371 research outputs found

    Pairs-Production of Higgs in Association with Bottom Quarks Pairs at e+ee^+e^- Colliders

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    In a previous paper, we studied the Higgs pair production in the standard model with the reaction e+ettˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to t \bar t HH. Based on this, we study the Higgs pair production via e+ebbˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to b \bar b HH. We evaluate the total cross section of bbˉHHb\bar bHH and calculate the number total of events considering the complete set of Feynman diagrams at tree-level, and compare this process with the process e+ettˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to t \bar t HH. The numerical computation is done for the energy which is expected to be available at a possible Next Linear e+ee^{+}e^{-} Collider with a center-of-mass energy 800,1000,1600800, 1000, 1600 GeVGeV and luminosity 1000 fb1fb^{-1}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The ALMA Early Science View of FUor/EXor objects. III. The Slow and Wide Outflow of V883 Ori

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/ sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of V883 Ori, an FU Ori object. We describe the molecular outflow and envelope of the system based on the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO emissions, which together trace a bipolar molecular outflow. The C18^{18}O emission traces the rotational motion of the circumstellar disk. From the 12^{12}CO blue-shifted emission, we estimate a wide opening angle of \sim 150^{^{\circ}} for the outflow cavities. Also, we find that the outflow is very slow (characteristic velocity of only 0.65 km~s1^{-1}), which is unique for an FU Ori object. We calculate the kinematic properties of the outflow in the standard manner using the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO emissions. In addition, we present a P Cygni profile observed in the high-resolution optical spectrum, evidence of a wind driven by the accretion and being the cause for the particular morphology of the outflows. We discuss the implications of our findings and the rise of these slow outflows during and/or after the formation of a rotationally supported disk.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepte

    Aplicabilidad del test MABC en escolares con síndrome de down

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    El presente estudio analiza la aplicabilidad de tests de coordinación y habilidad motriz, diseñados para la población infantil general, en escolares de Educación Física Especial. Para el estudio se selecciona una muestra de niños y niñas con síndrome de Down, de 9 y 10 años, del colegio de educación especial ¿María Corredentora¿ de Madrid. Se utilizan las pruebas del Test MABC para el tramo de 4 a 6 años de edad (con algunas adaptaciones) y la escala de observación ECOMI tomada como criterio de validez. Resultados y conclusiones: El módulo de 4 a 6 años del test MABC es aplicable, con ligeras modificaciones, para evaluar las habilidades motrices fundamentales de niños y niñas con síndrome de Down. El conjunto de las pruebas muestra coeficientes de fiabilidad y validez adecuados. El grado de desarrollo motor de estos niños (9 y 10 años), mediante la comparación con el baremo de MABC, es inferior al promedio de la población española de escolares de 4 a 6 años

    Alimentación de modelos cuantitativos con información subjetiva: aplicación Delphi en la elaboración de un modelo de imputación del gasto turístico individual en Catalunya

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    El presente artículo presenta un estudio realizado para el Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, donde se ha aplicado una técnica que trabaja con información subjetiva (el Método Delphi) para obtener unos datos que puedan ser empleados en la alimentación parcial de un modelo matemático, que se nutre principalmente de datos estadísticos (objetivos), con el fin de incrementar la utilidad global del modelo. El artículo justifica la utilización en determinadas circunstancias de la información subjetiva, describe el método Delphi y plantea una serie de proposiciones referentes a la utilidad, empleo y mejora de esta técnica que se ven refrendadas en el caso expuesto

    Reversion of late progeny in mutants with reduced fertility in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    The detailed study of fertility is an eminent objective due to its involvement in the human population. Interestingly, research in relation to dietary restriction in different species have related this circumstance to an increase in longevity and delay in fertility. The evolutionarily conserved insulin / insulin-like growth factor-1 pathway is directly related to this phenomenon. Caenorhabditis elegans is an animal model widely used for the study of, for which, and in relation to this pathway, the transcription factor DAF-16 (homologous to human FOXO) plays an especially important role. Mutants for the insulin pathway, which in some extent mimic a dietary restriction situation, have also shown to have reduced fertility. Based on this, previous studies corroborated that suppression by interfering RNA (iRNA) of DAF-16 in mutants with impaired fertility reverses this phenotype.The phenomenon of late progeny is that individuals appear to have offspring later in life than wild-type ones, not being described solidly in the literature; that is why the purposes of this project consist of its evaluation and the verification of a possible reversion. Two thermosensitive mutants of C. elegans have been selected for study, for which a reduction in fertility was observed: mutant daf-2 (e1370), receptor tyrosine kinase, and mutant age-1 (mg305), subunit of the PI3 Kinase. There is not much data regarding this second mutant.First, it has been necessary to establish a parameter to discern between what will be considered late progeny or not. To carry it out, its laying behavior has been observed after being incubated at different temperatures in its fertile period. The obtained results corroborate that the late progeny is a real and measurable phenomenon, reflecting a significant difference of the mutants with respect to the wild ones at a temperature of 22.5ºC; having established the fifth day of the fertile period as a margin to differentiate its existence. Subsequently, experiments are planned to observe a possible reversal of the condition through the administration of 4-5 iRNA for specific genes that have been previously identified through genetic screening, and that seem to intervene in some way in this route by suppressing the reduced fertility phenotype. If this is the case, these genes would be described as being involved in the phenomenon of late progeny, establishing a mechanical correlation between reduction of fertility and the phenomenon of late progeny

    Implicación del estudiante de postgrado en el proceso de evaluación de su aprendizaje

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524La asignatura "Fonaments d’Immunología" del Máster Oficial Interuniversitario URV-UB en Nutrición y Metabolismo es cursada anualmente por unos 20-30 estudiantes. El hecho de tratarse de un grupo reducido permite implementar metodologías que ayuden a promover un aprendizaje más significativo y, entre ellas, la implicación del estudiante en el proceso de evaluación de los conocimientos adquiridos. El objetivo de la presente innovación consistió precisamente en implicar al estudiante en el diseño de una de las propias pruebas de evaluación así como de valorar los trabajos de sus compañeros y el suyo propio. Concretamente, los estudiantes del curso 2014/15 tenían que escoger una técnica inmunológica, lo que les permitía aplicar los conocimientos impartidos en el curso, y desarrollarla en parejas en forma de presentación. Además se les solicitó que elaboraran preguntas test sobre el contenido trabajado. La puntuación de la prueba de evaluación consistió en la valoración de la presentación y en una prueba escrita tipo test sobre todas las exposiciones realizadas. Para calificar las presentaciones, cada estudiante valoró las de los compañeros (corrección por iguales) y la suya propia (autoevaluación) mediante una rúbrica de tres categorías, idéntica a la que utilizó el profesor. Por otra parte, el equipo docente seleccionó varias preguntas de los estudiantes. Las mejores fueron utilizadas para la prueba tipo test, mientras que las de menor claridad, fueron comentadas en clase para aprender de sus errores o problemas de ambigüedad. Se obtuvieron indicadores cualitativos sobre la estrategia docente mediante una encuesta de opinión. Éstos indican que los estudiantes han adquirido consciencia de la importancia de las rúbricas para una evaluación objetiva y de la dificultad en la elaboración de preguntas test, así como del aprendizaje adquirido durante su preparación. Por otra parte, los estudiantes se han mostrado muy satisfechos con la utilidad e interés suscitado, así como de la experiencia globalmente (puntuaciones superiores a 8,5 sobre 10 en todos los casos)

    El papel de la inspección en la identificación y divulgación de buenas prácticas docentes

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    The role of school inspection in the exchange of experience between centers serving the same population in a given geographical environment has an impact that does not adhere to the benefits to a particular area but, inevitably shows good educational practices that reverse in improving the learning processes of the entire community. The experience in the Nijar area as a commendable example of commitment of the management teams and the vast majority of teachers, in implementing a job in Education Network is displayed. The experience is getting a remarkable degree of success in participation, involvement and enthusiasm, which is affecting the improvement of school performance.El papel de la inspección educativa en el intercambio de experiencias entre centros que atienden a una misma población en un determinado entorno geográfico tiene una repercusión que no se ciñe a los beneficios para una zona concreta sino que, ineludiblemente pone de manifiesto buenas prácticas educativas que revierten en la mejora de los procesos de aprendizaje de toda la comunidad. Se muestra la experiencia de la zona de Níjar como un ejemplo elogiable de compromiso de los equipos directivos y una inmensa mayoría de docentes, en la implementación de un trabajo en Red educativa. La experiencia está consiguiendo un notable grado de éxito en participación, implicación e ilusión,  lo cual está incidiendo en la mejora de resultados escolares

    The role of inspection in identifying and disclosure of good practice teaching

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    The role of school inspection in the exchange of experience between centers serving the same population in a given geographical environment has an impact that does not adhere to the benefits to a particular area but, inevitably shows good educational practices that reverse in improving the learning processes of the entire community. The experience in the Nijar area as a commendable example of commitment of the management teams and the vast majority of teachers, in implementing a job in Education Network is displayed. The experience is getting a remarkable degree of success in participation, involvement and enthusiasm, which is affecting the improvement of school performance

    Limits on the Electromagnetic and Weak Dipole Moments of the Tau-Lepton in E_6 Superstring Models

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    We obtain limits on the electromagnetic and weak dipole moments of the tau-lepton in the framework of a Left-Right symmetric model (LRSM) and a class of E6E_6 inspired models with an additional neutral vector boson ZθZ_\theta. Using as an input the data obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction e+eτ+τγe^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^-\gamma, we get a stringent limit on the LRSM mixing angle ϕ\phi, 1.66×103<ϕ<1.22×103-1.66\times 10^{-3}< \phi<1.22\times 10^{-3}, which in turn induces bounds on the tau weak dipole moments which are consistent with the bounds obtained recently by the DELPHI and ALEPH Collaborations from the reaction e+eτ+τe^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^-. We also get similar bounds for the weak dipole moments of the tau lepton in the framework of E6E_6 superstring models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Second International Congress on Chocolate and Cocoa in Medicine Held in Barcelona, Spain, 25-26th September 2015.

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    In order to further our understanding of, and disseminate the latest findings on the healthy properties of cocoa and chocolate, the International Society of Chocolate and Cocoa in Medicine (ISCHOM) was founded in 2010 in Florence (http://ischom.com/ischom/). This Society aims to gather information and become a forum of discussion and debate on cocoa and chocolate, not only among researchers from around the world, but also to introduce the science involved and the latest findings to the public. Cultural and educational promotion of the benefits of cocoa and chocolate on human health is another of the Society's major concerns. Finally, ISCHOM provides information on developing healthy habits regarding the inclusion of cocoa and chocolate in our diet. In this context, after the first congress in Florence in 2014, ISCHOM held its second meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on 25 and 26 September 2015 (https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ehome/117409/263536/). By means of these annual meetings, the Society pursues the constant sharing and updating of current knowledge concerning the health properties of cocoa and chocolate. The event not only brings together international researchers, but also diverse companies in order to strengthen the knowledge in this field. About 90 delegates from 12 different countries attended the Society's second congress. It was organized into five scientific sessions with two lectures each. The sessions that took place in Barcelona were focused on different topics in order to shed some light on a wide range of valuable effects of chocolate and cocoa on our health. Some of the issues discussed were the role of chocolate and cocoa as cardioprotective agents and its health claims, their effects on metabolism and their own metabolism; the possible role of cocoa as a preventive therapy for diabetes and allergies; its influence on microbiota; and the beneficial effects of cocoa on the nervous system. The opening session outlined the scientific thought on this matter spiced with wit. The congress also included a special session focused on heritage and innovation in chocolate that delighted the audience. Furthermore, two discussion sessions of oral communications also took place. The first session related to assessing the intake of cocoa and its effect, the relationship between cocoa flavanols, cognitive performance and cerebral blood flow; and the effect of other bioactive compounds of cocoa, methylxanthines such as theobromine, and their outcomes on rat lymphoid tissues were ascertained. The second oral communication discussion session concerned the assessment of the antioxidant capacity and polyphenol content of different varieties of cocoa, how cocoa intake improves hepatic lipid metabolism in rats, and how flavanols present in cocoa may confer benefits by diminishing brain damage caused by strokes in mice. In addition, the poster session was exhibited during the entire congress showing state-of-the-art research about chocolate and cocoa in medicine for all the attendants