    Due to its proximity, SN 1987A offers a unique opportunity to directly observe the geometry of a stellar explosion as it unfolds. Here we present spectral and imaging observations of SN 1987A obtained ~10,000 days after the explosion with HST/STIS and VLT/SINFONI at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. These observations allow us to produce the most detailed 3D map of H-alpha to date, the first 3D maps for [Ca II] \lambda \lambda 7292, 7324, [O I] \lambda \lambda 6300, 6364 and Mg II \lambda \lambda 9218, 9244, as well as new maps for [Si I]+[Fe II] 1.644 \mu m and He I 2.058 \mu m. A comparison with previous observations shows that the [Si I]+[Fe II] flux and morphology have not changed significantly during the past ten years, providing evidence that it is powered by 44Ti. The time-evolution of H-alpha shows that it is predominantly powered by X-rays from the ring, in agreement with previous findings. All lines that have sufficient signal show a similar large-scale 3D structure, with a north-south asymmetry that resembles a broken dipole. This structure correlates with early observations of asymmetries, showing that there is a global asymmetry that extends from the inner core to the outer envelope. On smaller scales, the two brightest lines, H-alpha and [Si I]+[Fe II] 1.644 \mu m, show substructures at the level of ~ 200 - 1000 km/s and clear differences in their 3D geometries. We discuss these results in the context of explosion models and the properties of dust in the ejecta.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Observing Supernova 1987A with the Refurbished Hubble Space Telescope

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    Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), conducted since 1990, now offer an unprecedented glimpse into fast astrophysical shocks in the young remnant of supernova 1987A. Comparing observations taken in 2010 using the refurbished instruments on HST with data taken in 2004, just before the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph failed, we find that the Ly-a and H-a lines from shock emission continue to brighten, while their maximum velocities continue to decrease. We observe broad blueshifted Ly-a, which we attribute to resonant scattering of photons emitted from hotspots on the equatorial ring. We also detect NV~\lambda\lambda 1239,1243 A line emission, but only to the red of Ly-A. The profiles of the NV lines differ markedly from that of H-a, suggesting that the N^{4+} ions are scattered and accelerated by turbulent electromagnetic fields that isotropize the ions in the collisionless shock.Comment: Science, accepted. Science Express, 02 Sept 2010. 5 figures. Supporting online material can be found at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/sci;science.1192134/DC

    The UV Scattering Halo of the Central Source Associated with Eta Carinae

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    We have made an extensive study of the UV spectrum of Eta Carinae, and find that we do not directly observe the star and its wind in the UV. Because of dust along our line of sight, the UV light that we observe arises from bound-bound scattering at large impact parameters. We obtain a reasonable fit to the UV spectrum by using only the flux that originates outside 0.033". This explains why we can still observe the primary star in the UV despite the large optical extinction -- it is due to the presence of an intrinsic coronagraph in the Eta Carinae system, and to the extension of the UV emitting region. It is not due to peculiar dust properties alone. We have computed the spectrum of the purported companion star, and show that it could only be directly detected in the UV spectrum preferentially in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectral region (912-1175 Ang.). However, we find no direct evidence for a companion star, with the properties indicated by X-ray studies and studies of the Weigelt blobs, in UV spectra. This might be due to reprocessing of the companion's light by the dense stellar wind of the primary. Broad FeII and [FeII] emission lines, which form in the stellar wind, are detected in spectra taken in the SE lobe, 0.2" from the central star. The wind spectrum shows some similarities to the spectra of the B & D Weigelt blobs, but also shows some marked differences in that high excitation lines, and lines pumped by Ly-alpha, are not seen. The detection of the broad lines lends support to our interpretation of the UV spectrum, and to our model for Eta Carinae.Comment: To appear in ApJ. 57 pages with 18 figure

    Dust Production and Particle Acceleration in Supernova 1987A Revealed with ALMA

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    Supernova (SN) explosions are crucial engines driving the evolution of galaxies by shock heating gas, increasing the metallicity, creating dust, and accelerating energetic particles. In 2012 we used the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array to observe SN 1987A, one of the best-observed supernovae since the invention of the telescope. We present spatially resolved images at 450um, 870um, 1.4mm, and 2.8mm, an important transition wavelength range. Longer wavelength emission is dominated by synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated particles, shorter wavelengths by emission from the largest mass of dust measured in a supernova remnant (>0.2Msun). For the first time we show unambiguously that this dust has formed in the inner ejecta (the cold remnants of the exploded star's core). The dust emission is concentrated to the center of the remnant, so the dust has not yet been affected by the shocks. If a significant fraction survives, and if SN 1987A is typical, supernovae are important cosmological dust producers.Comment: ApJL accepte

    Carbon Monoxide in the Cold Debris of Supernova 1987A

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    We report spectroscopic and imaging observations of rotational transitions of cold CO and SiO in the ejecta of SN1987A, the first such emission detected in a supernova remnant. In addition to line luminosities for the CO J=1-0, 2-1, 6-5, and 7-6 transitions, we present upper limits for all other transitions up to J=13-12, collectively measured from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX), and the Herschel Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE). Simple models show the lines are emitted from at least 0.01 solar masses of CO at a temperature > 14 K, confined within at most 35% of a spherical volume expanding at ~ 2000 km/s. Moreover, we locate the emission within 1'' of the central debris. These observations, along with a partial observation of SiO, confirm the presence of cold molecular gas within supernova remnants and provide insight into the physical conditions and chemical processes in the ejecta. Furthermore, we demonstrate the powerful new window into supernova ejecta offered by submillimeter observations.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral and morphological analysis of the remnant of Supernova 1987A with ALMA & ATCA

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    We present a comprehensive spectral and morphological analysis of the remnant of Supernova (SN) 1987A with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The non-thermal and thermal components of the radio emission are investigated in images from 94 to 672 GHz (λ\lambda 3.2 mm to 450 μ\mum), with the assistance of a high-resolution 44 GHz synchrotron template from the ATCA, and a dust template from ALMA observations at 672 GHz. An analysis of the emission distribution over the equatorial ring in images from 44 to 345 GHz highlights a gradual decrease of the east-to-west asymmetry ratio with frequency. We attribute this to the shorter synchrotron lifetime at high frequencies. Across the transition from radio to far infrared, both the synchrotron/dust-subtracted images and the spectral energy distribution (SED) suggest additional emission beside the main synchrotron component (Sνν0.73S_{\nu}\propto\nu^{-0.73}) and the thermal component originating from dust grains at T22T\sim22 K. This excess could be due to free-free flux or emission from grains of colder dust. However, a second flat-spectrum synchrotron component appears to better fit the SED, implying that the emission could be attributed to a pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The residual emission is mainly localised west of the SN site, as the spectral analysis yields 0.4α0.1-0.4\lesssim\alpha\lesssim-0.1 across the western regions, with α0\alpha\sim0 around the central region. If there is a PWN in the remnant interior, these data suggest that the pulsar may be offset westward from the SN position.Comment: ApJ accepted. 21 pages, emulateapj. References update

    A FUSE Survey of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds

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    We describe a moderate-resolution FUSE survey of H2 along 70 sight lines to the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, using hot stars as background sources. FUSE spectra of 67% of observed Magellanic Cloud sources (52% of LMC and 92% of SMC) exhibit absorption lines from the H2 Lyman and Werner bands between 912 and 1120 A. Our survey is sensitive to N(H2) >= 10^14 cm^-2; the highest column densities are log N(H2) = 19.9 in the LMC and 20.6 in the SMC. We find reduced H2 abundances in the Magellanic Clouds relative to the Milky Way, with average molecular fractions = 0.010 (+0.005, -0.002) for the SMC and = 0.012 (+0.006, -0.003) for the LMC, compared with = 0.095 for the Galactic disk over a similar range of reddening. The dominant uncertainty in this measurement results from the systematic differences between 21 cm radio emission and Lya in pencil-beam sight lines as measures of N(HI). These results imply that the diffuse H2 masses of the LMC and SMC are 8 x 10^6 Msun and 2 x 10^6 Msun, respectively, 2% and 0.5% of the H I masses derived from 21 cm emission measurements. The LMC and SMC abundance patterns can be reproduced in ensembles of model clouds with a reduced H2 formation rate coefficient, R ~ 3 x 10^-18 cm^3 s^-1, and incident radiation fields ranging from 10 - 100 times the Galactic mean value. We find that these high-radiation, low-formation-rate models can also explain the enhanced N(4)/N(2) and N(5)/N(3) rotational excitation ratios in the Clouds. We use H2 column densities in low rotational states (J = 0 and 1) to derive a mean kinetic and/or rotational temperature = 82 +/- 21 K for clouds with N(H2) >= 10^16 cm^-2, similar to Galactic gas. We discuss the implications of this work for theories of star formation in low-metallicity environments. [Abstract abridged]Comment: 30 pages emulateapj, 14 figures (7 color), 7 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, figures 11 and 12 compressed at slight loss of quality, see http://casa.colorado.edu/~tumlinso/h2/ for full version

    The 3-D Structure of SN 1987A's inner Ejecta

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    Twenty years after the explosion of SN 1987A, we are now able to observe the three-dimensional spatially resolved inner ejecta. Detailed mapping of newly synthesised material and its radioactive decay daughter products sheds light on the explosion mechanism. This may reveal the geometry of the explosion and its connection to the equatorial ring and the outer rings around SN 1987A. We have used integral field spectroscopy to image the supernova ejecta and the equatorial ring in the emission lines of [Si I]+[Fe II] and He I. The spectral information can be mapped into a radial velocity image revealing the expansion of the ejecta both as projected onto the sky and perpendicular to the sky plane. The inner ejecta are spatially resolved in a North-South direction and are clearly asymmetric. We argue that the bulk of the ejecta is situated in the same plane as defined by the equatorial ring and does not form a bipolar structure as has been suggested. The exact shape of the ejecta is modelled and we find that an elongated triaxial ellipsoid fits the observations best. From our spectral analyses of the ejecta spectrum we find that most of the He I, [Si I] and [Fe I-II] emission originates in the core material which has undergone explosive nucleosynthesis. The He I emission may be the result of alpha-rich freeze-out if the positron energy is deposited locally. Our observations clearly indicate a non-symmetric explosion mechanism for SN 1987A. The elongation and velocity asymmetries point towards a large-scale spatial non-spherical distribution as predicted in recent explosion models. The orientation of the ejecta in the plane of the equatorial ring argues against a jet-induced explosion through the poles due to stellar rotation.Comment: Above abstract is abridged. 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted July 1st 2010 by Astronomy and Astrophysic