102 research outputs found

    Contextualized behavior for improving managerial and entrepreneurial decision-making

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    Since the conceptualization of bounded rationality by Herbert Simon (1947), management scholars started investigating how people—managers and entrepreneurs—really make decisions within (and for) organizations. Taking into considerations the effect on organizational choices (e.g., new product development, market entry, merger and/or acquisition of other entities) and related performance (in organizational, economic, and social terms), a series of trends have flourished within this pivotal research area. Nowadays, the main important are: the biasing or beneficial role of heuristics (i.e., cognitive shortcuts of human mind) (Kahneman 2003), the influence of socio-demographic characteristics and personality traits (see the derived Upper Echelons Theory; Hambrick and Mason 1984; Abatecola and Cristofaro 2020), the impact of affective states (e.g., emotions, mood, temperament), the intertwinement between cognitive and emotional factors, the co-determinant role of the (micro-, meso-, and macro-) environment in the formation of choices with person-, group-, firm-specific variables, and the biasing or beneficial impact of technologies on managers’ and entrepreneurs’ rationality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strengthening of the net section of steel elements under tensile loads with bonded CFRP strips

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    Abstract : The use of CFRP is increasingly common as a solution for the strengthening of structures, but the majority of research and applications have focused on the retrofit of concrete structures. The application of CFRP adhesively bonded to enhance the load carrying capacity of metallic elements has been widely studied in the aeronautical industry but is also a promising technique for the civil engineering area. This paper presents an experimental study to verify the effectiveness of the use of CFRP for the strengthening of the net section of steel elements under tensile loading. A series of tensile tests were conducted with different bond lengths, different number of layers and different surface preparation of steel elements in double lap joints and steel plates. The ultimate load, the failure mode and the effective bond length for CFRP strengthened specimens were determined. The results showed that using CFRP sheets for the strengthening against net area failure provides no gain on the ultimate state, provides a small gain at the elastic limit, and provides a larger gain if the designer accepts to increase the capacity from the elastic limit to the debondig limit

    NSCs from groups to clusters: A catalogue of dwarf galaxies in the Shapley Supercluster and the role of environment in galaxy nucleation

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Nuclear star clusters (NSCs) are dense star clusters located at the centre of galaxies spanning a wide range of masses and morphologies. Analysing NSC occupation statistics in different environments provides an invaluable window into investigating early conditions of high-density star formation and mass assembly in clusters and group galaxies. We use HST/ACS deep imaging to obtain a catalogue of dwarf galaxies in two galaxy clusters in the Shapley supercluster: the central cluster Abell 3558 and the northern Abell 1736a. The Shapley region is an ideal laboratory to study nucleation as it stands as the highest mass concentration in the nearby Universe. We investigate the NSC occurrence in quiescent dwarf galaxies as faint as M I = −10 mag and compare it with all other environments where nucleation data is available. We use galaxy cluster/group halo mass as a proxy for the environment and employ a Bayesian logistic regression framework to model the nucleation fraction (f n) as a function of galaxy luminosity and environment. We find a notably high f n in Abell 3558: at M I ≈ −13.1 mag, half the galaxies in the cluster host NSCs. This is higher than in the Virgo and Fornax clusters but comparable to the Coma Cluster. On the other hand, the f n in Abell 1736a is relatively lower, comparable to groups in the local volume. We find that the probability of nucleation varies with galaxy luminosity remarkably similarly in galaxy clusters. These results reinforce previous findings of the important role of the environment in NSC formation/growth.Peer reviewe

    Evaluación de Ventanas Fotovoltaicas con Concentradores Solares Luminiscentes para Edificios Cero-energía en Santiago de Chile

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    Glasses with luminescent solar concentrators (LSC) allow to develop windows with perimeter photovoltaic collection, as building- integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). This work assesses its application in office buildings in Santiago de Chile, to contribute in zero-energy goals, reviewing energy plans for building in Europe and Chile, zero-energy concepts in buildings and defining a study model in Santiago de Chile. Then the performance and energy generation are simulated with different constructive properties, layout and efficiency of the windows. The analysis suggests that this technology, when used in wide areas over the sunniest façades, can provide up to 40% of building consumption, for longitudinal buildings with energy-efficient envelope and equipment, in addition to contributing to shading. It is thus demonstrated that, by regulating the building and forming large windows adequately arranged, this technology can contribute significantly to reach zero-energy buildings goals.Los vidrios con concentradores solares luminiscentes (LSC) permiten plantear ventanas con recolección fotovoltaica perimetral, como elementos integrados en la edificación (BIPV). Este trabajo evalúa su aplicación en edificios de oficina en Santiago de Chile, para aportar en metas de cero-energía, revisando primeramente los planes energéticos para la edificación en Europa y Chile, los conceptos de cero-energía en edificios y definiendo un modelo de estudio en Santiago de Chile. Luego se simula el rendimiento y generación energética con distintas propiedades constructivas, disposición y eficiencia de las ventanas. El análisis sugiere que esta tecnología, dispuesta en extensiones amplias hacia la fachada soleada, puede otorgar hasta un 40% del consumo para edificios longitudinales con envolvente y equipamientos eficientes, además de contribuir al sombreamiento. Se demuestra por tanto que, regulando la edificación y conformando ventanas extensas adecuadamente dispuestas, esta tecnología puede contribuir significativamente a alcanzar las metas de edificios cero-energía

    Spin-Flip Noise in a Multi-Terminal Spin-Valve

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    We study shot noise and cross correlations in a four terminal spin-valve geometry using a Boltzmann-Langevin approach. The Fano factor (shot noise to current ratio) depends on the magnetic configuration of the leads and the spin-flip processes in the normal metal. In a four-terminal geometry, spin-flip processes are particular prominent in the cross correlations between terminals with opposite magnetization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Large-area van der Waals epitaxy and magnetic characterization of Fe3GeTe2films on graphene

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    Scalable fabrication of magnetic 2D materials and heterostructures constitutes a crucial step for scaling down current spintronic devices and the development of novel spintronic applications. Here, we report on van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy of the layered magnetic metal Fe3GeTe2 (FGT) - a 2D crystal with highly tunable properties and a high prospect for room temperature ferromagnetism (FM) - directly on graphene by employing molecular beam epitaxy. Morphological and structural characterization confirmed the realization of large-area, continuous FGT/graphene heterostructure films with stable interfaces and good crystalline quality. Furthermore, magneto-transport and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism investigations confirmed a robust out-of-plane FM in the layers, comparable to state-of-the-art exfoliated flakes from bulk crystals. These results are highly relevant for further research on wafer-scale growth of vdW heterostructures combining FGT with other layered crystals such as transition metal dichalcogenides for the realization of multifunctional, atomically thin devices

    Effects of calcium supplementation on oxidative status and oxidative damage in great tit nestlings inhabiting a metal-polluted area

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    Calcium has been proposed to diminish metal toxicity by the modulation of the oxidative stress. This study explores the effects of Ca availability and metal exposure on oxidative stress biomarkers in great tit (Parus major) nestlings. Nests were supplemented with Ca (Ca-supplemented group) or not supplemented (Control group) in a metal-polluted and a background zone in SW Finland. Metal concentrations were analyzed from feces. We analyzed antioxidants (tGSH, GSH:GSSG ratio, CAT, GST, GPx, SOD), protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation in red cells of nestlings.Ca-supplemented and fast-growing nestlings showed higher CAT activity to cope with reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during intensive growth and metabolism. SOD and GPx (the latter not statistically significant) were more active in the polluted area, possibly reflecting higher ROS production in nestlings from this zone due to the enhanced metal exposure and smaller size. Antioxidant levels changed over the range of metal concentrations depending on the Ca levels in plasma, suggesting that higher Ca levels stimulate antioxidants and mitigate the impacts of metals. Ca supplementation may improve nestling traits and reproductive output when antioxidants are enhanced in a situation of oxidative challenge. Therefore, Ca should be considered in future studies assessing metal exposure and effects on wild birds

    The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe the coverage of news concerning the nursing profession in the Portuguese media: informative sites on the Internet and in print media. METHOD: a total of 1,271 health news items were collected in September and October of 2011 (956 online news items and 325 news items originating from the press review of the Portuguese Order of Nurses). Statistical analysis was used to characterize the variables. RESULTS: nurses were the sources of information in 6.6% of cases, suggesting limited media exposure. The health news collected is characterized by a production based on limited information sources, that is, male and official sources, on information disseminated by news agencies focused on economic and political issues in the health field. CONCLUSION: the presence of nurses in the news concerning nursing health is reduced. We suggest that nurses develop public communication skills to disseminate the importance of their profession in society and their relationship with the media

    Control of sulphide during anaerobic treatment of S-containing wastewaters by adding limited amounts of oxygen or nitrate

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    Sulphide generated during anaerobic treatment of S-containing wastewaters represents an environmental problem. Adding limited amounts of oxygen or nitrate (or nitrite) to biologically (or chemically) oxidise sulphide forms a simple process level strategy to control this problem. This short review evaluates the feasibility and limitations of this strategy on the basis of the results of bioreactor studies.Sulphide generated during anaerobic treatment of S-containing wastewaters represents an environmental problem. Adding limited amounts of oxygen or nitrate (or nitrite) to biologically (or chemically) oxidise sulphide forms a simple process level strategy to control this problem. This short review evaluates the feasibility and limitations of this strategy on the basis of the results of bioreactor studies.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; AEA Technology Environment; Nova Energie; The Swedish Gas Centre; University of Southern Denmark