3,645 research outputs found

    Photometry of GSC 762-110, a new triple-mode radially pulsating star

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    Stars pulsating in three radial modes are very rare; only three examples are known in the Galaxy. These stars are very useful since their periods may be measured very precisely, and this will constrain the global stellar parameters and the models of the star's interior. The purpose of this paper is to present a new example of the class of triple-mode radial pulsators. A search for candidate multi-mode pulsators was carried out in public survey data. Time-series photometry of one of the candidates, GSC 762-110, was performed. GSC 762-110 was found to be a triple-mode radial pulsator, with a fundamental period of 0.1945d and period ratios of 0.7641 and 0.8012. In addition two non-radial modes were found, for which the amplitude has diminished considerably over the last few years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Heralded Two-Photon Entanglement from Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations on Multiple Parametric Down-Conversion Sources

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    An ideal controlled-NOT gate followed by projective measurements can be used to identify specific Bell states of its two input qubits. When the input qubits are each members of independent Bell states, these projective measurements can be used to swap the post-selected entanglement onto the remaining two qubits. Here we apply this strategy to produce heralded two-photon polarization entanglement using Bell states that originate from independent parametric down-conversion sources, and a particular probabilistic controlled-NOT gate that is constructed from linear optical elements. The resulting implementation is closely related to an earlier proposal by Sliwa and Banaszek [quant-ph/0207117], and can be intuitively understood in terms of familiar quantum information protocols. The possibility of producing a ``pseudo-demand'' source of two-photon entanglement by storing and releasing these heralded pairs from independent cyclical quantum memory devices is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, special issue on "Quantum Internet Technologies

    A comparison between conventional and LANDSAT based hydrologic modeling: The Four Mile Run case study

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    Models designed to support the hydrologic studies associated with urban water resources planning require input parameters that are defined in terms of land cover. Estimating the land cover is a difficult and expensive task when drainage areas larger than a few sq. km are involved. Conventional and LANDSAT based methods for estimating the land cover based input parameters required by hydrologic planning models were compared in a case study of the 50.5 sq. km (19.5 sq. mi) Four Mile Run Watershed in Virginia. Results of the study indicate that the LANDSAT based approach is highly cost effective for planning model studies. The conventional approach to define inputs was based on 1:3600 aerial photos, required 110 man-days and a total cost of 14,000.TheLANDSATbasedapproachrequired6.9mandaysandcost14,000. The LANDSAT based approach required 6.9 man-days and cost 2,350. The conventional and LANDSAT based models gave similar results relative to discharges and estimated annual damages expected from no flood control, channelization, and detention storage alternatives

    Analysis and Implementation of Median Type Filters

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    Median filters are a special class of ranked order filters used for smoothing signals. These filters have achieved- success in speech processing, image processing, and other impulsive noise environments where linear filters have proven inadequate. Although the implementation of a median filter requires only a simple digital operation, its properties are not easily analyzed. Even so, a number of properties have been exhibited in the literature. In this thesis, a new tool, known as threshold decomposition is introduced for the analysis and implementation of median type filters. This decomposition of multi-level signals into sets of binary signals has led to significant theoretical and practical breakthroughs in the area of median filters. A preliminary discussion on using the threshold decomposition as an algorithm for a fast and parallel VLSI Circuit implementation of ranked filters is also presented* In addition, the theory is developed both for determining the number of signals which are invariant to arbitrary window width median filters when any number of quantization levels are allowed and for counting or estimating the number of passes required to produce a root- i.e. invariant signal, for binary signals. Finally, the analog median filter is defined and proposed for analysis of the standard discrete median filter in cases with a large sample size or when the associated statistics would be simpler in the continuu

    Providing REDUCE more easily

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    Providing REDUCE more easily

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    REDUCE is a widely used algebraic system, largely because of its small size, and ready availability. As new versions of REDUCE become available and with it new facilities the advantage of smallness is being lost. At the same time there are new types of computers appearing, and there is a need for rapid implementation of REDUCE to deliver applications to users. This paper considers one approach to both these problems, namely writing entirely in C

    Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep

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