301 research outputs found

    Video thoracoscopic surgery used to manage tuberculosis in thoracic surgery

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the indications and results of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the management of tuberculosis in 10 patients with unusual clinical and radiologic presentation for the disease. Methods: From March 2000 to March 2002, 96 diagnostic VATS operations for unclear thoracic lesions were performed at the authors' institution. Their final diagnosis for 10 (10.4%) of these patients was tuberculosis. The suspected preoperative diagnoses were pancoast tumour (n = 1), pericardial effusion (n = 1), pleural mesothelioma (n = 1), pleural empyema (n = 2), mediastinal lymphoma (n = l), and lung cancer (n = 4). Results: For all the patients, the diagnosis of tuberculosis was achieved by VATS. The duration of drainage was 2.5 days. There have been neither morbidity nor mortality since surgery. The hospital stay was 3 to 5 days. Conclusion: Thoracoscopy is a safe and effective procedure for the management of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis should be kept in mind during the differential diagnosis of unknown thoracic lesions, and also for patients who live in economically well developed countries and are not immune compromise

    Value at Risk models with long memory features and their economic performance

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    We study alternative dynamics for Value at Risk (VaR) that incorporate a slow moving component and information on recent aggregate returns in established quantile (auto) regression models. These models are compared on their economic performance, and also on metrics of first-order importance such as violation ratios. By better economic performance, we mean that changes in the VaR forecasts should have a lower variance to reduce transaction costs and should lead to lower exceedance sizes without raising the average level of the VaR. We find that, in combination with a targeted estimation strategy, our proposed models lead to improved performance in both statistical and economic terms

    Mating skew in Barbary macaque males: the role of female mating synchrony, female behavior, and male–male coalitions

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    A fundamental question of sexual selection theory concerns the causes and consequences of reproductive skew among males. The priority of access (PoA) model (Altmann, Ann NY Acad Sci 102:338–435, 1962) has been the most influential framework in primates living in permanent, mixed-sex groups, but to date it has only been tested with the appropriate data on female synchrony in a handful of species. In this paper, we used mating data from one large semi-free ranging group of Barbary macaques: (1) to provide the first test of the priority-of-access model in this species, using mating data from 11 sexually active females (including six females that were implanted with a hormonal contraceptive but who showed levels of sexual activity comparable to those of naturally cycling females) and (2) to determine the proximate mechanism(s) underlying male mating skew. Our results show that the fit of the observed distribution of matings with sexually attractive females to predictions of the PoA model was poor, with lower-ranking males mating more than expected. While our work confirms that female mating synchrony sets an upper limit to monopolization by high-ranking individuals, other factors are also important. Coalitionary activity was the main tactic used by males to lower mating skew in the study group. Coalitions were expressed in a strongly age-related fashion and allowed subordinate, post-prime males to increase their mating success by targeting more dominant, prime males. Conversely, females, while mating promiscuously with several males during a given mating cycle, were more likely to initiate their consortships with prime males, thus reducing the overall effectiveness of coalitions. We conclude that high-ranking Barbary macaque males have a limited ability to monopolize mating access, leading to a modest mating skew among them

    Rates of agonism among female primates: a cross-taxon perspective

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    Agonism is common in group-living animals, shaping dominance relationships and ultimately impacting individual tness. Rates of agonism vary considerably among taxa, however, and explaining this variation has been central in ecological models of female social relationships in primates. Early iterations of these models posited a link to diet, with more frequent agonism predicted in frugivorous species due to the presumed greater contestability of fruits relative to other food types. Although some more recent studies have suggested that dietary categories may be poor predictors of contest competition among primates, to date there have been no broad, cross-taxa comparisons of rates of female–female agonism in relation to diet. This study tests whether dietary variables do indeed pre- dict rates of female agonism and further investigates the role of group size (i.e., number of competitors) and substrate use (i.e., degree of arboreality) on the frequency of agonism. Data from 44 wild, unprovisioned groups, including 3 strepsirhine species, 3 platyrrhines, 5 colobines, 10 cercopithecines, and 2 hominoids were analyzed using phylogenetically controlled and uncontrolled methods. Results indicate that diet does not predict agonistic rates, with trends actually being in the opposite direction than predicted for all taxa except cercopithecines. In contrast, agonistic rates are positively associated with group size and possibly degree of terrestriality. Competitor density and perhaps the risk of ghting, thus, appear more important than general diet in predicting agonism among female primates. We discuss the implications of these results for socio-ecological hypotheses

    Long-term Site Fidelity and Individual Home Range Shifts in Lophocebus albigena

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    We investigated long-term site fidelity of gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Concurrently, we monitored shifts in home range by individual females and subadult and adult males. We documented home range stability by calculating the area of overlap in successive years, and by recording the drift of each group’s monthly centroid from its initial location. Home ranges remained stable for 3 of our 4 groups (overlap over 10 yr >60%). Core areas were more labile, but group centroids drifted an average of only 530 m over the entire decade. Deviations from site fidelity were associated with dispersal or group fission. During natal dispersal, subadult males expanded their home ranges over many months, settling ≤4 home ranges away. Adult males, in contrast, typically dispersed within a few days to an adjacent group in an area of home range overlap. Adult males made solitary forays, but nearly always into areas used by their current group or by a group to which they had previously belonged. After secondary dispersal, they expanded their ranging in the company of their new group, apparently without prior solitary exploration of the new area. Some females also participated in home range shifts. Females shifted home ranges only within social groups, in association with temporary or permanent group splits. Our observations raise the possibility that male mangabeys use a finder-joiner mechanism when moving into new home ranges during secondary dispersal. Similarly, females might learn new resource locations from male immigrants before or during group fission

    Estrogen and Progestogen Correlates of the Structure of Female Copulation Calls in Semi-Free-Ranging Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    Females of many Old World primates produce conspicuous vocalizations in combination with copulations. Indirect evidence exists that in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), the structure of these copulation calls is related to changes in reproductive hormone levels. However, the structure of these calls does not vary significantly around the timing of ovulation when estrogen and progestogen levels show marked changes. We here aimed to clarify this paradox by investigating how the steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone are related to changes in the acoustic structure of copulation calls. We collected data on semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques in Gibraltar and at La Forêt des Singes in Rocamadour, France. We determined estrogen and progestogen concentrations from fecal samples and combined them with a fine-grained structural analysis of female copulation calls (N = 775 calls of 11 females). Our analysis indicates a time lag of 3 d between changes in fecal hormone levels, adjusted for the excretion lag time, and in the acoustic structure of copulation calls. Specifically, we found that estrogen increased the duration and frequency of the calls, whereas progestogen had an antagonistic effect. Importantly, however, variation in acoustic variables did not track short-term changes such as the peak in estrogen occurring around the timing of ovulation. Taken together, our results help to explain why female Barbary macaque copulation calls are related to changes in hormone levels but fail to indicate the fertile phase

    Neonatal sepsis definitions from randomised clinical trials

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    Introduction: Neonatal sepsis is a leading cause of infant mortality worldwide with non-specific and varied presentation. We aimed to catalogue the current definitions of neonatal sepsis in published randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Method: A systematic search of the Embase and Cochrane databases was performed for RCTs which explicitly stated a definition for neonatal sepsis. Definitions were sub-divided into five primary criteria for infection (culture, laboratory findings, clinical signs, radiological evidence and risk factors) and stratified by qualifiers (early/late-onset and likelihood of sepsis). Results: Of 668 papers screened, 80 RCTs were included and 128 individual definitions identified. The single most common definition was neonatal sepsis defined by blood culture alone (n = 35), followed by culture and clinical signs (n = 29), and then laboratory tests/clinical signs (n = 25). Blood culture featured in 83 definitions, laboratory testing featured in 48 definitions while clinical signs and radiology featured in 80 and 8 definitions, respectively. Discussion: A diverse range of definitions of neonatal sepsis are used and based on microbiological culture, laboratory tests and clinical signs in contrast to adult and paediatric sepsis which use organ dysfunction. An international consensus-based definition of neonatal sepsis could allow meta-analysis and translate results to improve outcomes