6,683 research outputs found

    Searching for Galactic White Dwarf Binaries in Mock LISA Data using an F-Statistic Template Bank

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    We describe an F-statistic search for continuous gravitational waves from galactic white-dwarf binaries in simulated LISA Data. Our search method employs a hierarchical template-grid based exploration of the parameter space. In the first stage, candidate sources are identified in searches using different simulated laser signal combinations (known as TDI variables). Since each source generates a primary maximum near its true "Doppler parameters" (intrinsic frequency and sky position) as well as numerous secondary maxima of the F-statistic in Doppler parameter space, a search for multiple sources needs to distinguish between true signals and secondary maxima associated with other, "louder" signals. Our method does this by applying a coincidence test to reject candidates which are not found at nearby parameter space positions in searches using each of the three TDI variables. For signals surviving the coincidence test, we perform a fully coherent search over a refined parameter grid to provide an accurate parameter estimation for the final candidates. Suitably tuned, the pipeline is able to extract 1989 true signals with only 5 false alarms. The use of the rigid adiabatic approximation allows recovery of signal parameters with errors comparable to statistical expectations, although there is still some systematic excess with respect to statistical errors expected from Gaussian noise. An experimental iterative pipeline with seven rounds of signal subtraction and re-analysis of the residuals allows us to increase the number of signals recovered to a total of 3419 with 29 false alarms.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Physical parameters of the Cen X-3 system

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    Photographic spectra of Cen X-3 show that the primary star has a spectral type near 06.5 with weak, variable emission at wavelength 4640 and 4686. No orbital motion of the emission or absorption lines is detected; for the latter the upper limit is approximately + or - 50 km/s. Analysis of the available data indicates that the primary is a factor of 2-3 less massive than expected from normal evolutionary models while the X-ray source has a solar mass near 1.5

    Development and application of a catchment scale pesticide fate and transport model for use in drinking water risk assessment

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    This paper describes the development and application of IMPT (Integrated Model for Pesticide Transport), a parameter-efficient tool for predicting diffuse-source pesticide concentrations in surface waters used for drinking water supply. The model was applied to a small UK headwater catchment with high frequency (8 h) pesticide monitoring data and to five larger catchments (479–1653 km2) with sampling approximately every 14 days. Model performance was good for predictions of both flow (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency generally > 0.59 and PBIAS < 10%) and pesticide concentrations, although low sampling frequency in the larger catchments is likely to mask the true episodic nature of exposure. The computational efficiency of the model, along with the fact that most of its parameters can be derived from existing national soil property data mean that it can be used to rapidly predict pesticide exposure in multiple surface water resources to support operational and strategic risk assessments

    Accretion-ejection connection in the young brown dwarf candidate ISO-Cha1 217

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    As the number of observed brown dwarf outflows is growing it is important to investigate how these outflows compare to the well studied jets from young stellar objects. A key point of comparison is the relationship between outflow and accretion activity and in particular the ratio between the mass outflow and accretion rates (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The brown dwarf candidate ISO-ChaI 217 was discovered by our group, as part of a spectro-astrometric study of brown dwarfs, to be driving an asymmetric outflow with the blue-shifted lobe having a position angle of \sim 20^{\circ}. The aim here is to further investigate the properties of ISO-ChaI 217, the morphology and kinematics of its outflow, and to better constrain (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The outflow is spatially resolved in the [SII]λλ6716,6731[SII]\lambda \lambda 6716,6731 lines and is detected out to \sim 1\farcs6 in the blue-shifted lobe and ~ 1" in the red-shifted lobe. The asymmetry between the two lobes is confirmed although the velocity asymmetry is less pronounced with respect to our previous study. Using thirteen different accretion tracers we measure log(M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}) [Msun_{sun}/yr]= -10.6 ±\pm 0.4. As it was not possible to measure the effect of extinction on the ISO-ChaI 217 outflow M˙out\dot{M}_{out} was derived for a range of values of Av_{v}, up to a value of Av_{v} = 2.5 mag estimated for the source extinction. The logarithm of the mass outflow (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}) was estimated in the range -11.7 to -11.1 for both jets combined. Thus M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc} [\Msun/yr] lies below the maximum value predicted by magneto-centrifugal jet launching models. Finally, both model fitting of the Balmer decrements and spectro-astrometric analysis of the Hα\alpha line show that the bulk of the H I emission comes from the accretion flow.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Develop and test fuel cell powered on-site integrated total energy systems

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    On-going testing of an 11 cell, 10.7 in. x 14 in. stack (about 1 kW) reached 2600 hours on steady load. Nonmetallic cooling plates and an automated electrolyte replenishment system continued to perform well. A 10 cell, 10.7 in. x 14 in. stack was constructed with a modified electrolyte matrix configuration for the purpose of reducing cell IR loss. The desired effect was achieved, but the general cell performance level was irregular. Evaluation is continuing. Preparations for a long term 25 cell, 13 in. x 23 in. test stack (about 4 kW) approached completion. Start up in early May 1984 is expected

    Develop and test fuel cell powered on-site integrated total energy systems: Phase 3, full-scale power plant development

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    A 25 cell stack of the 13 inch x 23 inch cell size (about 4kW) remains on test after 6000 hours, using simulated reformate fuel. A similar stack was previously shut down after 7000 hours on load. These tests were carried out for the purpose of assessing the durability of fuel cell stack components developed through the end of 1983. In light of the favorable results obtained, a 25kW stack that will contain 175 cells of the same size is being constructed using the same technology base. The components for the 25kW stack have been completed. A methanol steam reformer with a design output equivalent to 50kW has been constructed to serve as a hydrogen generator for the 25kW stack. This reformer and the balance of the fuel processing sub system are currently being tested and debugged. The stack technology development program focused on cost reduction in bipolar plates, nonmetallic cooling plates, and current collecting plates; more stable cathode catalyst support materials; more corrosion resistant metal hardware; and shutdown/start up tolerance

    Develop and test fuel cell powered on site integrated total energy sysems: Phase 3: Full-scale power plant development

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    A 25-cell stack of the 13 inch x 23 inch cell size (about 4kW) remains on test after 8300 hours, using simulated reformate fuel. A similar stack was previously shut down after 7000 hours on load. These tests have been carried out for the purpose of assessing the durability of fuel cell stack components developed through the end of 1983. A 25kW stack containing 175 cells of the same size and utilizing a technology base representative of the 25-cell stacks has been constructed and is undergoing initial testing. A third 4kW stack is being prepared, and this stack will incorporate several new technology features

    Cerebral Metastases from Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone

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    Four patients with malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone (MFH-B) metastasizing to brain are reported. In two cases, signs of cerebral involvement developed between 4 and 28 months after diagnosis. Both patients had known pulmonary or bony metastases. As a consequence of this experience, two further patients were subsequently identified, one with a definite cerebral metastasis and one who had an asymptomatic supratentorial lesion, possibly metastatic. It is suggested that patients with MFH-B and widespread metastatic disease at presentation or developing within a short interval should undergo cerebral imaging

    Characterizing the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere Stars HD 345439 and HD 23478

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    The SDSS III APOGEE survey recently identified two new σ\sigma Ori E type candidates, HD 345439 and HD 23478, which are a rare subset of rapidly rotating massive stars whose large (kGauss) magnetic fields confine circumstellar material around these systems. Our analysis of multi-epoch photometric observations of HD 345439 from the KELT, SuperWASP, and ASAS surveys reveals the presence of a \sim0.7701 day period in each dataset, suggesting the system is amongst the faster known σ\sigma Ori E analogs. We also see clear evidence that the strength of H-alpha, H I Brackett series lines, and He I lines also vary on a \sim0.7701 day period from our analysis of multi-epoch, multi-wavelength spectroscopic monitoring of the system from the APO 3.5m telescope. We trace the evolution of select emission line profiles in the system, and observe coherent line profile variability in both optical and infrared H I lines, as expected for rigidly rotating magnetosphere stars. We also analyze the evolution of the H I Br-11 line strength and line profile in multi-epoch observations of HD 23478 from the SDSS-III APOGEE instrument. The observed periodic behavior is consistent with that recently reported by Sikora and collaborators in optical spectra.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    Models of helically symmetric binary systems

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    Results from helically symmetric scalar field models and first results from a convergent helically symmetric binary neutron star code are reported here; these are models stationary in the rotating frame of a source with constant angular velocity omega. In the scalar field models and the neutron star code, helical symmetry leads to a system of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic character. The scalar field models involve nonlinear terms that mimic nonlinear terms of the Einstein equation. Convergence is strikingly different for different signs of each nonlinear term; it is typically insensitive to the iterative method used; and it improves with an outer boundary in the near zone. In the neutron star code, one has no control on the sign of the source, and convergence has been achieved only for an outer boundary less than approximately 1 wavelength from the source or for a code that imposes helical symmetry only inside a near zone of that size. The inaccuracy of helically symmetric solutions with appropriate boundary conditions should be comparable to the inaccuracy of a waveless formalism that neglects gravitational waves; and the (near zone) solutions we obtain for waveless and helically symmetric BNS codes with the same boundary conditions nearly coincide.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Expanded version of article to be published in Class. Quantum Grav. special issue on Numerical Relativit